Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 7 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS, Page 1 of 2 →
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The brethren of the new lodge advanced , according to rank , and offered homage to the D . Prov . G . M . Bro . TnoMAS SENIOR , Prov . G . Reg ., proclaimed the lodge in the E . AV . and S . ; after which the deacons advanced and veiled the lodge , and the grand honours were given . Bro . the Rev . G . FEARON then offered a suitable prayer , followed with the musical response , "So mote it be . "
The choristers then sang an anthem , Psalm xc . 17— " The glorious majesty of the Lord our God he upon us , " concluding with "Hail , Masonry-Divine , " as arranged by Dr . Spark . At tbe conclusion of tbe anthems , the lodge was lowered to the first degree , when Bro . the Rev . AA * . Fearnsidesread , in a most impressive and effective manner , the beautiful and appropriate 12 th chapter of Romans .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . UNITED PILGRIMS CHAPTER ( No . 507 ) . —The regular quarterly meeting of this prosperous chapter was held at the Horns Tavern , Kermington , on Tuesday , November 3 rd . The following companions were installed in the several chairs b y Comp . Dr . Ladd , P . Z . S ., viz . . —Comps . Garrod , re-installed M . E . Z . ; Dr . Lilley , H . ; and C . H . Mun , J . The ceremony of installation ivas most ably performed . The M . E . Z . Garrod then invested
tbe other officers , viz ., C . Stuart , Scribe E . ; Halsey , Scribe N . ; Lascelles , P . S . ; Nairn , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; and Smith " , 2 nd Assist . Soj . Apologies were sent from the several candidates excusing their non-attendance . The M . E . Z . Garrod , at the request of the companions , went through the ceremony of exaltation , which he did in his usual first-rate manner , and was most ably supported by his newly-appointed officers . There were several P . Z . ' s
present , viz ., Dr . Ladd , J . II . AVarren , & c . ; also a good muster of the companions . After business , tho companions sat down to banquet and enjoyed a few hours' social re-union . There was only one visitor present .
Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . PLT - MOUTII . ¦— Loyal Brunswick Encampment . — In consequence of a press of business which could not be disposed of at the last meeting , an emergent meeting of the above encampment was hold in the Freemasons' Chapter-room , St . George ' s Hall , on Thursday , the 29 th October , at which were present the Very Eminent Provincial Grand Commander , the Pvev . Sir Kt .
Huyshe ; Sir Knt . Moore , D . Prov . G . Com ., unci thirty-one Sir Knights . The encampment was opened in solemn form at halfpast three o ' clock , p . m ., under the command of the E . C . Sir Kt . Rodd , assisted by Sir Knts . Dowse , P . E . C . and P . G . H ., and Drake , P . E . C . of Melita Encampment , and the following Sir Kt . Officers of the encampment-. —Clasc , Prelate ; Mills , 1 st Capt . ; Hnrfoot , 2 nd Capt . ; Rodda , Export ; Mathews , Capt . of Lines ;
Bewns and Blight , Standard Bearers ; AA'ills and Dabb , Heralds , & c . The A ' ery Eminent Provincial Grand Commander was then received and saluted with the honours due to his rank , on which the E . C . tendered to him his baton of office , requesting him to assume the command , which he most courteousl y declined . The ballot was then taken , for the following Royal Arch Comps ., viz . the Rev . Robert Bowden and John Heathof Chapter
, , Sun ( No . 123 ); J . Seccombe , of Chapter Sincerity ( No . 189 ); and J . Hocking , jun ., of Chapter Cornubian ( No . 331 ) . The same proving unanimous , and they having signed the required declaration , they were introduced in ancient form and duly installed Sir Kts . of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar of St . John of Jerusalem , & c , the accolade being given by the Very Eminent Prov . G .
Commander , On the ceremony being concluded ,. four Royal Arch Comps . were proposed , in clue form , for installation at tbe next meeting , and the business being disposed of , the encamp , nient was closed in solemn form with prayer . HERTFORDSHIRE . "WATFORD . —Stuart Encampment . —An encampment of emergency was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Watford , on Monday , the 19 th October , attended by twenty members ami visitors ,
Knights Templar.
