Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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ficult to supply Ins place . This I am bound to say is in a great measure true ; but when we examine into the merits of the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , I think we may fairly admit that the difficulty would in a great measure be removed , seeing that we might reasonably expect the Craft would elect him as their chief , should such an unwished-for circumstance occur . As a Mason of some standing and experience in the metropolisI can assure tho brethren of this province
, that whatever good feelings they may entertain towards their Provincial Grand Master , he is equally appreciated by the metropolitan brethren , and we sincerely hope that the Most AVorshipful Grand JIaster and the Deputy Grand Master may both bo spared to us for a long series of years , and enjoy the positions they now hold . I have this day had the pleasure ' of consecrating this lodge and installing the AVorshipful Master in the chair know him
. I to be a good and zealous Freemason , and feel assured that he will fulfil the duties which devolve on him with credit to himself and advantage to the lodge . The brother immediately on my right is , I believe , now in office , and I have but very recently had the pleasure of his acquaintance—I allude to the Right AA orshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Muster ( Bro . Bentley Shaw)—but from the short period I have enjoyed his acquaintance , and from the conversations we have had , I have no hesitation in saying that the Right Worshipful
Provincial Grand Master has made a good selection—that he has put the right man in the right place , and that he will satisfactorily fulfil all the duties which may devolve on him . I am extremely proud to see here on this occasion your Provincial Grand Secretary ( Bro . Nelson ) . He will , I am sure , continue to perform the duties of his office with the same degree of zeal and assiduity which he has hitherto done , and cannot fail to give universal satisfaction . I have enjoyed his acquaintance
for many years , and am extremely happy to number him amongst my friends . AVith regard to Bro . AVoodford , the Grand Chaplain , all that I can say in his praise would fall very short of his merits . I feel much obliged to him for the valuable assistance he has given to me , and take this opportunity of thanking him for the very able and impressive manner he performed the duties of Chaplain , and strongly recommend to your notice the
nreeepts enunciated b y him in his oration . And for myself , brethren , I cordially and sincerely thank you for the kind and flattering reception you have given to me , and the attention you have paid to the various ceremonies I have gone through , and hope to have the pleasure of meeting you again at no distant period . The next toast was " Brother Bentley Shaw , our newlyappointed Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . "
Bro . SHAW , on rising to return thanks , expressed himself highly pleased that he was enabled to he with them on this great occasion . He had learned much this day , and trusted that as he had now become acquainted with that eminent brother ( Bro . Wilson ) , he hoped the time would shortly come when that acquaintance would ripen into sincere and lasting friendship , and he hoped the brethren of the province would take heed what they had seenand emulate the excellent le which had
, examp that day been given them . To the AV . M . ( Bro , Denton ) he could not too warmly express his gratitude for the exertions he had used in establishing the Lodge 1001 , and for the able and skilful manner he had brought everything into such admirable working order ; it only proved what a master mind could do when bent on doing good . He , therefore , could not resume his seat without calling on the brethren to devote a bumper to his healthand
, long life and prosperity , which toast was drunk with every demonstration of cordial applause . The W . MASTEE , on rising to reply , thanked the . brethren for the very hearty manner in which they had responded to the toast of his health . He had but sue object in view—to do good to others , and assist his brethren b y ' imparting the little knowledge he bad obtained from his superiors . Looking at
the spread of Freemasonry in this vast province , it had made rapid strides within tho last half-dozen years ; the increase had heen eight lodges , being at the rate of 20 to 30 per cent . Indeed , so great was it , that he sometimes felt afraid it would become too unwieldy ; but so long as we have such a master mind at the head of the province as the Earl de Grey aud Ripon , assisted by so excellent a brother as our present Deputy Provincial
Grand Master , we have not much to fear . He would not take up their time , as there were still more toasts to be given , and as the time was drawing nigh when they must separate , " as time , tide , and train waited for no man , " he
would give them " The Health of the Officers of the Lodge , ' and he trusted that on the foundation laid this day they might hereafter raise a superstructure perfect in its parts , and honourable to the builder . This toast was replied to by Bro . WaicHlT , S . W ., in a short but effective speech . The W . MASTEB then gave " The Visitors" ling with it
, coup the name of Bro . R . R . Nelson , thanking them for their kindness in coming from such great distances as some of them had done , to assist in the dedication of this temple to the Groat Architect of the Universe . Bro . NEnsojr , P . D . Prov . G . M ., responded , thanking them very cordially for coupling his name with the last toast . How proud he felt in meeting so many old acquaintances ami brethren ,
he little thought of the hearty reception ho should meet with . To the AVorshipful Master of this lodge he would state that from the foundation laid this day , and from what he had seen , this lodge must one day or other become great and influential . For his part he should consider it his especial duty to aid , assist and do all in his power to make it become so . To his co-worker in the field of usefulness , and his old and esteemed friend Bro . Wilson , he could not find words to express his feelings , he
trusted that the time was not far distant before they should , meet again . It would he a strange piece of forgetfiihiess did he not mention the name of Bro . Rarasdeii , a member of the Manchester Lodge 179 , for the great assistance he had rendered to the ceremonies of this day by his excellent performance as organist , and also for the liberal contribution of his vocal powers , The time having been announced for the departure of the
special train , the brethren separated , well pleased with their clay's enjoyment , and trusting , as they had been present at the foundation , they might have many future opportunities of similar enjoyment .
