Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 1 Article WEST INDIES. Page 1 of 1 Article WEST INDIES. Page 1 of 1 Article CHINA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Channel Islands.
in the E . A . chapter room during that month . Bro . Manuel made a short statement of the result of the bazaar and fete held in December last , animadverting on the mischevious opposition offered and the false and malicious reports industriously circulated by the head of the Craft iu Jersey . For full details he referred the brethren to a statement published in the local newspapers , a copy of which is sent herewith for insertion in
the FKEEJIA SONS' MAGAZINE . * On the proposition of Bro . Biiiet , seconded by Bro . Manuel , it was resolved that the printed account be entered on the minutes of the lodge . Bro . Dr . Hopkins reminded the brethren that a copy of the FEEE--MASONS' MAGAZINE is taken in weekly by the lodge , of whicli he thought that many , especially the new members , Avere not aware . He recommended a careful perusal of some articles printed therein on the 10 th , 17 th , and 24 th of March , Avhich ,
though no locality was named , might he thought applicable to the condition of this province . He was the more anxious to call attention to this matter , as it is probable that some decided measures Avill very shortly be taken in which the brethren generally may be called upon to take part , with a view to vindicate the character of the Craft , and to relieve it from the charges under which it is suffering in public estimation . The lodge Avas closed at a quarter past nineand about fifty of those
, present adjourned to the banquetting room for refreshment . ST . AUBIN ' LODGE ( NO . 95 S ) . —The monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms on Tuesday , March 20 th , and iu the unavoidable absence of the AA . M ., as aide-de-camp to the Lieutenant-Governor , the lodge was presided over by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., assisted by Bro . Long , acting as S . AV ., and Bro . Mannan , J . W . The minutes of the previous meeting having
been read and confirmed , a ballot Avas taken for the admission of Bro . Long , P . S . W ., of No . 491 , as a joining member , whicli was unanimous in his favour . It was determined to recommend to the Provincial Board of Benevolence the case of the Tyler of the lodge , on his own petition , he being now seventy-six years of age and unable to earn a livelihood . He was initiated into Masonry in 1811 . The acting AV . M . with the assistance of the brethren worked the third section of the lectures on the first
degree . After a desultory conversation on several matters connected with the interests of the lodge , it was closed at halfpast eight , and after an hour pleasantly spent at the social board , the brethren separated at half-past nine .
UNITED STATES . STATE OS LOUISIANA . —The chief authorities of the various Masonic systems that had been dormant during the rebellion , have just been reconstituted . Tho following is a list of the chief officers , elected on Feb . 15 th last : — Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons . —W . P . Perkins , G . M . New Orleans ; A . J . NorwoodD . G . M . KellertownS 0 .
, , , ; . Scruggs , S . G . AV ., Clouterville ; J . C . Jones , J . G . AV ., Vernon ; S . M . Todd , G . Sec , New Orleans ; G . S . Hedges , D . D ., G . Chap ., New Orleans ; J . M . McGuire , S . G . D ., Monroe ; L . J . Dodge , J . G . D ., Algiers ; A . Kent , G . S . B ., Greensburg ; N . H . Bray , G . Purst ., Anacoeo ; G . Sontag , G . Tyler ; New Orleans . Grand Royal Arch Chapter . —H . Regensburg , G . High Prust ., Farmerville ; II . P . Buehley , D . G . H . P ., New Orleans ; G . W
Munday , G . King , Clinton ; J . A . Stevenson , G . Scribe , New Orleans ; C . S . Hedges , D . D ., G . Chap ., New Orleans ; E . AVells , G . Guard , New Orleans . Grand Council 21 . and S . Masons . —S . M . Todd , M . P . G . M ., New Orleans ; G . Q . A . Fellows . D . P . G . M ., Now Orleans ; J . P . Horner , I . G . M ., New Orleans ; J . Stafford , G . Prin . Con . of WorksNew OrleansM . A . CalongneGStewardNew
, ; , . , Orleans . Grand Commandery of Knights Templar . —S . M . Todd , R , E . Grand CommaiAdci-, New Orleans ; F . RAeav _ , V . E / D . Commander , New Orleans ; M . A . Calongne , E . G . Captain General , New Orleans ; S . S . Selleck , G . Captain of Guards , l < te \ v Orleans .
West Indies.
