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ing , aud especially so when it was known that the lodge would qualify themselves to rank as vice-presidents of those institutions . He also thanked them for their handsome contribution of five guineas towards the testimonial to be presented to the Grand Master on completing his 25 years sovereignty of the Craft .
Bros . Alfred Avery , James Avery , ancl Parker , ( the stewards to represent the lodge at the three coming festivals ) severally returned thanks for the contributions placed in their hands , and hoped to see the Beadon Lodge stand in a very proud position on these occasions .
The Tyler's toast brought a very happy meeting to a close , which was materially assisted by the harmony of many of the brethren . Bro . Drysdale presided at the pianoforte . The Visitors present were : Bros . H . G . Hayward , St . John's , 167 ; Geo . Christie , High Cross , 754 ; W . B . Roberts , P . M . 181 ; T . Knott , 73 ; Pinhorn , 319 ; W . Mainger , W . M . 15 ; W ., Wanger , P . M . 15 ; W . J . Adams , P . M . 198 , P . Prov . G . M . Herts ; J . Terry , P . M . 228 ; J . Hill , P . M . 87 ; H . Thompson , P . M . 177 ; W . Blake , 23 .
EOYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —At the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Friday , 30 th ult ., this lodgo held its adjourned meeting . Bro . Frederick Walters , P . M . and Sec , opened the lodge punctually at six o ' clock p . m . The minutes of the antecedent meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . William Myatt being a candidate for passing was interrogated , trusted , and withdrew . Tbe Fellow Crafts lodge was then formed . Bro . John HawkerW . M . took the Solomonic chair ,
, , and in au able , superior , talented , and efficient manner , passed Bro . W . Wyatt to the second degree . Tbe first degree was resumed . The Zetland Commemoration was brought under the notice of the lodge . An eloquent appeal was mado by the Secretary , Bro . F . Walters , urging the lodge to send as usual a steward to represent them at the festival for the Eoyal Benevolent Institution , which will be held on January 28 th , 1 SG 9 .
The lodge was duly closed . There were present besides those mentioned Bros . W . Andrews , I . P . M . ; J . Truelove , J . W . ; T . Killner , Dir , of Cers . ; G . Andrews , H . J . Tuson , J . F . Funge , H . J . Wright , S . 0 . Lewin , G . Ellis , G . Holman , G . F . Honey , W . Dalziel , J . W . Eeed , and some others . Amongst an unusual large number of visitors we noticed Bros . W . Herbert , 73 ; H . Endsor , 73 ; G . Hill , 73 ; H . Keeble , 73 ; D . Davies , 147 ; J . Eoper , 147 ; J . Carver , 147 ; E . Allsopp , 217 ; Gard , 749 ;
T . E . Tout , S . W ., 857 ; and others whose names we were unable ts ascertain . The usual good banquet followed , served up under the personal superintendence of the host , Bro . < x . Ellis , who exerted himself to please all .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CARLISLE . —( Union Lodge , No . 310 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . The following brethren were in attendance , viz ., Bros . J . Slack , WM . Prov . G . S . D . ; J . Iredale , P . M . P . Prov . D . G . M ., G . G . Hayward , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . acting S . W . ; G . Sumerville , J . W . ; J . A . WheatleyS . D . ; G . TurnbullJ . D . ; T . Cockburnacting Sec
, , , ; W . Court , Treas . ; J . Atkinson , I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; A . Woodhouse , W . M . 412 ; J . M . Harrison , Eobert Metcalf ; also visiting brethren , Serj . G . Murray , ( 318 , S . C ) , and Messman James James , 724 all of the 40 th Regt .. The head quarters of that Regiment are now stationed in this City . The lodge was opened in form . The minutes of last meeting read , the W . M . said that he had received some communication from Grand
Lodge in reference to the '' Zetland Memorial " which he read to the meeting . The S . W . said that he wished to propose that as the funds of this lodge were in low ebb , no subscription be sent at present , but if the funds were in a good position at the time the list closed , he had no doubt but that a handsome sum would be forwarded . After other business of importance had been concluded , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the
refreshment-room , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank ancl responded to with musical honour . Bro . Serj . Murray rose to respond to a toast that had been drank , to tho health of the Grand Master Mason of Scotland , Bro the Earl of
Dalhousie , K . T , G . C . B ., and said that he ( Bro . Murray ) had great pleasure in responding to that toast for , for what he knew and had heard of the G . M . of Scotland , he felt confident that he the G . M . was the right man in the right place , and as for himself he thanked the brethren for the very courteous manner they had received him . The visitors Bros , Wetheral and James ,, each returned thanks in short speeches , after which the Tylers ' toast brought the evening to a close .
