Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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sent Comps . H . Ward , M . E . Z . ; C . R . Rowe , P . Z . as M . E . H ., ( in the unavoidabe absence of Comp . Heath ) , E . W . Wyndham , M . E . J . ; B . J . Kerridge , P . Z . E . ; J . Clifton , N . ; F . Tanner P . S ., and others . The ballot was taken for Bro . Thomas Ledder , Sec . 622 , which proved unanimous in his favour . He was then admitted and exalted to thissupreme degree in ancient and solemn form , the historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures being given by the M . E . Z . in a most impressive manner . There being
, no further business the chapter was closed in solemn form , DURHAM . GATESHEAED . —Chapter de Burghi ( No . 424 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , 22 ud ult ., at the chapter room , Gateshead . The minutes of preceding chapter were confirmed , and the companions elected were duly installed
and invested in their various offices , viz ., Comps . R . J . Banning , Z . ; G . A . Allen , H . ; B . Hugill , J . ; John Stokoe , E . ; Richardson , N . ; R . B . Reed , P . S . ; R . F . Cook , A . S . ; Curry , Janitor . A resolution was adopted that the chapter hold their future meetings in the new Masonic Hall . The financial report showed the funds to be in a flourishing condition . The companions then sat down to their usual annual dinner which has become so noted as the perfection of a well appointed and comfortable spread , and finished tbe evening in a harmonious and happy manner .
Mark Masonry.
METEOPOLITAN . ST . MARK ' LODGE OP MARK MASTERS , ( NO . 24 ) . —On Monday 2 nd inst , at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury this lodge met Bro . H . C . Levander , A . M ., WM . presided . The minutes of previous lodge meeting were unanimously confirmed . Apologies were sent for non attendance of candidates ; audit committee reported a balance in the Treasurer ' s hands . The lodge was
closed . Present Bros . T . Wescorobe , S . W . and Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , J . W , ; R . W . Little , P . M . Sec . ; F . Walters , P . M . R . of M . ; Rev . W . B . Church , M . O . and Chap . ; J . Mc Kiernan , J . 0 . ; H . Parker , Org ., and others . Alsitor Bro . R . Watts , P . G . S . B ., P . M . Refreshment followed labour .
WORCESTERSHIRE . GRAND LODGE OP MARK MASTERS OP ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . The second meeting of this body since the adoption of the plan of holding " Moveable Grand Lodges "—or meetings of Grand Lod in the Provinces—was held at Worcester
ge on Wednesday , the 21 st ult ., under the auspices of the Lechmere Lodge , No . 59 . The Mayor of Worcester , Bro . W . Webb , having most kindly granted the use of the Guildhall , the accommodation placed at the disposal of the members of thc lodge lor tbe fitting reception of ^ Grand Lodge , left nothing to he desired . The rooms were suitably decoratedthe banners being numerousprominent
, , amongst which was the very handsome banner of the Grand Lodge , borne for the first time to-day . The Lechmere Lodge was opened at half-past two in the afternoon , the W . M ., R . W . Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . W ., in the chair . Ballots were taken for three brethren , whose names bad been duly inserted in the summonses , viz .: —Bros . Sir Frederick A .
