Article MASONIC PACTS ← Page 3 of 3 Article MASONIC PACTS Page 3 of 3 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Pacts
Houses at Westminster , by writ of Hubert , Archbishop of Canterbury , Chief Justice . Et Elyae , Ingeniator x marcae ad reparacione Domorum Regis apud Westmonasterium ; per Breve H . _ Cantuor Episcopi . —Maddox ' s Lxcheqiier " Rolls , vol . ii ., p . 206 . 69 . Gilbert de Eversold or Eversolt , an architect of St . Alban's Abbey in the 12 th century . —Matthew
Paris , Hist . Yit . Abb ., p . 103 . 70 . Antwerp was celebrated for its School of Masons , and sent out a great number of excellent architects during the llth and 12 th centuries . — Semp les . Edition of Crawfurd ' s History of MenfrewsldreEdin . 1782 p . 290 .
, , , 71 . Hugo de Goldcliff , an architect of the 12 th century , employed at St . Alban ' s Abbey Church . — Matt . Paris , Vitt . Abb . 8 . Albans , p . 103 . 72 . There is a Slab in the transept of Marton Church , and on it a Calvary cross , a cross-hilted swordand a Mason's square and level : date about
, the end of the 12 th century . — -Ord ' s History of Cleveland , p . 544 . 73 . At Aycliffe , Northumberland , there is a double tombstone of tbe 12 th century ( Eig . 14 ) . Mr , Boutell , in his Christian Monuments , thinks that it belonged to an armourer and his wife— -the key and
shears being indicative of a female—and the sword and p incers that of the pursuit of tbe man . But what could an armourer want with a T square ? this instrument is to set out right angled lines . The slab is interesting , as showing that this form of square was known in the 12 th century . 74 . Marchion de Arezzo , on account of his knowledge of Gothic Architecture , was appointed architect
to Pope Innocent about the year 1200 . —Felibien , p . 203 . 75 . A Bull was issued prior to 1200 , giving an authority to the heads of Churches to build temples to the Divinity , attaching to tbem , as the magnitude or elegance of the structure required , a certain number of "liberi muratores" or Ereemasonsto
, , direct and execute tbe ornamental parts of the structure . —Sir JR . Westmacott , Archceological Journal , vol . iii ., p . 198 . 76 . Isennbert , who erected the Bridges of Xaintes and Koehelle , in Erance , was recommended by King John in 1201 to the citizens of London ( by letter )
as a proper person to finish London Bridge , which had been commenced by Peter of Colechurch . —Maitland ' s Hist , of London , vol . i , p . 45 . 77 . Matthew Paris , states that a fire broke out on the night of the Translation of St . Benedict , llth July A . B . 1212 which destroyed the Church of St .
, , Mary , SoutliAvark ; the Chapel on the Bridge ; a considerable portion of the City of London , and part of the town of Southwark . About 1000 lives were lost in this fire , which raged for ten days . A meeting was held in the Guildhall on the 24 th of July , under the . venerable Mayor , Henry Eitz-AUvyne , when a second
assize or code of improved regulations , for rebuilding such parts of the city as had fallen a prey to the flames , was issued . Seotaies ( or freedom from a certain tax ) , was to be allowed to those AVIIO built with stone , and every person who should build a house was to take care "as he loved himself and his" that
, he did not cover it with' reeds , rushes , stubble or straw , but only with tiles , shingles , boards , or lead . The IY . regulation fixed the Avages of Masons and Tilers . " Ciementarii et tegulatores capiant idem
Masonic Pacts
pretium . Servientes autem prasdictorum cajmentariorum et aliorum , aceip ian tres obolos cum conredio , vel tres denarios pro omnibus . " V . "Sculptores lapidan liberorum ii denarios obolum , cum conredio , vel quator denarios pro omnibus . " Those AVIIO did not observe these ordinances were to
forfeit all their lands , houses , and chattels , which were to be taken for tbe benefit of the city . As to " strange workmen" little mercy was to be shoAvn them . If tbey declined to abide by tbe scale of wages , their bodies were to be attached , to be held in duress , until tbey were brought before the Mayor and reputable
men , " there to hear their judgment . " —Munimenta Grildludlce Londoniensis Liber Gustumarum , vol 2 , part 1 , pp . 86 , 87 ' . It thus appears that in 1212 , Masons ( cementarii ) , had 3 d . per clay with their table ( that is their food ) , or 4 fd . without . Their labourers ( servientes ) had
, lid . or 3 d ., as the case might be . Cutters of freestone ( Sculptores lapidum liberorum ) , had 2-Jd . per day with their table , or 4 d . without . 78 . Bishop Lucy established at Winchester a confraternity of workmen , in 1202 , which was to last for five years .
