Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
13 . Comp . Thomas Gole , P . Z . No . 92 " | Joseph Smith , P . Z . No . 19 j ., John Savage , P . Z . No . 7 ; -r . i „„ L „ , i ., V , m . Young , P . Z . No . 11 f AVm . Beaumont , P . Z . No . 410 j Fred . Adlavd , P . Z . No . 214 ... J The report of the General Committee read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
The various alterations and amendments in " The Book of Regulations" were next read , and approved . Charters were granted to Comps . Charles James Banister as Z ., Frederick Williams Hayward as IT ., Thomas Blacklock as J ., and twelve others , for a chapter to he attached to the Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) , Carlisle , to be called the Union Chapter ; to
Comps . Charles Reynolds Rowe as Z ., William Lowe as H . John Kerridge as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge of St . Cuthberga ( No . 622 ) , IVitiibourne , Dorsetshire , to be called the Saint Cuthberga Chapter ; to Coinps . Thomas James as Z ., Horton Yates as H ., Michael Arthur Bass as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Abbey
Lodge ( No . 624 ) , Buvton-on-Treiit , in the comity of Stafford , to he called the Abbey Chapter ; and to Comps . Henry Wardle as 7 i ., Henry Naylor Bates as II ., James Daniel Oates as J ., and six others , for a clrapter to be attached to the St . James ' Lodge ( No . 448 ) , Halifax , Yorkshire , to be called the Chapter of Regularity .
A resolution was then moved to tho effect that much inconvenience being experienced in having the services of one clerk only available for entering returns , making out Eoyal Arch certificates , and assisting generally in the business of the Grand Chapter , they beg to recommend that a sum not exceeding £ 20 he allowed for tho year to Comp . Little , who is now employed as one of tho clerks in tho Grand Secretary's office .
Comp . J . SMITH moved an amendment that it be made a salary of £ 20 a year . This was seconded by Comp . STEBBIXG , and supported by Comp . J . SAVAGE ; but the original proposition was carried , it being stated by Comps . JuioaxiGS and MCINTYRE that the duties and salaries of the clerks in the Grand Secretary's office would shortly undergo supervision . The chapter was then closed , and the companions separated .
DUBLIN . SnAitsPEAHE LODGE ( NO . 143 ) . —The members of this lodge having postponed their ordinary banquet from the 13 th of April to the 23 rd , in order to celebrate the Tercentenary ofthe birthday of the immortal hard , AVilliam Shakspeare , met at Salt Hill Hotel on Saturday evening , the 23 rd ult . Covers wore laid for fifty . The dinner was served in the superior style for which Mr . Parry ' s house is so justly celebrated . The several
officers of the lodge and most of the members , in addition to the ordinary Masonic decorations , wore the Shakspeare Tercentenary badges , woven specially for the general jubilee by the weavers of Coventry , the device consisting of three parts—namely , the portrait of the poet , his birthplace , and the church in which be was buried . The table was ornamented in a suitable manner , including a bust of Shakspeare and illustration of bis works in Parian . Tho chair was ablfilled by Bro . John II . Richards
y , W . M ., and after the singing of " Non Nobis " and the " National Anthem , " both of which were given in splendid style , the usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The music of tbe evening included the following selections from the works of Shakspeare , the principal parts being taken by Messrs . Quinn , Dunne , Gray , Topham , O'Rorke , and \ A . Talbot , ably assisted in the choruses by several amateurs : — " 0 Happy Fair " ( Shield ); " What shall
he have that killed the deer" ( Bishop ); " When shall we three meet again " ( King ); "Locke ' s Music in Macbeth ; " "Sigh no more , ladies . " The Chairman in an able manner proposed " The Immortal Memory of Shakspeare , " after which the musical
brethren sang in first-rate style Stevens' charming quartette , "Tlie cloud-capped towers , " which was rapturously encored . The Deputy Grand Master , some others of the Grand Officers , besides several other distinguished guests were present on tho occasion ; and it will be long before those who were present will forget the happy and successful meeting in honour of the great poet , who existed not fov an age , but for all time .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . ST . Array's LODGE ( NO . 938 ) . —The monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms on Tuesday , April 19 th , Bio . Dr . Hopkins presiding as AA . M ., assisted by his Wardens . Bros . E . C . M . De Carteret aud Orange . Bro . Dm-ell occupied the chair of P . M ., and , in the unavoidable absence of the Deacons , their duties were most carefully performed hy Bro . Joseph Stevens . The minutes ofthe previous meeting having been read and
confirmed , the W . M . read a requisition for the initiation of Mr . Samuel Marsom Buttficld at seven days' notice . This was supported hy the Treasurer , and the name having been regularly inserted in the circular of summons , a ballot was taken which proved unanimous in his favour . The W . M . announced the receipt of the report of the proceedings at the last quarterly communication of Grand Lodge , and an invitation to be present at tho of laying the first stone of new Masonic Hall
