Article AUSTRALIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article AUSTRALIA. Page 2 of 2 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1
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also the buildings of the existing city , and will one day be the centre of the wealthy metropolis of one of the freest and most prosperous communities in the world . Meanwhile , I trust that a want long felt here will now be speedily supplied—that , I mean , of offices sufficient for the transaction of the increasing business of the municipality , and of a spacious chamber for public meetings , public entertainments , musical concerts , and other social gatherings . In that hall the citizens of Brisbane
will often exercise their undoubted rights , as British subjects , to criticise the public conduct of all public men whatsoever ; while Lady Boweu and I will always feel pleasure in meeting there all political parties and all social classes , on the neutral ground of art , science , and literature . " Mr . Mayor and Gentlemen , —! feel that I have already detained you too long ; hut a ceremony like that in which we are engaged not unnaturally suggests a glance both behind and
before us . It is easy to foresee that the men who , in their different spheres , ' as chief officers of government , members of the legislative , or members of municipalities , have taken a prominent and successful part in the foundation of the social fabric of this city and colony ; and who , under the blessing of Providence , have already raised Queensland to so high a pitch of prosperity and-reputation . It is easy , I say , to foresee that these men will fill an honourable place iu the annals of Australia , long after all political passions and all personal rivalries of the present- day shall have been forgotten . The time will
come when all who are now gathered around me will have passed away , and a new generation will have arisen—educated in the schools which the men of this generation have founded ; governed by the wise anil moderate laws ivhieli they hare enacted ; enjoying the advantages of the public works and institutions which they have established ; enriched by the commerce , the trade , and the agriculture of which they have fostered the beginnings . Perhaps the leading men of that
future generation , meeting in this very hall , may one day commemorate the names of some of us who are heie this evening , as a free and civilised people , honour its early benefactors . Meanwhile , let us all work on in our separate fields of duty , unmoved alike by popular favour or by popular clamour ; each man acting according to the dictates of his own conscience , and with a single and earnest view to the general welfare . " G . F . BOWEN - , Governor . "
His Excellency having resumed his seat , the MAY on requested the Provincial Grand Master of the Freemasons to lay the stone according to the usage of tho Order . The PEOV . G . MASTER answered that ho would proceed in accordance with the pristine usage of the Order . Under the direction of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . AA . Boyce , the foundation-stone was suspended above the excavated foundation wherein it was to be deposited , and there held steady . In the excavation was a rough hewn block , in the face of which were the copper plates fitted , bearing this inscription : —¦
This First Stone of this building , Erected by the unaided efforts of the municipality of Brisbane , And designed not only for the transaction of Corporate affairs , but tending as an ornament to the City , and a Centre of Commerce , was laid On the 2 Sth day of January , 1864 , In the 27 th year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty , Queen Victoria
, Sir George Ferguson Bowen , K . G . M . G ., being Governor , And during the Mayoralty of George Edmondstone . ALDEEMEM-. Joshua Jeays , W . Pcttigrew , John Jones , Arthur Martin , T . B . Stephens , A . J . Hockiugs , P . Mayne , AV . Brookes .
Thomas Dowse , Town Clerk . AVilliam Coote , Architect . The GEAXD CHAPZAIS - read from the Bible the passages usual on such occasions , commencing , " Except the Lord build the house , " the brethren responding to it at the end of each verse , "So mote it be . " The Grand Treasurer deposited the flask , the Grand Architect read the inscription , which read thus . — This foundation stone of the Town Hall of Brisbane , was laid
in due and ancient form , by Augustus Charles Gregory , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master of Queensland , E . C , Assisted by William Martin Boyce , Esq ., D . Prov , G . M . William James Munce , Esq ., Prov . S . G . AV .
John Malbono Thompson , Esq ., Prov . J . G . W ., And other Provincial Grand Officers , with the Worshipful Masters and AA ardens of the following lodges : — North Australian Lodge ( No . 976 ) , E . G . Queensland Lodge ( No . 921 ) , E . C . Prince of AVales Lodge ( No . 908 ) , E . C . Brisbane , Queensland . January 23 , 1 S 64 , A . D .
