Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 5 →
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column , 10 ft , in height , with a carved stone capital , of elegant and correct design , as a match for the Doric ancl Ionic Orders , previously presented by other brethren , resolved unanimously , on the pronosition of Bro . George Heath , W . M ., seconded by Bro . John Pridham , S . W . — "That the most grateful and cordial thanks of the Pleiades Lodge , No . 710 , be accorded to Bro . "William Henry Stafford , for his generous and unexpected present . That the circumstances attending the gift be recorded iu
the minutes of the lodge . That Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . & c . be requested to inscribe a copy of this resolution on vellum , to be given to Bro . W . H . Stafford in testimony of tbe appreciation by the lodge of his endeavour to promote its interests , by thus completing one portion of its furniture ; and that the document be signed by the Worshipful Master , Wardens and Secretary . " On the proposition of Bro . Pridham , ¦ S . W . seconded bBro . W . CumingJ . Wit was resolved " that
y , . the best thanks of the lodge be presented to Bro . John Heath , I . P . M . for his able and efficient government of the Pleiades Lodge during his term of office as W . M . " The W . M . having risen three several times , and no other business offering , the official proceedings of the day were brought to a close soon after two o ' clock in perfect harmony and with solemn prayer . The ¦ annual banquet took lace at the Seven Stars Hotelwhere the
p , brethren reassembled an hour after the closing of the lodge . Nearly fifty brethren sat down , under the presidency -of Bro . George Heath , WM ., who was supported on his right by Bros . Earle , Owen , P . M . ; T . Kellock , John Heathson , P . M ., and Kottle ; and on his left by Bros . Rev . E . Bowden , P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . ; Marks , P . M . ; Wat « on , P . M . The vice chair was occupied by
Bro . Pridham , S . W ., supported by Bro . Brewster , P . M . and -others . The dinner , comprising every thing that could be desired and being well served , did great credit to the Host Bro . John Heath and Mrs . Heath . The toasts , speeches & c , being of the ordinary Masonic and congratulatory character appropriate ¦ on such festal occasons , need no especial mention . Most of the party left soon after seven o ' clock , and all appeared highly pleased with the proceedings of the clay , which were creditable to those on whom the arrangements had devolved . There were many visitors present from the neighbouring towns .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NETVCASTLE-ON -TYNE . —Lodge De Loraine ( No . 541 ) . —On Friday evening , tbe 16 th ult ., the members of this flourishing lodge held their usual monthly meeting at their lodge room in Blackett-street , under the presidency of their popular W . M . Bro . John Stokoe , when there was a large attendance of members and visitorsprominent them bo mentioned
; among may Bros . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B ., England ; E . D . Davis , P . Prov , S . W ., Northumberland ; T . Y . Strachan , P . Prov . G . S . D ; W . Fulsham , W . M ., 24 ; S . Anderson , Prov . G . Treas ., Northumberland ; R . Smaile , P . M . ; B . Smaile , P . M . ; Winter , P . M . ; Smith , P . M . The minutes oftlie preceding meeting having been duly disposed of , tho ballot was taken for Mr . Thomas Sewell , Jun ,, and Mr . Thomas Allison , who being duly elected were initiated .
Bro . Henry Taylor was also passed to the second degree , and Bro , James Boe raised to the third degree , all the several de-. grees being confeired by the W . M ., Bro . Stokoe , in an accurate and appropriate manner . The next business being the nomination of Treasurer and Tyler was quietly got through . The W . M . then announced the presence of a deputation , of which 1 m had the honour to be one himself , from fhe committee
appointed to promote the erection of a Masonic Hall in Newcastle , and concisely and forcibly put before the brethren the necessity of a Masonic building where the various ceremonies could be properly and more effectively performed than in any of the present lodge rooms owing to the inadequacy of the accommodation . Bro . T , Y . Strachan , another of the deputation also addresed the brethren and appealed for that support in which lodge De Loraine was never found wanting to any proper obsite in central
ject . A a and prominent part of the town was being treated for , and he trusted the names and Masonic standing of the brethren forming the provisional committee would be a sufficient guarantee for all the Masons in the town to accord the scheme their heart y and best support . Several of the brethren of the lodge afterwards addressed the lodge and the feeling was unanimous in support of the scheme . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to refreshment and so brought another of De Loraine ' spleasant meetings under the present worthy W . M . to a happy conclusion .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Memorial Schools ( opposite the Church ) , Meltham , on Wednesday , the 28 th ult ., at 11-30 a . m ., the R . W . Bro . the Rt . Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . and Prov . G . M ., presided , supported by the Prov . G , Officers .
The lodge having been opened in the three degrees by the W . M . and officers of the Lodge of Peace , 149 , the Prov . G . Master , the D . Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . G . Officers entered and the Prov . G . Lodge was opened in due form . The roll of lodges having been called , and the Prov . G . Officers having answered to their names , the minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge held at Holmfirth on the 1 st July last , were read and received confirmation .
