Article A COMPLIMENT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CAPTAIN TORCKLER. Page 1 of 1 Article THE RED CROSS ORDER. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH MASONRY IN IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH MASONRY IN IRELAND. Page 1 of 1
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A Compliment.
and Rennes . Moreover—it is principally on this account that we specially refer to him—Bro . Horner is distinguished from other Masonic writers among his countrymen by an independence of ideas and a love of progress , which are too rarely to be met with in English Masonry . Yours fraternally , Jersey . A . S .
Captain Torckler.
SO THE EDITOE OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —In reply to the inquiry of your correspondent , " P . Z ., " Captain Torekler is at present residing at Traumere , Birkenhead . The No . of his lodge is Ho . 25 ( S . C . ) He is not a member of any lodge here . He has obtained relief from the lodges both in Liverpool and Birkenhead . Yours fraternallv , P . G . S .
The Red Cross Order.
TO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —There is on page 313 of the Magazine of the 17 th ult . a paragraph as follows : — " We have been informed that Bro . Colonel P . Burdett , 33 ° , has been unanimously elected a member of the Imperial Council of the Bed Cross Orderand
, will occupy the position of High Chancellor . It is thought that tho gallant Colonel ' s accession to the Order will probably lead to its recognition b y the Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° for Ireland , where it will be worked under the supervision of the Grand Council of Bites . "
I write to contradict the above , as far as it relates to Ireland ; and to say that the Council of Bites for Ireland know nothing of the Council of the Red Cross Order . Col . Burdett is not 33 ° ; at least , he is only registered as 32 ° in Ireland . Yours fraternally , J . L . W .-.
Royal Arch Masonry In Ireland.
TO TIIE EDITOR OF TIIE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir ancl Brother , —Prom the fraternal manner in which Bro . W . J . Hughan received the iuformation I sent you on the subject of Royal Arch Masonry in Ireland , I am tempted to write you again on the subject .
"With reference to the Mark Master Mason ' s degree , it can onl y be conferred under a Royal Arch warrant . Candidates must be registered Master Masons . The three principals of a Eoyal Arch Chapter ( if Mark Master Masons ) , are ex officio , respectively MasterSenior "
, Warden , and Junior Warden of the Mark Lodge . The Mark degree is not a necessary prerequisite for Eoyal Arch Masonry , the only qualification required from the candidates being tliat they are registered Master Masons for six months previous to exaltation
Royal Arch Masonry In Ireland.
The Past Master ' s and Excellent degrees are now never wrought in Ireland in Royal Arch Chapters . As Bro . Hughan wishes for " authoritative information " on the subject , I shall feel much pleasure in forwarding him in a few days , through you , a copy of the " Laws and Regulations of the Grand Royal
Arch Chapter of Ireland , " which I hope he will accept ; and I shall be glad to correspond with him direct if favoured with his address . With regard to the York Rite , I hold with Mackey , Coppin , and I believe others , that the number of degrees in the York Bite ( properly so called ) is
seven ; viz ., 1 . Entered Apprentice . 2 . Eellow Craft . 3 . Master Mason . 4-. Mark Master . 5 . Past Master . 6 . Most Excellent Master . 7 . Holy Royal Arch . Mackey , in his admirable Lexicon , says : — " In some of the United States two other degrees are also given in this rite ; those of Eoyal and Select Masters ; " but
that does not alter the fact that in the York Rite there are onl y seven degrees . Yours fraternally , Sligo . J . L . W ., 30 ° , P . D . G . M .
