Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
adorn , and immortalise her sex , and its proper fulfilment is as inseparably connected with the destiny ancl progress of her nation as the acts ancl policy of her sturdier compeers . " Show me , " it lias been said of a nation , " the mothers , ancl I will write you the history of its sons . " AVoman , through the gentle influences of her nature , exercises a power greater than the command of man . We all admit its magic sway , aud are not unwilling or ashamed to own our proud allegiance . If we
would have witnesses to prove that she is not wanting , but rather excels , in those traits of character that constitute the basis of true valour and ardent patriotism , let history speak ; it will not plead her cause in vain . The names of Elizabeth of England , Isabella of Spain , Josephine and Martha AVashington will live while history lives ; and tbe memory of those brave and noble mothers ancl daughters who , when their country calls , strap the knapsack on the back of husband , son , and
lover , and give up all they hold most dear to the sacred cause of patriotism , is embalmed as a holy treasure in the hearts of their grateful countrymen . AVho , too , during the dark hours ofthe Crimean campaign , when grim Death from his stronghold in the Malakhoff and Redan ' s bloody heights hurled his messengers insatiately upon the allied force hovered like an angel of mercy around the camp , binding the wounds of the suffering soldiers , and soothing with hopeful whispers tbo
fleeting moments of her dying comrades ? Did ever England boast a better sovereign than she who now graces the British throne , and waves , like a fairy wand , a sceptre of love o'er a people who delight to obey her ? Let us , then , if we would preserve inviolate those great principles of honour , truth , and fidelity that are the basis of an institution—while virtue , and constancy , ancl loveliness are cherished , while the sacred names of mother , sister , and wife are held clear to us , while we honour
the past and have hopes for the future , while we reverence and worship the Gracious Giver of all good things—let this , His last , His noblest , His most perfect gift , be loved , honoured , cherished , ancl protected , not alone for her intrinsic worth , but also on account of that sacred pre-eminence to which Divine authority entitles her . I beg to give you , in closing , " Tho Damsels of our own Day . " May we , the young men , prove ourselves as worthy of them as they are of their mothers . The Tyler ' s toast brought the evening to a close .
ROYAL ARCH . SHANGHAI . —Zion Chapter ( No . 570 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter took place on the 3 rd February , at the Masonic Hall . Present—Comps . Rawson , Prov . G . Supt . ; Dunlop , Z . ; Gould II . ; Parker , J . ; Nutt , P . S . ; Martin , Scribe E . ; Tilby , N . ; Lidford , Org . ; Bennett , Huntingdon , Hoft ' , Jamieson , Maitlaud , Seaman , Coutts , Des Lauiles , Holdsworth , AVheelock ,
Jordan , Johnston , Markliam , and Phillips , Janitor . Bros . Clark , J . E . D . Jamieson , Coghill , Lloyd ( 57 U ) , and Gnndry ( 1027 ) wero duly exalted . The following companions were elected officers for the ensuing year : —Gould , Z . ; Parker , H . ; Nutt , J . ; Dunlop , Treas . ; Fearon , G . S . ; Holdsworth , Scribe E . ; Markliam , Scribe N . ; and Phillips , Janitor . The Prov . G . Supt . then rose and stated that it would be the last occasion of his visiting the chapter previous to his departure for England . As tho hour
was growing late he would refrain from a long speech , but he wished to express Iie-irty good wishes to all companions generally , and to the Zion Chapter particularly . Comp . Dunlop , M . E . Z ., said he was quite sure the chapter had learned with regret that their respected Grand Superintendent was on the point of leaving China . He would not now detain the companions , as they would probably muster in force to do honour to Comp . Rawson at the farewell dinner to be iven to him on the
g following clay . He concluded by moving "That to mark the high esteem in which the Provincial Grand Superintendent was held by the chapter the sum of fifty guineas should be voted from the funds towards such suitable testimonial as might hereafter be approved of , to record the chapter's thorough appreciation of his merits . " This motion was seconded by Comp . Gould and carried unanimously . The Prov . G . Supt . said that the gift thus tendered had taken him altogether bsurpriseand he was at
y , a loss to express his grateful acknowledgments'in befitting language . He begged to accept the office with feelings of pride ; and looking back upon his connection with the chapter , it seemed to him that the magnificent present just voted to him , would , amongst other emblems presented during former years , serve to assure his friends that his humble efforts to promote the welfare of the Craft had secured him the affectionate regard
of his fellow workers . On the motion of the Prov . G . Sec , seconded by Comp . Markliam , the three Principals were constituted a committee to revise existing code of by-laws . All business being concluded , the chapter was closed in ancient form at 12 . 10 a . m . KNIGHT'S TEMPLAR .