Gore Ouseley , Bart ., P . M ., St . Michael ' s Lodge , 1097 ; Robert Thomas Baker , Worcester Lodge , 280 ; and Bro . William L . Smith , Worcester Lodge . 2 S 0 , and were declared to be in the affirmative . It was then announced the M . W . G . M . ancl officers of the Grand Lodge demanded admission , when the brethren stood to order , and the procession enlored us follows : —Bra . F . H . VV'interbotham Steward
, G . ; W . Bros . Frederick Davison , P . G . Org ., Richard Spencer , P . G . S . B . ; C . Swan , P , G . S . B . ; V . Bros . W . L . Wallace , P . G . D . ; T . W . Swinburne , P . G . D . ; C . C . w ! Griffiths , G . S . D . ; Frederick Binckes , G . Sec . ; Thomas Meggy ; G . M . O . ; Reverends C . J . Martyn and C . W . S . Stanhope , Grand Chaplains ; Dr . Henry Hopkins , G . J . W . ; Rev . G . R . Portal , M . A ., R . W . D . G . M . ; W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., M . W . G . M . The
W . M . and officers offered their seats to the Grand Master and Grand Officers , which were declined , and the customary salutations having been made , the WM . proceeded to advance to this honourable degree the three candidates named above ;
the ceremony being performed in a manner to elicit the commendation of the G . M . and others . The Lechmere Lodge was then closed , the various positions vacated by the W . M . and officers , and Grand Lodge opened in solemn and ancient form . The minutes of the summer convocation held in London iu June last , were read for information ; upon which followed the consideration of the recommendations of the General Boardliaving for their object to impart
addi-, tional prestige and importance to the banquet assemblies held after the regular meeting of Grand Lodge iu June and December . Copies of these recommendations had been sent to every Grand Officer , past and present , and to the W . M . of every lodge , with a request that in each case " assent" or " dissent " might be signified . Thirty-four replies from Grand
Officershad been received , of which thirty were "favourable "; two " favourable to a qualified extent" ; and one " unfavourable ; " and from lodges , six that were wholly favourable , and one favourable to a qualified extent . After considerable discussion the communication took the form of resolutions for confirmation by Grand Lodge at its next regular meeting , as follows : — That the fee of honour 5 s . now payable by every brother on
appointment as Grand Steward be abolished . That the Installation Festival after the meeting of lodge in June , be under the management of the " Board of Grand Stewards , " who shall provide tbe entire entertainment , including music , & c . That every brother attending shall pay for his dinner ticket , if taken before the day of meeting , 15 s . ; if taken on the day ol meeting , 17 s . 6 cl ., including wine ancl dessert ; the deficiency
( if any ) to be paid by the Grand Stewards . That Grand Stewards shall hold substantive rank as Grand . Officers , past and present , and wear the distinctive clothing . That for a period of three years the festival after the meeting of Grand Lodge in December , shall be a " Charity Festival , " under the management of a " Board of Stewards , " composed of brethren offering their services as representing lodges , who shall each pay a deposit fee of £ 2 2 s . towards the expenses of the festival .
That ladies be admitted to dine at the same table with the brethren . That the price of the dinner ticket be—single , to admit a brother , one guinea ; double , to admit a lady and a brother , oneguinea and-a-lmlf . The proceeds of the festival to be paid to the " Grand Mark Fund of Benevolence . " That brethren serving as Stewards , and contributing an
individual donation of five guineas , or a collection of ten guineas , shall be entitled to wear a distinctive Bar on the Ribbon of thejewel of the degree , and an additional Bar for every additional Stewardship under similar conditions . That the fee of honour paid by the Grand Standard Bearer ,, and by the Grand Pursuivant , be one guinea , instead of ten shillings and sixpence . That a "Lodge of Improvement" be held one hour before
the time fixed for the meeting of Grand Lodge in June and December , at which the "Ceremony of Advancement" shall be worked , the presiding W . M . to be nominated by the W-M . G . M . A complimentary address ivas voted to the Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , ancl the officers of Grand Lodge on the happy occasion of the visit , which the Grand Master most , warmly acknowledged .
A cordial vote of thanks to Bro- W . Webb , Mayor of the City , was carried by acclamation . Bro . Webb in returning thanks expressed himself as delighted at liaving the honour of receiving a visit from the Grand Mark Lodge during his-Mayoralty , arid as exceedingly pleased by the opportunity of doing what in him lay to facilitate its reception- Grand Lodgeivas closed in ancient and solemn form . The banquet was held at the Bell Hotel at seven o'clock , the table covered with
delicacies , and closely packed with guests who evinced every appreciation of the provision made for their comfort and enjoyment . The M . W . G . M . presided faced by R . W . Bro . Sir E . A .. H . Lechmere , Burl ., M . P ., P . G . W ., and supported by the Dep . G . M ., Bros . A . H . Royds ( Craft Prov . G . M . Worcester ) , Rev . Sir J . Gore Ouseley Bart ., Capt . J . H . Barber , ( Craft Dep . G . M .. Worcester ) and other brethren of distinction . The next regular meeting of Grand Lodge will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , London , on Tuesday 1 st December next , afe five o ' clock p . m . precisely .