DEVONSHIEE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge , ( No . 710 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , 29 th ult . The brethren had been summoned for noon , and half an hour after that time the lodge was opened in the first degree , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., by BroDrHopkinsP . Prov . G . S . W . P . M . & c . This being done
. . , , , Bro . Jolm Heath , W . M . entered and took his chair . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree . Bro . A . Niner acted as S . W ., Bro . Bodley as J . W ., Bro . Watson occupied his place as Sec ., Bro . Pridham has S . D ., Bro . W . Cuming as J . D . Bro . Dr . Hopkins then assumed the first chair to perforin the duty as Installing Master . Bro . John Heath presented his son Bro .
George Heath as W . M . elect to receive the benefit of Installation , offering many remarks appropriate to the occasion , flowing naturally from a proper feeling of pride on seeing his son so cordially elected , so able ancl willing to take the place just vacated by himself , on the point of being inducted into a position qualifying him to rule over the lodge in which he had first seen the lihtand to take-a rank previouslheld bhis father
g , y y and brother . After the usual preliminaries , and when assent had been given to the ancient charges as read by the Secretary , the candidate was obligated as regards his duties . The lodge was opened in the third degree , ancl the brethren who had not passed the chair retired . A Board of Installed Masters was then constituted , in whose presence Bro . Dr . Hopkins placed BroGeorge Heath in the chair of K . Swith the usual
formali-. ., ties and explanations . The Board of Masters was then closed , and the Master Masons , Fellow Crafts and Entered Apprentices were summoned in succession , the customary processions , salutations and proclamations taking place on each occasion . These having been completed , the new W . M . appointed and invested the following officers , giving to each of them an epitome of his dutiesand the srround of his arroointmen .. Bros . J . Heath .
I . P . M . ; Eev . J . Powning , Chap . ; Pridham , S . W . j W . Cuming , J . W . ; Adams , Sec ; Watson , Treas . ; A . Niner , S . D . ; W . H » Stafford , J . D . ; Taylor , Org . ; Stephens , I . G . ; Middleton , Manning , Stewards ; Crocker , Tyler . Bro . Dr . Hopkins then delivered the closing addresses severally to the W . M ., the Wardens , and the brethren of the lodge , being greeted with applause at the close of each . The W . M . briefly thanked the members for the honour which had been conferred on him by
placing him in the exalted position of Master of the lodge , and especially expressed his obligation to the Installing Master for the trouble he had taken in conducting the ceremonies of the clay in so able ancl impressive a manner , befitting the importance and dignity of the occasion . He further acknowledged the kindness of many visitors , some of whom had come from great distances to grace the meeting by their presence . The report
of the Audit Committee should have been presented , but circumstances having prevented its preparation , its production was postponed till the next meeting . The lodge having been resumed in the second arid afterwards in the first degree , Bro . Dr . Hopkins brought forward a proposition of which he had given notice for a grant of two guineas to the Palestine Exploration Fund , which found no seconder , probably owing to ignorance of
the state of the I ' nnds in the absence of the annual report . The W : M . drew the attention of the brethren to a very handsome Corinthian column standing near the J . W's . chair , which completes the set of three for the lodge room , tho Doric and Ionic columns having been the gifts of two members several years ago . He stated that this new addition was presented by Bro . W . H . Staffordwhothough but a Masonwas desirous of thus
, , young , evincing his appreciation of tbe privilege of admission into the Masonic Order through the Pleiades Lodge . Tbe W . M . concluded by proposing the following resolutions , which was seconded by the S . W . ancl carried unanimously—Bro . William Henry Stafford having communicated to the W . M . his desire to assist in completing the furniture of the Masonic Hall at Totnes , and having with this view erected in its proper place a Corinthian
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ing , aud especially so when it was known that the lodge would qualify themselves to rank as vice-presidents of those institutions . He also thanked them for their handsome contribution of five guineas towards the testimonial to be presented to the Grand Master on completing his 25 years sovereignty of the Craft .
