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Masonic Facts.
Charing Cross was the most magnificent one ; commenced in 1291 and finished in 1294 . It was begun by Master Eichard de Crundale , cementarius ( but he died about Michaelmas Term , 1293 ) , and completed by Eoger de Crundale . Eichard received about 5601 . for work , exclusive of materials supplied by him , and Eoger 90 Z . 17 s . 5 d . It was built of Caen stone and Corf marble .
Ealph de Chichester supplied the "virg . capit et annul , " and Alexander le Imaginator received five marks in part payment for statues . The above-mentioned Michael , Canterbury , was the builder of St . Stephen ' s Chapel , and Eichard de Crundale was engaged on the works at the Palace of Westminster .
The Tomb , placed in the Lady Chapel , at Lincoln , for the reception of the viscera of the Queen , was executed by Dymenge de Legeri , and Alexander de Abyngdon , who were paid 251 . for the work . Eoger de Crundale had £ 1 16 s . Sd . for marble , and William de Sufi , received eight marks for three little
images of the Queen , cast in metal , to be placed near the'tomb . The heart of the-Queenwas deposited in the Church of the Priars Predicants , London . William de Hoo , " cementarius , " received . 2- § - marks for work done at the place where the queen ' s heart lay , ( Item . —Willielmus de Hoo , cementarius , pro
quadam cresta super cor Beginre facienda , apud frates Prredicatores Londonias , ij . mace et di . ) William de Suffolk prepared several images of metal , to be placed near the spot . Alexander le Imaginator had 12 s . Gd . for work in iron , and 5 s . for a painted cloth . Eoger de Newmarch received £ 4 17 s . 9 d . for paving stoneslimeand other
neces-, , saries . The church was destroyed by Sir Thomas Carwarden in the reign of Edward VI . The Queen ' s body was interred in the chapel of Edward the Confessor , Westminster . The statute of the Queen on her tomb is a work of exquisite beauty ; it is of metal , and has been richly coated with gold . * The marble work was executed bEichard de Crundale .
y in 1291 . * The statue was the work of Master William de Torell , goldsmith , who had 50 marks for the same . The metal was supplied by William Sprot and John de Ware . ¦
In a tract on Old Charing Cross , it is mentioned that it was " so cemented witli mortar made of purest lime , callis sand , white of eggs , and the strongest wort that it defied all hammers and hatchetts whatsoever . — Blalceway and Owen ' s Shrewsbury , vol . ii ., p . 361 .
119 . The crypt of St . Stephens commenced in 1292 . The first master mason employed was Michael of Canterbury , at a salary of 6 s . per week , and the other workmen , according to their quality , 2 \ d . to Gd . per day . The difficulty being so great in obtaining handy workmen that the king issued an order impressing Workmen . —Archasoloyia , vol . xxxi , p . 324 .
120 . Boll for 1292 . —Prom a Eoll of Expenses for 1291-1292 , it appears that the superior masons had Gd . a-day , and the others varied from 4 < d . to 4 t ^ d . and 5 d . per day . The weekly wages of the apparitor or foreman were 3 s . 6 d ., the squarers of stone and the assistants had 4 d . and 5 d . a-day ; smiths , Gd . ; car-
Masonic Facts.
penters , 4 Ad . and 5 d . ; and plumbers , 4 M . to Gd . — Brayley and Britton's Anc . Palace at Weston ., p . S 9 . Pirst in honour of God , of St . Mary the Virgin , and of St . Stephen , commences the Eoll of Expenses and Disbursements relative to the foundations of the King ' s Chapel in the Palace at Westminsterby the
, hands of Master Michael , of Canterbury ,- Mason , namely , from Monday next , after the Peast of St . Mark the Evangelist , April the 28 th , in tho 20 th year of the reign of King Edward , son of King Henry . The two first entries record the purchase of two ship loads of chalk " bought for the foundation of
the said chapel by the said Master Michael and John le Couriers at 2 s . per load ; 4 cwt . of burnt lime at 3 s . per cwt . ; two loads of ashes at Is . 3 d . ; one barge load of foreign stone , 6 s . Gd . ; a barge load of sand at Gd ., and 100 cart-loads at lid . per load , ( evidently for concrete ) . Several items refer to the purchase of timber & c
, , to make a Lodge for Master Michael and his Masons , and 6 s . was expended for iron and the making of six pickaxes . —Brat / ley and Britton ' s Anc . Palace of Westminster , p .. 424
List Of Masters Of Works And Master Masons, &C., Referred To In "Masonic Facts ."
