Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 7 →
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Petitions for relief were read , and such grants made as met the special case of each petitioner . The PP . OV . G . MASTER then called the attention of the brethren to the proposed new by-laws for the province , and stated that they should be read by the Prov . G . Sec , and that he should recommend their discussion seriatim ; and hoped that that discussion would be conducted with that kindness which characterises Masonic meetings . Nos . 123 and 4 having
, , , been read , were passed with slight alterations . AAlien No . 5 was read , a discussion took place as to the propriety of incorporating any portion of the " Book of Constitutions ' " in the bylaws , when it was resolved , by a small majority , that tho proposed by-laws be referred back to the committee for reconsideration . Thus concluded the business of Provincial Grand Lodge , and
the brethren adjourned to . the Masonic rooms belonging to the Lodge of Hope , where a magnificent banquet was prepared , to which they sat down , presided over by the noble lord , the Prov . G . M . AVhen the cloth was drawn , the usual loyal and Blasonic toasts were given and responded to in the hearty manner peculiar to the Craft , and a very agreeable evening was spent . Tbe Prov . G . M . was the guest of Bro . AVilliam Foster ,
Harrowin's Honse , Queensbury ( the W . M . of the Pentalpha Lodge No . 974 , which had been consecrated the evening previous to the Provincial Grand Lodge being held ) . On the morning of the meeting , Bro . Manoah Rhodes , AA ' . M . of Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) , entertained his lordship , Bro . Dr . Fearnley , D . Prov . G . M . ( Mayor of Dewsbury ) , and a number of brethren at luncheon . AA ' e cannot avoid alluding to the extensive ancl beautiful
very preparations made by the brethren of the Bradford lodges for the reception of the Provincial Grand Lodge , which reflected the highest credit on them , and will be remembered with feelings of great pleasure for many years by the brethren who had the privilege of being present .
CoxsECHAiTO- * OP TIIE PENTALPHA LODGE ( SO . 974 ) , BEADEOED . The consecration of this new lodge took place on October Gth , at the Masonic Hall , Market-place , Bradford , in the presence of a considerable gathering of Present and Past Prov . Grand Officers , W . JI ' s ., and members of private lodges in the province . The onldrawback to the interesting ancl imposing ceremonies
y was the delay in commencing proceedings , owing to the respected D . Prov . G . M . having many calls made upon his time ; 4 p . m . was the hour fixed , but as the D . Prov . G . M . was not present , being detained in Dewsbury , performing his duties as Mayor , and the brethren getting impatient , it was decided to ask the Senior Past Prov . G . Officer to undertake the duties of presiding and chief Consecrating Officer . Objections were raised to
this course of proceeding , inasmuch as no one present was invested , by appointment , with the power to consecrate ; however , after considerable diseusssion , Bro . the Eev . J . Senior , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain of England , consented to open the proceedings . A procession was then formed in the refectory of Prov . G . Officers , who entered the lodge during the performance of solemn music . The chair of Senior AA arden was taken by Bro . AV . Eothwell , of
Prov . S . G . AV , mid that Junior Warden liy Bro . H . Gath , P . Prov . G . AVarden , the other Prov . G . Officers being in-their respective places . The AV . M . and brethren of the Pentalpha Lodge arranged themselves in the AA ' est . The lodge was opened to the third degree . Bro . the Eev . J . FEAEON , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap ., having offered prayer , the musical brethren gave the response , "So mote it he . " The grand honours were given under the " direction of Bro . AV . White , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., after which the following ode was suiio- ;—
" To Heaven's High Architect all praise , All praise , all gratitude be given , AA'ho designed the human soul to raise By mystic secret sprung from heaven . Sound aloud the Great Jehovah ' s praise , To Him , the dome , the Temple raise . " Bro . the Eev . A . F . A . AVOODPOKD , M . A ., G . Chap , of England
, having addressed the presiding officer , the Secretary of the Pentalpha Lodge ( Bro . David Little ) read the dispensation and minutes of the lodge while under the dispensation , which having been approved of , were duly signed by Dr . Senior .