5864 , A . E . ( i . s . ) A . C . Gregory , Prov . G . M . Wm . Boyce , D . Prov . G . M . AV . Borlase Stevens , Prov . G . Secretary . The mortar was spread and instruction given hy the D . Prov . G . M . to use it so that it should bind , and the further order to lower the stone by three stops on to its bed . At each
stop the fraternity gave a lusty cheer , and the J . G . W . reported the stone plumb , the S . G . W . that it was level , and the D . Prov . G . M . that it was square , the Prov . G . M . having received the plan of the building , which he examined , and the mallet , with which he tried the stone three times , he directed the emblematic corn , oil , and wine to be poured out upon the stone , and then declared it be well and truly laidto which the
, brethren responded , "So mote it be , " the Prov . G . M . completing the ceremony by delivering the plans to the architect complimenting him on his work , and expressing a kindly wish for its completion . The MAXOK , in the name of the corporation , requested that his Excellency the Governor would proceed to conclude the ceremony , and presented him with a silver trowel , inscribed
with the usual complimentary reference to the occasion . His Excellency then tapped the stone with the trowel , and said , "ilr . JIayor and gentlemen , I declare this foundationstone of the Town Hall of Brisbane to be well and truly laid . " Three hearty cheers were given for the Governor , and three more for Lady Bowen and tho " olive branches . " The brethren then gave a " Masonic cheer" for Lady Bowen , to which her ladyship bowed acknowledgment .
Champagne being uncorked , his Excellency pledged , " Prosperity to the city of Brisbane , and health and long life to the Mayor and Corporation . " At the call of Mr . Pring , three cheers were given for the Mayor and Corporation , and one more for the Mayor , at the call of the Governor . The MAYOK responded iu appropriate terms to the compliment paid to him by his Excellencyand thanked him for the
, part ho had taken in the ceremony of that auspicious day . The vice-regal party departed , the Mayor and Aldermen conducting them to the gate of the reserve . The volunteers presented arms , the band played the National Anthem , and the assemblage speedily dispersed , well pleased with the scene they had witnessed . —North Australian of Feb . 16 .
( From tlie Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) MASONIC MEMS . We have been informed of the death of Prince Mahomed Julalood-deen , of the Tippoo family , a member of one of the Calcutta lodges . The arrival of Maharajah Duleep Sing , who was initiated in
Lodge Star in the East , Calcutta , and has lately received the honorary rank of Junior Grand Warden , from the Earl of Zetland , may shortly be expected in England . CAAVNPORE . LODGE HAHiroXT . —A visitor at Cawnpore writes as follows : —
" On the invitation of the Master , Bro . Allen , I visited Lodge Harmony the other night , with two other brethren , and was much pleased with the appearance of the lodge rooms , although there are certain American superfluities , in the shape of symbols , & c , which might advantageously be disposed with . Bro . Allen is heartily anxious for the establishment of the lodge on a proper basis , and he expects the aid of some of the brethren of the 2 nd Bays , a detachment of that regiment having lately been moved from Benares to Cawnpore .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
also the buildings of the existing city , and will one day be the centre of the wealthy metropolis of one of the freest and most prosperous communities in the world . Meanwhile , I trust that a want long felt here will now be speedily supplied—that , I mean , of offices sufficient for the transaction of the increasing business of the municipality , and of a spacious chamber for public meetings , public entertainments , musical concerts , and other social gatherings . In that hall the citizens of Brisbane
will often exercise their undoubted rights , as British subjects , to criticise the public conduct of all public men whatsoever ; while Lady Boweu and I will always feel pleasure in meeting there all political parties and all social classes , on the neutral ground of art , science , and literature . " Mr . Mayor and Gentlemen , —! feel that I have already detained you too long ; hut a ceremony like that in which we are engaged not unnaturally suggests a glance both behind and
before us . It is easy to foresee that the men who , in their different spheres , ' as chief officers of government , members of the legislative , or members of municipalities , have taken a prominent and successful part in the foundation of the social fabric of this city and colony ; and who , under the blessing of Providence , have already raised Queensland to so high a pitch of prosperity and-reputation . It is easy , I say , to foresee that these men will fill an honourable place iu the annals of Australia , long after all political passions and all personal rivalries of the present- day shall have been forgotten . The time will
come when all who are now gathered around me will have passed away , and a new generation will have arisen—educated in the schools which the men of this generation have founded ; governed by the wise anil moderate laws ivhieli they hare enacted ; enjoying the advantages of the public works and institutions which they have established ; enriched by the commerce , the trade , and the agriculture of which they have fostered the beginnings . Perhaps the leading men of that
future generation , meeting in this very hall , may one day commemorate the names of some of us who are heie this evening , as a free and civilised people , honour its early benefactors . Meanwhile , let us all work on in our separate fields of duty , unmoved alike by popular favour or by popular clamour ; each man acting according to the dictates of his own conscience , and with a single and earnest view to the general welfare . " G . F . BOWEN - , Governor . "
His Excellency having resumed his seat , the MAY on requested the Provincial Grand Master of the Freemasons to lay the stone according to the usage of tho Order . The PEOV . G . MASTER answered that ho would proceed in accordance with the pristine usage of the Order . Under the direction of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . AA . Boyce , the foundation-stone was suspended above the excavated foundation wherein it was to be deposited , and there held steady . In the excavation was a rough hewn block , in the face of which were the copper plates fitted , bearing this inscription : —¦
This First Stone of this building , Erected by the unaided efforts of the municipality of Brisbane , And designed not only for the transaction of Corporate affairs , but tending as an ornament to the City , and a Centre of Commerce , was laid On the 2 Sth day of January , 1864 , In the 27 th year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty , Queen Victoria
, Sir George Ferguson Bowen , K . G . M . G ., being Governor , And during the Mayoralty of George Edmondstone . ALDEEMEM-. Joshua Jeays , W . Pcttigrew , John Jones , Arthur Martin , T . B . Stephens , A . J . Hockiugs , P . Mayne , AV . Brookes .