" Anno 1202 , D . Wintoniensis Godfridus De Lucy constituit confratriam pro reparatione ecelesia Wintoniensis , duraturamad quinque anno completes . " —Annates Wint .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
OEDEH , Ol ? TEMPLARS . Originally this Order was composed of three classes : the Knights , Chaplains , and Serving brethren , as well as three steps ( often dispensed with ) , leading to Knighthood , Novice , Esquire , and Knight of the Temple , was the 3 rd grade of Knighthood ( Grand Cross ) , an original feature , or afterwards added in . imitation of the Knihts of St .
g John . Our French brethren have a grade of " Noviciate Esquire , " which usually precedes Knighthood , and our Scotish brethren first create their candidates " Esquires . " I presume ( but should be glad to know on good authority ) , this is identical with the latter portion of our " first part of installation , "—the arming . The " Noviciate ' s " robe of humility is a custom coeval with fche institution of
chivalric religious ceremonies , and was oi'dered afc the original institution of fche Order of the Bath , by Henry IV . —A . PRIESTLY ORDER 01 * MELCHISEDECII . A few years ago , in Lancashire , a degree was conferred under the above title , I should be glad if any one could inform me whether it was a Templar ceremony , or had been the old installation of the Hih Priest ;
ceremony g ( formerly 1 st P . ) of R . A . Chapter , and also whether the degree is now given and where ?—A . HIGH GRADES . With your permission , would Ex . Ex . oblige us with his further notes on this subject , as ifc is well fco hear all sides . The conduct of the S . O . to fche Baldwin Templars , has been very unjust , though I have no sympathy with
their schismatic election of a G . M . —A . THE QUEEN Or SHEBA A BLOOMER . In Harris ' s tracing boai-ds , Avhere Solomon is showing the magnificence of the Temple to the Queen of Sheba , the latter is draAvn wearing a pair of Turkish trowsers , or "Bloomer continuations . " Can you , Mr . Editor , or Bro . Watson , who was once before referred to in connection with thafc Queen , tell me whether the Bloomer costume is derived from that princess ?—N . "W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Pacts
Houses at Westminster , by writ of Hubert , Archbishop of Canterbury , Chief Justice . Et Elyae , Ingeniator x marcae ad reparacione Domorum Regis apud Westmonasterium ; per Breve H . _ Cantuor Episcopi . —Maddox ' s Lxcheqiier " Rolls , vol . ii ., p . 206 . 69 . Gilbert de Eversold or Eversolt , an architect of St . Alban's Abbey in the 12 th century . —Matthew
Paris , Hist . Yit . Abb ., p . 103 . 70 . Antwerp was celebrated for its School of Masons , and sent out a great number of excellent architects during the llth and 12 th centuries . — Semp les . Edition of Crawfurd ' s History of MenfrewsldreEdin . 1782 p . 290 .
, , , 71 . Hugo de Goldcliff , an architect of the 12 th century , employed at St . Alban ' s Abbey Church . — Matt . Paris , Vitt . Abb . 8 . Albans , p . 103 . 72 . There is a Slab in the transept of Marton Church , and on it a Calvary cross , a cross-hilted swordand a Mason's square and level : date about
, the end of the 12 th century . — -Ord ' s History of Cleveland , p . 544 . 73 . At Aycliffe , Northumberland , there is a double tombstone of tbe 12 th century ( Eig . 14 ) . Mr , Boutell , in his Christian Monuments , thinks that it belonged to an armourer and his wife— -the key and
shears being indicative of a female—and the sword and p incers that of the pursuit of tbe man . But what could an armourer want with a T square ? this instrument is to set out right angled lines . The slab is interesting , as showing that this form of square was known in the 12 th century . 74 . Marchion de Arezzo , on account of his knowledge of Gothic Architecture , was appointed architect
to Pope Innocent about the year 1200 . —Felibien , p . 203 . 75 . A Bull was issued prior to 1200 , giving an authority to the heads of Churches to build temples to the Divinity , attaching to tbem , as the magnitude or elegance of the structure required , a certain number of "liberi muratores" or Ereemasonsto
, , direct and execute tbe ornamental parts of the structure . —Sir JR . Westmacott , Archceological Journal , vol . iii ., p . 198 . 76 . Isennbert , who erected the Bridges of Xaintes and Koehelle , in Erance , was recommended by King John in 1201 to the citizens of London ( by letter )
as a proper person to finish London Bridge , which had been commenced by Peter of Colechurch . —Maitland ' s Hist , of London , vol . i , p . 45 . 77 . Matthew Paris , states that a fire broke out on the night of the Translation of St . Benedict , llth July A . B . 1212 which destroyed the Church of St .