The Charity Committee then presented the following special report . ' * The Charity Committee beg to report that since the last meeting of Provincial G . Lodge they have succeeded in electing S . H . Tetley to the Boys' School . "In pursuance of a resolution unanimously agreed to at Leeds , August 22 nd , 1868 , the committee have the honour to
make a special appeal to the province and incorporate it with their report . " The R . W . Prov . G . M having consented to preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , March 10 th , 1869 , in order that the province may not only liberally and efficiently support their most distinguished brother on that occasion , but manifest their continued interest in the progress and prosperity of one of the most useful institutions ot our orderthe
, Charity Committee beg to call their special attention to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . And as the aim and object of the charity committee as originally established was to advise , suggest , and superintend all matters and measures affecting the interests of the four great Central Masonic Institutions , the Committee feel sure , that their endeavour to bring the pressing claims of the Boys' School clearly and forcibly
before Prov . G . Lodge will be properly appreciated and approved of by all their brethren . " It may be well then on the present occasion to remind Prov . G . Lodge very shortly of the past history of the Boys ' School . " The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was founded in 1798 , with the benevolent intention " of preserving from the dangers of vice and immorality the infant sons of deceased
and unfortunate Freemasons , by furnishing them with decent clothing and a plain education , and ultimately apprenticing them to suitable trades , so as to qualify them to fill with , advantage to themselves and credit to the Craft those situations in life to which it should please Providence to call them . ' " Carrying out the true principles of Freemasonry , the worthy and philanthropic founders of the institution agreed to receive children of every denomination and wherever residentto
, clothe them , furnish them with necessary books , educate them at the schools nearest to their homes , and when the boys reached the age of 14 , to give them , if found deserving , a premium of £ 5 . " Such was the humble beginning of what promises to become a great institution , and for fifty-eight years the system just described was that on which the Boys' School was carried
on . " In 1856 , however , a great change was made in the rules and regulations of the Institution . " Owing to what then had become for some time a great fact happily in the history of this country—the spread of a wise educational movement—the Committee of tbe Boys' School , taking into account tho increased demands for the admission of candidates , determined that the time had come when material
improvements might properly be made in the established system of the school , so as to render it more worthy of the Order at large ancl more beneficial in its practical results . Ancl as for some time previously a general feeling had prevailed that the arrangements of the school were not as satisfactory as could be wished , such an alteration was gladly hailed by all the friends of the Institution . " It was in consequence of an appeal made to the Craft in the year 1856 , that the Committee of the School were enabled to purchase for £ 3 , 500 a house and grounds at Wood Green , near Loudon .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
column , 10 ft , in height , with a carved stone capital , of elegant and correct design , as a match for the Doric ancl Ionic Orders , previously presented by other brethren , resolved unanimously , on the pronosition of Bro . George Heath , W . M ., seconded by Bro . John Pridham , S . W . — "That the most grateful and cordial thanks of the Pleiades Lodge , No . 710 , be accorded to Bro . "William Henry Stafford , for his generous and unexpected present . That the circumstances attending the gift be recorded iu
the minutes of the lodge . That Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . & c . be requested to inscribe a copy of this resolution on vellum , to be given to Bro . W . H . Stafford in testimony of tbe appreciation by the lodge of his endeavour to promote its interests , by thus completing one portion of its furniture ; and that the document be signed by the Worshipful Master , Wardens and Secretary . " On the proposition of Bro . Pridham , ¦ S . W . seconded bBro . W . CumingJ . Wit was resolved " that
y , . the best thanks of the lodge be presented to Bro . John Heath , I . P . M . for his able and efficient government of the Pleiades Lodge during his term of office as W . M . " The W . M . having risen three several times , and no other business offering , the official proceedings of the day were brought to a close soon after two o ' clock in perfect harmony and with solemn prayer . The ¦ annual banquet took lace at the Seven Stars Hotelwhere the
p , brethren reassembled an hour after the closing of the lodge . Nearly fifty brethren sat down , under the presidency -of Bro . George Heath , WM ., who was supported on his right by Bros . Earle , Owen , P . M . ; T . Kellock , John Heathson , P . M ., and Kottle ; and on his left by Bros . Rev . E . Bowden , P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . ; Marks , P . M . ; Wat « on , P . M . The vice chair was occupied by
Bro . Pridham , S . W ., supported by Bro . Brewster , P . M . and -others . The dinner , comprising every thing that could be desired and being well served , did great credit to the Host Bro . John Heath and Mrs . Heath . The toasts , speeches & c , being of the ordinary Masonic and congratulatory character appropriate ¦ on such festal occasons , need no especial mention . Most of the party left soon after seven o ' clock , and all appeared highly pleased with the proceedings of the clay , which were creditable to those on whom the arrangements had devolved . There were many visitors present from the neighbouring towns .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NETVCASTLE-ON -TYNE . —Lodge De Loraine ( No . 541 ) . —On Friday evening , tbe 16 th ult ., the members of this flourishing lodge held their usual monthly meeting at their lodge room in Blackett-street , under the presidency of their popular W . M . Bro . John Stokoe , when there was a large attendance of members and visitorsprominent them bo mentioned
; among may Bros . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B ., England ; E . D . Davis , P . Prov , S . W ., Northumberland ; T . Y . Strachan , P . Prov . G . S . D ; W . Fulsham , W . M ., 24 ; S . Anderson , Prov . G . Treas ., Northumberland ; R . Smaile , P . M . ; B . Smaile , P . M . ; Winter , P . M . ; Smith , P . M . The minutes oftlie preceding meeting having been duly disposed of , tho ballot was taken for Mr . Thomas Sewell , Jun ,, and Mr . Thomas Allison , who being duly elected were initiated .