Sir Knight Capt . C . M . Layton , E . G ., presided ; Sir Knights C . F . Humbert and H . C . Finch , 1 st and 2 nd Cupts ., attending in their stalls . There were also present Sir Knights AVilliam Stuart , M . E . and Sup . G . M . ; George Francis , V . E . Prov . G . Com . ; Burchell-Herne , AA . Tootel , T . Rogers , and other officers , past and present ; and among the visitors were Sir Knights Preeee ancl Fawcett , of the Melita Encampment ; M . ShuttleworthSprattHowancl Stillwell . The encampment having ,
, , , been duly opened , a ballot was taken for Comp . B . J . Straban , of the Cyrus Chapter ( No . 21 ) , which proving unanimous in his favour , he was introduced and installed into the Order , Sir Knight Francis acting as Expert . Previous to the encampment , a priory of the Knights of St . John , Palestine , Rhodes , ancl Malta was opened by Sir Knights Stuart , Francis , and Shuttleworthinto which the whole of the Knihts Templar present
, g were received ; Sir Knight Francis presiding , assisted by Sir Knight Slmttleworth . theM . E . andS . G . M ., taking the duty of Prelate . The labours of the day being ended , and the encampment closed , the Fraters adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over by the M . E . and Sup . G . Master . Tbe cloth removed , the health of the Queen was received with acclamation ; as as was also that of Sir Kt . Stuart , the esteemed Grand Master .
Sir Kt . Francis then rose , and , referring to the business of the day , said he had come out in a new character , and that as soon as he heard their Grand Master had accepted the office of head of the Order of Malta , he thought it but becoming , as a matter of gratitude for Sir Kt . Stuart ' s great services to Masonry , that lie should lend his aid in furthering the work that he had begun . To Sir Kt . Shuttleworth they were indebted for the resuscitation of the Orderand for the able assistance afforded
; that clay he tendered the thanks of the encampment , and concluded by proposing Sir Kt . Shuttleworth ' s health . In responding , Sir Kt . Shuttleworth saidthat the Order of Malta was not a novelty , hut was of ancient date , and although oui of practice for some years , was not extinct in England . The healths of Sir Kts . I-IerncandIiogers , the respected Registrar andTreasurer , were mostcordially greeted . The Prov . G . Com . again rose ancl said that
they had the pleasure of greeting a now member into the Order of Knights Templar , Bro . Strahan , who he regretted had not arrived earlier , so as to enable him to receive a higher (?) degree , but which could at some future time he conferred upon him . Sir Kt . Strahan having most gratefully responded , and the parting toast , " To all poor ancl distressed Knights Templar , " honoured , the meeting broke up .
Channel Islands,
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAEEE ( NO . 590 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was held on Thursday , October 29 th , and was most numerously attended , the number of brethren present being nearly eighty . The lodge was opened in the first degree by the AV . M ., Bro . Darell , supported by his AVardens , Bros . Clement Le Sueur and Ph . Edward Le Sueur , the Deacons , Bros . Chevalier and Benest , with Bro . Dr . Hopkins acting as P . M . The minutes
of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A letter was read from Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M . of St . Aubyn ' s Lodge , in reply to a communication from the Secretary respecting the sale of the pedestals ancl chairs , which was accompanied by the payment of six guineas for the purchase of the same . The lodge ivas opened in the second degree . Bros . M'Allan and Jones were examined as to their proficiency and entrusted . They then retired for preparation . The
lodge having been opened in the third degree , the candidates were reintroduced and duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the AA ' . M . with his usual ability and fluency . The lodge was resumed in the first degree . On the proposition of Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . and AA ' . M ., the resignation of Bro . Dr . Piscard , consideration of which had , under certain circumstances , been postponed at the
