Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1
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your brethren was rewarded by a manifestation of the most perfect harmony during your two years' Mastership , and by a very considerable increase in the prosperity of the Lodge , to such an extent indeed , that La Cesaree now holds a proud position , in number of members as well as in character , a result which is mainly attributable to your untiring efforts . I will n iw read to you the inscription . "' A la Gloire du Grande Architects de V Univers .
Grande Loge uuie d'Angleterre . Province de Jersey . Loge La Cesaree ( No . SGO ) . La Loge dans sa tenue regulicre du 20 Avril , 5 S 60 de la A . L . ; 1 SG 0 de l'Ere vulgaire , a rcsolu a l'unanimito sur une proposition faite par le Trc-s A'en . Fr . Jean Thomas du Jardin , Ex . A en . Grand Tresr . Provl . & c , & c . ; Seeonde par le Tres A en . Fr . A . Schmitt , Ex . A en ., Ex . Grand Secretaire
Provl . qu ' un Te ' moignage d'Amour Fraternel , de respect et de reconnaissance , soit presente par le A ' en . dans une tenue regulicre an Resp . Fr . Philippe Le Cras , Ven . dTIoniieur , pour le zele et le devouement qu'il n ' a cesso de manifester pendant deux annees de presidence .
Philippe Baudains , A en . Francis Martett , pr . Surv . Geo . F . Perrot , 2 d . SUIT . Gustave Ratier , Orateur . Napn . Le Goupillot , Tresr . Philippe Le Neveu , Sec . '"
The Tableau , beautifully executed and illuminated on vellum , and enclosed in a handsome frame , was now handed to Bro . Le Cras . The W . M . resumed : — " I must now complete the programme of the proceedings of this evening , by presenting to you this Past Master's Jewel , and I feel proud of the opportunity thus afforded me of decorating you with this token of our affection . The inscription engraved thereon is , — ' La Loge La Cesaree , ( No . SCO ) , au Resp . Fr . Philippe Le Cras , Ven . d'Honneur . ' I shall now only add an
earnest wish that it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to bless you with health and happiness , long to enjoy the esteem ancl regard of your brethren . " Bro . Le Cras , who appeared much affected by this address , very feelingly expressed his thanks to the brethren of the Lodge for these two unexpected tokens of their esteem . After having at some length set forth the circumstances and position of the Lodge at the time of his election to the Chair , he passed in review some of the principal incidents which had
occurred during the period of his rule , and declared that he felt the most lively pleasure in accepting the elegant testimonials he had just received , with an assurance that his efforts , humble as they had been , were at least directed to one great object , namely , the advancement of Freemasonry , and the promotion of fraternal affection , and that these presents would be cherished by him , and regarded as among the most valuable of his possessions . No brother having any other business to lay before the meeting , the Lodge was closed in perfect harmony at half-past ten . " 11 . 11 .
ISi . E OF WIGHT . NEWPORT . —Albany Lodge ( No . 170 ) . —On Friday evenina-, the 24 th of August , Bro . Peter Matthews , Past Master ' of Lodges No . 11 , 33 , 218 , 313 , S 30 , and P . Prov . J . G . AY . of Essex , with Bros . 0 . J . A \ atson , S . AV ., No . 11 ; Spicer , No . 25 ; G . F . Swan , No . 11 ; Hclsham , S . D ., No . 113 ; Lavers , No . 225 ; Charles Swan , No . 237 , and JAY ., No . 830 ; Hall , No . 808 ; Benshain , P . M ., No . 593 , and Prov . G . O . of Surrey ; W . F . Newton , P . M ., No . 830 ; and Bro .
Thomas AYatkins , No . 830 , Fitzroy Lodge—all of whom are members of the division of the Ancient A ' olunteer Hon . Artillery Company of London , stationed at Sundown for a short period—visited the brethren of the Albany Lodge ( No . 176 ) at tho Masonic Hall , Newport . The AA ' orsh ' ipful Master , Bro . Georso A allance , being unavoidably _ absent , Past Master Bro . the Rev . Allan AYallaee presided . The ceremony of initiation was nearly concluded , when the visiting brethren were announcedThey received in
. were open lodge , and cordially welcomed by the AV . Af . " The Lodge was afterwards duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to tlio " banquctiiigl'oom , where a few hours were devoted' to the social interchange of brotherl y feeling , and of song and sentiment . The brethren of the Hon . Artillery Company were in uniform , also tho S . AY . of 170 , Bro . Capt . Saunders , Barrack Master , witli his bravelv-carned medals and the Rev \ VMPast Mastersand brethrenwho
, . .., , , belong to the Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers , 2 nd Comnany , Newport . It may be fairly added that the impetus iriven to the volunteer movement by the Freemasons of Newport , " niembers of tlio Albany Lodge ( No . 170 ) , when the preliminary committee meeting ., were held at their Masonic Hall , has not been without its clue effect .
LANCASHIRE ( AATGST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Devonshire Lodge ( No . 8 G 4 ) . —On Thursday , Aug 23 rd , a very handsome mallet was presented to the Devonshire Lodge , having tho following inscription : — " Presented to the Devonshire Lodge , 8 G 4 , by Bro . Marsh , 1 SG 0 . " The AA orshipful Master having received the mallet , the thanks of the Loclga were voted to Bro . Marsh for his handsome present .