Bro . E . E . NELSON , Prov . G . Sec , then read the warrant , and the Officers named therein having been approved of by the brethren , Bro . AA . FOSTER , AV . M ., made handsome offerings to the lodge ( which will he described in next week ' s MAGAZINE ) , and delivered the jewels and collars to the presiding officer ; after which the AA ' . M . was duly presented to the presiding officer . The Warrant of Constitution was then presented in form to
the AV . M . Bros , the Rev . AV . FEAP . ON ancl Rev . AV . FEAENSIDES , Prov . G . Chaps ., assisted by the Prov . ( J . Deacons , unveiled the lodge "during the performance of solemn music , after which the honours were duly given . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . AVOODEORD , M . A ., G . Chap , of England , offered up the prayer of consecration . The musical brethren gave the response , " So mote it be . " After
which" Glory be to God on high , On earth peace , Good will towards men . As it was in the beginning , & c . " The Eev . G . FEAEON , Prov . G . Chap ., then took the thurible , and proceeded with it round the lodge , and the grand honours were given .
The Eev . T . B . MUNDY , M . A ., then read a selected portion of scripture , taken from 1 Kings , vi ., vii ., ancl viii . chapters . After which the processions were marshalled by Bro . AV . AVhite , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., headed by the Rev . Dr . Senior , and attended try Bro . Bollans , No . 302 , who carried on a salver the cornucopia , containing corn , obtained from Egypt , North Americaand Heatonnear Bradford . The Eev . D . "Willis
, , , P . Prov . G . Chap , of AVest Yorkshire , then followed , attended by Bro . James Ogilvie , who carried on a salver a beautiful silver vase , containing wine ; the Eev . T . 15 . Ferris , M . A ., P . Prov . G . Chap , of AVest Yorkshire , attended by Bro . Pickard , No . 302 , carrying the cruet containing the oil ; Bro . John Batley , P . Prov . G . Reg ., attended by Bro . AV . Barlow , No . 302 , carried an elegant and chaste vessel containing salt .
The above celebrants scattered the elements of consecration on the four angles of the lodge-room , and offered the invocations , the musical brethren giving the chant " So mote it he" after each . During the processions solemn and subdued music ivas performed by the Prov . G . Org ., Dr . Spark . After the processions were concluded , The Eev . W . FEAENSIDES , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap ., took the thurible from the altar , and proceeded three times round the lodge room , making witli the thurible concentric circles , durina ;
the performance of music . At the conclusion he offered up the prayers of benediction . The presiding officer then formally dedicated the lodge . The choristers then sang , in splendid style , the anthem , " Glory be to God on high "—with the musical response of " As it was in the beginning , " & c . The Eev . T . B . FEREIS offered up prayer , most fervently joined in by the brethren .
In order to suit the convenience of Bro . the Eev . A . F . A . AVoodford ( who attended the consecration at great personal inconvenience ) the oration was now delivered . Those who know our respected brother will not be surprised to hear that the oration was in every way worthy of the talented Grand Chaplain of England , and was listened to with marked attention ancl respect . At the conclusion hearty applause greeted the orator .
