Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
liberal treatment of the workmen attached to it . Bro . Cubbitt has for some years retired from the firm , but when he was elected Lord Mayor in I 860 in no place were the rejoicings so general as in the" old familiar place" in Gray's-inn-road . Bro . Cubbitt was initiated in the Grand Masters' Lodge ( No . 1 ) , on the 20 th Novem'ber , 1837 , ancl continued a member untii ; iS 57 , liaving served the office of Master in 1844 . He joined the Prince
of AVales's Lodge ( No . 259 , late 324 ) on the 20 th January , 1 S 43 , and continued a member to 1853 , liaving served the office of Master in 1850 . Bro . Cubitt served the office of Grand Steward from No . 1 , in 1844 , ancl was appointed S . G . AA'arden in 1851 . He was exalted in the Prince of AVales ' s Chapter in 181-3 , and appointed First Assist . G . Soj . in 1851 . Bro . Cubitt was a life governor of the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and tbe Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their AVidows . He also filled the chair at the Festivalof the Girls' School iul 862 , during his mayoralty .
BRO . GEORGE AVILLIAM HOPE , M . P . This respected brother died on Sunday , the 18 th ult ., at his seat of Luffness , in East Lothian , aged fifty-five . Bro . Hope , son of General the Hon . Sir Alexander Hope ( of the Hopetoun family ) , was born at Blackheath in 1808 , and was called to the English bar in 1831 , but devoted himself chiefly to political life . He entered Parliament for AVeymouth in 1837 ancl was
re-, elected in 1841 , but unseated on petition . In 1842 he was elected for Southampton , but did not again offer himself for that constituency . In 1859 he was returned for AA'indsor . Bro . Hope was educated at Christ Church College , Oxford , ancl was called to tbe bar at Lincoln ' s-inn in 1831 . He was initiated in the Castle Lodge , AVindsor ( No . 771 ) , on the 7 th March , 1860 , and raised on the Sth May following .
BRO . GEORGE PERCY MOSS . This well known brother , who , it will be recollected was lately a clerk in tbe Grand Secretary's office , died on the l 7 tb ult ., aged 44 , and buried at Tooting on the 22 nd October . He was initiated in the Constitutional Lodge ( No . 55 , late 63 ) 20 th February , 1851 ; served the office of AA ' . M . in 1856 , and was a subscribing member until overtaken by the sad affliction which
ultimately terminated in his decease , leaving a wife and four young children , the youngest about 18 months old . Bro . Moss was generally respected by all who knew him , ancl was distinguished by the urbanity ancl courtesy with which he answered all who had to consult him in the discharge of his duties in the Grand Secretary ' s office .
BRO . BENJAMIN AVOOD . Bro . Benjamin AA ood , of the Crystal Palace Lodge , and long connected with , and of late years superintendent of , the Fine Art Department , Crystal Palace , died on the 20 th October , in his 36 th year . By his early decease his widow , in a very delicate state of health , is left with four young children entirely dependent upon her .
Poetry .
HAPPY TO MEET . BIT BRO . G . IV . CHASE . Happy to meet , dear brother mine , Upon our checkered floor ; Happy to grasp that hand of thine , And spend a social hour :
Happy to meet , though brief tbe stay That we together be ; Happy to flee from care away , To meet with such as thee . Happy to leave the world awhile , Its troubles and its care ; Happy to meet and here beguile
An hour with plumb and square , Happy to meet , 0 ! happier we Than worldlings e ' er can know , Happy to meet with brothers free , AA'here comes no pomp or show .
Sorry to part , though down the AVest The evening sun descends ; Sorry to leave each welcome guest , Sorry to part with friends . Sorry to hear the gavel's sound , That tells a " closing" nigh ; Sorry we circle the " Lights" around ;
Sorry to say " Good-by . " Sorry ive linger around the door , Thy flight deplore , 0 ! Time ; Sooner we think than e ' er before Did peal the signal chime . " Happy to meet again , " we part , Each wending home his way ; Hoping at last , with each true heart , To meet in endless day .
Do The Thing That's Right, Friend.
By AV . S . PASSMOEE . Do but the thing that ' s right , friend , In matters great or small ; And rather than do wrong , friend , Just nothing do at all ! For wrong is man ' s worst foe , friend , Tho' oft his heart ' s deliht —•
g , Believe his counsel false , friend , And trust alone the right 1 Life is but short at best , friend , As you one day will own ; AA'hen you'll admit the wrong , friend , You'd best have left alone .
'Twill cheer your heart by day , friend , "Twill gild your dreams by night—To know you warr'd with wrong , friend , And fought the side of right 1 Then do the thing that ' s right , friend , 'Tis far the nobler plan—¦
To live at peace with conscience , And die an honest man ! So mind you bear in mind , friend , The truth I here indite—The right thing's best to all , friend , The wrong is no man's right !
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and the junior members of the Royal Family are still at AA'indsor , and the Prince and Princess of AA ales at Sandringham . There is a rumour afloat that a marriage is in contemplation between Prince Alfred and a Princess of the Grand Ducal House of Oldenbourg . If this rumour be correct , the Princess must be the daughter , not of
the reigning Grand Duke , but of his cousin , Prince Peter , who holds high appointments at St . Petersburg , ancl one of whose daughters is the wife of the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia . The Prince and Princess Royal have joined the Prince of AA ales at Sandringham , and the Prince and Princess of Hesse have returned to Hesse .
GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality in tbe metropolis last week did not materially differ from that of the week preceding . It is about 28 higher than the ten years' average . The principal deaths were among the young , from scarlatina ; but that disease as well as small-pox appears now to be on the de-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
liberal treatment of the workmen attached to it . Bro . Cubbitt has for some years retired from the firm , but when he was elected Lord Mayor in I 860 in no place were the rejoicings so general as in the" old familiar place" in Gray's-inn-road . Bro . Cubbitt was initiated in the Grand Masters' Lodge ( No . 1 ) , on the 20 th Novem'ber , 1837 , ancl continued a member untii ; iS 57 , liaving served the office of Master in 1844 . He joined the Prince
of AVales's Lodge ( No . 259 , late 324 ) on the 20 th January , 1 S 43 , and continued a member to 1853 , liaving served the office of Master in 1850 . Bro . Cubitt served the office of Grand Steward from No . 1 , in 1844 , ancl was appointed S . G . AA'arden in 1851 . He was exalted in the Prince of AVales ' s Chapter in 181-3 , and appointed First Assist . G . Soj . in 1851 . Bro . Cubitt was a life governor of the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and tbe Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their AVidows . He also filled the chair at the Festivalof the Girls' School iul 862 , during his mayoralty .
BRO . GEORGE AVILLIAM HOPE , M . P . This respected brother died on Sunday , the 18 th ult ., at his seat of Luffness , in East Lothian , aged fifty-five . Bro . Hope , son of General the Hon . Sir Alexander Hope ( of the Hopetoun family ) , was born at Blackheath in 1808 , and was called to the English bar in 1831 , but devoted himself chiefly to political life . He entered Parliament for AVeymouth in 1837 ancl was
re-, elected in 1841 , but unseated on petition . In 1842 he was elected for Southampton , but did not again offer himself for that constituency . In 1859 he was returned for AA'indsor . Bro . Hope was educated at Christ Church College , Oxford , ancl was called to tbe bar at Lincoln ' s-inn in 1831 . He was initiated in the Castle Lodge , AVindsor ( No . 771 ) , on the 7 th March , 1860 , and raised on the Sth May following .
BRO . GEORGE PERCY MOSS . This well known brother , who , it will be recollected was lately a clerk in tbe Grand Secretary's office , died on the l 7 tb ult ., aged 44 , and buried at Tooting on the 22 nd October . He was initiated in the Constitutional Lodge ( No . 55 , late 63 ) 20 th February , 1851 ; served the office of AA ' . M . in 1856 , and was a subscribing member until overtaken by the sad affliction which
ultimately terminated in his decease , leaving a wife and four young children , the youngest about 18 months old . Bro . Moss was generally respected by all who knew him , ancl was distinguished by the urbanity ancl courtesy with which he answered all who had to consult him in the discharge of his duties in the Grand Secretary ' s office .
BRO . BENJAMIN AVOOD . Bro . Benjamin AA ood , of the Crystal Palace Lodge , and long connected with , and of late years superintendent of , the Fine Art Department , Crystal Palace , died on the 20 th October , in his 36 th year . By his early decease his widow , in a very delicate state of health , is left with four young children entirely dependent upon her .
Poetry .
HAPPY TO MEET . BIT BRO . G . IV . CHASE . Happy to meet , dear brother mine , Upon our checkered floor ; Happy to grasp that hand of thine , And spend a social hour :
Happy to meet , though brief tbe stay That we together be ; Happy to flee from care away , To meet with such as thee . Happy to leave the world awhile , Its troubles and its care ; Happy to meet and here beguile
An hour with plumb and square , Happy to meet , 0 ! happier we Than worldlings e ' er can know , Happy to meet with brothers free , AA'here comes no pomp or show .
Sorry to part , though down the AVest The evening sun descends ; Sorry to leave each welcome guest , Sorry to part with friends . Sorry to hear the gavel's sound , That tells a " closing" nigh ; Sorry we circle the " Lights" around ;
Sorry to say " Good-by . " Sorry ive linger around the door , Thy flight deplore , 0 ! Time ; Sooner we think than e ' er before Did peal the signal chime . " Happy to meet again , " we part , Each wending home his way ; Hoping at last , with each true heart , To meet in endless day .
Do The Thing That's Right, Friend.
By AV . S . PASSMOEE . Do but the thing that ' s right , friend , In matters great or small ; And rather than do wrong , friend , Just nothing do at all ! For wrong is man ' s worst foe , friend , Tho' oft his heart ' s deliht —•
g , Believe his counsel false , friend , And trust alone the right 1 Life is but short at best , friend , As you one day will own ; AA'hen you'll admit the wrong , friend , You'd best have left alone .
'Twill cheer your heart by day , friend , "Twill gild your dreams by night—To know you warr'd with wrong , friend , And fought the side of right 1 Then do the thing that ' s right , friend , 'Tis far the nobler plan—¦
To live at peace with conscience , And die an honest man ! So mind you bear in mind , friend , The truth I here indite—The right thing's best to all , friend , The wrong is no man's right !
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and the junior members of the Royal Family are still at AA'indsor , and the Prince and Princess of AA ales at Sandringham . There is a rumour afloat that a marriage is in contemplation between Prince Alfred and a Princess of the Grand Ducal House of Oldenbourg . If this rumour be correct , the Princess must be the daughter , not of
the reigning Grand Duke , but of his cousin , Prince Peter , who holds high appointments at St . Petersburg , ancl one of whose daughters is the wife of the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia . The Prince and Princess Royal have joined the Prince of AA ales at Sandringham , and the Prince and Princess of Hesse have returned to Hesse .
GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality in tbe metropolis last week did not materially differ from that of the week preceding . It is about 28 higher than the ten years' average . The principal deaths were among the young , from scarlatina ; but that disease as well as small-pox appears now to be on the de-