TUBES ISIANDS . —Forth Lodge ( No . 647 . )—On AVednesday 27 th December last , being St . John the Evangelist ' s Day , the
West Indies.
annual meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , applications from two candidates for admission were read and ordered as usual , to lie over till the next stated meeting . Bro . Rademacher was then examined as to his proficiency in the first degree , and having given satisfactory proofs thereof was entrusted and afterwards passed to the degree of F . C . AV . C . Moxey , AV . M
( who has been re-elected AA' . M . for the ensuing year at the regular monthly meeting in December ) , having been re-installed by Bros . Thomas Ockenden , E . M ., and N . T . Godet , P . M ., again appointed ( and re-invested those of them present , the following brethren to the same offices they filled last year viz : —H . J . Murray , S . W . ; A . CEmler , J . AV . ; T . Ockenden , P . M . ( re-elected by the lodge ) Treas . ; T . J . Godet , Sec . ; J . H . F . Burns , S . D . ; J . A . Durham . J . D . ; A . P . DarvellI . G . ; Anthony Francis ,
, , Tyler . The lodge having been closed , the brethren sat down to an excellent entertainment whicn had been prepared under the direction of Bro . Murray . At the conclusion of the repast , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere drunk , and the brethren , of whom it is to be regretted there were but few present , in . consequence of absence from the island of several and the sickness of one or two others , separated at an unusually early hour .
( From our oven Correspondent ^) SHANGHAE . THE TUSCAN LODGE ( NO . 1027 ) , English Constitutions , held a regular meeting in the Masouic Hall , Shanghae , on . St . John ' s day , December 1865 , at 5 p . m ., for the purpose of appointing office bearers for the ensuing year . Present , Bros . Sidford , AV . M . ; A . R . Telby , P . M . ; some twenty-five brethren ,
members of the lodge . Visitors , Bro . Donaldson , R . W . M ., Lodge Cosmopolitan , S . C , and some ten other brethren . The lodge Avas opened in due form and with solemn prayer at 5 p . m . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , the circular convening the meeting was then read . Bro . Sidford , AV . M ., on behalf of Bro . Gundry , W . M ., elect appointed tho following brethren officers for the ensuing year , Bros . OppertS . AA . ; J . JacquesJ . AV . ; StevensSec ;
AVin-, , , chuvst , S . D . ; Emery , J . D . ; Mackenzie , I . G . ; Howard , Steward j Deslandes , D . C . ; Taylor , elected Treas ., and Phillips , Tyler ; after some ballots for joining members and candidates , Avhich in every case proved favourable , the AV . M . then gave the following address : — " A \ orshipful Past Masters , AVardens , and Brethren , —I cannot allow this , tho last occasion upon which I may have the honour and pleasure of addressing you from this chair to pass without expressing the very great satisfaction
I have experienced on meeting you and witnessing the able and cordial assistance so readily afforded at all times during my year of Mastership . AA orship i ' ul Past Master Bro . Telby and the acting AVardens Avith him deserve from me the tender of
my warmest thanks for their cordial co-operation , I call upon you brethren to endorse my weak expressions with your approval , and can safely add , that the working of this lodge , the attendance of her members , and the appearance of such good feeling and fraternal regard amongst us , does effectually endorse the fact . I cannot , however , in justice to myself , leave this chair to night without expressing in common with your = selvesmy deep sorrow for the losses we this yecr have
sus-, tained through death ; the Great Author of Life , has seen fit in His infinite wisdom , to remove from amongst us , and erase from our rolls , the names of AA orshipful Bro . Ludovic Grant Dunlop , Oliver Richard Crockett , S . AA . ; and Oliver Kimball Gordon , while the fate of our Bro . Charles Pearl Williams is still veiled in obscurity , of the three former brethren , no oulogium that I could pronounce in mournful
honor of their memories , would , how-aver eloquently uttered , adequately express the sorrow Ave feel for their loss , —and of the latter , a young first-fruit of this lodge , —in the absence of definite intelligence , it would be premature to do more than hope he is still living , should he also have passed through the valley of the shadow of death , we humbly hope that the strong arm of the Almighty supported him . The sombre appearance
