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CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Union Lodge ( No . 3 S 9 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled at their usual hour for business ' on Tuesday , the 28 th ult ., when Bro . Sherman , of Manchester , having been examined as an E . A ., Avas passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the the third degree for the purpose ¦ of installing the W . M . for the ensuing year . The unusual -delay being caused by the members having elected Bro . Fred .
AV . Hayward to fill that office for the third year , he being the ¦ only one qualified to give the ancient charges and ceremonies of the Craft degrees , as Masonry hacl lain dormant for some years 5 n this city ; but under his presidency ancl unceasing exertions : it had again resuscitated from 5 to 45 members . Accordingly a dispensation in his favour was applied for to the Mosfc Worship--ful Grand Master the Earl of Zetland ; but upon the case being laid before his lordship he considered a sufficient reason had not
been adduced , and , therefore , declined to suspend the general daws ; but his lordship trusted Bro . Hayward ivould give his » able assistance to his successor . Another nomination , therefore , took place when Bro . Captain AVilson , J . W ., of Nent Hall , was ¦ elected . The ceremony of installation was impressively conducted by Bro . Dr . Greaves , of Penrith , P . D . Prov . G . M ., and a
board of Installed Masters . The newly appointed representative » of King Solomon was saluted in the several degrees . He then appointed his officers , Bros . Hayward as D . M . and Treas . ; Blacklock , S . W . ; Howe , J . W . ; Johnston , S . D . ; Gilkerson , J . D . ; Murray , I . G . ; Fisher , re-elected Sec . ; Story , Tyler . The P . D . Prov . G . M . invested the officers with the insignia ' of their posts , informing them of the several duties they had to perform , and exhorting them to the diligent discharge thereof . Mr . George
Turnbull having been balloted for and unanimously approved was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge ivas then solemnly closed , ivhen the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , and enjoyed a social hour , sorry to parfc when the clock chimed eleven . The toasts of the evening were " The Queen , daughter of a Mason , " " The AVorshipful Grand Master Earl of Zetland , " " The Deputy Grand Master
Earl de Grey and Ripon , " "The AV . M . Captain AVilson and the newly appointed Officers , " The P . M . ancl retiring Brethren , " ' The Initiated Brother , " " The Secretary . " The Tyler Bro . Story has held held this office for many years , ancl now considers it his peculiar privilege to wind up the proceedings with a favourite Masonic toast . The provincial toasts were omitted , the provincial lodge being in abeyance on account of the death of the lamented Bro . Sir Jas . Graham , Provincial Grand Master .
HAMPSHIRE . AVINCHESTEE . —Lodge of Economy ( No . 90 ) . —The brethren
of this lodge met m good strength at their rooms , adjoining the Black Swan Hotel , on Wednesday , the 29 th January , when the principal business on the notice paper was the installation of the AV . M . elect , and the investiture of officers to act for the ensuing twelve months . This meeting also constituted the 101 st anniversary gathering of the lodge , a banquet being arranged to follow the closing of the formal ceremonies . In consequence of the regular monthlmeeting niht in December
y g falling on Christmas day , ancl the principal officers being a long distance from the city on St . John's Day , the annual formalities attending the change of officers were postponed till this occasion . The lodge was close tiled at 4 » P . M ., there being then -among those present the following : —The retiring AV . M ., Bro . J . L . Hasleham ; the AV . M . elect , Bro . Alfred Smith , B . A . ; Bros . AV . AV . B . BeachM . P . for North Hantsa brother
, , standing high in the Fraternity ; also the Installing Master , H . C . Levander , B . A ., of well-known fame in the provinces of Wilts , Hants , & c ; F . La Croix , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Durant , P . M ., Sec ; H . Huggins ; Adamson , AV . M ' . of Rye Loclge ; J . A . Higgs ; J . Naish , P . M . ; H . Newman ; W . Best ; C . Sherry , P . M . ; E . Sheppard ; E . Carter , & o . The loclge having been opened with solemn prayer , while in the first degree the AV . M . read some
Grand Lodge correspondence , one communication was in reference to the general vote of condolence agreed to by the Grand Lodge , acting in unison with the general Masonic ' body throughout the kingdom . A letter was read from Bro . Hay-Avard , ex-Mayor of Lymington , Steward of the Province this year for the Boys' Benevolent Institution , and in ivhich he solicited the Winchester brethren for tlie usual support in the way of subscri ptions . While on this subject , Bro . SHEEKY spoke warmly in behalf of the institution , hoping to see increased subscriptions this year , as it was in want of funds ; and as
itwas probable a pretty good round sum Avould be sent in , h hoped No . 90 ivould not be behind hand with its benevolence . Bro . SMITH also , in order to help the fund as much as possible , gave notice of a motion to raise the lodge ' s annual subscription this year to two guineas , and hoped this ivould be liberall y backed up by their individual donations . The lodge then progressed to the second ancl third degrees . P . M . Bro . Levander succeeding to the chair on the retirement of Bro . Hasleham ,
AV . M ., whose term of office , and thafc of his svibordinates , now expired . The loclge being duly prepared , the ceremony of the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . A . Smith , late S . W ., was proceeded with . The working of this impressive ceremony was most beautifully performed by Bro . Levander , assisted by Bros . Beach ancl Hasleham . The immediate installation being gone through , the full loclge was recalled , and the regular honours were paid to the new W . M . in his seat of office .