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Royal Arch.
sent Comps . H . Ward , M . E . Z . ; C . R . Rowe , P . Z . as M . E . H ., ( in the unavoidabe absence of Comp . Heath ) , E . W . Wyndham , M . E . J . ; B . J . Kerridge , P . Z . E . ; J . Clifton , N . ; F . Tanner P . S ., and others . The ballot was taken for Bro . Thomas Ledder , Sec . 622 , which proved unanimous in his favour . He was then admitted and exalted to thissupreme degree in ancient and solemn form , the historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures being given by the M . E . Z . in a most impressive manner . There being
, no further business the chapter was closed in solemn form , DURHAM . GATESHEAED . —Chapter de Burghi ( No . 424 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , 22 ud ult ., at the chapter room , Gateshead . The minutes of preceding chapter were confirmed , and the companions elected were duly installed
and invested in their various offices , viz ., Comps . R . J . Banning , Z . ; G . A . Allen , H . ; B . Hugill , J . ; John Stokoe , E . ; Richardson , N . ; R . B . Reed , P . S . ; R . F . Cook , A . S . ; Curry , Janitor . A resolution was adopted that the chapter hold their future meetings in the new Masonic Hall . The financial report showed the funds to be in a flourishing condition . The companions then sat down to their usual annual dinner which has become so noted as the perfection of a well appointed and comfortable spread , and finished tbe evening in a harmonious and happy manner .
Mark Masonry.
METEOPOLITAN . ST . MARK ' LODGE OP MARK MASTERS , ( NO . 24 ) . —On Monday 2 nd inst , at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury this lodge met Bro . H . C . Levander , A . M ., WM . presided . The minutes of previous lodge meeting were unanimously confirmed . Apologies were sent for non attendance of candidates ; audit committee reported a balance in the Treasurer ' s hands . The lodge was
closed . Present Bros . T . Wescorobe , S . W . and Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , J . W , ; R . W . Little , P . M . Sec . ; F . Walters , P . M . R . of M . ; Rev . W . B . Church , M . O . and Chap . ; J . Mc Kiernan , J . 0 . ; H . Parker , Org ., and others . Alsitor Bro . R . Watts , P . G . S . B ., P . M . Refreshment followed labour .
WORCESTERSHIRE . GRAND LODGE OP MARK MASTERS OP ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . The second meeting of this body since the adoption of the plan of holding " Moveable Grand Lodges "—or meetings of Grand Lod in the Provinces—was held at Worcester
ge on Wednesday , the 21 st ult ., under the auspices of the Lechmere Lodge , No . 59 . The Mayor of Worcester , Bro . W . Webb , having most kindly granted the use of the Guildhall , the accommodation placed at the disposal of the members of thc lodge lor tbe fitting reception of ^ Grand Lodge , left nothing to he desired . The rooms were suitably decoratedthe banners being numerousprominent
, , amongst which was the very handsome banner of the Grand Lodge , borne for the first time to-day . The Lechmere Lodge was opened at half-past two in the afternoon , the W . M ., R . W . Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . W ., in the chair . Ballots were taken for three brethren , whose names bad been duly inserted in the summonses , viz .: —Bros . Sir Frederick A .
