Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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smooth workinsr , and thus to add to the ordinary pleasure of their lodge meetings , he intended in future to have two Lodges of Instruction in every week . The Saturday-night meetings had already been tried for upwards of twelve mouths , ancl the result hacl been extremely satisfactory to every brother who hacl made a practice of attending them . Sections had been worked on the several nights , and much had been learnt , the brethren also deriving much pleasure and satisfaction from the general
Masonic conversation and social intercourse . On AVednesday evenings he should now like to see the ceremonies of the lodge worked regularly for half-an-hour or so , and he hoped to be supported in this by all his officers . He was quite ready to admit that all these observances indoors were useless for permanent benefit to any set of men without the virtues taugjjfc ancl the professions made were also carried out by fchem practically in the course of their every-day career ; except this was
so , their professions were all a sham and their creed a falsity . He hoped to see a consistent manifestation of brotherly love , and thus , whatever were their differences on points of every-day life , they ivonlcl ensure that consideration and regard for one another , and that mutual love ivhich could nofc but overcome all opposition , conciliate differences , ancl tend to make Masons as a body , respected [ in the outer ivorld . Next to brotherly love , came relief ; on that point they were safe . Ifc did not require a
knowledge of what had been done further back than two or three years to find more than sufficient to gain for the Masonic Charities the full approbation of the public . No appeal was ever made to the benevolence of the Masonic body , but an ample reply was sure to follow . And next in their motto came Truth . As men and as Masons how incumbent was it upon them to carry out this important virtue in their public life , a principle even more seriously important than the other two . How
careful should they he to preserve a strict honesty and integrity of purpose one toAvards another , and also towards those nofc members of the Craft , and . thus strictly follow out the beautiful principles the Order impressed upon them . It was only for a Mason to be consistent , ancl then , though their opponents may think nothing of their ritual and laugh at their ceremonies , they must perforce respect him , and say , he is a Mason and an honest man . —Bro . HIGGS , S . W ., proposed " The Health of the
Immediate P . M ., and the Past Officers generally of the Lodge , " which was heartily received . —Bro . HASLEHAM , P . M ., thanked the meeting in his own name and that of his brother ex-officers . He testified to the excellent zeal displayed by the several officers under him in the discharge of their duties during the past year . He hoped his successor in the chair ivould experience equally good fortune in finding such good material . And he still hoped , though out of office , to be of service to the brethren in
the course of their labours . He loved Masonry for itself , and , as far as in his power laid , he should continue his endeavours to promote the interest of the lodge ancl the harmony of the brethren . —Bro . BEST then especially proposed " The Health of the Secretary of the Loclge , " with thanks for the able and zealous manner in which he had performed the duties of that office , and the talent he had shown in reporting in the MAGAZINE various meetings held in the province . —
Bro . 11 . HIGGINS briefly returned thanks , feeling honoured that his humble services in the lodge hacl been appreciated . The AV . M . had especially thanked him that day for the heavy labours he frequently undertook in reporting the principal meetings of the Craft in Winchester ancl other places in the county , ivhich , indeed , sometimes pushed hard upon his hours of rest ancl relaxation ; bufc he had rendered those services cheerfully , and
was only too happy to do Avhat laid in his power for furthering the interests of Masonry . He hoped ever to be found industrious in the performance of his duties , and tractable in his position in the lodge . —Bro . NAISH , P . M ., asked permission to propose a toast . He Avished the brethren to know that their respected P . M . Bro . Levander , had come there that clay afc great inconvenience to himself ; he Avas sure they must all have been highly
gratified ivith the efficient manner in Avhich the ceremony of the installation had been performed . He and the brethren could only express their great obligation , and hoping Bro . Levander might find his removal to a new locality for his benefit , he had much pleasure in asking the company to drink to his long life and prosperity . Drunk ivith vrarm applause . —Bro . LEVANDEB , P . M ., said it gave him very great pleasure to be present that day , though certainly , in regard to the time , it had been a little awkward for him , as he was leaving one place and going to l ' iA * e at another . He believed Lodge No . 90 had taken a right direction in regard to the Charities ; he was not , perhaps , well up