Bros . Alfred Avery , James Avery , ancl Parker , ( the stewards to represent the lodge at the three coming festivals ) severally returned thanks for the contributions placed in their hands , and hoped to see the Beadon Lodge stand in a very proud position on these occasions .
The Tyler's toast brought a very happy meeting to a close , which was materially assisted by the harmony of many of the brethren . Bro . Drysdale presided at the pianoforte . The Visitors present were : Bros . H . G . Hayward , St . John's , 167 ; Geo . Christie , High Cross , 754 ; W . B . Roberts , P . M . 181 ; T . Knott , 73 ; Pinhorn , 319 ; W . Mainger , W . M . 15 ; W ., Wanger , P . M . 15 ; W . J . Adams , P . M . 198 , P . Prov . G . M . Herts ; J . Terry , P . M . 228 ; J . Hill , P . M . 87 ; H . Thompson , P . M . 177 ; W . Blake , 23 .
EOYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —At the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Friday , 30 th ult ., this lodgo held its adjourned meeting . Bro . Frederick Walters , P . M . and Sec , opened the lodge punctually at six o ' clock p . m . The minutes of the antecedent meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . William Myatt being a candidate for passing was interrogated , trusted , and withdrew . Tbe Fellow Crafts lodge was then formed . Bro . John HawkerW . M . took the Solomonic chair ,
, , and in au able , superior , talented , and efficient manner , passed Bro . W . Wyatt to the second degree . Tbe first degree was resumed . The Zetland Commemoration was brought under the notice of the lodge . An eloquent appeal was mado by the Secretary , Bro . F . Walters , urging the lodge to send as usual a steward to represent them at the festival for the Eoyal Benevolent Institution , which will be held on January 28 th , 1 SG 9 .
The lodge was duly closed . There were present besides those mentioned Bros . W . Andrews , I . P . M . ; J . Truelove , J . W . ; T . Killner , Dir , of Cers . ; G . Andrews , H . J . Tuson , J . F . Funge , H . J . Wright , S . 0 . Lewin , G . Ellis , G . Holman , G . F . Honey , W . Dalziel , J . W . Eeed , and some others . Amongst an unusual large number of visitors we noticed Bros . W . Herbert , 73 ; H . Endsor , 73 ; G . Hill , 73 ; H . Keeble , 73 ; D . Davies , 147 ; J . Eoper , 147 ; J . Carver , 147 ; E . Allsopp , 217 ; Gard , 749 ;
T . E . Tout , S . W ., 857 ; and others whose names we were unable ts ascertain . The usual good banquet followed , served up under the personal superintendence of the host , Bro . < x . Ellis , who exerted himself to please all .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CARLISLE . —( Union Lodge , No . 310 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . The following brethren were in attendance , viz ., Bros . J . Slack , WM . Prov . G . S . D . ; J . Iredale , P . M . P . Prov . D . G . M ., G . G . Hayward , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . acting S . W . ; G . Sumerville , J . W . ; J . A . WheatleyS . D . ; G . TurnbullJ . D . ; T . Cockburnacting Sec
, , , ; W . Court , Treas . ; J . Atkinson , I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; A . Woodhouse , W . M . 412 ; J . M . Harrison , Eobert Metcalf ; also visiting brethren , Serj . G . Murray , ( 318 , S . C ) , and Messman James James , 724 all of the 40 th Regt .. The head quarters of that Regiment are now stationed in this City . The lodge was opened in form . The minutes of last meeting read , the W . M . said that he had received some communication from Grand
Lodge in reference to the '' Zetland Memorial " which he read to the meeting . The S . W . said that he wished to propose that as the funds of this lodge were in low ebb , no subscription be sent at present , but if the funds were in a good position at the time the list closed , he had no doubt but that a handsome sum would be forwarded . After other business of importance had been concluded , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the
refreshment-room , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank ancl responded to with musical honour . Bro . Serj . Murray rose to respond to a toast that had been drank , to tho health of the Grand Master Mason of Scotland , Bro the Earl of
Dalhousie , K . T , G . C . B ., and said that he ( Bro . Murray ) had great pleasure in responding to that toast for , for what he knew and had heard of the G . M . of Scotland , he felt confident that he the G . M . was the right man in the right place , and as for himself he thanked the brethren for the very courteous manner they had received him . The visitors Bros , Wetheral and James ,, each returned thanks in short speeches , after which the Tylers ' toast brought the evening to a close .
