Article FREEMASONRY IN JERSEY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC HYMNS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Freemasonry In Jersey.
trustees were adopted , and sixty additional shares , Kbs . 301 to 360 inclusive , were ordered to be duly transferred to the Widow ancl Orphan Fund . The board then proceeded to consider the conduct of individuals who , in defiance of truth and of Masonic obligation , had endeavoured to damage the objects of
the bazaar , by falsely asserting in public that the fund which it purported to support did not exist . Ou the question whether they should be designated by name , the board , adhering to the principle of charitableness , even under circumstsnces of the most wanton provocationanswered in the negativeand
, ; it was finally resolved that the requirements of the case would be met sufficiently by publishing this day's minutes , and recording that the board feel deep sorrow that any member of this honourable Craft should at any time suffer under the affliction of " a defective sense of veracity . "
The following votes of thanks were then put to the board and adopted nem . con .: — 1 . " That the Board of Managers are deeply grateful to their felloiv citizens of all classes and denominations for the encouragement given them when striving to perform the duty of relieving the widow and the fatherless . " 2 . "That the board tender their warm thanks to the
numerous friends to Avhose generous contributions the bazaar is mainly indebted for its success . " 3 . "That the most grateful and respectful thanks of tho board are clue , and are hereby tendered , to the ladies who presided at the bazaar stalls , —whose presence lent grace to the fete , —and without whose kind , active , and admirable co-operation and assistance tho bazaar could not have succeeded "
. " HEXHY LUCE MAXITEI , , Chairman . " A cordial vote of thanks was passed by acclamation to the chairman for his untiring , zealous , and arduous services . A . SCHMITT , "( Hon . ED . D . LE COTTTETJR , j Sees .
Masonic Hymns.
10 KTE EDITOK 0 J ? THE II ! lIE __ IASO __ rs' MAGAZINE AUD 3 IAS 0 ITIC 1 IIEE 0 E . DEAE SIE AKD BEOTHEE , —Permit me to suggest the subjoined selection of stanzas as appropriate to be used as a hymn at the occasion of the laying the foundation stone of a Masonic hall , or the dedication of a lodge . It is a compilation of such portions of
Church hymns as are most suggestive of the homage our fraternity owes , and the allegiance it bears to the Great Architect of the Universe -. — 0 Lord of Hosts , Avhose glory fills The bounds of the eternal hills , And yet vouchsafes in Christian lands
To dwell in temples made with hands . Grant that all we who here to-day , Bejoicing , this foundation lay , May be in very deed thine own , Built on the precious corner-stone . The heads that guide , endued with skill , The hands that work preserved from ill
, That we Avho this foundation lay , May raise the top-stone in its day . 0 AA ord of God above , Who fillest all in all , Hallow this house witli Thy sure love , And-bless our festival . Against this holhome
y Kudo tempests harmless beat , And Satan's angels fiercely come , But to endure defeat . Tours fraternally , A BEOTHEE MASOIT ,
The Masonic Mirror
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Sansl-vystreet , Strand , London , AV . C .
INSTEUCTION . DAEHOUSIE LODGE ( NO . 860 ) . —The first banqn _ t r . ieetin .: ' of this flourishing Lodge of Instruction was celebrated on > iie 27 th ult ., at Bro , Bristo's , the Eoyal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . There was a numerous attendance of the members and visiting brethren . When we state that the seven sections of the first lecture were worked by Bro . Ireland , P . M ., it will be superfhi ms for ns to add that they ivere performed by that esteemed
brother in the usual and masterly manner , for which he is so pre-eminently distinguished . After tho working of the seciwns the brethren retired to refreshment , Bro . Bi-isto , the lust , having provided a banquet replete with every delicacy of die season ; the viands and wines were the choicest of their respective kinds , all that could possibly be desired by the most fastidious . The brethren expressed themselves highly delighted
Avith the admirable manner in whicli Bro . Bristo hud catered far them . It is due also to those brethren who acted as Stewards , A'iz .: Bros . AVren , TJ . Latriele , Lee , Veevers , Peiullebury , F . Y . Latriele , Turner , Moriey , and Hamblin , to state that they discharged their duties in the most creditable and efficient manner , and by their assistance tended very materially towards the comfort and enjoyment of the brethren . Indeed , we commend the plan adopted on this occasion by the Dalhousie