, , Mary , SoutliAvark ; the Chapel on the Bridge ; a considerable portion of the City of London , and part of the town of Southwark . About 1000 lives were lost in this fire , which raged for ten days . A meeting was held in the Guildhall on the 24 th of July , under the . venerable Mayor , Henry Eitz-AUvyne , when a second
assize or code of improved regulations , for rebuilding such parts of the city as had fallen a prey to the flames , was issued . Seotaies ( or freedom from a certain tax ) , was to be allowed to those AVIIO built with stone , and every person who should build a house was to take care "as he loved himself and his" that
, he did not cover it with' reeds , rushes , stubble or straw , but only with tiles , shingles , boards , or lead . The IY . regulation fixed the Avages of Masons and Tilers . " Ciementarii et tegulatores capiant idem
Masonic Pacts
pretium . Servientes autem prasdictorum cajmentariorum et aliorum , aceip ian tres obolos cum conredio , vel tres denarios pro omnibus . " V . "Sculptores lapidan liberorum ii denarios obolum , cum conredio , vel quator denarios pro omnibus . " Those AVIIO did not observe these ordinances were to
forfeit all their lands , houses , and chattels , which were to be taken for tbe benefit of the city . As to " strange workmen" little mercy was to be shoAvn them . If tbey declined to abide by tbe scale of wages , their bodies were to be attached , to be held in duress , until tbey were brought before the Mayor and reputable
men , " there to hear their judgment . " —Munimenta Grildludlce Londoniensis Liber Gustumarum , vol 2 , part 1 , pp . 86 , 87 ' . It thus appears that in 1212 , Masons ( cementarii ) , had 3 d . per clay with their table ( that is their food ) , or 4 fd . without . Their labourers ( servientes ) had
, lid . or 3 d ., as the case might be . Cutters of freestone ( Sculptores lapidum liberorum ) , had 2-Jd . per day with their table , or 4 d . without . 78 . Bishop Lucy established at Winchester a confraternity of workmen , in 1202 , which was to last for five years .
" Anno 1202 , D . Wintoniensis Godfridus De Lucy constituit confratriam pro reparatione ecelesia Wintoniensis , duraturamad quinque anno completes . " —Annates Wint .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
OEDEH , Ol ? TEMPLARS . Originally this Order was composed of three classes : the Knights , Chaplains , and Serving brethren , as well as three steps ( often dispensed with ) , leading to Knighthood , Novice , Esquire , and Knight of the Temple , was the 3 rd grade of Knighthood ( Grand Cross ) , an original feature , or afterwards added in . imitation of the Knihts of St .
g John . Our French brethren have a grade of " Noviciate Esquire , " which usually precedes Knighthood , and our Scotish brethren first create their candidates " Esquires . " I presume ( but should be glad to know on good authority ) , this is identical with the latter portion of our " first part of installation , "—the arming . The " Noviciate ' s " robe of humility is a custom coeval with fche institution of
chivalric religious ceremonies , and was oi'dered afc the original institution of fche Order of the Bath , by Henry IV . —A . PRIESTLY ORDER 01 * MELCHISEDECII . A few years ago , in Lancashire , a degree was conferred under the above title , I should be glad if any one could inform me whether it was a Templar ceremony , or had been the old installation of the Hih Priest ;
ceremony g ( formerly 1 st P . ) of R . A . Chapter , and also whether the degree is now given and where ?—A . HIGH GRADES . With your permission , would Ex . Ex . oblige us with his further notes on this subject , as ifc is well fco hear all sides . The conduct of the S . O . to fche Baldwin Templars , has been very unjust , though I have no sympathy with
their schismatic election of a G . M . —A . THE QUEEN Or SHEBA A BLOOMER . In Harris ' s tracing boai-ds , Avhere Solomon is showing the magnificence of the Temple to the Queen of Sheba , the latter is draAvn wearing a pair of Turkish trowsers , or "Bloomer continuations . " Can you , Mr . Editor , or Bro . Watson , who was once before referred to in connection with thafc Queen , tell me whether the Bloomer costume is derived from that princess ?—N . "W .