SHANGHAI . —Celestial Fncanipment . —A meeting of this encampment took place on the 20 th January . Present—Sir Knts . Rawson , Prov . G . C . ; Parker , E . G . ; Gould ( P . E . C . ) , Prelate ; Markliam , 1 st Capt . ; Nutt , 2 nd Capt . ; Martin , Reg . AVarder , Des Laudes , Dunlop , Underwood , J . Coutts , G . Coutts , Donaldson , P . E . C . ; Huntingdon , Hiall . Sir Knt . Markliam , 1 st Capt ., was then duly installed Eminent Commander . Comps . Jamieson , Oberweg , Holdsworth , ancl Mitchell
were admitted and installed knights of the Order . The following are the officers for the year : —Sir Knts . Dunlop , Prelate ; Hogg , 1 st Capt . ; Fearon , 2 nd Capt . ; Wilkinson , Expert ; Martin , Reg . Sir Knt . Parker , P . E . C , in an eloquent speech , proposed that the jewel of a Prov . G . Commander should be presented to Sir Knt . Rawson to mark the recognition by the encampment of his truly valuable services to Templar Masonry in the far east . The E . C . seconded this motion , which was carried enthusiastically , ancl after a most touching response from Sir Knt . Rawson the encampment was closed .
( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) LUCKNOW . LODGE MORNING STAR . —The brethren of the above lodge met on Tuesday , tho 27 th December , St . John ' s Day , to celebrate the anniversary of their patron saint . The brethren assembled at seven p . m . Bro . F . Jennings , P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal , having been announcedwas received at the entrance
, and escorted to the dais in the oast , when Bro . Ivlacgvennan expressed to him the wisli of the brethren that he should preside . On his complying witii the request , Bro . Macgrennau made over the hiram to him . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Charles Rush ton was advanced to the second degree in due and ancient form . Bro . C . B . Goode , S . W . of the loclge , who had been unanimously
elected Master for the ensuing year , was then installed in the eastern chair , the following brethren composing the board of Installing Masters : —Bros . F . Jennings , J . F . Macgrennau , Major Simpson , and M . O'Meally . The hiram having been made over to Bro . Goode , that brother proceeded to elect ancl invest his officers with tlie badges of their respective offices . His Highness Bro . Sundeer Sing , Maharajah of Kuppcorthulla , K . S . I ., and his brother , were visitors of the lodge , but were obliged to retire , owing to tbe indisposition of tho former from excessive fatigue in paying ancl receiving- visits of ceremony and state during the day . The loclge having been successively
reduced , it was closed at ten , p . m ., when the brethren and their g-uests adjourned to the banquetting- hall , where a sumptuous repast , had been provided for the occasion . It being a gala week in Luckno-. v , and man } ' of the brethren having friends and guests who had come into the station from different places , to be present at the exhibition , excuses were tendered for nonattendance ; but about thirty in all sat clown at tabic . After removal of the cloth , Bro . Goode proposed the three first
toasts , which wore duly responded to in such style and warmth as none but Masons can receive and reciprocate . Bro . Macgrennau proposed the health of the outgoing Master , Bro . Major Baring , who had left the station with his regiment , coupled with that of the new Master of the lodge , Bro . Goode , and the newly invested officers . Bro . Goode returned thanks in a brief speech , expressing a hope that as the brethren had done him the honour to elect him their Master for the
ensuing season , they would also afford him their cordial and united support both in the working and in the general management of the lodge . For himself personally , he would always be found at his post to do his duty to the best of his ability and judgment . Bro . Goode then asked the brethren to help him in disposing of the last toast of obligation , viz ., " To all poor and distressed Masons , wheresoever dispersed , a speedy relief to thoir several wants ancl necessities , " which was drunk in silence . Bro . Macgrennan having been requested to open
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
adorn , and immortalise her sex , and its proper fulfilment is as inseparably connected with the destiny ancl progress of her nation as the acts ancl policy of her sturdier compeers . " Show me , " it lias been said of a nation , " the mothers , ancl I will write you the history of its sons . " AVoman , through the gentle influences of her nature , exercises a power greater than the command of man . We all admit its magic sway , aud are not unwilling or ashamed to own our proud allegiance . If we