Adams , John , Christ Church Coll ., Oxford ... 1512-17 Ampilforde , Thomas , Oatterick Bridge 1421 Albericus , Westminster Abbey 1253 Arnold , Oroyland Abbey 1113 Ashfield , John , Bristol 1472 Arain , Henre , Norhain Castle 1510 Ashley , Hector , Hunsdon ... 1530
Anglus , "William , Canterbury 1178 Arlez , Henry , Milan 1385 Antoine , Brussels , 1514 Barton , John , York 1445 Bowde , John , York 1442 Bello , John de , Northampton 1291 BellJohnDurham 1488
, , B erneval , Alexander , Rouen .... d . 1440 Boiliviis , Maguelone , in Provence 1178 Boutelier , Jean de , Paris ... 1351 Berham , Helios de , Salisbury 1220 Beveiley , Robert de , Westminster Abbey ... 1267 Brum pton , John de , Whitby Abbey 1300 "Rrm-n-nf-. rvn . Tnlm rip Ynvl- ft ~\ A ^ A .
Blyth , William , Finchale 1477-79 Baker , William , Calais 1525 Bokyngham , William de , Whitby 1393 Bouneuil , Ebienne de , Upsala 1287 Bestcherche , William , Cowling Castle 1384 Bovden , William , St . Albans 1308-26 Bell John ( Warden ) King's Coll 1513
, . Colchester , William , York 1415 Colchester , William , Westminster 1400 Cole , John , Louth 1501 Coventry , Walter de , Chichester 1187 Canterbury , Thomas de , S . Stephens 1330 Canterbury , Michael de , S . Stephens 1292 Cannon , Edward , S . Stephens 1351
Crundale , Richard de , Charing Cross 1291 Chamai-, Henry , Norham Castle 1510 Cure , Cornelius , London 1606 Cure , William , London 1610 Christian , Durham 1183 Coucy , Robert de , Rheims d . 1311 Crompe , Thomas , Cowling Castle 1381-85
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Facts.
Charing Cross was the most magnificent one ; commenced in 1291 and finished in 1294 . It was begun by Master Eichard de Crundale , cementarius ( but he died about Michaelmas Term , 1293 ) , and completed by Eoger de Crundale . Eichard received about 5601 . for work , exclusive of materials supplied by him , and Eoger 90 Z . 17 s . 5 d . It was built of Caen stone and Corf marble .
Ealph de Chichester supplied the "virg . capit et annul , " and Alexander le Imaginator received five marks in part payment for statues . The above-mentioned Michael , Canterbury , was the builder of St . Stephen ' s Chapel , and Eichard de Crundale was engaged on the works at the Palace of Westminster .
The Tomb , placed in the Lady Chapel , at Lincoln , for the reception of the viscera of the Queen , was executed by Dymenge de Legeri , and Alexander de Abyngdon , who were paid 251 . for the work . Eoger de Crundale had £ 1 16 s . Sd . for marble , and William de Sufi , received eight marks for three little
images of the Queen , cast in metal , to be placed near the'tomb . The heart of the-Queenwas deposited in the Church of the Priars Predicants , London . William de Hoo , " cementarius , " received . 2- § - marks for work done at the place where the queen ' s heart lay , ( Item . —Willielmus de Hoo , cementarius , pro
quadam cresta super cor Beginre facienda , apud frates Prredicatores Londonias , ij . mace et di . ) William de Suffolk prepared several images of metal , to be placed near the spot . Alexander le Imaginator had 12 s . Gd . for work in iron , and 5 s . for a painted cloth . Eoger de Newmarch received £ 4 17 s . 9 d . for paving stoneslimeand other
neces-, , saries . The church was destroyed by Sir Thomas Carwarden in the reign of Edward VI . The Queen ' s body was interred in the chapel of Edward the Confessor , Westminster . The statute of the Queen on her tomb is a work of exquisite beauty ; it is of metal , and has been richly coated with gold . * The marble work was executed bEichard de Crundale .
y in 1291 . * The statue was the work of Master William de Torell , goldsmith , who had 50 marks for the same . The metal was supplied by William Sprot and John de Ware . ¦
In a tract on Old Charing Cross , it is mentioned that it was " so cemented witli mortar made of purest lime , callis sand , white of eggs , and the strongest wort that it defied all hammers and hatchetts whatsoever . — Blalceway and Owen ' s Shrewsbury , vol . ii ., p . 361 .
