Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Channel Islands.
meeting held on Thursday , April 2 Sth , the lodge was opened at six n . in ., by Bro . J . Din-ell , \ A . M . Bro . Dr . Hopkins occuoied the chair of I . ' pM ., Bro . Binet , P . M ., that of S . AV ., and Ilro . P . K . La Sueur was in his place as J . W . The minutes of the previous meeting were road aud confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . Captain F . Cr . Renouf as a joining member , which was unanimous in his favour ; as was also the ballot for Mr . P . Le Vesconte , a candidate for initiation . Bros . Pixley and P . Bencst were
brought up for examination as to their proficiency , and having been duly . ' entrusted , retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when these brethren were re-admitted and passed to the degree of F . C . hy the AA . M ., with his usual ability , who also gave them the charge and the explanation of the secondjiraoiiig board . The lodge was closed in the second degree . In the prospect of removal to the new temple , a portion of the furniture
was some months ago disposed of , and , therefore , the lodge had been indebted to others for the loan of theirs temporarily to supply its place . ' As this was the last meeting which would be held in the present locality , on the proposition of the W . M . and acting I . P . M ., votes of thanks were passed to the Royal Sussex , Mechanics , and Justice Lodges for their kindness . Mr . Le Vesconte was introduced , properly prepared , and after having been duly initiated , received the charge on the first degree from
the W . M . By this time about 80 brethren were present , who were addressed hy Bro . Durell , AA . M ., in terms expressive of his gratitude for the honour conferred upon him during the past two years , and for the kindness with which his efforts in the
chair had been received by the members of the lodge , with a hope that the same favour would he extended to his successor , for whom a ballot must now bo taken . Having directed voting lists , containing the names of nineteen brethren who were eligible to be placed in the hands of the members , he proposed Bro . C . Le Sueur , whose absence on this evening was caused by an unfortunate accident , to fill the chair of the lodge during tbe coining ing his claims on account of his
year , urg admirable conduct in the chair of S . AA ., and expressing a hope that the vote would be unanimous . Bro . Schmitt , P . M . - seconded the proposition , speaking in high terms of the capabilities of the S . AV . The ballot was then taken , which was , without exception , in favour of Bro . C . Le Sueur . Bro . Goupillot was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . H . Du Jardin Tyler , The lodgo was closed at a quarter to nineand a large partsat
, y down for refreshment . A most interesting letter from the late Chaplain , tho Rev . Bro . F . De La Mare , to tho AA ^ . M . was read , containing many kind messages to the brethren , and describing his cordial reception by the Masons at the Mauritius , which he attributed entirely to tho notices of him in connection with Lodges La Cesaree and St . Aubin iu the FUEEIIASOSS' MAGAZINEcontributed by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . This called forth a
, toast in honour of the Masonic Press , with which was associated the name of that brother , who duly acknowledged it . Many other toasts were given and responded to , among which stood prominent the AA . M ., the AA . M . elect , the late Chaplain , the newly-initiated Brother . Harmony and kind feeling prevailed as usual , and the l > arty broke up in good time .
The following is the programme of the order of proceedings to bo adopted at the consecration of the new temple on May 25 th . On this important occasion , it is hoped that some brethren from English lodges will endeavour to be present , as there is now a mail steam-boat to Jersey daily , either from Southampton or Weymouth . A Provincial Grand Lodge will be holden on AVednesday 25 th day of May 1864 at 10 . 30 a . m . in the building known b
, , , y the name of the Masonic Temple , Stopford-roatl , St . Holier , for the purpose of dedicating that building , in accordance with ancient custom . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened in due form in the room appropriated to Royal Arch Masonry .