Royal Arch.
GRAND CHAPTER . The quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter was held on Wednesday last , when there were present the M . E . Comp . the Earl of Zetland , Z . ; E . Comps . Rev . John Huyshe , as H . ; James Gibbs , P ? ov . G . Supt . Bombay , as J . ; AA'illiam Gray Clarke , E . ; R . AV . Jennings , as N . ; Algernon Perkins , as P . Soj . ; Revs . A . F . A . Woodford and G . W . K . Potter , Assist .
Sojs . ; B . Head , as S . B . ; McIntyre , G . Eeg . ; Coinps . Havers , P . N . ; F . Pattison , P . N . ; Bradford , P . Dir . of Cers . ; Le Veau , P . Dir . of Cers . ; Savage , P . S . B . ; Smith , P . Dir . of Cers . ; Scott , P . Assist . Soj . ; Bannister , Dir . of Cers . ; Gole , P . Standard Bearer ; Spiers , P . Standard Bearer . The laws of the Order having been read , and the minutes of
the last convocation having been read and confirmed , the following Grand Officers were appointed for the ensuing year : — E . Comp . Earl de Grey and Ripon II . „ Lord Sherborne J . „ Wm . Gray Clarke E . „ Wm . Pulteney Scott N .
„ Rev . A . F . A . Woodford P . Soj . „ Sir John Radcliffe 1 st Assist . Soj . „ J . ItanVm Stebbing 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; , Samuel Tomkins Treasurer . „ iEneas J . McIntyre Registrar . „ Henry Maudeslay Sword Bearer .
„ John Deighton , Standard Bearer . „ Wm . Young , Dir . of Cers , „ Chas . Payne Janitor . The following is the Committee of General Purposes for the ensuing- year : — E . Comp . Wm . Pulteney Scott , President ~ ) ,- . , -,, ¦ o • -a t ( rs onnnated by „ Benjamin Head > ,. __¦> A . A . LeNeati ) M > K ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ficult to supply Ins place . This I am bound to say is in a great measure true ; but when we examine into the merits of the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , I think we may fairly admit that the difficulty would in a great measure be removed , seeing that we might reasonably expect the Craft would elect him as their chief , should such an unwished-for circumstance occur . As a Mason of some standing and experience in the metropolisI can assure tho brethren of this province
, that whatever good feelings they may entertain towards their Provincial Grand Master , he is equally appreciated by the metropolitan brethren , and we sincerely hope that the Most AVorshipful Grand JIaster and the Deputy Grand Master may both bo spared to us for a long series of years , and enjoy the positions they now hold . I have this day had the pleasure ' of consecrating this lodge and installing the AVorshipful Master in the chair know him
. I to be a good and zealous Freemason , and feel assured that he will fulfil the duties which devolve on him with credit to himself and advantage to the lodge . The brother immediately on my right is , I believe , now in office , and I have but very recently had the pleasure of his acquaintance—I allude to the Right AA orshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Muster ( Bro . Bentley Shaw)—but from the short period I have enjoyed his acquaintance , and from the conversations we have had , I have no hesitation in saying that the Right Worshipful
Provincial Grand Master has made a good selection—that he has put the right man in the right place , and that he will satisfactorily fulfil all the duties which may devolve on him . I am extremely proud to see here on this occasion your Provincial Grand Secretary ( Bro . Nelson ) . He will , I am sure , continue to perform the duties of his office with the same degree of zeal and assiduity which he has hitherto done , and cannot fail to give universal satisfaction . I have enjoyed his acquaintance
for many years , and am extremely happy to number him amongst my friends . AVith regard to Bro . AVoodford , the Grand Chaplain , all that I can say in his praise would fall very short of his merits . I feel much obliged to him for the valuable assistance he has given to me , and take this opportunity of thanking him for the very able and impressive manner he performed the duties of Chaplain , and strongly recommend to your notice the
nreeepts enunciated b y him in his oration . And for myself , brethren , I cordially and sincerely thank you for the kind and flattering reception you have given to me , and the attention you have paid to the various ceremonies I have gone through , and hope to have the pleasure of meeting you again at no distant period . The next toast was " Brother Bentley Shaw , our newlyappointed Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . "
Bro . SHAW , on rising to return thanks , expressed himself highly pleased that he was enabled to he with them on this great occasion . He had learned much this day , and trusted that as he had now become acquainted with that eminent brother ( Bro . Wilson ) , he hoped the time would shortly come when that acquaintance would ripen into sincere and lasting friendship , and he hoped the brethren of the province would take heed what they had seenand emulate the excellent le which had