would have witnesses to prove that she is not wanting , but rather excels , in those traits of character that constitute the basis of true valour and ardent patriotism , let history speak ; it will not plead her cause in vain . The names of Elizabeth of England , Isabella of Spain , Josephine and Martha AVashington will live while history lives ; and tbe memory of those brave and noble mothers ancl daughters who , when their country calls , strap the knapsack on the back of husband , son , and
lover , and give up all they hold most dear to the sacred cause of patriotism , is embalmed as a holy treasure in the hearts of their grateful countrymen . AVho , too , during the dark hours ofthe Crimean campaign , when grim Death from his stronghold in the Malakhoff and Redan ' s bloody heights hurled his messengers insatiately upon the allied force hovered like an angel of mercy around the camp , binding the wounds of the suffering soldiers , and soothing with hopeful whispers tbo
fleeting moments of her dying comrades ? Did ever England boast a better sovereign than she who now graces the British throne , and waves , like a fairy wand , a sceptre of love o'er a people who delight to obey her ? Let us , then , if we would preserve inviolate those great principles of honour , truth , and fidelity that are the basis of an institution—while virtue , and constancy , ancl loveliness are cherished , while the sacred names of mother , sister , and wife are held clear to us , while we honour
the past and have hopes for the future , while we reverence and worship the Gracious Giver of all good things—let this , His last , His noblest , His most perfect gift , be loved , honoured , cherished , ancl protected , not alone for her intrinsic worth , but also on account of that sacred pre-eminence to which Divine authority entitles her . I beg to give you , in closing , " Tho Damsels of our own Day . " May we , the young men , prove ourselves as worthy of them as they are of their mothers . The Tyler ' s toast brought the evening to a close .
ROYAL ARCH . SHANGHAI . —Zion Chapter ( No . 570 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter took place on the 3 rd February , at the Masonic Hall . Present—Comps . Rawson , Prov . G . Supt . ; Dunlop , Z . ; Gould II . ; Parker , J . ; Nutt , P . S . ; Martin , Scribe E . ; Tilby , N . ; Lidford , Org . ; Bennett , Huntingdon , Hoft ' , Jamieson , Maitlaud , Seaman , Coutts , Des Lauiles , Holdsworth , AVheelock ,
Jordan , Johnston , Markliam , and Phillips , Janitor . Bros . Clark , J . E . D . Jamieson , Coghill , Lloyd ( 57 U ) , and Gnndry ( 1027 ) wero duly exalted . The following companions were elected officers for the ensuing year : —Gould , Z . ; Parker , H . ; Nutt , J . ; Dunlop , Treas . ; Fearon , G . S . ; Holdsworth , Scribe E . ; Markliam , Scribe N . ; and Phillips , Janitor . The Prov . G . Supt . then rose and stated that it would be the last occasion of his visiting the chapter previous to his departure for England . As tho hour
was growing late he would refrain from a long speech , but he wished to express Iie-irty good wishes to all companions generally , and to the Zion Chapter particularly . Comp . Dunlop , M . E . Z ., said he was quite sure the chapter had learned with regret that their respected Grand Superintendent was on the point of leaving China . He would not now detain the companions , as they would probably muster in force to do honour to Comp . Rawson at the farewell dinner to be iven to him on the
g following clay . He concluded by moving "That to mark the high esteem in which the Provincial Grand Superintendent was held by the chapter the sum of fifty guineas should be voted from the funds towards such suitable testimonial as might hereafter be approved of , to record the chapter's thorough appreciation of his merits . " This motion was seconded by Comp . Gould and carried unanimously . The Prov . G . Supt . said that the gift thus tendered had taken him altogether bsurpriseand he was at
y , a loss to express his grateful acknowledgments'in befitting language . He begged to accept the office with feelings of pride ; and looking back upon his connection with the chapter , it seemed to him that the magnificent present just voted to him , would , amongst other emblems presented during former years , serve to assure his friends that his humble efforts to promote the welfare of the Craft had secured him the affectionate regard
of his fellow workers . On the motion of the Prov . G . Sec , seconded by Comp . Markliam , the three Principals were constituted a committee to revise existing code of by-laws . All business being concluded , the chapter was closed in ancient form at 12 . 10 a . m . KNIGHT'S TEMPLAR .