m the proceedings of the province , having now for some time past been only concerned in the working of AViltshire lodges , where a system hacl been organised which so far hud worked very successfully . It was the paying a subscription from every lodge fund for the express purpose of giving the lodges a Life Governorship in the Charities , and he hoped to see ere long that each lodge would hold a Life Governorship in each of the three Charities ; the Boys' and the Girls' Institutionancl the Aged
, Masons and Widows . There had also been a good deal of relief given to individual Masons . AVhen giving up his late office of Treasurer , he had handed over £ 52 to his successor . But he knew that in the Province of Hampshire the Lodge of Economy was AI , and he was especially glad at times when he saw anything in the MAGAZINE concerning its proceedings . Within the Avails of that lodge the precepts of their Order had been
truthfully and carefully taught , and industriously acquired by many who were now able Masons , and he knew also thafc Masonry was carried oufc not only in name bufc in truth and reality . He noiv begged to propose "The Health of fche P . M . 's of No . 90 , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Jacob , under whom he had been initiated , and who was his father in Masonry , and towhom he owed a great deal of what he had acquired in the
_ science . Drunk most heartily . —Bro . JACOB , P . M ., in the course of his remarks in responding to the toast , while acknowledging that all must feel an interest in the prosperity of Masonry , yet they need not look so much after getting ' lodges of great numerical strength as the securing a social body of men of thoroughly unanimous feeling , agreeing , loving , and respecting one another . He had never introduced he
many ; believed Bro . Levander was about the only friend he had ever proposed in that lodge , and if all Masons proved such as he , their lodges ivould always abound in that love and harmony somuch everyivhere ivished to be seen and retained . —Bro . DUEANT , P . M ., also thanked the brethren on his part , and proceeded to observe that he had enjoyed so many pleasant meetings with Bro . Levander , and seen so much in him to respect , that he
could not sit down without awarding him one meed of praise . He and all the brethren had been delighted with the very able manner in which he had performed the installation . Their esteemed friend , Bro . Beach , had been very well pleased with the
working , and he , being a very good Mason , and very well up in the working of the ceremonies , kneiv when a thing Avas done well or badly . He hoped for many years to meet Bro . LeA'ander , nd ivished him health and happiness . —Some further conversation ensued during the evening upon the subject of the Masonic Charitable Institutions , and Bro . SHEBEX , P . M ., said that in the course of Bro . Levander ' s remarks he had spoken of what had been done in Wiltshireand asked concerning the
move-, ments in Hampshire . Perhaps the brethren would remember that some time back the Prov . G . M . ( Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart . ) had convened a meeting of the Fraternity , purposely for taking into consideration the claims of the Charities , and the result was the appointment of a committee , " to act upon which one member of each lodge was nominated , and this was agreed to , the W . M . of each lodge to act also on the said committee .
Since these appointments nothing in particular had been done ; and he very much regretted to say that he feared the Province of Hampshire was not contributing in proportion to other provinces . —Bro . HASLEHAM , P . M ., proposed " The Health of Bro . S . Adamson , " who , though the installed Master of the Rye Lodge , yet had taken a subordinate position in their loclge ( No . 90 ) for the second At the lod of
, year . ges instruction on Saturday evenings , Bro . Adamson had been a most constant attendant , walking several miles into the city for that purpose every week . They were bound to thank him for his earnest zeal , and accord him their hearty good wishes for his prosperity . The toast ivas ivarmly received . —Bro . ADAMSON said he Avas much obliged for the compliment paid to him . As to his attendance at the lodges of instruction , the brethren owed
him nothing ; but , on the contrary , he owed the lodges of instruction much , for if it had not been for them , he should never have been able to fill the position to which he had lately been appointed by his brethren at Rye . He should be always ' happy to perform any service required of him . —The subscription list from Bro . Hayward , in behalf of the Royal Benevolent Institution for BoysAvas handed roundand donations entered in
, , the names of the brethren present . —The brethren did not separate till a late hour in the evening , and it was generally admitted that the meeting hacl been one of the most pleasant experienced during the past twelvemonth , in connection Avith the lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