The AV . M . and brethren of the Pentalpha Lodge felt the importance of the truths and cautions enunciated in the address so much , that , at the request of the W . M ., Bro . AVoodford has most kindly and generously given the MS . to the Pentalpha Lodge , who will shortly publish the same for the benefit of the craft at large . During the delivery of the oration , Bro . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M ., entered the lodge , and was
greeted with the honours due to his rank . The choristers then sang the beautiful hymn , " Unto thee , Great God . " The D . Prov . G . M . then constituted the lodge in clue form , and invested Bro . AV . Foster , W . M . ; E . AV . Shaw , S . W . ; Arthur Briggs , J . AA ' . ; delivering suitable addresses to each . The AV . M . then invested the following officers : —Bros . J . F . Leeson , M . D ., as S . D . ; E . Goldsmidt , J . D . j M . Eogerson , Treas . ; David Little , Sec ; F . Corhutt , I . G . ; David Salmond , I . P . M . ; C . H . Taylor , Org . ; Thomas Hill and James Lamb , Stewards .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Petitions for relief were read , and such grants made as met the special case of each petitioner . The PP . OV . G . MASTER then called the attention of the brethren to the proposed new by-laws for the province , and stated that they should be read by the Prov . G . Sec , and that he should recommend their discussion seriatim ; and hoped that that discussion would be conducted with that kindness which characterises Masonic meetings . Nos . 123 and 4 having
, , , been read , were passed with slight alterations . AAlien No . 5 was read , a discussion took place as to the propriety of incorporating any portion of the " Book of Constitutions ' " in the bylaws , when it was resolved , by a small majority , that tho proposed by-laws be referred back to the committee for reconsideration . Thus concluded the business of Provincial Grand Lodge , and
the brethren adjourned to . the Masonic rooms belonging to the Lodge of Hope , where a magnificent banquet was prepared , to which they sat down , presided over by the noble lord , the Prov . G . M . AVhen the cloth was drawn , the usual loyal and Blasonic toasts were given and responded to in the hearty manner peculiar to the Craft , and a very agreeable evening was spent . Tbe Prov . G . M . was the guest of Bro . AVilliam Foster ,
Harrowin's Honse , Queensbury ( the W . M . of the Pentalpha Lodge No . 974 , which had been consecrated the evening previous to the Provincial Grand Lodge being held ) . On the morning of the meeting , Bro . Manoah Rhodes , AA ' . M . of Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) , entertained his lordship , Bro . Dr . Fearnley , D . Prov . G . M . ( Mayor of Dewsbury ) , and a number of brethren at luncheon . AA ' e cannot avoid alluding to the extensive ancl beautiful
very preparations made by the brethren of the Bradford lodges for the reception of the Provincial Grand Lodge , which reflected the highest credit on them , and will be remembered with feelings of great pleasure for many years by the brethren who had the privilege of being present .
CoxsECHAiTO- * OP TIIE PENTALPHA LODGE ( SO . 974 ) , BEADEOED . The consecration of this new lodge took place on October Gth , at the Masonic Hall , Market-place , Bradford , in the presence of a considerable gathering of Present and Past Prov . Grand Officers , W . JI ' s ., and members of private lodges in the province . The onldrawback to the interesting ancl imposing ceremonies
y was the delay in commencing proceedings , owing to the respected D . Prov . G . M . having many calls made upon his time ; 4 p . m . was the hour fixed , but as the D . Prov . G . M . was not present , being detained in Dewsbury , performing his duties as Mayor , and the brethren getting impatient , it was decided to ask the Senior Past Prov . G . Officer to undertake the duties of presiding and chief Consecrating Officer . Objections were raised to
this course of proceeding , inasmuch as no one present was invested , by appointment , with the power to consecrate ; however , after considerable diseusssion , Bro . the Eev . J . Senior , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain of England , consented to open the proceedings . A procession was then formed in the refectory of Prov . G . Officers , who entered the lodge during the performance of solemn music . The chair of Senior AA arden was taken by Bro . AV . Eothwell , of
Prov . S . G . AV , mid that Junior Warden liy Bro . H . Gath , P . Prov . G . AVarden , the other Prov . G . Officers being in-their respective places . The AV . M . and brethren of the Pentalpha Lodge arranged themselves in the AA ' est . The lodge was opened to the third degree . Bro . the Eev . J . FEAEON , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap ., having offered prayer , the musical brethren gave the response , "So mote it he . " The grand honours were given under the " direction of Bro . AV . White , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., after which the following ode was suiio- ;—
" To Heaven's High Architect all praise , All praise , all gratitude be given , AA'ho designed the human soul to raise By mystic secret sprung from heaven . Sound aloud the Great Jehovah ' s praise , To Him , the dome , the Temple raise . " Bro . the Eev . A . F . A . AVOODPOKD , M . A ., G . Chap , of England
, having addressed the presiding officer , the Secretary of the Pentalpha Lodge ( Bro . David Little ) read the dispensation and minutes of the lodge while under the dispensation , which having been approved of , were duly signed by Dr . Senior .
