Article THE PRINCE OF WALES AND FREEMASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 14TH, 1868. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 14TH, 1868. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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The Prince Of Wales And Freemasonry.
know , nor do we care , what thousandth or hundredth ) year of its existence , Freemasonry can only be viewed in its nobler modern aspect . It leads us to see that the nursing of the feelings of symbolised by Faith , Hope , and Charity draws mankind towards a common centre and strengthens the hands of all in the common good . It is estimated that at present , in round numbers , there
are about 1 , 250 , 000 Free and Accepted Masons scattered over the face of the globe . Of this number some 150 . 000 are in England , 100 , 000 in Scotland , and 50 , 000 in Ireland . There are about 600 , 000 on the Continent of Europe , 300 , 000 in the United States , and 50 , 000 in other parts of the world . In England there are two or three thousand persons initiated every year . Notwithstanding Papal
allocutions , the Masonic body is increasing everywhere . Hence , the question—What is Freemasonry ? "What does it mean ? The answer is simple . It means benevolence—charity . The Masonic Order is the only institution in this country , and perhaps in any other , which can claim the merit of originating and supporting five distinct charities—five separate channels for extending benevolence to those who are unable to help themselves . First , The Royal Benevolent Institution for aged and
decayed Masons and their widows ; secondly , The Boyal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children , who are lodged in a noble sehool at Wandsworth ; thirdly , The Boyal Masonic Institution for Boys ; fourth !}* , The Board of Benevolence , for granting sums of money monthly to distressed Masons , or the widows of Masons , who have been left in penury ; and fifthly , a private charity fund ,
which is founded inmost Masonic lodges , with the object of relieving those distressing and urgent cases of want which , we all know , occasionally arise among needy members of every Craft . To support these excellent charities , upwards of £ 20 , 000 is annually subscribed and distributed by the Freemasons of England and Wales with what beneficial results may easily be imagined . To
extend the advantages to be derived from these iiistilu-. tions , especially from the schools , has been the persistent object of those immediately connected with their management , and no labour seems to have been spared to accomplish ib . It is not an , uninteresting fact , and it is certainly an honour to the fair sex , that nearly £ 1 , 000 has been subscribed to the building fund of the Boy ' s school—a splendid building recently ereebed ab Wood Green , Tottenham , by the wives , daughters , and sisters of Freemasonry- —Newcastle Daily Journal .
Public Amusements.
THEATRE ROYAL ADELPHI . The new drama of Monte Gliristo , lately produced at the above theatre , having been curtailed since its first representation without affecting any of ibs powerful incidents , has proved a success . The excellent acting of Messrs . Feebler , Webster , Bro . G . Belmore , A . Stirling , & c , and Mrs . Alfred Mellon , Mrs . Cavlotta Leclercq , and Mrs . Leigh Murray was well appreciated by a very crowded house . The new scenery by Mr . Hawes Craven is very beautiful .
The Week Ending November 14th, 1868.
MONDAY , November 9 th . — Lodges : Fortitude and Cumberland , 12 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Royal Naval , 59 , Freemasons' Hall . Confidence , 193 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . St . Andrew ' s , 222 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street- Peckham , 789 , Edinboro Oastle , Peckham Rye . Chapters . Mount Sion , 22 , Radley's Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars . Panmure ,
720 , Loughboro Hotel , Loughboro-road , Brixton . TUESDAY , November 10 th . —Lodges : Old Union , 46 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars . Burlington ,
The Week Ending November 14th, 1868.
96 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Union , 166 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . St . James ' s Union , 180 , Freemasons' Hall . Percy , 198 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . St . Michael ' s , 211 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . United Strength , 228 , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . Nine Muses , 235 , Clarendon Hotel , Bond-street . Wellington , 548 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford .
WEDNESDAY , November 11 th . —Comps . R . M . B . Inst , at 3 . Fidelity , 3 , Freemasons' Hall . Enoch , 11 , Freemasons' Hall . Union Waterloo , 13 , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Kent , 15 , Three Tuns Tavern , Southwark . Vitruvian , 87 , White Hart , College-street , Lambebh . Justice , 147 , Whibe Swan Tavern , Deptford . Euphrates , 212 , George HotelAldermanbury . Pilgrim
, , 238 , S hip and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . Zetland , 511 , Camden Arms , Kensington . Belgrave , 749 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Merchant Navy , 781 , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Limehouse . Doric , 933 , Masons Hall , Basinghall-street . Monbefiore , 107 , Freemasons' Hall .
