Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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brother , —indeed the oration was pronounced hy all to be a most masterly production . To speak of the emphatic , energetic , and perfect manner that Bro . S . B . AVilson performed his arduous task would be superoragation , as that brother ' s qualifications are so well-known . It need only be said that on this occasion he seemed to be more than usually effective , and impressed everyone who heard him with the great amount of Masonic knowledas well as zeal possessed bthat brother
ge y . Bro . Allison then proceeded to the installation of the AA orshipful Master designate , Bro . John Denton , P . M . of 837 . This ceremony was gone through in its entirety , on account of giving tlie board of Installed Masters , numbering 47 ( the largest we ever remember ) , an opportunity of judging of the beauties of that ceremony as performed by Bro . Wilson , in the style approved and sanctioned by the Grand Lodge . Having
installed Bro . Denton in the chair of K . S ., he was duly saluted ; after which the M . M . 's were introduced and saluted accordingly . The lodge was then closed in the third degree , and he was saluted by the F . C / s and E . A . 's . Bro . Denton , the AV . M ., then invested Bros . John AVright , S . W . designate ; AV . Bycroft , J . AV . designate ; England , Treas ., until he could be ballotted for , appointed , aud invested ; Thos . Ellis , Sec ; E . Dyson , I . G . ; T . HolyroodSteward ; and Charles SeekerDir . of Cers .
, , At the conclusion of the ceremony , the brethren present , in one voice , agreed in admiration of the talent exhibited by Bro . Wilson throughout the whole of the arduous duties he had performed . The varied nature of the addresses , as well as the impressive manner , and the correctness of style throughout the whole , formed a general topic of conversation '; o his admiring audience , and they could not but help expressing themselves in the words of Solomon : —
" Many daughters have done virtuously , but Thou excellest them all . " Bro . DEJS'TOS - , AV . M ' ., then addressed tho brethren , and said —Itis well known that this vast province , numbering forty-one lodges , and that York was at one time the seat of Grand Lodges , and had the mode of working the ceremonies peculiar to itself , it cannot ho denied , therefore , that parts—nay , much of the
ritual—is still used by some of the brethren in this province , as well as the manner of conducting the ceremonies ; and wishlul , under such circumstances , he , as the first Master of a now lodge , having the opportunity of commencing the work according to the modes practised by the Emulation Lodge of Instruction , of which Bro . AAllson had been president for upwards of thirty years , he ( Bro . Denton ) being a member of that lodge , thought he could not do better than consult his old and esteemed
friend and preceptor in the formation of this lodge . Bro . Wilson at once entered into the same feeling on the subject , and consented to assist , aS fttr as laid in his power , in carrying out the proposition , and well had he performed his promise , as this day's proceedings must prove to all who had witnessed his exertions in this good cause , for which he hoped every brother felt as grateful and as proud as he ( Bro . Denton ) did . The WM . had intended now to proceed to initiate , pass , and raise , bub anxious to gratifv the brethren to tho fullest extent
in his power [ with the transcendent talent of Bro . AAllson , requested him that he would so far indulge the brethren assembled and himself by performing those ceremonies , to which Bro . A \ ilson kindly consented . Bro . Denton then vacated the chair , and Ilro . Wilson performed the two ceremonies in tho first and second degrees in his peculiar and beautiful manner , every one admiring the clear and lucid style in which they were performed , and the explanation of the various emblems were
universally admired . Bro . BENTIEV SHAW , the D . Prov . G . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Wilson in a very complimentary speech , which elicited a general response from the whole of the brethren , being very ably seconded by Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . AA oODi-OKD , G . Chap ., which , on being put for confirmation , it is needless to say was carried item , con . Bro . WILSON returned thanks iu a very effective manner , in
the course of which lie stated that what he knew of Freemasonry he was always ready and willing , ou proper and convenient occasions , to impart to all who were entitled to receive it . The W . M . then closed the lodge . The brethren assembled in groups , admiring the chaste and substantial manner in which the lodge was fitted up ; not gorgeous , but properly decorated with flags , banners , emblematical devices , working tools , books , and every miuutoD of furniture . The carpet attracted particular attention , it being a