Bro . E . E . NELSON , Prov . G . Sec , then read the warrant , and the Officers named therein having been approved of by the brethren , Bro . AA . FOSTER , AV . M ., made handsome offerings to the lodge ( which will he described in next week ' s MAGAZINE ) , and delivered the jewels and collars to the presiding officer ; after which the AA ' . M . was duly presented to the presiding officer . The Warrant of Constitution was then presented in form to
the AV . M . Bros , the Rev . AV . FEAP . ON ancl Rev . AV . FEAENSIDES , Prov . G . Chaps ., assisted by the Prov . ( J . Deacons , unveiled the lodge "during the performance of solemn music , after which the honours were duly given . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . AVOODEORD , M . A ., G . Chap , of England , offered up the prayer of consecration . The musical brethren gave the response , " So mote it be . " After
which" Glory be to God on high , On earth peace , Good will towards men . As it was in the beginning , & c . " The Eev . G . FEAEON , Prov . G . Chap ., then took the thurible , and proceeded with it round the lodge , and the grand honours were given .
The Eev . T . B . MUNDY , M . A ., then read a selected portion of scripture , taken from 1 Kings , vi ., vii ., ancl viii . chapters . After which the processions were marshalled by Bro . AV . AVhite , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., headed by the Rev . Dr . Senior , and attended try Bro . Bollans , No . 302 , who carried on a salver the cornucopia , containing corn , obtained from Egypt , North Americaand Heatonnear Bradford . The Eev . D . "Willis
, , , P . Prov . G . Chap , of AVest Yorkshire , then followed , attended by Bro . James Ogilvie , who carried on a salver a beautiful silver vase , containing wine ; the Eev . T . 15 . Ferris , M . A ., P . Prov . G . Chap , of AVest Yorkshire , attended by Bro . Pickard , No . 302 , carrying the cruet containing the oil ; Bro . John Batley , P . Prov . G . Reg ., attended by Bro . AV . Barlow , No . 302 , carried an elegant and chaste vessel containing salt .
The above celebrants scattered the elements of consecration on the four angles of the lodge-room , and offered the invocations , the musical brethren giving the chant " So mote it he" after each . During the processions solemn and subdued music ivas performed by the Prov . G . Org ., Dr . Spark . After the processions were concluded , The Eev . W . FEAENSIDES , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap ., took the thurible from the altar , and proceeded three times round the lodge room , making witli the thurible concentric circles , durina ;
the performance of music . At the conclusion he offered up the prayers of benediction . The presiding officer then formally dedicated the lodge . The choristers then sang , in splendid style , the anthem , " Glory be to God on high "—with the musical response of " As it was in the beginning , " & c . The Eev . T . B . FEREIS offered up prayer , most fervently joined in by the brethren .
In order to suit the convenience of Bro . the Eev . A . F . A . AVoodford ( who attended the consecration at great personal inconvenience ) the oration was now delivered . Those who know our respected brother will not be surprised to hear that the oration was in every way worthy of the talented Grand Chaplain of England , and was listened to with marked attention ancl respect . At the conclusion hearty applause greeted the orator .
The AV . M . and brethren of the Pentalpha Lodge felt the importance of the truths and cautions enunciated in the address so much , that , at the request of the W . M ., Bro . AVoodford has most kindly and generously given the MS . to the Pentalpha Lodge , who will shortly publish the same for the benefit of the craft at large . During the delivery of the oration , Bro . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M ., entered the lodge , and was
greeted with the honours due to his rank . The choristers then sang the beautiful hymn , " Unto thee , Great God . " The D . Prov . G . M . then constituted the lodge in clue form , and invested Bro . AV . Foster , W . M . ; E . AV . Shaw , S . W . ; Arthur Briggs , J . AA ' . ; delivering suitable addresses to each . The AV . M . then invested the following officers : —Bros . J . F . Leeson , M . D ., as S . D . ; E . Goldsmidt , J . D . j M . Eogerson , Treas . ; David Little , Sec ; F . Corhutt , I . G . ; David Salmond , I . P . M . ; C . H . Taylor , Org . ; Thomas Hill and James Lamb , Stewards .