Thomas Dowse , Town Clerk . AVilliam Coote , Architect . The GEAXD CHAPZAIS - read from the Bible the passages usual on such occasions , commencing , " Except the Lord build the house , " the brethren responding to it at the end of each verse , "So mote it be . " The Grand Treasurer deposited the flask , the Grand Architect read the inscription , which read thus . — This foundation stone of the Town Hall of Brisbane , was laid
in due and ancient form , by Augustus Charles Gregory , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master of Queensland , E . C , Assisted by William Martin Boyce , Esq ., D . Prov , G . M . William James Munce , Esq ., Prov . S . G . AV .
John Malbono Thompson , Esq ., Prov . J . G . W ., And other Provincial Grand Officers , with the Worshipful Masters and AA ardens of the following lodges : — North Australian Lodge ( No . 976 ) , E . G . Queensland Lodge ( No . 921 ) , E . C . Prince of AVales Lodge ( No . 908 ) , E . C . Brisbane , Queensland . January 23 , 1 S 64 , A . D .
5864 , A . E . ( i . s . ) A . C . Gregory , Prov . G . M . Wm . Boyce , D . Prov . G . M . AV . Borlase Stevens , Prov . G . Secretary . The mortar was spread and instruction given hy the D . Prov . G . M . to use it so that it should bind , and the further order to lower the stone by three stops on to its bed . At each
stop the fraternity gave a lusty cheer , and the J . G . W . reported the stone plumb , the S . G . W . that it was level , and the D . Prov . G . M . that it was square , the Prov . G . M . having received the plan of the building , which he examined , and the mallet , with which he tried the stone three times , he directed the emblematic corn , oil , and wine to be poured out upon the stone , and then declared it be well and truly laidto which the
, brethren responded , "So mote it be , " the Prov . G . M . completing the ceremony by delivering the plans to the architect complimenting him on his work , and expressing a kindly wish for its completion . The MAXOK , in the name of the corporation , requested that his Excellency the Governor would proceed to conclude the ceremony , and presented him with a silver trowel , inscribed
with the usual complimentary reference to the occasion . His Excellency then tapped the stone with the trowel , and said , "ilr . JIayor and gentlemen , I declare this foundationstone of the Town Hall of Brisbane to be well and truly laid . " Three hearty cheers were given for the Governor , and three more for Lady Bowen and tho " olive branches . " The brethren then gave a " Masonic cheer" for Lady Bowen , to which her ladyship bowed acknowledgment .
Champagne being uncorked , his Excellency pledged , " Prosperity to the city of Brisbane , and health and long life to the Mayor and Corporation . " At the call of Mr . Pring , three cheers were given for the Mayor and Corporation , and one more for the Mayor , at the call of the Governor . The MAYOK responded iu appropriate terms to the compliment paid to him by his Excellencyand thanked him for the
, part ho had taken in the ceremony of that auspicious day . The vice-regal party departed , the Mayor and Aldermen conducting them to the gate of the reserve . The volunteers presented arms , the band played the National Anthem , and the assemblage speedily dispersed , well pleased with the scene they had witnessed . —North Australian of Feb . 16 .
( From tlie Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) MASONIC MEMS . We have been informed of the death of Prince Mahomed Julalood-deen , of the Tippoo family , a member of one of the Calcutta lodges . The arrival of Maharajah Duleep Sing , who was initiated in
Lodge Star in the East , Calcutta , and has lately received the honorary rank of Junior Grand Warden , from the Earl of Zetland , may shortly be expected in England . CAAVNPORE . LODGE HAHiroXT . —A visitor at Cawnpore writes as follows : —
" On the invitation of the Master , Bro . Allen , I visited Lodge Harmony the other night , with two other brethren , and was much pleased with the appearance of the lodge rooms , although there are certain American superfluities , in the shape of symbols , & c , which might advantageously be disposed with . Bro . Allen is heartily anxious for the establishment of the lodge on a proper basis , and he expects the aid of some of the brethren of the 2 nd Bays , a detachment of that regiment having lately been moved from Benares to Cawnpore .