Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
THE COUBT . —The Queen , Avith Princess Helena , drove in the grounds on the afternoon of the 27 th ult . and walked and drove on the morning of the 28 th attended by the Hon . Mary Lascelles . Her Ro 3 al Highness Princess Louisa rode in the Home Park . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Louise , drove in the grounds in the afternoon . Her Eoyal Highness Princess Helena and her Grand Ducal Highness
of Holieiilolie-Langeuburg , also went out driving . The Prince of AArales , attended by Lieut .-C'olonel Keppel , arriv _ cl at the Castle , and her Eoyal Highness the Princess of AVales , with Prince Albert Victor and Prince George , also arrived , attended by the Hon . Mrs . P . Stonor and Lieut .-General Knollys . Her Majesty , with Princess Louise , Avent out in tbe grounds on the
29 th ult . Their Royal Highness the Prince and Princess of "Wales , Princess Helena , and his Serene Highness the Prince of Hohenlohe Langenburg , attended by the Hon . Mary Lascelles , rode on horseback . Their Royal Highnesses Prince Albert Yictor and Prince George took an airing in the Home Park . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses
the Princess of AA ' ales , Princess Helena , and Princess Beatrice , drove out in the afternoon in a carriage-and-four . Her Royal Highness Princess Louise , with her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Holienlohe-Lnngeiibiirg , also went out driving . The Prince of AVales rode on horseback , attended by Lieutenant-Colonel Keppel . His Royal Highness Prince Arthur ,
attended by Major Elpbinstone , arrived at the Castle from Greenwich Park . The Queen , their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of AVales , Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Bertrice , and Prince Arthur , and the Prince and Princess of Holienlohe-Langenburg with the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting , attended Divine service , on the 30 th
ult ., in the private chapel . The Hon . and Very Rev . the Dean of AAlndsor officiated . Messrs . Dickinson and Tilt , of Bondstreet , bad the honour of a sitting from tho Queen for a sketch ( after a photograph ) of her Majesty . The Queen , with tlieii Eoyal Highnesses the Princess of AVales and Princess Louise , drove out in . the afternoon , in a carriage and four , attended hy Major-General P . Ii . Seymour on horseback . Princess Helena
and Princess Hohenlohe also took a drive . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , and Prince Arthur , drove in a carriage and four on the morning of the 31 st ult ., to the cavalry barracks in Windsor , where her Majesty Avas received by tbe 1 st regiment of Life Guards , commanded by Colonel the Hon . D . do Ros . Her
Majesty afterwards inspected the barracks , the hospital , aud the building in course of erection for married quarters . In attendance Avere the Lady in A \ aiting ( Lady AVaterparli ) , the Hon . Lucy Kerr , Major Elpbinstone and Major-General P . H . Seymour , and Colonel H . Ponsonby ( Equerries in Waiting ) . His Royal Highness the Prince of AA ales , his Serene
Highness the Prince of Holienlohe Langenburg , attended by Lieutenant-Colonel Keppel , Avent out hunting . Her Royal Highness the Princess of AVales , with her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg , accompanied the Princess to the meet , and then returned to the Castle . Her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Leiningen arrived at
the Castle . His Royal Highness Prince Arthur , attended by Major Elpliinstone , met the Princess at the railway station , and accompanied her to the Castle . The Queen , Avith their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of AA alcs , Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , Princess Beatrice , her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess Leiningen , his Serene and her Grand Ducal Highnesses tho Prince and Princess ot
Holienlohe Langenburg , with the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting-, attended divine service on the 1 st inst . in the private chapel . The Hon . and very Rev . the Dean of AVindsor officiated , and administered the sacrament of the Holy Communion . Their Royal Hig hnesses the Prince and Princess of AVales , ivith the Princes Victor Albert and George , left
the Castle in the afternoon for London , attended by the Hon . Mrs . Stonor and Lieutenant-Colonel Keppel . His Serene Highness the Prince of Hohenlohe Langenburg accompanied their Royal Highnesses to London . The Queen , with her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg , drove in the grounds in the afternoon ,
and went out on the 2 nd inst ., accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise anl Prince Arthur . The President and tbe Secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts had the honour of au audience of her Majesty , to present their report on the proceedings of the Academy during the past year . The Prince and Princess of AA ales , accompanied by her Royal
Highness Princess Mary of Cambridge , his Serene Highness Prince Hohenlohe Langenburg , and Prince Teck , and attended by the Hon . Mrs . Stonor , Lieutenant General Knollys , Major Grey , and Major Teesdale , went to Brighton , and were present at the Review of Volunteers . Their Royal Hig hnesses partook of luncheon with the Mayor of Brighton at the Pavilion , and