THERE are many Freemasons in the services , and to them we need not say that the paragraph which lias heen going the round of the papers , to the effect that the Prince of Wales has again , as it is expressed , refused to become a Freemason , is sheer nonsense . So Mason with any respect for the Craft would give any ono the chance of refusing to belong to it , be he prince or otherwise ; and if any one has been so lacking in respect fertile Craft as to set at defiance one of its strictest rules , by
seeking to induce the Prince to join the brotherhood , he deserves that a vote of censure be passed upon him by the Grand Lodge of the Craft . Freemasonry has flourished both with and without princes , and the latter have ever in this country at least had more support from Freemasonry , than Freemasonry from them . Elsewhere it has been different , but the Craft has ever been conspicuous to the world , if not for its own deeds , which were secret , at least by the great and distinguishing mark of its
worth , the persecutions of the papacy , and of the Society of : Jesus . Are the members of this society again on their old scheme of sapping the foundations of Freemasonry ? We fear they are , both within and without the body ; but of one fact there is no doubt , namely , that hundreds of young men have been trained in Jesuit Colleges with the express object of getting on the staff of English periodical literature ; let us look out for the response of these sworn and secret enemies to the signal given in the report alluded to . We shall have plenty of stabs from secret pens , but Masons are warned—they know their enemy and his mode of fighting . —Broad Arrow .
As interesting literary discovery has been accidentally made in the Library at Frankfort . The fall of a shelf holding volumes containing the correspondence of "Voltaire and Frederick the Great brought to light certain MS . S ., yellow and dirty , which turned out to be a series of letters exchanged between "Voltaire and llyron . Their authenticity being duly certified , they were forwarded to the Royal Academy of Berlin .
THAT knowledge which a man may acquire only by travelling , is often to dearly bought . Tbe traveller , indeed , may be said to fetch tho knowledge , as the merchant the wares , to be enjoyed and applied by those who stay at home . A man may sit by his own fireside , be conversant with many domestic arts and general sciences , and yet have very correct ideas of the manners , habits , and customs of other nations . "While on the contrary , he that has spent his whole life in travelling—who
like Scriblerus , has made his legs his compasses , rather than , his judgment—may live and die a thorough novice in all the most important concerns of life ; like Anson , he may have been round the world , ancl over the world , and die an ignoramus , even after liaving performed the seven journeys between the holy hills , swept the Kaaba with a silver besom , drank the holy waters of the Zemzem , and traced the source of the Nile and the end of the Niger .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Compliment.
and Rennes . Moreover—it is principally on this account that we specially refer to him—Bro . Horner is distinguished from other Masonic writers among his countrymen by an independence of ideas and a love of progress , which are too rarely to be met with in English Masonry . Yours fraternally , Jersey . A . S .
Captain Torckler.
SO THE EDITOE OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —In reply to the inquiry of your correspondent , " P . Z ., " Captain Torekler is at present residing at Traumere , Birkenhead . The No . of his lodge is Ho . 25 ( S . C . ) He is not a member of any lodge here . He has obtained relief from the lodges both in Liverpool and Birkenhead . Yours fraternallv , P . G . S .
The Red Cross Order.
TO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —There is on page 313 of the Magazine of the 17 th ult . a paragraph as follows : — " We have been informed that Bro . Colonel P . Burdett , 33 ° , has been unanimously elected a member of the Imperial Council of the Bed Cross Orderand
, will occupy the position of High Chancellor . It is thought that tho gallant Colonel ' s accession to the Order will probably lead to its recognition b y the Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° for Ireland , where it will be worked under the supervision of the Grand Council of Bites . "
I write to contradict the above , as far as it relates to Ireland ; and to say that the Council of Bites for Ireland know nothing of the Council of the Red Cross Order . Col . Burdett is not 33 ° ; at least , he is only registered as 32 ° in Ireland . Yours fraternally , J . L . W .-.
Royal Arch Masonry In Ireland.
TO TIIE EDITOR OF TIIE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir ancl Brother , —Prom the fraternal manner in which Bro . W . J . Hughan received the iuformation I sent you on the subject of Royal Arch Masonry in Ireland , I am tempted to write you again on the subject .