The next proceeding was the investment of the new officers . Bro . Smith , AV . M ., went through this agreeable task with his usual ability ancl suavity of manner , the following brethren being combined with him in the official conduct of the lodgo for the present year : —Bros . J . A . Higgs , S . W . ; E . Sheppard , J . W . ; G . Duvaut , Treas . ; S . Adamson , S . D . ; J . AVaterman , J . D . ; E . Carter , I . G . ; H . Huggins , Sec ; H . Grant , Tyler . The faithful ancl trustworthy old Tyler , who received his insignia of
office this day for the forty-first year in succession , was highly complimented by the AV . M ., who expressed a hope soon to see his excellent subordinate rewarded in a more signal manner for his long and faithful services . After some further business Bro . HASEEHAM , P . M ., moved , and Bro . NAISH , P . M ., seconded , a A'ote of thanks to their respected Bro . Levander , in return for the able manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation . Carried unanimously . —Bro . LEVANDEK
acknowledged the compliment ; he trusted he should ever be found ready to clo all in his power to forward the interests and assist the working of the lodge . It had only been at eight o'clock on the previous evening that he hacl received a telegraphic dispatch desiring him to come to Winchester to assist in the duties of the lodge . It hacl been somewhat difficult for him to come , as lie was just shifting his residence ancl busily occupied , but he was glad he had contrived to attend . In reference to lodge banquets ,
Bro . Levander said , judging from his experience he thought the best plan was for a certain sum per year to be set apart for expenses of refreshments on lodge nights , and for the brethren partaking to contribute ivhat deficiency then arose . —Bro . BEACH ' S experience coincided ; the banquets produced a good effect , adding to the sociality and friendly feeling of the lodge , but it was ivise for the individuals sitting down to pay some small amountfor though their general funds were intended
, partly for refreshment ancl partly for charity , yet it was better to be sparing in the first named branch of expenditure . — -Bro NAISH was glad to hear these opinions , because he hacl been the first to propose such a course to that lodge , and they had adopted it . —The AV . M . said , during his Christmas vacation he had visited lodges in the North conducted on similar principles . He further added that during his year of Mastership he intended to
continue the Lodges of Instruction on Saturday night , hoping also to meet his officers on the evening of AVednesday in each week . The loclge was then closed with solemn prayer , ancl the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The banquet took place at the Black Swan Hotel immediately afterwards , Bro . Sherry ' s elegant repast doing him very great credit . AAlnes , viands , and desert were all equally recherche . When the cloth was removedthe visual toasts were proceeded with . — The
, W . M . rose to propose "The Health of the Queen . " He said that he could not but look back with an envying eye on the good fortunes of his predecessors , in the circumstances under which they hacl proposed this toast . For twenty years they hacl proposed , ancl the brethren had drunk the health of our Queen , with uinningled joy and pleasure , but this was now changed . He who had been the best beloved of our Sovereign Lady , her truest counsellor , her surest support ,
her firmest friend , he who led a spotless life , exposed to the gaze of millions , who had extorted from a nation peculiarly uncharitable to foreigners the most sincere resepoct , and the truest esteem , hacl been removed , amidst the tears of all . It was a melancholy circumstance , that within a few miles of the place in which they were assembled , the widowed Queen of England was now lamenting her irreparable loss , in that palace which had long witnessed so rare an example of domestic bliss and conjugal felicity . If her Majesty was dear fco her subjects when she ascended the throne , in the flush of youth
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Union Lodge ( No . 3 S 9 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled at their usual hour for business ' on Tuesday , the 28 th ult ., when Bro . Sherman , of Manchester , having been examined as an E . A ., Avas passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the the third degree for the purpose ¦ of installing the W . M . for the ensuing year . The unusual -delay being caused by the members having elected Bro . Fred .