Gore Ouseley , Bart ., P . M ., St . Michael ' s Lodge , 1097 ; Robert Thomas Baker , Worcester Lodge , 280 ; and Bro . William L . Smith , Worcester Lodge . 2 S 0 , and were declared to be in the affirmative . It was then announced the M . W . G . M . ancl officers of the Grand Lodge demanded admission , when the brethren stood to order , and the procession enlored us follows : —Bra . F . H . VV'interbotham Steward
, G . ; W . Bros . Frederick Davison , P . G . Org ., Richard Spencer , P . G . S . B . ; C . Swan , P , G . S . B . ; V . Bros . W . L . Wallace , P . G . D . ; T . W . Swinburne , P . G . D . ; C . C . w ! Griffiths , G . S . D . ; Frederick Binckes , G . Sec . ; Thomas Meggy ; G . M . O . ; Reverends C . J . Martyn and C . W . S . Stanhope , Grand Chaplains ; Dr . Henry Hopkins , G . J . W . ; Rev . G . R . Portal , M . A ., R . W . D . G . M . ; W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., M . W . G . M . The
W . M . and officers offered their seats to the Grand Master and Grand Officers , which were declined , and the customary salutations having been made , the WM . proceeded to advance to this honourable degree the three candidates named above ;
the ceremony being performed in a manner to elicit the commendation of the G . M . and others . The Lechmere Lodge was then closed , the various positions vacated by the W . M . and officers , and Grand Lodge opened in solemn and ancient form . The minutes of the summer convocation held in London iu June last , were read for information ; upon which followed the consideration of the recommendations of the General Boardliaving for their object to impart
addi-, tional prestige and importance to the banquet assemblies held after the regular meeting of Grand Lodge iu June and December . Copies of these recommendations had been sent to every Grand Officer , past and present , and to the W . M . of every lodge , with a request that in each case " assent" or " dissent " might be signified . Thirty-four replies from Grand
Officershad been received , of which thirty were "favourable "; two " favourable to a qualified extent" ; and one " unfavourable ; " and from lodges , six that were wholly favourable , and one favourable to a qualified extent . After considerable discussion the communication took the form of resolutions for confirmation by Grand Lodge at its next regular meeting , as follows : — That the fee of honour 5 s . now payable by every brother on
appointment as Grand Steward be abolished . That the Installation Festival after the meeting of lodge in June , be under the management of the " Board of Grand Stewards , " who shall provide tbe entire entertainment , including music , & c . That every brother attending shall pay for his dinner ticket , if taken before the day of meeting , 15 s . ; if taken on the day ol meeting , 17 s . 6 cl ., including wine ancl dessert ; the deficiency
( if any ) to be paid by the Grand Stewards . That Grand Stewards shall hold substantive rank as Grand . Officers , past and present , and wear the distinctive clothing . That for a period of three years the festival after the meeting of Grand Lodge in December , shall be a " Charity Festival , " under the management of a " Board of Stewards , " composed of brethren offering their services as representing lodges , who shall each pay a deposit fee of £ 2 2 s . towards the expenses of the festival .
That ladies be admitted to dine at the same table with the brethren . That the price of the dinner ticket be—single , to admit a brother , one guinea ; double , to admit a lady and a brother , oneguinea and-a-lmlf . The proceeds of the festival to be paid to the " Grand Mark Fund of Benevolence . " That brethren serving as Stewards , and contributing an
individual donation of five guineas , or a collection of ten guineas , shall be entitled to wear a distinctive Bar on the Ribbon of thejewel of the degree , and an additional Bar for every additional Stewardship under similar conditions . That the fee of honour paid by the Grand Standard Bearer ,, and by the Grand Pursuivant , be one guinea , instead of ten shillings and sixpence . That a "Lodge of Improvement" be held one hour before
the time fixed for the meeting of Grand Lodge in June and December , at which the "Ceremony of Advancement" shall be worked , the presiding W . M . to be nominated by the W-M . G . M . A complimentary address ivas voted to the Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , ancl the officers of Grand Lodge on the happy occasion of the visit , which the Grand Master most , warmly acknowledged .
A cordial vote of thanks to Bro- W . Webb , Mayor of the City , was carried by acclamation . Bro . Webb in returning thanks expressed himself as delighted at liaving the honour of receiving a visit from the Grand Mark Lodge during his-Mayoralty , arid as exceedingly pleased by the opportunity of doing what in him lay to facilitate its reception- Grand Lodgeivas closed in ancient and solemn form . The banquet was held at the Bell Hotel at seven o'clock , the table covered with
delicacies , and closely packed with guests who evinced every appreciation of the provision made for their comfort and enjoyment . The M . W . G . M . presided faced by R . W . Bro . Sir E . A .. H . Lechmere , Burl ., M . P ., P . G . W ., and supported by the Dep . G . M ., Bros . A . H . Royds ( Craft Prov . G . M . Worcester ) , Rev . Sir J . Gore Ouseley Bart ., Capt . J . H . Barber , ( Craft Dep . G . M .. Worcester ) and other brethren of distinction . The next regular meeting of Grand Lodge will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , London , on Tuesday 1 st December next , afe five o ' clock p . m . precisely .