afterwards returned to Marlborough House . His Majesty the King of the Belgians arrived at Marlborough House on a visit to their Royal Highnesses the Prince ancl Princess of Wales . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Helena and their Grand Dncal Highnesses the Princess Leiningen and Princess Hohenlohe Langenburg , drove out in a carriage
ancl four , and Avent out in the grounds on the morning of the 3 rd inst ., with Princess Louise . His Royal Highness Prince Arthur , attended by Major Elpbinstone , left the Castle on the
2 nd inst ., for Greenwich Park . His Serene Highness the Prince of Hohenlohe Langenburg arrived at the Castle from London . The Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg , with their infants , Prince Ernest ancl Princess Elina , left the Castle on the Srd inst ., for the Continent . Princess Helena and Princess Lovnse , attencloiA hy Lady Augusta Stanley and Lieut .-Col . Du
Plat , accompanied the Prince and Princess to the railway station in Windsor , and afterwards returned to the Castle . The Prince of AA ales , attended by Major Grey , Avent to Weybridge , on the 3 rd inst ., and was present at the funeral of the late Queen Marie Amelie . The Princess of AA'ales took a carriage drive . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess
Helena and her Grand Ducal Highness Princess Leiningen , drove out on the afternoon of the Srd inst . Lord Camoys ancl Major-General Francis Seymour , C . B . ( Lord and Groom in AVaiting to her Majesty ) , attended the funeral of Queen Marie Amelie at AA eybridge , by command of tbe Queen ; and Lord Camoys , by her Majesty ' s command , placed three Avreaths upon
the coffin of the late lamented Queen as a token of her Majesty ' s affection and respect . The . Queen went out walking on the 4 th inst ., accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Louise . GEXEEAE HOME NEAVS . —The weekly return of the Registrar General shows that since the deaths registered in London rose to above 1 , 800 in the first week of March they have exhibited
a constant weekly decrease . The death rate in the metropolis was last iveek less than in the ten other large towns of the United Kingdom included in the report . The rate per 1 , 000 mas : —London , 27 ; ' Newcastle on Tyne , 28 ; Birmingham , 29 ; 32 ; Sheffield , 45 ; Bristol , 3 G ; Leeds , 36 ; Salford , 33 ; Hull , 39 ; Manchestos , 42 ; and Liverpool , 48 . There has been an increase in deaths from typhus and diptlieri . il , and a decrease in those from other causes . Seven deaths caused by carriage
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
THE COUBT . —The Queen , Avith Princess Helena , drove in the grounds on the afternoon of the 27 th ult . and walked and drove on the morning of the 28 th attended by the Hon . Mary Lascelles . Her Ro 3 al Highness Princess Louisa rode in the Home Park . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Louise , drove in the grounds in the afternoon . Her Eoyal Highness Princess Helena and her Grand Ducal Highness
of Holieiilolie-Langeuburg , also went out driving . The Prince of AArales , attended by Lieut .-C'olonel Keppel , arriv _ cl at the Castle , and her Eoyal Highness the Princess of AVales , with Prince Albert Victor and Prince George , also arrived , attended by the Hon . Mrs . P . Stonor and Lieut .-General Knollys . Her Majesty , with Princess Louise , Avent out in tbe grounds on the
29 th ult . Their Royal Highness the Prince and Princess of "Wales , Princess Helena , and his Serene Highness the Prince of Hohenlohe Langenburg , attended by the Hon . Mary Lascelles , rode on horseback . Their Royal Highnesses Prince Albert Yictor and Prince George took an airing in the Home Park . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses
the Princess of AA ' ales , Princess Helena , and Princess Beatrice , drove out in the afternoon in a carriage-and-four . Her Royal Highness Princess Louise , with her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Holienlohe-Lnngeiibiirg , also went out driving . The Prince of AVales rode on horseback , attended by Lieutenant-Colonel Keppel . His Royal Highness Prince Arthur ,
attended by Major Elpbinstone , arrived at the Castle from Greenwich Park . The Queen , their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of AVales , Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Bertrice , and Prince Arthur , and the Prince and Princess of Holienlohe-Langenburg with the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting , attended Divine service , on the 30 th
ult ., in the private chapel . The Hon . and Very Rev . the Dean of AAlndsor officiated . Messrs . Dickinson and Tilt , of Bondstreet , bad the honour of a sitting from tho Queen for a sketch ( after a photograph ) of her Majesty . The Queen , with tlieii Eoyal Highnesses the Princess of AVales and Princess Louise , drove out in . the afternoon , in a carriage and four , attended hy Major-General P . Ii . Seymour on horseback . Princess Helena
and Princess Hohenlohe also took a drive . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , and Prince Arthur , drove in a carriage and four on the morning of the 31 st ult ., to the cavalry barracks in Windsor , where her Majesty Avas received by tbe 1 st regiment of Life Guards , commanded by Colonel the Hon . D . do Ros . Her