AV . Hayward to fill that office for the third year , he being the ¦ only one qualified to give the ancient charges and ceremonies of the Craft degrees , as Masonry hacl lain dormant for some years 5 n this city ; but under his presidency ancl unceasing exertions : it had again resuscitated from 5 to 45 members . Accordingly a dispensation in his favour was applied for to the Mosfc Worship--ful Grand Master the Earl of Zetland ; but upon the case being laid before his lordship he considered a sufficient reason had not
been adduced , and , therefore , declined to suspend the general daws ; but his lordship trusted Bro . Hayward ivould give his » able assistance to his successor . Another nomination , therefore , took place when Bro . Captain AVilson , J . W ., of Nent Hall , was ¦ elected . The ceremony of installation was impressively conducted by Bro . Dr . Greaves , of Penrith , P . D . Prov . G . M ., and a
board of Installed Masters . The newly appointed representative » of King Solomon was saluted in the several degrees . He then appointed his officers , Bros . Hayward as D . M . and Treas . ; Blacklock , S . W . ; Howe , J . W . ; Johnston , S . D . ; Gilkerson , J . D . ; Murray , I . G . ; Fisher , re-elected Sec . ; Story , Tyler . The P . D . Prov . G . M . invested the officers with the insignia ' of their posts , informing them of the several duties they had to perform , and exhorting them to the diligent discharge thereof . Mr . George
Turnbull having been balloted for and unanimously approved was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge ivas then solemnly closed , ivhen the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , and enjoyed a social hour , sorry to parfc when the clock chimed eleven . The toasts of the evening were " The Queen , daughter of a Mason , " " The AVorshipful Grand Master Earl of Zetland , " " The Deputy Grand Master
Earl de Grey and Ripon , " "The AV . M . Captain AVilson and the newly appointed Officers , " The P . M . ancl retiring Brethren , " ' The Initiated Brother , " " The Secretary . " The Tyler Bro . Story has held held this office for many years , ancl now considers it his peculiar privilege to wind up the proceedings with a favourite Masonic toast . The provincial toasts were omitted , the provincial lodge being in abeyance on account of the death of the lamented Bro . Sir Jas . Graham , Provincial Grand Master .
HAMPSHIRE . AVINCHESTEE . —Lodge of Economy ( No . 90 ) . —The brethren
of this lodge met m good strength at their rooms , adjoining the Black Swan Hotel , on Wednesday , the 29 th January , when the principal business on the notice paper was the installation of the AV . M . elect , and the investiture of officers to act for the ensuing twelve months . This meeting also constituted the 101 st anniversary gathering of the lodge , a banquet being arranged to follow the closing of the formal ceremonies . In consequence of the regular monthlmeeting niht in December
y g falling on Christmas day , ancl the principal officers being a long distance from the city on St . John's Day , the annual formalities attending the change of officers were postponed till this occasion . The lodge was close tiled at 4 » P . M ., there being then -among those present the following : —The retiring AV . M ., Bro . J . L . Hasleham ; the AV . M . elect , Bro . Alfred Smith , B . A . ; Bros . AV . AV . B . BeachM . P . for North Hantsa brother
, , standing high in the Fraternity ; also the Installing Master , H . C . Levander , B . A ., of well-known fame in the provinces of Wilts , Hants , & c ; F . La Croix , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Durant , P . M ., Sec ; H . Huggins ; Adamson , AV . M ' . of Rye Loclge ; J . A . Higgs ; J . Naish , P . M . ; H . Newman ; W . Best ; C . Sherry , P . M . ; E . Sheppard ; E . Carter , & o . The loclge having been opened with solemn prayer , while in the first degree the AV . M . read some
Grand Lodge correspondence , one communication was in reference to the general vote of condolence agreed to by the Grand Lodge , acting in unison with the general Masonic ' body throughout the kingdom . A letter was read from Bro . Hay-Avard , ex-Mayor of Lymington , Steward of the Province this year for the Boys' Benevolent Institution , and in ivhich he solicited the Winchester brethren for tlie usual support in the way of subscri ptions . While on this subject , Bro . SHEEKY spoke warmly in behalf of the institution , hoping to see increased subscriptions this year , as it was in want of funds ; and as
itwas probable a pretty good round sum Avould be sent in , h hoped No . 90 ivould not be behind hand with its benevolence . Bro . SMITH also , in order to help the fund as much as possible , gave notice of a motion to raise the lodge ' s annual subscription this year to two guineas , and hoped this ivould be liberall y backed up by their individual donations . The lodge then progressed to the second ancl third degrees . P . M . Bro . Levander succeeding to the chair on the retirement of Bro . Hasleham ,
AV . M ., whose term of office , and thafc of his svibordinates , now expired . The loclge being duly prepared , the ceremony of the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . A . Smith , late S . W ., was proceeded with . The working of this impressive ceremony was most beautifully performed by Bro . Levander , assisted by Bros . Beach ancl Hasleham . The immediate installation being gone through , the full loclge was recalled , and the regular honours were paid to the new W . M . in his seat of office .