of this hall , and the mourning garb of many around ine , shews outwardly our woe , and though not sorrowing as those Avithout hope , I desire you , AA orshipful Sir and Brethren , to recollect that the day will come to each and all present , when we also shall be summoned like them to meet our Master ; 'tis my
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
in the E . A . chapter room during that month . Bro . Manuel made a short statement of the result of the bazaar and fete held in December last , animadverting on the mischevious opposition offered and the false and malicious reports industriously circulated by the head of the Craft iu Jersey . For full details he referred the brethren to a statement published in the local newspapers , a copy of which is sent herewith for insertion in
the FKEEJIA SONS' MAGAZINE . * On the proposition of Bro . Biiiet , seconded by Bro . Manuel , it was resolved that the printed account be entered on the minutes of the lodge . Bro . Dr . Hopkins reminded the brethren that a copy of the FEEE--MASONS' MAGAZINE is taken in weekly by the lodge , of whicli he thought that many , especially the new members , Avere not aware . He recommended a careful perusal of some articles printed therein on the 10 th , 17 th , and 24 th of March , Avhich ,
though no locality was named , might he thought applicable to the condition of this province . He was the more anxious to call attention to this matter , as it is probable that some decided measures Avill very shortly be taken in which the brethren generally may be called upon to take part , with a view to vindicate the character of the Craft , and to relieve it from the charges under which it is suffering in public estimation . The lodge Avas closed at a quarter past nineand about fifty of those
, present adjourned to the banquetting room for refreshment . ST . AUBIN ' LODGE ( NO . 95 S ) . —The monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms on Tuesday , March 20 th , and iu the unavoidable absence of the AA . M ., as aide-de-camp to the Lieutenant-Governor , the lodge was presided over by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., assisted by Bro . Long , acting as S . AV ., and Bro . Mannan , J . W . The minutes of the previous meeting having
been read and confirmed , a ballot Avas taken for the admission of Bro . Long , P . S . W ., of No . 491 , as a joining member , whicli was unanimous in his favour . It was determined to recommend to the Provincial Board of Benevolence the case of the Tyler of the lodge , on his own petition , he being now seventy-six years of age and unable to earn a livelihood . He was initiated into Masonry in 1811 . The acting AV . M . with the assistance of the brethren worked the third section of the lectures on the first
degree . After a desultory conversation on several matters connected with the interests of the lodge , it was closed at halfpast eight , and after an hour pleasantly spent at the social board , the brethren separated at half-past nine .
UNITED STATES . STATE OS LOUISIANA . —The chief authorities of the various Masonic systems that had been dormant during the rebellion , have just been reconstituted . Tho following is a list of the chief officers , elected on Feb . 15 th last : — Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons . —W . P . Perkins , G . M . New Orleans ; A . J . NorwoodD . G . M . KellertownS 0 .
, , , ; . Scruggs , S . G . AV ., Clouterville ; J . C . Jones , J . G . AV ., Vernon ; S . M . Todd , G . Sec , New Orleans ; G . S . Hedges , D . D ., G . Chap ., New Orleans ; J . M . McGuire , S . G . D ., Monroe ; L . J . Dodge , J . G . D ., Algiers ; A . Kent , G . S . B ., Greensburg ; N . H . Bray , G . Purst ., Anacoeo ; G . Sontag , G . Tyler ; New Orleans . Grand Royal Arch Chapter . —H . Regensburg , G . High Prust ., Farmerville ; II . P . Buehley , D . G . H . P ., New Orleans ; G . W
Munday , G . King , Clinton ; J . A . Stevenson , G . Scribe , New Orleans ; C . S . Hedges , D . D ., G . Chap ., New Orleans ; E . AVells , G . Guard , New Orleans . Grand Council 21 . and S . Masons . —S . M . Todd , M . P . G . M ., New Orleans ; G . Q . A . Fellows . D . P . G . M ., Now Orleans ; J . P . Horner , I . G . M ., New Orleans ; J . Stafford , G . Prin . Con . of WorksNew OrleansM . A . CalongneGStewardNew
, ; , . , Orleans . Grand Commandery of Knights Templar . —S . M . Todd , R , E . Grand CommaiAdci-, New Orleans ; F . RAeav _ , V . E / D . Commander , New Orleans ; M . A . Calongne , E . G . Captain General , New Orleans ; S . S . Selleck , G . Captain of Guards , l < te \ v Orleans .
West Indies.