Bro . Henry Taylor was also passed to the second degree , and Bro , James Boe raised to the third degree , all the several de-. grees being confeired by the W . M ., Bro . Stokoe , in an accurate and appropriate manner . The next business being the nomination of Treasurer and Tyler was quietly got through . The W . M . then announced the presence of a deputation , of which 1 m had the honour to be one himself , from fhe committee
appointed to promote the erection of a Masonic Hall in Newcastle , and concisely and forcibly put before the brethren the necessity of a Masonic building where the various ceremonies could be properly and more effectively performed than in any of the present lodge rooms owing to the inadequacy of the accommodation . Bro . T , Y . Strachan , another of the deputation also addresed the brethren and appealed for that support in which lodge De Loraine was never found wanting to any proper obsite in central
ject . A a and prominent part of the town was being treated for , and he trusted the names and Masonic standing of the brethren forming the provisional committee would be a sufficient guarantee for all the Masons in the town to accord the scheme their heart y and best support . Several of the brethren of the lodge afterwards addressed the lodge and the feeling was unanimous in support of the scheme . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to refreshment and so brought another of De Loraine ' spleasant meetings under the present worthy W . M . to a happy conclusion .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Memorial Schools ( opposite the Church ) , Meltham , on Wednesday , the 28 th ult ., at 11-30 a . m ., the R . W . Bro . the Rt . Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . and Prov . G . M ., presided , supported by the Prov . G , Officers .
The lodge having been opened in the three degrees by the W . M . and officers of the Lodge of Peace , 149 , the Prov . G . Master , the D . Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . G . Officers entered and the Prov . G . Lodge was opened in due form . The roll of lodges having been called , and the Prov . G . Officers having answered to their names , the minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge held at Holmfirth on the 1 st July last , were read and received confirmation .
The Charity Committee then presented the following special report . ' * The Charity Committee beg to report that since the last meeting of Provincial G . Lodge they have succeeded in electing S . H . Tetley to the Boys' School . "In pursuance of a resolution unanimously agreed to at Leeds , August 22 nd , 1868 , the committee have the honour to
make a special appeal to the province and incorporate it with their report . " The R . W . Prov . G . M having consented to preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , March 10 th , 1869 , in order that the province may not only liberally and efficiently support their most distinguished brother on that occasion , but manifest their continued interest in the progress and prosperity of one of the most useful institutions ot our orderthe
, Charity Committee beg to call their special attention to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . And as the aim and object of the charity committee as originally established was to advise , suggest , and superintend all matters and measures affecting the interests of the four great Central Masonic Institutions , the Committee feel sure , that their endeavour to bring the pressing claims of the Boys' School clearly and forcibly
before Prov . G . Lodge will be properly appreciated and approved of by all their brethren . " It may be well then on the present occasion to remind Prov . G . Lodge very shortly of the past history of the Boys ' School . " The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was founded in 1798 , with the benevolent intention " of preserving from the dangers of vice and immorality the infant sons of deceased
and unfortunate Freemasons , by furnishing them with decent clothing and a plain education , and ultimately apprenticing them to suitable trades , so as to qualify them to fill with , advantage to themselves and credit to the Craft those situations in life to which it should please Providence to call them . ' " Carrying out the true principles of Freemasonry , the worthy and philanthropic founders of the institution agreed to receive children of every denomination and wherever residentto
, clothe them , furnish them with necessary books , educate them at the schools nearest to their homes , and when the boys reached the age of 14 , to give them , if found deserving , a premium of £ 5 . " Such was the humble beginning of what promises to become a great institution , and for fifty-eight years the system just described was that on which the Boys' School was carried
on . " In 1856 , however , a great change was made in the rules and regulations of the Institution . " Owing to what then had become for some time a great fact happily in the history of this country—the spread of a wise educational movement—the Committee of tbe Boys' School , taking into account tho increased demands for the admission of candidates , determined that the time had come when material
improvements might properly be made in the established system of the school , so as to render it more worthy of the Order at large ancl more beneficial in its practical results . Ancl as for some time previously a general feeling had prevailed that the arrangements of the school were not as satisfactory as could be wished , such an alteration was gladly hailed by all the friends of the Institution . " It was in consequence of an appeal made to the Craft in the year 1856 , that the Committee of the School were enabled to purchase for £ 3 , 500 a house and grounds at Wood Green , near Loudon .