Majesty afterwards inspected the barracks , the hospital , aud the building in course of erection for married quarters . In attendance Avere the Lady in A \ aiting ( Lady AVaterparli ) , the Hon . Lucy Kerr , Major Elpbinstone and Major-General P . H . Seymour , and Colonel H . Ponsonby ( Equerries in Waiting ) . His Royal Highness the Prince of AA ales , his Serene
Highness the Prince of Holienlohe Langenburg , attended by Lieutenant-Colonel Keppel , Avent out hunting . Her Royal Highness the Princess of AVales , with her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg , accompanied the Princess to the meet , and then returned to the Castle . Her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Leiningen arrived at
the Castle . His Royal Highness Prince Arthur , attended by Major Elpliinstone , met the Princess at the railway station , and accompanied her to the Castle . The Queen , Avith their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of AA alcs , Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , Princess Beatrice , her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess Leiningen , his Serene and her Grand Ducal Highnesses tho Prince and Princess ot
Holienlohe Langenburg , with the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting-, attended divine service on the 1 st inst . in the private chapel . The Hon . and very Rev . the Dean of AVindsor officiated , and administered the sacrament of the Holy Communion . Their Royal Hig hnesses the Prince and Princess of AVales , ivith the Princes Victor Albert and George , left
the Castle in the afternoon for London , attended by the Hon . Mrs . Stonor and Lieutenant-Colonel Keppel . His Serene Highness the Prince of Hohenlohe Langenburg accompanied their Royal Highnesses to London . The Queen , with her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg , drove in the grounds in the afternoon ,
and went out on the 2 nd inst ., accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise anl Prince Arthur . The President and tbe Secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts had the honour of au audience of her Majesty , to present their report on the proceedings of the Academy during the past year . The Prince and Princess of AA ales , accompanied by her Royal
Highness Princess Mary of Cambridge , his Serene Highness Prince Hohenlohe Langenburg , and Prince Teck , and attended by the Hon . Mrs . Stonor , Lieutenant General Knollys , Major Grey , and Major Teesdale , went to Brighton , and were present at the Review of Volunteers . Their Royal Hig hnesses partook of luncheon with the Mayor of Brighton at the Pavilion , and
afterwards returned to Marlborough House . His Majesty the King of the Belgians arrived at Marlborough House on a visit to their Royal Highnesses the Prince ancl Princess of Wales . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Helena and their Grand Dncal Highnesses the Princess Leiningen and Princess Hohenlohe Langenburg , drove out in a carriage
ancl four , and Avent out in the grounds on the morning of the 3 rd inst ., with Princess Louise . His Royal Highness Prince Arthur , attended by Major Elpbinstone , left the Castle on the
2 nd inst ., for Greenwich Park . His Serene Highness the Prince of Hohenlohe Langenburg arrived at the Castle from London . The Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg , with their infants , Prince Ernest ancl Princess Elina , left the Castle on the Srd inst ., for the Continent . Princess Helena and Princess Lovnse , attencloiA hy Lady Augusta Stanley and Lieut .-Col . Du
Plat , accompanied the Prince and Princess to the railway station in Windsor , and afterwards returned to the Castle . The Prince of AA ales , attended by Major Grey , Avent to Weybridge , on the 3 rd inst ., and was present at the funeral of the late Queen Marie Amelie . The Princess of AA'ales took a carriage drive . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess
Helena and her Grand Ducal Highness Princess Leiningen , drove out on the afternoon of the Srd inst . Lord Camoys ancl Major-General Francis Seymour , C . B . ( Lord and Groom in AVaiting to her Majesty ) , attended the funeral of Queen Marie Amelie at AA eybridge , by command of tbe Queen ; and Lord Camoys , by her Majesty ' s command , placed three Avreaths upon
the coffin of the late lamented Queen as a token of her Majesty ' s affection and respect . The . Queen went out walking on the 4 th inst ., accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Louise . GEXEEAE HOME NEAVS . —The weekly return of the Registrar General shows that since the deaths registered in London rose to above 1 , 800 in the first week of March they have exhibited
a constant weekly decrease . The death rate in the metropolis was last iveek less than in the ten other large towns of the United Kingdom included in the report . The rate per 1 , 000 mas : —London , 27 ; ' Newcastle on Tyne , 28 ; Birmingham , 29 ; 32 ; Sheffield , 45 ; Bristol , 3 G ; Leeds , 36 ; Salford , 33 ; Hull , 39 ; Manchestos , 42 ; and Liverpool , 48 . There has been an increase in deaths from typhus and diptlieri . il , and a decrease in those from other causes . Seven deaths caused by carriage