TUBES ISIANDS . —Forth Lodge ( No . 647 . )—On AVednesday 27 th December last , being St . John the Evangelist ' s Day , the
West Indies.
annual meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , applications from two candidates for admission were read and ordered as usual , to lie over till the next stated meeting . Bro . Rademacher was then examined as to his proficiency in the first degree , and having given satisfactory proofs thereof was entrusted and afterwards passed to the degree of F . C . AV . C . Moxey , AV . M
( who has been re-elected AA' . M . for the ensuing year at the regular monthly meeting in December ) , having been re-installed by Bros . Thomas Ockenden , E . M ., and N . T . Godet , P . M ., again appointed ( and re-invested those of them present , the following brethren to the same offices they filled last year viz : —H . J . Murray , S . W . ; A . CEmler , J . AV . ; T . Ockenden , P . M . ( re-elected by the lodge ) Treas . ; T . J . Godet , Sec . ; J . H . F . Burns , S . D . ; J . A . Durham . J . D . ; A . P . DarvellI . G . ; Anthony Francis ,
, , Tyler . The lodge having been closed , the brethren sat down to an excellent entertainment whicn had been prepared under the direction of Bro . Murray . At the conclusion of the repast , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere drunk , and the brethren , of whom it is to be regretted there were but few present , in . consequence of absence from the island of several and the sickness of one or two others , separated at an unusually early hour .
( From our oven Correspondent ^) SHANGHAE . THE TUSCAN LODGE ( NO . 1027 ) , English Constitutions , held a regular meeting in the Masouic Hall , Shanghae , on . St . John ' s day , December 1865 , at 5 p . m ., for the purpose of appointing office bearers for the ensuing year . Present , Bros . Sidford , AV . M . ; A . R . Telby , P . M . ; some twenty-five brethren ,
members of the lodge . Visitors , Bro . Donaldson , R . W . M ., Lodge Cosmopolitan , S . C , and some ten other brethren . The lodge Avas opened in due form and with solemn prayer at 5 p . m . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , the circular convening the meeting was then read . Bro . Sidford , AV . M ., on behalf of Bro . Gundry , W . M ., elect appointed tho following brethren officers for the ensuing year , Bros . OppertS . AA . ; J . JacquesJ . AV . ; StevensSec ;
AVin-, , , chuvst , S . D . ; Emery , J . D . ; Mackenzie , I . G . ; Howard , Steward j Deslandes , D . C . ; Taylor , elected Treas ., and Phillips , Tyler ; after some ballots for joining members and candidates , Avhich in every case proved favourable , the AV . M . then gave the following address : — " A \ orshipful Past Masters , AVardens , and Brethren , —I cannot allow this , tho last occasion upon which I may have the honour and pleasure of addressing you from this chair to pass without expressing the very great satisfaction
I have experienced on meeting you and witnessing the able and cordial assistance so readily afforded at all times during my year of Mastership . AA orship i ' ul Past Master Bro . Telby and the acting AVardens Avith him deserve from me the tender of
my warmest thanks for their cordial co-operation , I call upon you brethren to endorse my weak expressions with your approval , and can safely add , that the working of this lodge , the attendance of her members , and the appearance of such good feeling and fraternal regard amongst us , does effectually endorse the fact . I cannot , however , in justice to myself , leave this chair to night without expressing in common with your = selvesmy deep sorrow for the losses we this yecr have
sus-, tained through death ; the Great Author of Life , has seen fit in His infinite wisdom , to remove from amongst us , and erase from our rolls , the names of AA orshipful Bro . Ludovic Grant Dunlop , Oliver Richard Crockett , S . AA . ; and Oliver Kimball Gordon , while the fate of our Bro . Charles Pearl Williams is still veiled in obscurity , of the three former brethren , no oulogium that I could pronounce in mournful
honor of their memories , would , how-aver eloquently uttered , adequately express the sorrow Ave feel for their loss , —and of the latter , a young first-fruit of this lodge , —in the absence of definite intelligence , it would be premature to do more than hope he is still living , should he also have passed through the valley of the shadow of death , we humbly hope that the strong arm of the Almighty supported him . The sombre appearance
of this hall , and the mourning garb of many around ine , shews outwardly our woe , and though not sorrowing as those Avithout hope , I desire you , AA orshipful Sir and Brethren , to recollect that the day will come to each and all present , when we also shall be summoned like them to meet our Master ; 'tis my