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Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
well , but it is clear that it would not be adapted for a larger country . In the banquets of the Order the brethren occupy seats according to the degrees they have taken , an arrangement which is not popular among brethren of the lower grades .
His Majesty , King Charles the X . V ., is very fond of the Craft , as is also his brother , the heirapparenb to the Crown , Prince Oscar . We received an invitation to attend the St . Eric's
Lodge , of which Prince Oscar is W . M ., and much regret our inability to accept it . The Swedes are profoundly convinced that their system of working is the best on the face of the earth , aud doubtless it has its advantages , but
the plan of reading the ritual is certainly not one of them . Those who have listened to such a man as Bro . Gallienne , of Guernsey , conducting' our ceremonies with emphasis , power , and apparent extemporaneousness , could never endure mere reading " .
Our brethren in Sweden are characterised by great timidity ancl mysteriousness in speaking of Masonry . In France and some other countries , there is perhaps too much freedom in the public use of Masonic telegraphybut in Sweden caution
, amounts ^ to reserve . Thus a Swedish brother thinks he ought not to speak of matters which in England are constantly and very properly discussed in the FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE . It is said
that members of the Society of Friends commonly called Quakers never give a decided answer , and that if you ask them " what is the time " they will replywith a remark on the weather- " similarly " to use Charles Dickens ' s pet word , if you ask a
Swedish brother if he is " going to the lodge , " he will enquire " what is the latest news ? " Now as we have before said , the ivorhing of Freemasonry is secret , but its objects are so noble that they ought to be known and loved by all men . We
therefore cannot sympathise with the feeling which precludes non-Masons from learning the principles and constitution of our Order . These remarks we make with all fraternal regard for our brethren in Sweden .
The King is Supreme Master Mason of Sweden and Norway , and Prince Oscar is denominated Grand Master . The Jurisdiction includes about a dozen Craft Lodges , and about half-a-dozen "Scotch" Lodges . The members of the higher
degrees wear a gold finger ring upon which is engraved a cross and other insignia . v The Swedish Freemasons are remarkable for
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
their benevolence . Although their whole Jurisdiction is scarcely more extensive in numbers than an English province , they nevertheless liberally support schools and other Masonic charities . The assistance they mutually render among themselves
is highly praiseworthy , and might well furnish an example to other Craftsmen . We received some very surprising facts bearing on this question , which it would not however be right to publish . On the whole Freemasonry in Sweden is a noble
branch of our Brotherhood , and it is a great power in the Commonwealth , morally , socially and religiously . J . A . H .
The Corinthian Order; Or, The Three Grand Pillars.
By PICTUS . I have already stated in former numbers of the MAGAZINE , that I do not object to the use of "The Three Noble Orders , " or what may perhaps be the better Masonic term " The Three
Grand Pillars , " ( although the names are now Doric , Ionic , Corinthian , the things themselves may have existed long before these particular names were applied ) , but I do object to the use of the five Orders , because they are a comparatively
modern innovation , and do not come in well where used , ( Masonically)—also some authorities do not consider the composite a separate Order at all , but merely a variety of the Corinthian . The "Glossary of Architecture " says , " modern Architects allow of only three Orders . " And in " An Ancient
History , " pub . 1868 . Mr . Philip Smith " the modern Roilin" having alluded to the three Grecian Orders , goes on to say , "No new Order of Classic Architecture has since been invented ; nor have these ever been modified without injury , as in the
Roman Doric and its variety the Tuscan , and in the composite which is a hybrid between the Ionic ancl Corinthian . " And Mr . James Ferguson says , " The Composite never came into general use and has seldom found favour except amongst
the blindest admirers of all that the Romans did * " Therefore seeing so much can justly be said against the use of " The five Orders , " we had better leave them alone , and do without them , and if some idea is necessary for the five * * * * * what can be more archaic than the five senses ?
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Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
well , but it is clear that it would not be adapted for a larger country . In the banquets of the Order the brethren occupy seats according to the degrees they have taken , an arrangement which is not popular among brethren of the lower grades .
His Majesty , King Charles the X . V ., is very fond of the Craft , as is also his brother , the heirapparenb to the Crown , Prince Oscar . We received an invitation to attend the St . Eric's
Lodge , of which Prince Oscar is W . M ., and much regret our inability to accept it . The Swedes are profoundly convinced that their system of working is the best on the face of the earth , aud doubtless it has its advantages , but
the plan of reading the ritual is certainly not one of them . Those who have listened to such a man as Bro . Gallienne , of Guernsey , conducting' our ceremonies with emphasis , power , and apparent extemporaneousness , could never endure mere reading " .
Our brethren in Sweden are characterised by great timidity ancl mysteriousness in speaking of Masonry . In France and some other countries , there is perhaps too much freedom in the public use of Masonic telegraphybut in Sweden caution
, amounts ^ to reserve . Thus a Swedish brother thinks he ought not to speak of matters which in England are constantly and very properly discussed in the FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE . It is said
that members of the Society of Friends commonly called Quakers never give a decided answer , and that if you ask them " what is the time " they will replywith a remark on the weather- " similarly " to use Charles Dickens ' s pet word , if you ask a
Swedish brother if he is " going to the lodge , " he will enquire " what is the latest news ? " Now as we have before said , the ivorhing of Freemasonry is secret , but its objects are so noble that they ought to be known and loved by all men . We
therefore cannot sympathise with the feeling which precludes non-Masons from learning the principles and constitution of our Order . These remarks we make with all fraternal regard for our brethren in Sweden .
The King is Supreme Master Mason of Sweden and Norway , and Prince Oscar is denominated Grand Master . The Jurisdiction includes about a dozen Craft Lodges , and about half-a-dozen "Scotch" Lodges . The members of the higher
degrees wear a gold finger ring upon which is engraved a cross and other insignia . v The Swedish Freemasons are remarkable for
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
their benevolence . Although their whole Jurisdiction is scarcely more extensive in numbers than an English province , they nevertheless liberally support schools and other Masonic charities . The assistance they mutually render among themselves
is highly praiseworthy , and might well furnish an example to other Craftsmen . We received some very surprising facts bearing on this question , which it would not however be right to publish . On the whole Freemasonry in Sweden is a noble
branch of our Brotherhood , and it is a great power in the Commonwealth , morally , socially and religiously . J . A . H .
The Corinthian Order; Or, The Three Grand Pillars.
By PICTUS . I have already stated in former numbers of the MAGAZINE , that I do not object to the use of "The Three Noble Orders , " or what may perhaps be the better Masonic term " The Three
Grand Pillars , " ( although the names are now Doric , Ionic , Corinthian , the things themselves may have existed long before these particular names were applied ) , but I do object to the use of the five Orders , because they are a comparatively
modern innovation , and do not come in well where used , ( Masonically)—also some authorities do not consider the composite a separate Order at all , but merely a variety of the Corinthian . The "Glossary of Architecture " says , " modern Architects allow of only three Orders . " And in " An Ancient
History , " pub . 1868 . Mr . Philip Smith " the modern Roilin" having alluded to the three Grecian Orders , goes on to say , "No new Order of Classic Architecture has since been invented ; nor have these ever been modified without injury , as in the
Roman Doric and its variety the Tuscan , and in the composite which is a hybrid between the Ionic ancl Corinthian . " And Mr . James Ferguson says , " The Composite never came into general use and has seldom found favour except amongst
the blindest admirers of all that the Romans did * " Therefore seeing so much can justly be said against the use of " The five Orders , " we had better leave them alone , and do without them , and if some idea is necessary for the five * * * * * what can be more archaic than the five senses ?