Lodge of Instruction to other lodges as well worthy of adoption at banquet meetings , for who amongst us has not been chagrined Avhen , in spite of a banquet being most liberally supplied , the whole arrangements for the comfort of the brethren have been marred through the bungling and clumsiness of stupid waiters . Ample justice having been done to the good things on tho table , and the cloth being drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given , and most cordially responded to . The toast of "The Visiting Brethren , " having been responded to by l . ro . Cogan , 12 , Bro . J . Stevenson , of the T . BEESIASOX ' S MAGAZINE ,
and their other fellow visitors . Bro . Gilchrist , Trous ., then proposed "The Health of the W . M . of the evening , Bro . Ireland , " and in doing so passed a very warm and well deserved eulogium upon that highly esteemed and efficient Mason , and expatiated at considerable length upon the great services rendered by him in aid of the Craft , and which he was ever ready to render to any brother who was desirous of instruction . Bro . Gilchrist alluded to the valuable assistance and instruction
he had himself received from Bro . Ireland , and he was sure , therefore , that every brother present reciprocated the pleasure he himself felt at having seen their esteemed founder of i his Lodge of Instruction , so well supported upon this the first banquet anniversary meeting of the lodge . The toast was most enthusiastically received by the brethren . Bro . Ireland returned thanks , and in his usual modest and retiring manner , disclaimed
his being entitled to the very warm eulogiums whicli the brethren had just heard passed upon him by Bro . Gilchrist , though he was much obliged to him for his kind sentiments , and to the brethren present , for the warm manner in which thoy had recei \ -ed the toast . He had great pleasure in presiding on this occasion , and he was quite prepared to give his services in aid of the instruction of the brethren . Bro . Gilchrist had alluded
to the advanced age , Bro . Ireland , had arrived at , ami . therefore , the brethren might led to infer that ha was on old man ; he did not wish them to remain under that erroneous impression , for though , doubtless , he had been spared to live to an age greater than many present , still he flattered hiraself that lie was yet young and active in zeal and energy , and he assured the brethren that it would always afford him pleasure to
exercise those powers in furthering the welfare and interests of the Craft by any means in his power . Certainly he felt highly honoured at his health having been so cordially proposed by a Mason of such strict honour and integrity as their esteemed Bro . Gilchrist , Avhom he begged to thank for his kindness , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In Jersey.
trustees were adopted , and sixty additional shares , Kbs . 301 to 360 inclusive , were ordered to be duly transferred to the Widow ancl Orphan Fund . The board then proceeded to consider the conduct of individuals who , in defiance of truth and of Masonic obligation , had endeavoured to damage the objects of
the bazaar , by falsely asserting in public that the fund which it purported to support did not exist . Ou the question whether they should be designated by name , the board , adhering to the principle of charitableness , even under circumstsnces of the most wanton provocationanswered in the negativeand
, ; it was finally resolved that the requirements of the case would be met sufficiently by publishing this day's minutes , and recording that the board feel deep sorrow that any member of this honourable Craft should at any time suffer under the affliction of " a defective sense of veracity . "
The following votes of thanks were then put to the board and adopted nem . con .: — 1 . " That the Board of Managers are deeply grateful to their felloiv citizens of all classes and denominations for the encouragement given them when striving to perform the duty of relieving the widow and the fatherless . " 2 . "That the board tender their warm thanks to the
numerous friends to Avhose generous contributions the bazaar is mainly indebted for its success . " 3 . "That the most grateful and respectful thanks of tho board are clue , and are hereby tendered , to the ladies who presided at the bazaar stalls , —whose presence lent grace to the fete , —and without whose kind , active , and admirable co-operation and assistance tho bazaar could not have succeeded "
. " HEXHY LUCE MAXITEI , , Chairman . " A cordial vote of thanks was passed by acclamation to the chairman for his untiring , zealous , and arduous services . A . SCHMITT , "( Hon . ED . D . LE COTTTETJR , j Sees .
Masonic Hymns.