square pavement , black and white , with an indented or tesselated border . To the banquet from the lodge was but a few steps , where seventy brethren sat down to a most substantial repast and dessert provided by Bro . Rycroft , the host , which did him great credit , both as regarded the viands and the way in which they were served . It is needless to state that after four hours' hard work in consecrating letingand dedicating another
, comp , temple , the brethren were fully prepared to do ample justice to the good things which the Great Architect of the Universe had enabled them to provide . On the cloth being drawn , the W . MASTEB introduced the toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " with some appropriate remarks on our Sovereign being the daughter of a G . M . ofthe Craftand a hope that her offspring would follow the example
, of his predecessors . It gave him , the AV . M ., as it must do every brother , very great pleasure to see that her Majest y was again about to come of the seclusion she had so long subjected herself to , and once more gratify her subjects by mingling with them . The toast was received and drunk with all that loyalty and enthusiasm which always pervades in Masonic society whenever
that illustrious name is mentioned . The next name the W . MASEEH would call upon the brethren to respond to was one that stood high in JIasonic annals—one who as members of this province , as well as the fraternity in general , they were bound to honour—one who had borne the heat and burthen of the day . He ( the AV . M . ) need scarcely say that the name of that brother was the Right Hon . the would live in
Earl of Zetland , the M . AV . G . M . —a name that Masonry so long as history held a place amongst mankind ; and as a just reward for his great am ! im wearied labour and exertions had ' just been re-elected , for the 20 th time , their Most Worshipful Grand Master , at which he , the W . M ., had had great pleasure in assisting , and he for one could state that , whenever he had had anything to do with his lordship , he had always found the Great
him most courteous and business-like . May Architect of the Universe give him health and strength long to preside over us , and should he be called away by the Great Architect it would be no easy task to find his equal .
The toast was enthusiastically drunk by the assembled brethren , with full Masonic honours , Bro . J . Clay being the G . Dir . of Cers . The next toast was " The Right Honourable the Earl De Grey and Ripon , tho D . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . of this province , and the rest ofthe Grand Officers , " coupling that with the name of Bro . S . B . AVilson . Tho W . M . said the Earl De Grey and Ri known to all to be a most zealous and talented
pon was Mason , aud well fitted for the position in which the Most AA ors ' nipfnl Grand Master had placed him . As to Bro . Wilson , lie should say little about him , as they had had an ample opportunity this day of judging ol his merits , and the efficiency ofthe G . M's appointments . He could not , however , let the opportunity pass over without stating the very great obligation he , _ the AV . M , and brother presentwere under to Bro . AVilson for his
every , kind condescension in leaving home and business and come down to gratify and instruct the brethren . The feelings of the brethren were wound up to a high pitch , and they gave vent to those feelings in a manner not easily to be forgotten . Bro . AVILSON responded . He said , — AA orshipful Master and brethrenin ordinary cases I should have been relieved from the
, responsibility of responding to this toast , as the worthy brother who is now standing with me before you is a superior officer , and would , therefore , by courtesy , have claimed the privilege which I now enjoy . But having , with the concurrence of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , being commanded by the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , to consecrate this lodge , I may , therefore , be considered as the Deputy Grand
Master pro tern ., which has occasioned my name to be coupled with the toast . I feel quite sure that I need not say that I am extremely glad of the opportunity thus afforded me of responding to the toast , because it is a very pleasing duty , for , when , ever the name of the liight AA orshipful Deputy Grand Master is mentioned it never fails to call forth the greatest enthusiasm ; and when I consider that ho is also the Riht Worshipful
Prog vincial Grand Master of this province the pleasure is greatly increased . The Worshipful Master of this lodge , in speaking to you of the distinguishing attributes of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , was pleased to say that if we should unfortunately be deprived of his services , it would be extremely dif-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