ceremony in London . Some accounts were presented and ordered to be paid . The lodge was opened in tho second degree . Bro . Montagu , liaviiig passed a satisfactory examination , was entrusted and retired for preparation . The lodgo was opened in the 3 rd degree . On the re-introduction of the candidate , he was duly raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . by the A \ . M ., who also gave him the customary charge and the lecture on the third tracing board . The lodge was resumed in the 1 st degree . The
W . M . called the attention of the brethren to the handsome set of architectural columns for the lesser lights now brought into use for the first time , being a present from the late Chaplain , tho Rev . Jb \ De La Mare . A cordial vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to him for so generous a donation . The AV . M . read a circular announcing a mooting of the Provincial Grand Lodge on occasion of the consecration of the now Temple at St . Helier on May 27 th . The W . M . presented to the lodge a box of valuable Masonic documents , for which a vote of thanks was passed to him , and also the dies and
presses for the lodge seal and envelope stamp , selected from his designs , the cost of which was defrayed by the profits arising from the sale of a pamphlet he had recently published . —Mr . ButtfieW , having signed the declaration and been introduced properly prepared , was initiated into the Order by the AV . M ., who apologised for deferring the delivery of the charge and lecture on the tracing-hoard till the next meeting , on account of the unusual amount of business . The AA ' . M . presented to
him a copy of his lectures on Freemasonry on his own behalf , together with the " Book of Constitutions" and by-laws . On the proposition of the AV . il ., seconded hy tho J . AA ., Bro . E . C . II . de Carteret , S . AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . forthe ensuing year . Bros . C . Le Sueur and Bullen were respectively' re-elected Treasurer and Tyler . A committee , consisting of the Wardens and Deacons , was appointed to make arrangements for the anniversary banquet on May 17 th . The WM .
having inquired three several times , and no other business being brought forward , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and with solemn prayer , at half-past nine . A largo number of visitors being present , the refreshments were served in the lodge-room instead of the ono usually devoted to tho purpose . The usual loyal and JIasonic toasts were duly honoured , especially those of the M . W . elect , the newlyinitiated brotherthe WM . and the Visitors . Allien
, , introducing the toast of absent members , with which the names of the late Chaplain and Captain Smith were especially associated , the W . M . stated that he had received a most interesting letter from Bro . the llev . F . De la Mare , written after his arrival at the Mauritius , which ho read to the members present , as it contained kind messages and exhortations to them . The brethren separated at half-past ten , after having spent a most
delightful evening . Among the visitors were Bro . Lyon , P . Prov . S-G-AA . for Surrey , Past Masters Drs . Blood , Kitchener , and several other brethren of distinction . LODGE LA CESASEE ( No . 5 S 0 . )—At the regular monthly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
13 . Comp . Thomas Gole , P . Z . No . 92 " | Joseph Smith , P . Z . No . 19 j ., John Savage , P . Z . No . 7 ; -r . i „„ L „ , i ., V , m . Young , P . Z . No . 11 f AVm . Beaumont , P . Z . No . 410 j Fred . Adlavd , P . Z . No . 214 ... J The report of the General Committee read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
The various alterations and amendments in " The Book of Regulations" were next read , and approved . Charters were granted to Comps . Charles James Banister as Z ., Frederick Williams Hayward as IT ., Thomas Blacklock as J ., and twelve others , for a chapter to he attached to the Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) , Carlisle , to be called the Union Chapter ; to
Comps . Charles Reynolds Rowe as Z ., William Lowe as H . John Kerridge as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge of St . Cuthberga ( No . 622 ) , IVitiibourne , Dorsetshire , to be called the Saint Cuthberga Chapter ; to Coinps . Thomas James as Z ., Horton Yates as H ., Michael Arthur Bass as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Abbey
Lodge ( No . 624 ) , Buvton-on-Treiit , in the comity of Stafford , to he called the Abbey Chapter ; and to Comps . Henry Wardle as 7 i ., Henry Naylor Bates as II ., James Daniel Oates as J ., and six others , for a clrapter to be attached to the St . James ' Lodge ( No . 448 ) , Halifax , Yorkshire , to be called the Chapter of Regularity .
A resolution was then moved to tho effect that much inconvenience being experienced in having the services of one clerk only available for entering returns , making out Eoyal Arch certificates , and assisting generally in the business of the Grand Chapter , they beg to recommend that a sum not exceeding £ 20 he allowed for tho year to Comp . Little , who is now employed as one of tho clerks in tho Grand Secretary's office .
Comp . J . SMITH moved an amendment that it be made a salary of £ 20 a year . This was seconded by Comp . STEBBIXG , and supported by Comp . J . SAVAGE ; but the original proposition was carried , it being stated by Comps . JuioaxiGS and MCINTYRE that the duties and salaries of the clerks in the Grand Secretary's office would shortly undergo supervision . The chapter was then closed , and the companions separated .