"With reference to the Mark Master Mason ' s degree , it can onl y be conferred under a Royal Arch warrant . Candidates must be registered Master Masons . The three principals of a Eoyal Arch Chapter ( if Mark Master Masons ) , are ex officio , respectively MasterSenior "
, Warden , and Junior Warden of the Mark Lodge . The Mark degree is not a necessary prerequisite for Eoyal Arch Masonry , the only qualification required from the candidates being tliat they are registered Master Masons for six months previous to exaltation
Royal Arch Masonry In Ireland.
The Past Master ' s and Excellent degrees are now never wrought in Ireland in Royal Arch Chapters . As Bro . Hughan wishes for " authoritative information " on the subject , I shall feel much pleasure in forwarding him in a few days , through you , a copy of the " Laws and Regulations of the Grand Royal
Arch Chapter of Ireland , " which I hope he will accept ; and I shall be glad to correspond with him direct if favoured with his address . With regard to the York Rite , I hold with Mackey , Coppin , and I believe others , that the number of degrees in the York Bite ( properly so called ) is
seven ; viz ., 1 . Entered Apprentice . 2 . Eellow Craft . 3 . Master Mason . 4-. Mark Master . 5 . Past Master . 6 . Most Excellent Master . 7 . Holy Royal Arch . Mackey , in his admirable Lexicon , says : — " In some of the United States two other degrees are also given in this rite ; those of Eoyal and Select Masters ; " but
that does not alter the fact that in the York Rite there are onl y seven degrees . Yours fraternally , Sligo . J . L . W ., 30 ° , P . D . G . M .
THERE are many Freemasons in the services , and to them we need not say that the paragraph which lias heen going the round of the papers , to the effect that the Prince of Wales has again , as it is expressed , refused to become a Freemason , is sheer nonsense . So Mason with any respect for the Craft would give any ono the chance of refusing to belong to it , be he prince or otherwise ; and if any one has been so lacking in respect fertile Craft as to set at defiance one of its strictest rules , by
seeking to induce the Prince to join the brotherhood , he deserves that a vote of censure be passed upon him by the Grand Lodge of the Craft . Freemasonry has flourished both with and without princes , and the latter have ever in this country at least had more support from Freemasonry , than Freemasonry from them . Elsewhere it has been different , but the Craft has ever been conspicuous to the world , if not for its own deeds , which were secret , at least by the great and distinguishing mark of its
worth , the persecutions of the papacy , and of the Society of : Jesus . Are the members of this society again on their old scheme of sapping the foundations of Freemasonry ? We fear they are , both within and without the body ; but of one fact there is no doubt , namely , that hundreds of young men have been trained in Jesuit Colleges with the express object of getting on the staff of English periodical literature ; let us look out for the response of these sworn and secret enemies to the signal given in the report alluded to . We shall have plenty of stabs from secret pens , but Masons are warned—they know their enemy and his mode of fighting . —Broad Arrow .
As interesting literary discovery has been accidentally made in the Library at Frankfort . The fall of a shelf holding volumes containing the correspondence of "Voltaire and Frederick the Great brought to light certain MS . S ., yellow and dirty , which turned out to be a series of letters exchanged between "Voltaire and llyron . Their authenticity being duly certified , they were forwarded to the Royal Academy of Berlin .
THAT knowledge which a man may acquire only by travelling , is often to dearly bought . Tbe traveller , indeed , may be said to fetch tho knowledge , as the merchant the wares , to be enjoyed and applied by those who stay at home . A man may sit by his own fireside , be conversant with many domestic arts and general sciences , and yet have very correct ideas of the manners , habits , and customs of other nations . "While on the contrary , he that has spent his whole life in travelling—who
like Scriblerus , has made his legs his compasses , rather than , his judgment—may live and die a thorough novice in all the most important concerns of life ; like Anson , he may have been round the world , ancl over the world , and die an ignoramus , even after liaving performed the seven journeys between the holy hills , swept the Kaaba with a silver besom , drank the holy waters of the Zemzem , and traced the source of the Nile and the end of the Niger .