brother , —indeed the oration was pronounced hy all to be a most masterly production . To speak of the emphatic , energetic , and perfect manner that Bro . S . B . AVilson performed his arduous task would be superoragation , as that brother ' s qualifications are so well-known . It need only be said that on this occasion he seemed to be more than usually effective , and impressed everyone who heard him with the great amount of Masonic knowledas well as zeal possessed bthat brother
ge y . Bro . Allison then proceeded to the installation of the AA orshipful Master designate , Bro . John Denton , P . M . of 837 . This ceremony was gone through in its entirety , on account of giving tlie board of Installed Masters , numbering 47 ( the largest we ever remember ) , an opportunity of judging of the beauties of that ceremony as performed by Bro . Wilson , in the style approved and sanctioned by the Grand Lodge . Having
installed Bro . Denton in the chair of K . S ., he was duly saluted ; after which the M . M . 's were introduced and saluted accordingly . The lodge was then closed in the third degree , and he was saluted by the F . C / s and E . A . 's . Bro . Denton , the AV . M ., then invested Bros . John AVright , S . W . designate ; AV . Bycroft , J . AV . designate ; England , Treas ., until he could be ballotted for , appointed , aud invested ; Thos . Ellis , Sec ; E . Dyson , I . G . ; T . HolyroodSteward ; and Charles SeekerDir . of Cers .
, , At the conclusion of the ceremony , the brethren present , in one voice , agreed in admiration of the talent exhibited by Bro . Wilson throughout the whole of the arduous duties he had performed . The varied nature of the addresses , as well as the impressive manner , and the correctness of style throughout the whole , formed a general topic of conversation '; o his admiring audience , and they could not but help expressing themselves in the words of Solomon : —
" Many daughters have done virtuously , but Thou excellest them all . " Bro . DEJS'TOS - , AV . M ' ., then addressed tho brethren , and said —Itis well known that this vast province , numbering forty-one lodges , and that York was at one time the seat of Grand Lodges , and had the mode of working the ceremonies peculiar to itself , it cannot ho denied , therefore , that parts—nay , much of the
ritual—is still used by some of the brethren in this province , as well as the manner of conducting the ceremonies ; and wishlul , under such circumstances , he , as the first Master of a now lodge , having the opportunity of commencing the work according to the modes practised by the Emulation Lodge of Instruction , of which Bro . AAllson had been president for upwards of thirty years , he ( Bro . Denton ) being a member of that lodge , thought he could not do better than consult his old and esteemed
friend and preceptor in the formation of this lodge . Bro . Wilson at once entered into the same feeling on the subject , and consented to assist , aS fttr as laid in his power , in carrying out the proposition , and well had he performed his promise , as this day's proceedings must prove to all who had witnessed his exertions in this good cause , for which he hoped every brother felt as grateful and as proud as he ( Bro . Denton ) did . The WM . had intended now to proceed to initiate , pass , and raise , bub anxious to gratifv the brethren to tho fullest extent
in his power [ with the transcendent talent of Bro . AAllson , requested him that he would so far indulge the brethren assembled and himself by performing those ceremonies , to which Bro . A \ ilson kindly consented . Bro . Denton then vacated the chair , and Ilro . Wilson performed the two ceremonies in tho first and second degrees in his peculiar and beautiful manner , every one admiring the clear and lucid style in which they were performed , and the explanation of the various emblems were
universally admired . Bro . BENTIEV SHAW , the D . Prov . G . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Wilson in a very complimentary speech , which elicited a general response from the whole of the brethren , being very ably seconded by Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . AA oODi-OKD , G . Chap ., which , on being put for confirmation , it is needless to say was carried item , con . Bro . WILSON returned thanks iu a very effective manner , in
the course of which lie stated that what he knew of Freemasonry he was always ready and willing , ou proper and convenient occasions , to impart to all who were entitled to receive it . The W . M . then closed the lodge . The brethren assembled in groups , admiring the chaste and substantial manner in which the lodge was fitted up ; not gorgeous , but properly decorated with flags , banners , emblematical devices , working tools , books , and every miuutoD of furniture . The carpet attracted particular attention , it being a