smooth workinsr , and thus to add to the ordinary pleasure of their lodge meetings , he intended in future to have two Lodges of Instruction in every week . The Saturday-night meetings had already been tried for upwards of twelve mouths , ancl the result hacl been extremely satisfactory to every brother who hacl made a practice of attending them . Sections had been worked on the several nights , and much had been learnt , the brethren also deriving much pleasure and satisfaction from the general
Masonic conversation and social intercourse . On AVednesday evenings he should now like to see the ceremonies of the lodge worked regularly for half-an-hour or so , and he hoped to be supported in this by all his officers . He was quite ready to admit that all these observances indoors were useless for permanent benefit to any set of men without the virtues taugjjfc ancl the professions made were also carried out by fchem practically in the course of their every-day career ; except this was
so , their professions were all a sham and their creed a falsity . He hoped to see a consistent manifestation of brotherly love , and thus , whatever were their differences on points of every-day life , they ivonlcl ensure that consideration and regard for one another , and that mutual love ivhich could nofc but overcome all opposition , conciliate differences , ancl tend to make Masons as a body , respected [ in the outer ivorld . Next to brotherly love , came relief ; on that point they were safe . Ifc did not require a
knowledge of what had been done further back than two or three years to find more than sufficient to gain for the Masonic Charities the full approbation of the public . No appeal was ever made to the benevolence of the Masonic body , but an ample reply was sure to follow . And next in their motto came Truth . As men and as Masons how incumbent was it upon them to carry out this important virtue in their public life , a principle even more seriously important than the other two . How
careful should they he to preserve a strict honesty and integrity of purpose one toAvards another , and also towards those nofc members of the Craft , and . thus strictly follow out the beautiful principles the Order impressed upon them . It was only for a Mason to be consistent , ancl then , though their opponents may think nothing of their ritual and laugh at their ceremonies , they must perforce respect him , and say , he is a Mason and an honest man . —Bro . HIGGS , S . W ., proposed " The Health of the
Immediate P . M ., and the Past Officers generally of the Lodge , " which was heartily received . —Bro . HASLEHAM , P . M ., thanked the meeting in his own name and that of his brother ex-officers . He testified to the excellent zeal displayed by the several officers under him in the discharge of their duties during the past year . He hoped his successor in the chair ivould experience equally good fortune in finding such good material . And he still hoped , though out of office , to be of service to the brethren in
the course of their labours . He loved Masonry for itself , and , as far as in his power laid , he should continue his endeavours to promote the interest of the lodge ancl the harmony of the brethren . —Bro . BEST then especially proposed " The Health of the Secretary of the Loclge , " with thanks for the able and zealous manner in which he had performed the duties of that office , and the talent he had shown in reporting in the MAGAZINE various meetings held in the province . —
Bro . 11 . HIGGINS briefly returned thanks , feeling honoured that his humble services in the lodge hacl been appreciated . The AV . M . had especially thanked him that day for the heavy labours he frequently undertook in reporting the principal meetings of the Craft in Winchester ancl other places in the county , ivhich , indeed , sometimes pushed hard upon his hours of rest ancl relaxation ; bufc he had rendered those services cheerfully , and
was only too happy to do Avhat laid in his power for furthering the interests of Masonry . He hoped ever to be found industrious in the performance of his duties , and tractable in his position in the lodge . —Bro . NAISH , P . M ., asked permission to propose a toast . He Avished the brethren to know that their respected P . M . Bro . Levander , had come there that clay afc great inconvenience to himself ; he Avas sure they must all have been highly
gratified ivith the efficient manner in Avhich the ceremony of the installation had been performed . He and the brethren could only express their great obligation , and hoping Bro . Levander might find his removal to a new locality for his benefit , he had much pleasure in asking the company to drink to his long life and prosperity . Drunk ivith vrarm applause . —Bro . LEVANDEB , P . M ., said it gave him very great pleasure to be present that day , though certainly , in regard to the time , it had been a little awkward for him , as he was leaving one place and going to l ' iA * e at another . He believed Lodge No . 90 had taken a right direction in regard to the Charities ; he was not , perhaps , well up