THURSDAY , November 12 th . —Lodges : Regularity , 91 ' Freemasons' Hall . Lion and Lamb , 192 , George Hotel ' Aldermanbury . Friendship , 206 , Ship aud Turtle Tavern ' Leadenhall-street . Bank of England , 263 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars . Polish National , 534 , Freemasons' Hall . Canonbury , 657 , Haxell's Hotel , West Strand . Lily Lodge of Richmond , 820 ,
Greyhound , Richmond . Dalhousie , 860 , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-streeb . Capper , 1 , 076 , Marine Hobel , Victoria Dock , West Ham . Chapter , Yarborough , 554 , Green Dragon , Stepney .
FRIDAY , November 13 th . —Lodges : Britannic , 33 , Freemasons' Hall . Caledonian , 134 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-sbreeb . Bedford , 157 , Freemasons' Hall . Domabic , 177 , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . SATURDAY , November 14 th . —Lodges : London , 108 , Freemasons' Hall . Phoenix , 173 , Freemasons' Hall .
To Correspondents.
* £ * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . ERRATA . —A MASONIC STUDENT . —In " Notes and Queries , " of the 24 th ult ., page 330 , 14 th line from top , read " latomi " instead of " latonii , " although the word is sometimes spelled " lathonia ; " and " magister " in the 17 th line should read " magistri . " In the 27 th line the proper words
are " maqoun" and " masoun ; " in the 30 th " Freemasounry ; " and in the 31 st " massoun" and " masougii . " "Norwood" stands for "Horwood" in the 40 th line , " mas " for " mor " in the 41 st , and "boys" for "leysj" in the 42 nd . In the 55 th line "Charter" should read "Chester . " X . Y . Z . ( AUSTRALIA ) . —In answer to our query , we were assured by the G . Sec . of Grand Lodge of Mark Masonry that the
only correspondence he had had with the colony since May , 1867 , was as follows : — " ISfch May , 1867 . —Certificates and forms for return sent as requested . " " 28 th January , 1868 . —Forms for return and Books of Constitutions sent as requested . " " 24 th September , 1868 . — Letters stating as above , with
further forms and copies of Constitutions . " Last return from Sydney lodges dated November , 1867 . G- A . ( Dover ) . —We shall print the circular issued from Grand Lodge . This will answer your query . G . SEO . OP G . L . OF IOWA . —Your two communications to hand The numbers shall be forwarded as requested , we will inform you next week how to remit . We have not received the proceedings to which yon refer . R . M . ( St . John's ) . —Thanks for your communication , we shall insert it next week .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Prince Of Wales And Freemasonry.
know , nor do we care , what thousandth or hundredth ) year of its existence , Freemasonry can only be viewed in its nobler modern aspect . It leads us to see that the nursing of the feelings of symbolised by Faith , Hope , and Charity draws mankind towards a common centre and strengthens the hands of all in the common good . It is estimated that at present , in round numbers , there
are about 1 , 250 , 000 Free and Accepted Masons scattered over the face of the globe . Of this number some 150 . 000 are in England , 100 , 000 in Scotland , and 50 , 000 in Ireland . There are about 600 , 000 on the Continent of Europe , 300 , 000 in the United States , and 50 , 000 in other parts of the world . In England there are two or three thousand persons initiated every year . Notwithstanding Papal
allocutions , the Masonic body is increasing everywhere . Hence , the question—What is Freemasonry ? "What does it mean ? The answer is simple . It means benevolence—charity . The Masonic Order is the only institution in this country , and perhaps in any other , which can claim the merit of originating and supporting five distinct charities—five separate channels for extending benevolence to those who are unable to help themselves . First , The Royal Benevolent Institution for aged and
decayed Masons and their widows ; secondly , The Boyal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children , who are lodged in a noble sehool at Wandsworth ; thirdly , The Boyal Masonic Institution for Boys ; fourth !}* , The Board of Benevolence , for granting sums of money monthly to distressed Masons , or the widows of Masons , who have been left in penury ; and fifthly , a private charity fund ,
which is founded inmost Masonic lodges , with the object of relieving those distressing and urgent cases of want which , we all know , occasionally arise among needy members of every Craft . To support these excellent charities , upwards of £ 20 , 000 is annually subscribed and distributed by the Freemasons of England and Wales with what beneficial results may easily be imagined . To
extend the advantages to be derived from these iiistilu-. tions , especially from the schools , has been the persistent object of those immediately connected with their management , and no labour seems to have been spared to accomplish ib . It is not an , uninteresting fact , and it is certainly an honour to the fair sex , that nearly £ 1 , 000 has been subscribed to the building fund of the Boy ' s school—a splendid building recently ereebed ab Wood Green , Tottenham , by the wives , daughters , and sisters of Freemasonry- —Newcastle Daily Journal .
Public Amusements.