, examp that day been given them . To the AV . M . ( Bro , Denton ) he could not too warmly express his gratitude for the exertions he had used in establishing the Lodge 1001 , and for the able and skilful manner he had brought everything into such admirable working order ; it only proved what a master mind could do when bent on doing good . He , therefore , could not resume his seat without calling on the brethren to devote a bumper to his healthand
, long life and prosperity , which toast was drunk with every demonstration of cordial applause . The W . MASTEE , on rising to reply , thanked the . brethren for the very hearty manner in which they had responded to the toast of his health . He had but sue object in view—to do good to others , and assist his brethren b y ' imparting the little knowledge he bad obtained from his superiors . Looking at
the spread of Freemasonry in this vast province , it had made rapid strides within tho last half-dozen years ; the increase had heen eight lodges , being at the rate of 20 to 30 per cent . Indeed , so great was it , that he sometimes felt afraid it would become too unwieldy ; but so long as we have such a master mind at the head of the province as the Earl de Grey aud Ripon , assisted by so excellent a brother as our present Deputy Provincial
Grand Master , we have not much to fear . He would not take up their time , as there were still more toasts to be given , and as the time was drawing nigh when they must separate , " as time , tide , and train waited for no man , " he
would give them " The Health of the Officers of the Lodge , ' and he trusted that on the foundation laid this day they might hereafter raise a superstructure perfect in its parts , and honourable to the builder . This toast was replied to by Bro . WaicHlT , S . W ., in a short but effective speech . The W . MASTEB then gave " The Visitors" ling with it
, coup the name of Bro . R . R . Nelson , thanking them for their kindness in coming from such great distances as some of them had done , to assist in the dedication of this temple to the Groat Architect of the Universe . Bro . NEnsojr , P . D . Prov . G . M ., responded , thanking them very cordially for coupling his name with the last toast . How proud he felt in meeting so many old acquaintances ami brethren ,
he little thought of the hearty reception ho should meet with . To the AVorshipful Master of this lodge he would state that from the foundation laid this day , and from what he had seen , this lodge must one day or other become great and influential . For his part he should consider it his especial duty to aid , assist and do all in his power to make it become so . To his co-worker in the field of usefulness , and his old and esteemed friend Bro . Wilson , he could not find words to express his feelings , he
trusted that the time was not far distant before they should , meet again . It would he a strange piece of forgetfiihiess did he not mention the name of Bro . Rarasdeii , a member of the Manchester Lodge 179 , for the great assistance he had rendered to the ceremonies of this day by his excellent performance as organist , and also for the liberal contribution of his vocal powers , The time having been announced for the departure of the
special train , the brethren separated , well pleased with their clay's enjoyment , and trusting , as they had been present at the foundation , they might have many future opportunities of similar enjoyment .
Royal Arch.
GRAND CHAPTER . The quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter was held on Wednesday last , when there were present the M . E . Comp . the Earl of Zetland , Z . ; E . Comps . Rev . John Huyshe , as H . ; James Gibbs , P ? ov . G . Supt . Bombay , as J . ; AA'illiam Gray Clarke , E . ; R . AV . Jennings , as N . ; Algernon Perkins , as P . Soj . ; Revs . A . F . A . Woodford and G . W . K . Potter , Assist .
Sojs . ; B . Head , as S . B . ; McIntyre , G . Eeg . ; Coinps . Havers , P . N . ; F . Pattison , P . N . ; Bradford , P . Dir . of Cers . ; Le Veau , P . Dir . of Cers . ; Savage , P . S . B . ; Smith , P . Dir . of Cers . ; Scott , P . Assist . Soj . ; Bannister , Dir . of Cers . ; Gole , P . Standard Bearer ; Spiers , P . Standard Bearer . The laws of the Order having been read , and the minutes of
the last convocation having been read and confirmed , the following Grand Officers were appointed for the ensuing year : — E . Comp . Earl de Grey and Ripon II . „ Lord Sherborne J . „ Wm . Gray Clarke E . „ Wm . Pulteney Scott N .
„ Rev . A . F . A . Woodford P . Soj . „ Sir John Radcliffe 1 st Assist . Soj . „ J . ItanVm Stebbing 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; , Samuel Tomkins Treasurer . „ iEneas J . McIntyre Registrar . „ Henry Maudeslay Sword Bearer .
„ John Deighton , Standard Bearer . „ Wm . Young , Dir . of Cers , „ Chas . Payne Janitor . The following is the Committee of General Purposes for the ensuing- year : — E . Comp . Wm . Pulteney Scott , President ~ ) ,- . , -,, ¦ o • -a t ( rs onnnated by „ Benjamin Head > ,. __¦> A . A . LeNeati ) M > K ^