square pavement , black and white , with an indented or tesselated border . To the banquet from the lodge was but a few steps , where seventy brethren sat down to a most substantial repast and dessert provided by Bro . Rycroft , the host , which did him great credit , both as regarded the viands and the way in which they were served . It is needless to state that after four hours' hard work in consecrating letingand dedicating another
, comp , temple , the brethren were fully prepared to do ample justice to the good things which the Great Architect of the Universe had enabled them to provide . On the cloth being drawn , the W . MASTEB introduced the toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " with some appropriate remarks on our Sovereign being the daughter of a G . M . ofthe Craftand a hope that her offspring would follow the example
, of his predecessors . It gave him , the AV . M ., as it must do every brother , very great pleasure to see that her Majest y was again about to come of the seclusion she had so long subjected herself to , and once more gratify her subjects by mingling with them . The toast was received and drunk with all that loyalty and enthusiasm which always pervades in Masonic society whenever
that illustrious name is mentioned . The next name the W . MASEEH would call upon the brethren to respond to was one that stood high in JIasonic annals—one who as members of this province , as well as the fraternity in general , they were bound to honour—one who had borne the heat and burthen of the day . He ( the AV . M . ) need scarcely say that the name of that brother was the Right Hon . the would live in
Earl of Zetland , the M . AV . G . M . —a name that Masonry so long as history held a place amongst mankind ; and as a just reward for his great am ! im wearied labour and exertions had ' just been re-elected , for the 20 th time , their Most Worshipful Grand Master , at which he , the W . M ., had had great pleasure in assisting , and he for one could state that , whenever he had had anything to do with his lordship , he had always found the Great
him most courteous and business-like . May Architect of the Universe give him health and strength long to preside over us , and should he be called away by the Great Architect it would be no easy task to find his equal .
The toast was enthusiastically drunk by the assembled brethren , with full Masonic honours , Bro . J . Clay being the G . Dir . of Cers . The next toast was " The Right Honourable the Earl De Grey and Ripon , tho D . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . of this province , and the rest ofthe Grand Officers , " coupling that with the name of Bro . S . B . AVilson . Tho W . M . said the Earl De Grey and Ri known to all to be a most zealous and talented
pon was Mason , aud well fitted for the position in which the Most AA ors ' nipfnl Grand Master had placed him . As to Bro . Wilson , lie should say little about him , as they had had an ample opportunity this day of judging ol his merits , and the efficiency ofthe G . M's appointments . He could not , however , let the opportunity pass over without stating the very great obligation he , _ the AV . M , and brother presentwere under to Bro . AVilson for his
every , kind condescension in leaving home and business and come down to gratify and instruct the brethren . The feelings of the brethren were wound up to a high pitch , and they gave vent to those feelings in a manner not easily to be forgotten . Bro . AVILSON responded . He said , — AA orshipful Master and brethrenin ordinary cases I should have been relieved from the
, responsibility of responding to this toast , as the worthy brother who is now standing with me before you is a superior officer , and would , therefore , by courtesy , have claimed the privilege which I now enjoy . But having , with the concurrence of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , being commanded by the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , to consecrate this lodge , I may , therefore , be considered as the Deputy Grand
Master pro tern ., which has occasioned my name to be coupled with the toast . I feel quite sure that I need not say that I am extremely glad of the opportunity thus afforded me of responding to the toast , because it is a very pleasing duty , for , when , ever the name of the liight AA orshipful Deputy Grand Master is mentioned it never fails to call forth the greatest enthusiasm ; and when I consider that ho is also the Riht Worshipful
Prog vincial Grand Master of this province the pleasure is greatly increased . The Worshipful Master of this lodge , in speaking to you of the distinguishing attributes of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , was pleased to say that if we should unfortunately be deprived of his services , it would be extremely dif-