A procession will be formed in the following order , viz .: — - The Past Masters of Prince of AVales Lodge , two-and-two . The Junior and Senior AVardens . The Worshipful Master . The St . Aubin ' s Lodge , " ) Eoyal Alfred Lodge , I Cesaree Lodge , [ Samares Lodge , } -In the same ordei Royal Sussex Lodge , Mechanics Lodge , | Yarborough Lodge , J
Past Provincial Grand Pursuivant . Provincial Grand Pursuivant . Past Provincial Grand Organist . Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearers . Provincial Grand Superintendent of AVorks . Past Provincial Grand Deacons . Past Provincial Grand Secretaries .
Provincial Grand Secretary , with Book of Constitutions . Past Provincial Grand Registrars . Provincial Grand Registrar Past Provincial Grand Treasurer . Provincial Grand Treasurer . Past Provincial Grand Wardens . A Brother , bearing a 'Cornucopia with Corn . Two Brotherswith Ewers containing Wine and Oil .
, A Brother , with a Censer . The Provincial Grand Chaplains , the Senior carrying the Sacred Law on a Cushion , Square and Compasses thereon . Provincial Junior Grand Warden , with Plumb Rule . The Provincial Junior Grand Deacon , with AA and . Visitors of Distinction . Deputy Provincial Grand Master , with Square . A Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden , carrying the Trowel
used at the laying : of the Foundation Stone . A Past Senior Warden , with the Mallet used at the laying of tho Foundation Stone . Tho Provincial Grand Sword Bearer with Sword of State . Provincial Director 7 The Eight Worshipful ( Assist . Director of Ceremonies . J the Provincial G . Master , t of Ceremonies . Provincial Senior Grand Deacon . The Provincial Grand Stewardstwo-and-two .
, Grand Tyler . The procession will enter the dedication room , and open right and left . The Prov . G . M . will enter preceded by the Prov . G . Stewards and Prov . G . Sword Bearer . On the Prov . G . Master being announced by the Dir . of Cers ., the brothers who have previously taken their places , will rise and a voluntary will be played on the organ .
AVhen the Prov . G . M . and members of Provincial Grand Lodge shall have taken their seats , a prayer shall be offered up by the Prov . G . Chap ., followed by an ode or hymn ( Masonic ) . The vessels containing corn , wine , and oil , are placed on the pedestal . The Prov . G . Supt . addressing the Prov . G . M ., returns thanks for tbe honour conferred upon him , and surrenders up the implements which have been entrusted to his care at laying of the
foundation-stone . The Prov . G . M . expresses his approbation on the architect's conduct . The Secretary ofthe Masonic Temple will give an outline of the proceedings connected with the temple since the laying of the foundation-stone .
The Prov . G . M . will read the 2 nd chapter of the 2 nd Book of Chronicles , 1 st verse to llth . 132 nd Psalm will be chanted . A prayer will be offered up by the Prov . G . Chap . The Prov . G . M . will proceed from the east towards west , accompanied by the D . Prov . G . M ., the two AVardens , Dir . of Cers ., his Assistant and Sword Bearer , preceded by the Prov . G-. Stewards , the organ playing , and on the Prov . G . M . again ,
reaching tbe east , the organ is silent , and he proclaims the temple dedicated to Freemasonry . After the usual prayer by the Prov . G . M ., the choir will give the usual response . The Prov . G . M . will again proceed to the west , the organ playing . On the Prov . GJsl . 's arrival in the west , tho organ will cease , ho will declare the temple dedicated to virtue and piety ; after the usual prayer the choir will chant tbe usual
response . The Prov . G . M . accompanied as before will proceed to the south , the organ ' playing ; on arriving in the south the organ will cease . The Prov . G . M . will proclaim the temple dedicated to universal benevolence . After the prayer by the Prov . G . M ., the choir will chant the response . The Prov . G . M ., accompanied as before , proceeds three times from east to westburning incensethe choir will chant a solemn
, , hymn . The Wardens , accompanied by the Sivord Bearer will conduct the Prov . G . M . to his seat , the AA ardeus , & c , & c , will resume their seats . The Prov . G . M . will read the 6 th chapter of the 2 nd Book of Chronicles .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