10 KTE EDITOK 0 J ? THE II ! lIE __ IASO __ rs' MAGAZINE AUD 3 IAS 0 ITIC 1 IIEE 0 E . DEAE SIE AKD BEOTHEE , —Permit me to suggest the subjoined selection of stanzas as appropriate to be used as a hymn at the occasion of the laying the foundation stone of a Masonic hall , or the dedication of a lodge . It is a compilation of such portions of
Church hymns as are most suggestive of the homage our fraternity owes , and the allegiance it bears to the Great Architect of the Universe -. — 0 Lord of Hosts , Avhose glory fills The bounds of the eternal hills , And yet vouchsafes in Christian lands
To dwell in temples made with hands . Grant that all we who here to-day , Bejoicing , this foundation lay , May be in very deed thine own , Built on the precious corner-stone . The heads that guide , endued with skill , The hands that work preserved from ill
, That we Avho this foundation lay , May raise the top-stone in its day . 0 AA ord of God above , Who fillest all in all , Hallow this house witli Thy sure love , And-bless our festival . Against this holhome
y Kudo tempests harmless beat , And Satan's angels fiercely come , But to endure defeat . Tours fraternally , A BEOTHEE MASOIT ,
The Masonic Mirror
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Sansl-vystreet , Strand , London , AV . C .
INSTEUCTION . DAEHOUSIE LODGE ( NO . 860 ) . —The first banqn _ t r . ieetin .: ' of this flourishing Lodge of Instruction was celebrated on > iie 27 th ult ., at Bro , Bristo's , the Eoyal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . There was a numerous attendance of the members and visiting brethren . When we state that the seven sections of the first lecture were worked by Bro . Ireland , P . M ., it will be superfhi ms for ns to add that they ivere performed by that esteemed
brother in the usual and masterly manner , for which he is so pre-eminently distinguished . After tho working of the seciwns the brethren retired to refreshment , Bro . Bi-isto , the lust , having provided a banquet replete with every delicacy of die season ; the viands and wines were the choicest of their respective kinds , all that could possibly be desired by the most fastidious . The brethren expressed themselves highly delighted
Avith the admirable manner in whicli Bro . Bristo hud catered far them . It is due also to those brethren who acted as Stewards , A'iz .: Bros . AVren , TJ . Latriele , Lee , Veevers , Peiullebury , F . Y . Latriele , Turner , Moriey , and Hamblin , to state that they discharged their duties in the most creditable and efficient manner , and by their assistance tended very materially towards the comfort and enjoyment of the brethren . Indeed , we commend the plan adopted on this occasion by the Dalhousie
Lodge of Instruction to other lodges as well worthy of adoption at banquet meetings , for who amongst us has not been chagrined Avhen , in spite of a banquet being most liberally supplied , the whole arrangements for the comfort of the brethren have been marred through the bungling and clumsiness of stupid waiters . Ample justice having been done to the good things on tho table , and the cloth being drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given , and most cordially responded to . The toast of "The Visiting Brethren , " having been responded to by l . ro . Cogan , 12 , Bro . J . Stevenson , of the T . BEESIASOX ' S MAGAZINE ,
and their other fellow visitors . Bro . Gilchrist , Trous ., then proposed "The Health of the W . M . of the evening , Bro . Ireland , " and in doing so passed a very warm and well deserved eulogium upon that highly esteemed and efficient Mason , and expatiated at considerable length upon the great services rendered by him in aid of the Craft , and which he was ever ready to render to any brother who was desirous of instruction . Bro . Gilchrist alluded to the valuable assistance and instruction
he had himself received from Bro . Ireland , and he was sure , therefore , that every brother present reciprocated the pleasure he himself felt at having seen their esteemed founder of i his Lodge of Instruction , so well supported upon this the first banquet anniversary meeting of the lodge . The toast was most enthusiastically received by the brethren . Bro . Ireland returned thanks , and in his usual modest and retiring manner , disclaimed
his being entitled to the very warm eulogiums whicli the brethren had just heard passed upon him by Bro . Gilchrist , though he was much obliged to him for his kind sentiments , and to the brethren present , for the warm manner in which thoy had recei \ -ed the toast . He had great pleasure in presiding on this occasion , and he was quite prepared to give his services in aid of the instruction of the brethren . Bro . Gilchrist had alluded
to the advanced age , Bro . Ireland , had arrived at , ami . therefore , the brethren might led to infer that ha was on old man ; he did not wish them to remain under that erroneous impression , for though , doubtless , he had been spared to live to an age greater than many present , still he flattered hiraself that lie was yet young and active in zeal and energy , and he assured the brethren that it would always afford him pleasure to
exercise those powers in furthering the welfare and interests of the Craft by any means in his power . Certainly he felt highly honoured at his health having been so cordially proposed by a Mason of such strict honour and integrity as their esteemed Bro . Gilchrist , Avhom he begged to thank for his kindness , and