DEVONSHIEE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge , ( No . 710 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , 29 th ult . The brethren had been summoned for noon , and half an hour after that time the lodge was opened in the first degree , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., by BroDrHopkinsP . Prov . G . S . W . P . M . & c . This being done
. . , , , Bro . Jolm Heath , W . M . entered and took his chair . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree . Bro . A . Niner acted as S . W ., Bro . Bodley as J . W ., Bro . Watson occupied his place as Sec ., Bro . Pridham has S . D ., Bro . W . Cuming as J . D . Bro . Dr . Hopkins then assumed the first chair to perforin the duty as Installing Master . Bro . John Heath presented his son Bro .
George Heath as W . M . elect to receive the benefit of Installation , offering many remarks appropriate to the occasion , flowing naturally from a proper feeling of pride on seeing his son so cordially elected , so able ancl willing to take the place just vacated by himself , on the point of being inducted into a position qualifying him to rule over the lodge in which he had first seen the lihtand to take-a rank previouslheld bhis father
g , y y and brother . After the usual preliminaries , and when assent had been given to the ancient charges as read by the Secretary , the candidate was obligated as regards his duties . The lodge was opened in the third degree , ancl the brethren who had not passed the chair retired . A Board of Installed Masters was then constituted , in whose presence Bro . Dr . Hopkins placed BroGeorge Heath in the chair of K . Swith the usual
formali-. ., ties and explanations . The Board of Masters was then closed , and the Master Masons , Fellow Crafts and Entered Apprentices were summoned in succession , the customary processions , salutations and proclamations taking place on each occasion . These having been completed , the new W . M . appointed and invested the following officers , giving to each of them an epitome of his dutiesand the srround of his arroointmen .. Bros . J . Heath .
I . P . M . ; Eev . J . Powning , Chap . ; Pridham , S . W . j W . Cuming , J . W . ; Adams , Sec ; Watson , Treas . ; A . Niner , S . D . ; W . H » Stafford , J . D . ; Taylor , Org . ; Stephens , I . G . ; Middleton , Manning , Stewards ; Crocker , Tyler . Bro . Dr . Hopkins then delivered the closing addresses severally to the W . M ., the Wardens , and the brethren of the lodge , being greeted with applause at the close of each . The W . M . briefly thanked the members for the honour which had been conferred on him by
placing him in the exalted position of Master of the lodge , and especially expressed his obligation to the Installing Master for the trouble he had taken in conducting the ceremonies of the clay in so able ancl impressive a manner , befitting the importance and dignity of the occasion . He further acknowledged the kindness of many visitors , some of whom had come from great distances to grace the meeting by their presence . The report
of the Audit Committee should have been presented , but circumstances having prevented its preparation , its production was postponed till the next meeting . The lodge having been resumed in the second arid afterwards in the first degree , Bro . Dr . Hopkins brought forward a proposition of which he had given notice for a grant of two guineas to the Palestine Exploration Fund , which found no seconder , probably owing to ignorance of
the state of the I ' nnds in the absence of the annual report . The W : M . drew the attention of the brethren to a very handsome Corinthian column standing near the J . W's . chair , which completes the set of three for the lodge room , tho Doric and Ionic columns having been the gifts of two members several years ago . He stated that this new addition was presented by Bro . W . H . Staffordwhothough but a Masonwas desirous of thus
, , young , evincing his appreciation of tbe privilege of admission into the Masonic Order through the Pleiades Lodge . Tbe W . M . concluded by proposing the following resolutions , which was seconded by the S . W . ancl carried unanimously—Bro . William Henry Stafford having communicated to the W . M . his desire to assist in completing the furniture of the Masonic Hall at Totnes , and having with this view erected in its proper place a Corinthian