m the proceedings of the province , having now for some time past been only concerned in the working of AViltshire lodges , where a system hacl been organised which so far hud worked very successfully . It was the paying a subscription from every lodge fund for the express purpose of giving the lodges a Life Governorship in the Charities , and he hoped to see ere long that each lodge would hold a Life Governorship in each of the three Charities ; the Boys' and the Girls' Institutionancl the Aged
, Masons and Widows . There had also been a good deal of relief given to individual Masons . AVhen giving up his late office of Treasurer , he had handed over £ 52 to his successor . But he knew that in the Province of Hampshire the Lodge of Economy was AI , and he was especially glad at times when he saw anything in the MAGAZINE concerning its proceedings . Within the Avails of that lodge the precepts of their Order had been
truthfully and carefully taught , and industriously acquired by many who were now able Masons , and he knew also thafc Masonry was carried oufc not only in name bufc in truth and reality . He noiv begged to propose "The Health of fche P . M . 's of No . 90 , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Jacob , under whom he had been initiated , and who was his father in Masonry , and towhom he owed a great deal of what he had acquired in the
_ science . Drunk most heartily . —Bro . JACOB , P . M ., in the course of his remarks in responding to the toast , while acknowledging that all must feel an interest in the prosperity of Masonry , yet they need not look so much after getting ' lodges of great numerical strength as the securing a social body of men of thoroughly unanimous feeling , agreeing , loving , and respecting one another . He had never introduced he
many ; believed Bro . Levander was about the only friend he had ever proposed in that lodge , and if all Masons proved such as he , their lodges ivould always abound in that love and harmony somuch everyivhere ivished to be seen and retained . —Bro . DUEANT , P . M ., also thanked the brethren on his part , and proceeded to observe that he had enjoyed so many pleasant meetings with Bro . Levander , and seen so much in him to respect , that he
could not sit down without awarding him one meed of praise . He and all the brethren had been delighted with the very able manner in which he had performed the installation . Their esteemed friend , Bro . Beach , had been very well pleased with the
working , and he , being a very good Mason , and very well up in the working of the ceremonies , kneiv when a thing Avas done well or badly . He hoped for many years to meet Bro . LeA'ander , nd ivished him health and happiness . —Some further conversation ensued during the evening upon the subject of the Masonic Charitable Institutions , and Bro . SHEBEX , P . M ., said that in the course of Bro . Levander ' s remarks he had spoken of what had been done in Wiltshireand asked concerning the
move-, ments in Hampshire . Perhaps the brethren would remember that some time back the Prov . G . M . ( Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart . ) had convened a meeting of the Fraternity , purposely for taking into consideration the claims of the Charities , and the result was the appointment of a committee , " to act upon which one member of each lodge was nominated , and this was agreed to , the W . M . of each lodge to act also on the said committee .
Since these appointments nothing in particular had been done ; and he very much regretted to say that he feared the Province of Hampshire was not contributing in proportion to other provinces . —Bro . HASLEHAM , P . M ., proposed " The Health of Bro . S . Adamson , " who , though the installed Master of the Rye Lodge , yet had taken a subordinate position in their loclge ( No . 90 ) for the second At the lod of
, year . ges instruction on Saturday evenings , Bro . Adamson had been a most constant attendant , walking several miles into the city for that purpose every week . They were bound to thank him for his earnest zeal , and accord him their hearty good wishes for his prosperity . The toast ivas ivarmly received . —Bro . ADAMSON said he Avas much obliged for the compliment paid to him . As to his attendance at the lodges of instruction , the brethren owed
him nothing ; but , on the contrary , he owed the lodges of instruction much , for if it had not been for them , he should never have been able to fill the position to which he had lately been appointed by his brethren at Rye . He should be always ' happy to perform any service required of him . —The subscription list from Bro . Hayward , in behalf of the Royal Benevolent Institution for BoysAvas handed roundand donations entered in
, , the names of the brethren present . —The brethren did not separate till a late hour in the evening , and it was generally admitted that the meeting hacl been one of the most pleasant experienced during the past twelvemonth , in connection Avith the lodge .