SHANGHAI . —Celestial Fncanipment . —A meeting of this encampment took place on the 20 th January . Present—Sir Knts . Rawson , Prov . G . C . ; Parker , E . G . ; Gould ( P . E . C . ) , Prelate ; Markliam , 1 st Capt . ; Nutt , 2 nd Capt . ; Martin , Reg . AVarder , Des Laudes , Dunlop , Underwood , J . Coutts , G . Coutts , Donaldson , P . E . C . ; Huntingdon , Hiall . Sir Knt . Markliam , 1 st Capt ., was then duly installed Eminent Commander . Comps . Jamieson , Oberweg , Holdsworth , ancl Mitchell
were admitted and installed knights of the Order . The following are the officers for the year : —Sir Knts . Dunlop , Prelate ; Hogg , 1 st Capt . ; Fearon , 2 nd Capt . ; Wilkinson , Expert ; Martin , Reg . Sir Knt . Parker , P . E . C , in an eloquent speech , proposed that the jewel of a Prov . G . Commander should be presented to Sir Knt . Rawson to mark the recognition by the encampment of his truly valuable services to Templar Masonry in the far east . The E . C . seconded this motion , which was carried enthusiastically , ancl after a most touching response from Sir Knt . Rawson the encampment was closed .
( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) LUCKNOW . LODGE MORNING STAR . —The brethren of the above lodge met on Tuesday , tho 27 th December , St . John ' s Day , to celebrate the anniversary of their patron saint . The brethren assembled at seven p . m . Bro . F . Jennings , P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal , having been announcedwas received at the entrance
, and escorted to the dais in the oast , when Bro . Ivlacgvennan expressed to him the wisli of the brethren that he should preside . On his complying witii the request , Bro . Macgrennau made over the hiram to him . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Charles Rush ton was advanced to the second degree in due and ancient form . Bro . C . B . Goode , S . W . of the loclge , who had been unanimously
elected Master for the ensuing year , was then installed in the eastern chair , the following brethren composing the board of Installing Masters : —Bros . F . Jennings , J . F . Macgrennau , Major Simpson , and M . O'Meally . The hiram having been made over to Bro . Goode , that brother proceeded to elect ancl invest his officers with tlie badges of their respective offices . His Highness Bro . Sundeer Sing , Maharajah of Kuppcorthulla , K . S . I ., and his brother , were visitors of the lodge , but were obliged to retire , owing to tbe indisposition of tho former from excessive fatigue in paying ancl receiving- visits of ceremony and state during the day . The loclge having been successively
reduced , it was closed at ten , p . m ., when the brethren and their g-uests adjourned to the banquetting- hall , where a sumptuous repast , had been provided for the occasion . It being a gala week in Luckno-. v , and man } ' of the brethren having friends and guests who had come into the station from different places , to be present at the exhibition , excuses were tendered for nonattendance ; but about thirty in all sat clown at tabic . After removal of the cloth , Bro . Goode proposed the three first
toasts , which wore duly responded to in such style and warmth as none but Masons can receive and reciprocate . Bro . Macgrennau proposed the health of the outgoing Master , Bro . Major Baring , who had left the station with his regiment , coupled with that of the new Master of the lodge , Bro . Goode , and the newly invested officers . Bro . Goode returned thanks in a brief speech , expressing a hope that as the brethren had done him the honour to elect him their Master for the
ensuing season , they would also afford him their cordial and united support both in the working and in the general management of the lodge . For himself personally , he would always be found at his post to do his duty to the best of his ability and judgment . Bro . Goode then asked the brethren to help him in disposing of the last toast of obligation , viz ., " To all poor and distressed Masons , wheresoever dispersed , a speedy relief to thoir several wants ancl necessities , " which was drunk in silence . Bro . Macgrennan having been requested to open