meeting held on Thursday , April 2 Sth , the lodge was opened at six n . in ., by Bro . J . Din-ell , \ A . M . Bro . Dr . Hopkins occuoied the chair of I . ' pM ., Bro . Binet , P . M ., that of S . AV ., and Ilro . P . K . La Sueur was in his place as J . W . The minutes of the previous meeting were road aud confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . Captain F . Cr . Renouf as a joining member , which was unanimous in his favour ; as was also the ballot for Mr . P . Le Vesconte , a candidate for initiation . Bros . Pixley and P . Bencst were
brought up for examination as to their proficiency , and having been duly . ' entrusted , retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when these brethren were re-admitted and passed to the degree of F . C . hy the AA . M ., with his usual ability , who also gave them the charge and the explanation of the secondjiraoiiig board . The lodge was closed in the second degree . In the prospect of removal to the new temple , a portion of the furniture
was some months ago disposed of , and , therefore , the lodge had been indebted to others for the loan of theirs temporarily to supply its place . ' As this was the last meeting which would be held in the present locality , on the proposition of the W . M . and acting I . P . M ., votes of thanks were passed to the Royal Sussex , Mechanics , and Justice Lodges for their kindness . Mr . Le Vesconte was introduced , properly prepared , and after having been duly initiated , received the charge on the first degree from
the W . M . By this time about 80 brethren were present , who were addressed hy Bro . Durell , AA . M ., in terms expressive of his gratitude for the honour conferred upon him during the past two years , and for the kindness with which his efforts in the
chair had been received by the members of the lodge , with a hope that the same favour would he extended to his successor , for whom a ballot must now bo taken . Having directed voting lists , containing the names of nineteen brethren who were eligible to be placed in the hands of the members , he proposed Bro . C . Le Sueur , whose absence on this evening was caused by an unfortunate accident , to fill the chair of the lodge during tbe coining ing his claims on account of his
year , urg admirable conduct in the chair of S . AA ., and expressing a hope that the vote would be unanimous . Bro . Schmitt , P . M . - seconded the proposition , speaking in high terms of the capabilities of the S . AV . The ballot was then taken , which was , without exception , in favour of Bro . C . Le Sueur . Bro . Goupillot was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . H . Du Jardin Tyler , The lodgo was closed at a quarter to nineand a large partsat
, y down for refreshment . A most interesting letter from the late Chaplain , tho Rev . Bro . F . De La Mare , to tho AA ^ . M . was read , containing many kind messages to the brethren , and describing his cordial reception by the Masons at the Mauritius , which he attributed entirely to tho notices of him in connection with Lodges La Cesaree and St . Aubin iu the FUEEIIASOSS' MAGAZINEcontributed by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . This called forth a
, toast in honour of the Masonic Press , with which was associated the name of that brother , who duly acknowledged it . Many other toasts were given and responded to , among which stood prominent the AA . M ., the AA . M . elect , the late Chaplain , the newly-initiated Brother . Harmony and kind feeling prevailed as usual , and the l > arty broke up in good time .
The following is the programme of the order of proceedings to bo adopted at the consecration of the new temple on May 25 th . On this important occasion , it is hoped that some brethren from English lodges will endeavour to be present , as there is now a mail steam-boat to Jersey daily , either from Southampton or Weymouth . A Provincial Grand Lodge will be holden on AVednesday 25 th day of May 1864 at 10 . 30 a . m . in the building known b
, , , y the name of the Masonic Temple , Stopford-roatl , St . Holier , for the purpose of dedicating that building , in accordance with ancient custom . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened in due form in the room appropriated to Royal Arch Masonry .