The next proceeding was the investment of the new officers . Bro . Smith , AV . M ., went through this agreeable task with his usual ability ancl suavity of manner , the following brethren being combined with him in the official conduct of the lodgo for the present year : —Bros . J . A . Higgs , S . W . ; E . Sheppard , J . W . ; G . Duvaut , Treas . ; S . Adamson , S . D . ; J . AVaterman , J . D . ; E . Carter , I . G . ; H . Huggins , Sec ; H . Grant , Tyler . The faithful ancl trustworthy old Tyler , who received his insignia of
office this day for the forty-first year in succession , was highly complimented by the AV . M ., who expressed a hope soon to see his excellent subordinate rewarded in a more signal manner for his long and faithful services . After some further business Bro . HASEEHAM , P . M ., moved , and Bro . NAISH , P . M ., seconded , a A'ote of thanks to their respected Bro . Levander , in return for the able manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation . Carried unanimously . —Bro . LEVANDEK
acknowledged the compliment ; he trusted he should ever be found ready to clo all in his power to forward the interests and assist the working of the lodge . It had only been at eight o'clock on the previous evening that he hacl received a telegraphic dispatch desiring him to come to Winchester to assist in the duties of the lodge . It hacl been somewhat difficult for him to come , as lie was just shifting his residence ancl busily occupied , but he was glad he had contrived to attend . In reference to lodge banquets ,
Bro . Levander said , judging from his experience he thought the best plan was for a certain sum per year to be set apart for expenses of refreshments on lodge nights , and for the brethren partaking to contribute ivhat deficiency then arose . —Bro . BEACH ' S experience coincided ; the banquets produced a good effect , adding to the sociality and friendly feeling of the lodge , but it was ivise for the individuals sitting down to pay some small amountfor though their general funds were intended
, partly for refreshment ancl partly for charity , yet it was better to be sparing in the first named branch of expenditure . — -Bro NAISH was glad to hear these opinions , because he hacl been the first to propose such a course to that lodge , and they had adopted it . —The AV . M . said , during his Christmas vacation he had visited lodges in the North conducted on similar principles . He further added that during his year of Mastership he intended to
continue the Lodges of Instruction on Saturday night , hoping also to meet his officers on the evening of AVednesday in each week . The loclge was then closed with solemn prayer , ancl the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The banquet took place at the Black Swan Hotel immediately afterwards , Bro . Sherry ' s elegant repast doing him very great credit . AAlnes , viands , and desert were all equally recherche . When the cloth was removedthe visual toasts were proceeded with . — The
, W . M . rose to propose "The Health of the Queen . " He said that he could not but look back with an envying eye on the good fortunes of his predecessors , in the circumstances under which they hacl proposed this toast . For twenty years they hacl proposed , ancl the brethren had drunk the health of our Queen , with uinningled joy and pleasure , but this was now changed . He who had been the best beloved of our Sovereign Lady , her truest counsellor , her surest support ,
her firmest friend , he who led a spotless life , exposed to the gaze of millions , who had extorted from a nation peculiarly uncharitable to foreigners the most sincere resepoct , and the truest esteem , hacl been removed , amidst the tears of all . It was a melancholy circumstance , that within a few miles of the place in which they were assembled , the widowed Queen of England was now lamenting her irreparable loss , in that palace which had long witnessed so rare an example of domestic bliss and conjugal felicity . If her Majesty was dear fco her subjects when she ascended the throne , in the flush of youth