THEATRE ROYAL ADELPHI . The new drama of Monte Gliristo , lately produced at the above theatre , having been curtailed since its first representation without affecting any of ibs powerful incidents , has proved a success . The excellent acting of Messrs . Feebler , Webster , Bro . G . Belmore , A . Stirling , & c , and Mrs . Alfred Mellon , Mrs . Cavlotta Leclercq , and Mrs . Leigh Murray was well appreciated by a very crowded house . The new scenery by Mr . Hawes Craven is very beautiful .
The Week Ending November 14th, 1868.
MONDAY , November 9 th . — Lodges : Fortitude and Cumberland , 12 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Royal Naval , 59 , Freemasons' Hall . Confidence , 193 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . St . Andrew ' s , 222 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street- Peckham , 789 , Edinboro Oastle , Peckham Rye . Chapters . Mount Sion , 22 , Radley's Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars . Panmure ,
720 , Loughboro Hotel , Loughboro-road , Brixton . TUESDAY , November 10 th . —Lodges : Old Union , 46 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars . Burlington ,
The Week Ending November 14th, 1868.
96 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Union , 166 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . St . James ' s Union , 180 , Freemasons' Hall . Percy , 198 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . St . Michael ' s , 211 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . United Strength , 228 , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . Nine Muses , 235 , Clarendon Hotel , Bond-street . Wellington , 548 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford .
WEDNESDAY , November 11 th . —Comps . R . M . B . Inst , at 3 . Fidelity , 3 , Freemasons' Hall . Enoch , 11 , Freemasons' Hall . Union Waterloo , 13 , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Kent , 15 , Three Tuns Tavern , Southwark . Vitruvian , 87 , White Hart , College-street , Lambebh . Justice , 147 , Whibe Swan Tavern , Deptford . Euphrates , 212 , George HotelAldermanbury . Pilgrim
, , 238 , S hip and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . Zetland , 511 , Camden Arms , Kensington . Belgrave , 749 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Merchant Navy , 781 , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Limehouse . Doric , 933 , Masons Hall , Basinghall-street . Monbefiore , 107 , Freemasons' Hall .
THURSDAY , November 12 th . —Lodges : Regularity , 91 ' Freemasons' Hall . Lion and Lamb , 192 , George Hotel ' Aldermanbury . Friendship , 206 , Ship aud Turtle Tavern ' Leadenhall-street . Bank of England , 263 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars . Polish National , 534 , Freemasons' Hall . Canonbury , 657 , Haxell's Hotel , West Strand . Lily Lodge of Richmond , 820 ,
Greyhound , Richmond . Dalhousie , 860 , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-streeb . Capper , 1 , 076 , Marine Hobel , Victoria Dock , West Ham . Chapter , Yarborough , 554 , Green Dragon , Stepney .
FRIDAY , November 13 th . —Lodges : Britannic , 33 , Freemasons' Hall . Caledonian , 134 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-sbreeb . Bedford , 157 , Freemasons' Hall . Domabic , 177 , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . SATURDAY , November 14 th . —Lodges : London , 108 , Freemasons' Hall . Phoenix , 173 , Freemasons' Hall .
To Correspondents.
* £ * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . ERRATA . —A MASONIC STUDENT . —In " Notes and Queries , " of the 24 th ult ., page 330 , 14 th line from top , read " latomi " instead of " latonii , " although the word is sometimes spelled " lathonia ; " and " magister " in the 17 th line should read " magistri . " In the 27 th line the proper words
are " maqoun" and " masoun ; " in the 30 th " Freemasounry ; " and in the 31 st " massoun" and " masougii . " "Norwood" stands for "Horwood" in the 40 th line , " mas " for " mor " in the 41 st , and "boys" for "leysj" in the 42 nd . In the 55 th line "Charter" should read "Chester . " X . Y . Z . ( AUSTRALIA ) . —In answer to our query , we were assured by the G . Sec . of Grand Lodge of Mark Masonry that the
only correspondence he had had with the colony since May , 1867 , was as follows : — " ISfch May , 1867 . —Certificates and forms for return sent as requested . " " 28 th January , 1868 . —Forms for return and Books of Constitutions sent as requested . " " 24 th September , 1868 . — Letters stating as above , with
further forms and copies of Constitutions . " Last return from Sydney lodges dated November , 1867 . G- A . ( Dover ) . —We shall print the circular issued from Grand Lodge . This will answer your query . G . SEO . OP G . L . OF IOWA . —Your two communications to hand The numbers shall be forwarded as requested , we will inform you next week how to remit . We have not received the proceedings to which yon refer . R . M . ( St . John's ) . —Thanks for your communication , we shall insert it next week .