DUBLIN . SnAitsPEAHE LODGE ( NO . 143 ) . —The members of this lodge having postponed their ordinary banquet from the 13 th of April to the 23 rd , in order to celebrate the Tercentenary ofthe birthday of the immortal hard , AVilliam Shakspeare , met at Salt Hill Hotel on Saturday evening , the 23 rd ult . Covers wore laid for fifty . The dinner was served in the superior style for which Mr . Parry ' s house is so justly celebrated . The several
officers of the lodge and most of the members , in addition to the ordinary Masonic decorations , wore the Shakspeare Tercentenary badges , woven specially for the general jubilee by the weavers of Coventry , the device consisting of three parts—namely , the portrait of the poet , his birthplace , and the church in which be was buried . The table was ornamented in a suitable manner , including a bust of Shakspeare and illustration of bis works in Parian . Tho chair was ablfilled by Bro . John II . Richards
y , W . M ., and after the singing of " Non Nobis " and the " National Anthem , " both of which were given in splendid style , the usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The music of tbe evening included the following selections from the works of Shakspeare , the principal parts being taken by Messrs . Quinn , Dunne , Gray , Topham , O'Rorke , and \ A . Talbot , ably assisted in the choruses by several amateurs : — " 0 Happy Fair " ( Shield ); " What shall
he have that killed the deer" ( Bishop ); " When shall we three meet again " ( King ); "Locke ' s Music in Macbeth ; " "Sigh no more , ladies . " The Chairman in an able manner proposed " The Immortal Memory of Shakspeare , " after which the musical
brethren sang in first-rate style Stevens' charming quartette , "Tlie cloud-capped towers , " which was rapturously encored . The Deputy Grand Master , some others of the Grand Officers , besides several other distinguished guests were present on tho occasion ; and it will be long before those who were present will forget the happy and successful meeting in honour of the great poet , who existed not fov an age , but for all time .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . ST . Array's LODGE ( NO . 938 ) . —The monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms on Tuesday , April 19 th , Bio . Dr . Hopkins presiding as AA . M ., assisted by his Wardens . Bros . E . C . M . De Carteret aud Orange . Bro . Dm-ell occupied the chair of P . M ., and , in the unavoidable absence of the Deacons , their duties were most carefully performed hy Bro . Joseph Stevens . The minutes ofthe previous meeting having been read and
confirmed , the W . M . read a requisition for the initiation of Mr . Samuel Marsom Buttficld at seven days' notice . This was supported hy the Treasurer , and the name having been regularly inserted in the circular of summons , a ballot was taken which proved unanimous in his favour . The W . M . announced the receipt of the report of the proceedings at the last quarterly communication of Grand Lodge , and an invitation to be present at tho of laying the first stone of new Masonic Hall
ceremony in London . Some accounts were presented and ordered to be paid . The lodge was opened in tho second degree . Bro . Montagu , liaviiig passed a satisfactory examination , was entrusted and retired for preparation . The lodgo was opened in the 3 rd degree . On the re-introduction of the candidate , he was duly raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . by the A \ . M ., who also gave him the customary charge and the lecture on the third tracing board . The lodge was resumed in the 1 st degree . The
W . M . called the attention of the brethren to the handsome set of architectural columns for the lesser lights now brought into use for the first time , being a present from the late Chaplain , tho Rev . Jb \ De La Mare . A cordial vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to him for so generous a donation . The AV . M . read a circular announcing a mooting of the Provincial Grand Lodge on occasion of the consecration of the now Temple at St . Helier on May 27 th . The W . M . presented to the lodge a box of valuable Masonic documents , for which a vote of thanks was passed to him , and also the dies and
presses for the lodge seal and envelope stamp , selected from his designs , the cost of which was defrayed by the profits arising from the sale of a pamphlet he had recently published . —Mr . ButtfieW , having signed the declaration and been introduced properly prepared , was initiated into the Order by the AV . M ., who apologised for deferring the delivery of the charge and lecture on the tracing-hoard till the next meeting , on account of the unusual amount of business . The AA ' . M . presented to
him a copy of his lectures on Freemasonry on his own behalf , together with the " Book of Constitutions" and by-laws . On the proposition of the AV . il ., seconded hy tho J . AA ., Bro . E . C . II . de Carteret , S . AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . forthe ensuing year . Bros . C . Le Sueur and Bullen were respectively' re-elected Treasurer and Tyler . A committee , consisting of the Wardens and Deacons , was appointed to make arrangements for the anniversary banquet on May 17 th . The WM .
having inquired three several times , and no other business being brought forward , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and with solemn prayer , at half-past nine . A largo number of visitors being present , the refreshments were served in the lodge-room instead of the ono usually devoted to tho purpose . The usual loyal and JIasonic toasts were duly honoured , especially those of the M . W . elect , the newlyinitiated brotherthe WM . and the Visitors . Allien
, , introducing the toast of absent members , with which the names of the late Chaplain and Captain Smith were especially associated , the W . M . stated that he had received a most interesting letter from Bro . the llev . F . De la Mare , written after his arrival at the Mauritius , which ho read to the members present , as it contained kind messages and exhortations to them . The brethren separated at half-past ten , after having spent a most
delightful evening . Among the visitors were Bro . Lyon , P . Prov . S-G-AA . for Surrey , Past Masters Drs . Blood , Kitchener , and several other brethren of distinction . LODGE LA CESASEE ( No . 5 S 0 . )—At the regular monthly