previous meeting , was accepted . A ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . John Le Gros as a joining member , which resulted in his favour . A ballot was also taken separately for Messrs . Cli . Eonouf and Elias Poch , candidates for initiation , which was in each case unanimously favourable . These gentlemen , having been introduced , passed through the ceremonies necessary to confer upon them the rights and privileges of Masons at the hands of the AA ' . M ., the S . AV . relieving him by giving the explanation of the working tools . Several com-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The brethren of the new lodge advanced , according to rank , and offered homage to the D . Prov . G . M . Bro . TnoMAS SENIOR , Prov . G . Reg ., proclaimed the lodge in the E . AV . and S . ; after which the deacons advanced and veiled the lodge , and the grand honours were given . Bro . the Rev . G . FEARON then offered a suitable prayer , followed with the musical response , "So mote it be . "
The choristers then sang an anthem , Psalm xc . 17— " The glorious majesty of the Lord our God he upon us , " concluding with "Hail , Masonry-Divine , " as arranged by Dr . Spark . At tbe conclusion of tbe anthems , the lodge was lowered to the first degree , when Bro . the Rev . AA * . Fearnsidesread , in a most impressive and effective manner , the beautiful and appropriate 12 th chapter of Romans .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . UNITED PILGRIMS CHAPTER ( No . 507 ) . —The regular quarterly meeting of this prosperous chapter was held at the Horns Tavern , Kermington , on Tuesday , November 3 rd . The following companions were installed in the several chairs b y Comp . Dr . Ladd , P . Z . S ., viz . . —Comps . Garrod , re-installed M . E . Z . ; Dr . Lilley , H . ; and C . H . Mun , J . The ceremony of installation ivas most ably performed . The M . E . Z . Garrod then invested
tbe other officers , viz ., C . Stuart , Scribe E . ; Halsey , Scribe N . ; Lascelles , P . S . ; Nairn , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; and Smith " , 2 nd Assist . Soj . Apologies were sent from the several candidates excusing their non-attendance . The M . E . Z . Garrod , at the request of the companions , went through the ceremony of exaltation , which he did in his usual first-rate manner , and was most ably supported by his newly-appointed officers . There were several P . Z . ' s
present , viz ., Dr . Ladd , J . II . AVarren , & c . ; also a good muster of the companions . After business , tho companions sat down to banquet and enjoyed a few hours' social re-union . There was only one visitor present .
Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . PLT - MOUTII . ¦— Loyal Brunswick Encampment . — In consequence of a press of business which could not be disposed of at the last meeting , an emergent meeting of the above encampment was hold in the Freemasons' Chapter-room , St . George ' s Hall , on Thursday , the 29 th October , at which were present the Very Eminent Provincial Grand Commander , the Pvev . Sir Kt .
Huyshe ; Sir Knt . Moore , D . Prov . G . Com ., unci thirty-one Sir Knights . The encampment was opened in solemn form at halfpast three o ' clock , p . m ., under the command of the E . C . Sir Kt . Rodd , assisted by Sir Knts . Dowse , P . E . C . and P . G . H ., and Drake , P . E . C . of Melita Encampment , and the following Sir Kt . Officers of the encampment-. —Clasc , Prelate ; Mills , 1 st Capt . ; Hnrfoot , 2 nd Capt . ; Rodda , Export ; Mathews , Capt . of Lines ;
Bewns and Blight , Standard Bearers ; AA'ills and Dabb , Heralds , & c . The A ' ery Eminent Provincial Grand Commander was then received and saluted with the honours due to his rank , on which the E . C . tendered to him his baton of office , requesting him to assume the command , which he most courteousl y declined . The ballot was then taken , for the following Royal Arch Comps ., viz . the Rev . Robert Bowden and John Heathof Chapter
, , Sun ( No . 123 ); J . Seccombe , of Chapter Sincerity ( No . 189 ); and J . Hocking , jun ., of Chapter Cornubian ( No . 331 ) . The same proving unanimous , and they having signed the required declaration , they were introduced in ancient form and duly installed Sir Kts . of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar of St . John of Jerusalem , & c , the accolade being given by the Very Eminent Prov . G .
Commander , On the ceremony being concluded ,. four Royal Arch Comps . were proposed , in clue form , for installation at tbe next meeting , and the business being disposed of , the encamp , nient was closed in solemn form with prayer . HERTFORDSHIRE . "WATFORD . —Stuart Encampment . —An encampment of emergency was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Watford , on Monday , the 19 th October , attended by twenty members ami visitors ,
Knights Templar.