A procession will be formed in the following order , viz .: — - The Past Masters of Prince of AVales Lodge , two-and-two . The Junior and Senior AVardens . The Worshipful Master . The St . Aubin ' s Lodge , " ) Eoyal Alfred Lodge , I Cesaree Lodge , [ Samares Lodge , } -In the same ordei Royal Sussex Lodge , Mechanics Lodge , | Yarborough Lodge , J
Past Provincial Grand Pursuivant . Provincial Grand Pursuivant . Past Provincial Grand Organist . Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearers . Provincial Grand Superintendent of AVorks . Past Provincial Grand Deacons . Past Provincial Grand Secretaries .
Provincial Grand Secretary , with Book of Constitutions . Past Provincial Grand Registrars . Provincial Grand Registrar Past Provincial Grand Treasurer . Provincial Grand Treasurer . Past Provincial Grand Wardens . A Brother , bearing a 'Cornucopia with Corn . Two Brotherswith Ewers containing Wine and Oil .
, A Brother , with a Censer . The Provincial Grand Chaplains , the Senior carrying the Sacred Law on a Cushion , Square and Compasses thereon . Provincial Junior Grand Warden , with Plumb Rule . The Provincial Junior Grand Deacon , with AA and . Visitors of Distinction . Deputy Provincial Grand Master , with Square . A Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden , carrying the Trowel
used at the laying : of the Foundation Stone . A Past Senior Warden , with the Mallet used at the laying of tho Foundation Stone . Tho Provincial Grand Sword Bearer with Sword of State . Provincial Director 7 The Eight Worshipful ( Assist . Director of Ceremonies . J the Provincial G . Master , t of Ceremonies . Provincial Senior Grand Deacon . The Provincial Grand Stewardstwo-and-two .
, Grand Tyler . The procession will enter the dedication room , and open right and left . The Prov . G . M . will enter preceded by the Prov . G . Stewards and Prov . G . Sword Bearer . On the Prov . G . Master being announced by the Dir . of Cers ., the brothers who have previously taken their places , will rise and a voluntary will be played on the organ .
AVhen the Prov . G . M . and members of Provincial Grand Lodge shall have taken their seats , a prayer shall be offered up by the Prov . G . Chap ., followed by an ode or hymn ( Masonic ) . The vessels containing corn , wine , and oil , are placed on the pedestal . The Prov . G . Supt . addressing the Prov . G . M ., returns thanks for tbe honour conferred upon him , and surrenders up the implements which have been entrusted to his care at laying of the
foundation-stone . The Prov . G . M . expresses his approbation on the architect's conduct . The Secretary ofthe Masonic Temple will give an outline of the proceedings connected with the temple since the laying of the foundation-stone .
The Prov . G . M . will read the 2 nd chapter of the 2 nd Book of Chronicles , 1 st verse to llth . 132 nd Psalm will be chanted . A prayer will be offered up by the Prov . G . Chap . The Prov . G . M . will proceed from the east towards west , accompanied by the D . Prov . G . M ., the two AVardens , Dir . of Cers ., his Assistant and Sword Bearer , preceded by the Prov . G-. Stewards , the organ playing , and on the Prov . G . M . again ,
reaching tbe east , the organ is silent , and he proclaims the temple dedicated to Freemasonry . After the usual prayer by the Prov . G . M ., the choir will give the usual response . The Prov . G . M . will again proceed to the west , the organ playing . On the Prov . GJsl . 's arrival in the west , tho organ will cease , ho will declare the temple dedicated to virtue and piety ; after the usual prayer the choir will chant tbe usual
response . The Prov . G . M . accompanied as before will proceed to the south , the organ ' playing ; on arriving in the south the organ will cease . The Prov . G . M . will proclaim the temple dedicated to universal benevolence . After the prayer by the Prov . G . M ., the choir will chant the response . The Prov . G . M ., accompanied as before , proceeds three times from east to westburning incensethe choir will chant a solemn
, , hymn . The Wardens , accompanied by the Sivord Bearer will conduct the Prov . G . M . to his seat , the AA ardeus , & c , & c , will resume their seats . The Prov . G . M . will read the 6 th chapter of the 2 nd Book of Chronicles .