119 . The crypt of St . Stephens commenced in 1292 . The first master mason employed was Michael of Canterbury , at a salary of 6 s . per week , and the other workmen , according to their quality , 2 \ d . to Gd . per day . The difficulty being so great in obtaining handy workmen that the king issued an order impressing Workmen . —Archasoloyia , vol . xxxi , p . 324 .
120 . Boll for 1292 . —Prom a Eoll of Expenses for 1291-1292 , it appears that the superior masons had Gd . a-day , and the others varied from 4 < d . to 4 t ^ d . and 5 d . per day . The weekly wages of the apparitor or foreman were 3 s . 6 d ., the squarers of stone and the assistants had 4 d . and 5 d . a-day ; smiths , Gd . ; car-
Masonic Facts.
penters , 4 Ad . and 5 d . ; and plumbers , 4 M . to Gd . — Brayley and Britton's Anc . Palace at Weston ., p . S 9 . Pirst in honour of God , of St . Mary the Virgin , and of St . Stephen , commences the Eoll of Expenses and Disbursements relative to the foundations of the King ' s Chapel in the Palace at Westminsterby the
, hands of Master Michael , of Canterbury ,- Mason , namely , from Monday next , after the Peast of St . Mark the Evangelist , April the 28 th , in tho 20 th year of the reign of King Edward , son of King Henry . The two first entries record the purchase of two ship loads of chalk " bought for the foundation of
the said chapel by the said Master Michael and John le Couriers at 2 s . per load ; 4 cwt . of burnt lime at 3 s . per cwt . ; two loads of ashes at Is . 3 d . ; one barge load of foreign stone , 6 s . Gd . ; a barge load of sand at Gd ., and 100 cart-loads at lid . per load , ( evidently for concrete ) . Several items refer to the purchase of timber & c
, , to make a Lodge for Master Michael and his Masons , and 6 s . was expended for iron and the making of six pickaxes . —Brat / ley and Britton ' s Anc . Palace of Westminster , p .. 424
List Of Masters Of Works And Master Masons, &C., Referred To In "Masonic Facts ."
Adams , John , Christ Church Coll ., Oxford ... 1512-17 Ampilforde , Thomas , Oatterick Bridge 1421 Albericus , Westminster Abbey 1253 Arnold , Oroyland Abbey 1113 Ashfield , John , Bristol 1472 Arain , Henre , Norhain Castle 1510 Ashley , Hector , Hunsdon ... 1530
Anglus , "William , Canterbury 1178 Arlez , Henry , Milan 1385 Antoine , Brussels , 1514 Barton , John , York 1445 Bowde , John , York 1442 Bello , John de , Northampton 1291 BellJohnDurham 1488
, , B erneval , Alexander , Rouen .... d . 1440 Boiliviis , Maguelone , in Provence 1178 Boutelier , Jean de , Paris ... 1351 Berham , Helios de , Salisbury 1220 Beveiley , Robert de , Westminster Abbey ... 1267 Brum pton , John de , Whitby Abbey 1300 "Rrm-n-nf-. rvn . Tnlm rip Ynvl- ft ~\ A ^ A .
Blyth , William , Finchale 1477-79 Baker , William , Calais 1525 Bokyngham , William de , Whitby 1393 Bouneuil , Ebienne de , Upsala 1287 Bestcherche , William , Cowling Castle 1384 Bovden , William , St . Albans 1308-26 Bell John ( Warden ) King's Coll 1513
, . Colchester , William , York 1415 Colchester , William , Westminster 1400 Cole , John , Louth 1501 Coventry , Walter de , Chichester 1187 Canterbury , Thomas de , S . Stephens 1330 Canterbury , Michael de , S . Stephens 1292 Cannon , Edward , S . Stephens 1351
Crundale , Richard de , Charing Cross 1291 Chamai-, Henry , Norham Castle 1510 Cure , Cornelius , London 1606 Cure , William , London 1610 Christian , Durham 1183 Coucy , Robert de , Rheims d . 1311 Crompe , Thomas , Cowling Castle 1381-85