Sir Knight Capt . C . M . Layton , E . G ., presided ; Sir Knights C . F . Humbert and H . C . Finch , 1 st and 2 nd Cupts ., attending in their stalls . There were also present Sir Knights AVilliam Stuart , M . E . and Sup . G . M . ; George Francis , V . E . Prov . G . Com . ; Burchell-Herne , AA . Tootel , T . Rogers , and other officers , past and present ; and among the visitors were Sir Knights Preeee ancl Fawcett , of the Melita Encampment ; M . ShuttleworthSprattHowancl Stillwell . The encampment having ,
, , , been duly opened , a ballot was taken for Comp . B . J . Straban , of the Cyrus Chapter ( No . 21 ) , which proving unanimous in his favour , he was introduced and installed into the Order , Sir Knight Francis acting as Expert . Previous to the encampment , a priory of the Knights of St . John , Palestine , Rhodes , ancl Malta was opened by Sir Knights Stuart , Francis , and Shuttleworthinto which the whole of the Knihts Templar present
, g were received ; Sir Knight Francis presiding , assisted by Sir Knight Slmttleworth . theM . E . andS . G . M ., taking the duty of Prelate . The labours of the day being ended , and the encampment closed , the Fraters adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over by the M . E . and Sup . G . Master . Tbe cloth removed , the health of the Queen was received with acclamation ; as as was also that of Sir Kt . Stuart , the esteemed Grand Master .
Sir Kt . Francis then rose , and , referring to the business of the day , said he had come out in a new character , and that as soon as he heard their Grand Master had accepted the office of head of the Order of Malta , he thought it but becoming , as a matter of gratitude for Sir Kt . Stuart ' s great services to Masonry , that lie should lend his aid in furthering the work that he had begun . To Sir Kt . Shuttleworth they were indebted for the resuscitation of the Orderand for the able assistance afforded
; that clay he tendered the thanks of the encampment , and concluded by proposing Sir Kt . Shuttleworth ' s health . In responding , Sir Kt . Shuttleworth saidthat the Order of Malta was not a novelty , hut was of ancient date , and although oui of practice for some years , was not extinct in England . The healths of Sir Kts . I-IerncandIiogers , the respected Registrar andTreasurer , were mostcordially greeted . The Prov . G . Com . again rose ancl said that
they had the pleasure of greeting a now member into the Order of Knights Templar , Bro . Strahan , who he regretted had not arrived earlier , so as to enable him to receive a higher (?) degree , but which could at some future time he conferred upon him . Sir Kt . Strahan having most gratefully responded , and the parting toast , " To all poor ancl distressed Knights Templar , " honoured , the meeting broke up .
Channel Islands,
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAEEE ( NO . 590 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was held on Thursday , October 29 th , and was most numerously attended , the number of brethren present being nearly eighty . The lodge was opened in the first degree by the AV . M ., Bro . Darell , supported by his AVardens , Bros . Clement Le Sueur and Ph . Edward Le Sueur , the Deacons , Bros . Chevalier and Benest , with Bro . Dr . Hopkins acting as P . M . The minutes
of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A letter was read from Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M . of St . Aubyn ' s Lodge , in reply to a communication from the Secretary respecting the sale of the pedestals ancl chairs , which was accompanied by the payment of six guineas for the purchase of the same . The lodge ivas opened in the second degree . Bros . M'Allan and Jones were examined as to their proficiency and entrusted . They then retired for preparation . The
lodge having been opened in the third degree , the candidates were reintroduced and duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the AA ' . M . with his usual ability and fluency . The lodge was resumed in the first degree . On the proposition of Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . and AA ' . M ., the resignation of Bro . Dr . Piscard , consideration of which had , under certain circumstances , been postponed at the
previous meeting , was accepted . A ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . John Le Gros as a joining member , which resulted in his favour . A ballot was also taken separately for Messrs . Cli . Eonouf and Elias Poch , candidates for initiation , which was in each case unanimously favourable . These gentlemen , having been introduced , passed through the ceremonies necessary to confer upon them the rights and privileges of Masons at the hands of the AA ' . M ., the S . AV . relieving him by giving the explanation of the working tools . Several com-