SOMERSETSHIRE HIGHBHIDGE , BuRNiuui—Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . —On Friday August 31 st ., this Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Masonic Room , Railway Hotel , Highbridge . The minutes of the Lodge , held July 27 th , having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Brother , B . C . Greenhill , as a joining member , when lie was declared by the W . M . unanimously elected . The AY . M .
Brother James Duke , then resigned his chair to P . M . Brother II . Bridges . Brother Salisbury was examined and being found duly qualified was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Brothers H . T . Heal , Mogg , Lott , and Hadley having been examined and found duly qualified , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , to be balloted for at the next Lodge meeting on the 28 th instant . The Loclge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The
evening was spent very pleasantly , ancl the brethren separated at their usual early hour . SUSSEX . BRIGHTON : —Royal York Loclge ( No . 394)—The monthly meeting was held at the Old Ship Hotel , on Tuesday last . Bro . Freeman , XY . M , who is constant in his attendance , presided , ancl the lodge was numerously attended . An initiation , passing , and raising took place , serving to display the great attention of the officers to their several duties . The half yearly "banquet will take place on Tuesday , October , 28 tll .
SKIBBEREEN MASONIC HALL . On the 16 th instants , a number of the Brethren of Loclge 15 assembled at their room , North Street , to witness the drawing for the Master Masons' Apron , Collar , and Jewel . There were but 4 GS tickets purchased , a very small number , where the ladable object for which the drawing was instituted—that of raising funds for building a Masonic Hall here—is considered , also the low price at which the tickets were issued , being but five shillings each ; the
Brethren , however , appeared truly grateful to those of the Craft who aided them thus far in their project . During the preliminary arrangements the Prize was viewed with much interest and admiration . The numbers of the respective tickets purehesed being marked on gun-wads , were placed in a revolving box , while an equal number of blank wads were put into another box , with the word "Prize " written on one . Two disinterested boys were chosen , and the drawing proceeded amidst great curiosity as to who would be the
fortunate winner . As the Prize was not drawn till nearly 450 hadbeen abstracted , much interest prevailed , when number 141 was declared the winner , which ticket was held by Brother Thomas Atteridge , Castlotownsoiid , who was warmly congratulated on his success , as a stauncber or better Mason could not have obtained it , and there are few who more appreciate the broad principles of charity on which our Order is founded . As the sum already realized is not sufficient for erecting the hall , the subscription list will not be closed till the
required amount is raised . Hie arrangements made by the Secretary , Brother . 1 . F . Levis , for the drawing gave general satisfaction . The following is a list of the Grand Officers for Ireland for the half-year , Juno 24 th to December 27 th : —M . A \ , His Grace Augustus Frederick , Duke of Leinster , G . AI . ; R . AY . John Fitzhonry Townsend , L . L . D ., D . G . AI . ; R . AY . the Bisrht Hon . the Earl of Do ' noughmore , S . G . AA . ; R . AY . Sir Edward Boroush , Bart ., J . G . AY . ; R . AY . T . Mostyn , G . Treas . ; R . AY . the Hon . George Handcock , G . Sec ; R . AY . the
Rev . John James Maesorley , G . Chap . ; R . AY . the Rev . Simpson G . Morrison , G . Chap . ; AY . Arthur Buslie , S . G . D . ; IV . Joseph Faviere Elrington , JJ . L . I ) ., J . G . I ) . ; AV . Davenport Crosthwaite , G . Org . ; AY . Charles T . AA'alinisley , Dep . G . Sec ; Bro . Samuel B . Oldham , Ass . Sec ; Bro . James Adams , G . Purs . ; Bro . AVilliam Clancy , G . Tyler . The following new warrants were issued during the past half-: —No . 719 Newtownliiimvadyeo . Deny ; No . 423 Ararat
year , , , , Victoria , Australia ; No . -121 , Prarhan , A'ictoria , Australia ; No . 425 , Chines , A'ictoria , Australia . The following warrants were suspended : — 'No . 75 , Skerry , co . Antrim ; No . 85 , Shercock , co . Cavau ; No . 9 G , Annoy , co . Antrim ; No . 177 , Ballynure , co . Antrim ; No . 217 , Madderow , co . Down ; No . 337 , Bushmills , co . Antrim ; No . 355 , Tamlaght , co . Deny ; No . GS 2 , Lisbnrn , co . Antrim ; No . 1012 , Carrickfergus , co . Antrim . The following win rant was restored : —No . 1000 , Coiilisr , co . Down .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
your brethren was rewarded by a manifestation of the most perfect harmony during your two years' Mastership , and by a very considerable increase in the prosperity of the Lodge , to such an extent indeed , that La Cesaree now holds a proud position , in number of members as well as in character , a result which is mainly attributable to your untiring efforts . I will n iw read to you the inscription . "' A la Gloire du Grande Architects de V Univers .
Grande Loge uuie d'Angleterre . Province de Jersey . Loge La Cesaree ( No . SGO ) . La Loge dans sa tenue regulicre du 20 Avril , 5 S 60 de la A . L . ; 1 SG 0 de l'Ere vulgaire , a rcsolu a l'unanimito sur une proposition faite par le Trc-s A'en . Fr . Jean Thomas du Jardin , Ex . A en . Grand Tresr . Provl . & c , & c . ; Seeonde par le Tres A en . Fr . A . Schmitt , Ex . A en ., Ex . Grand Secretaire
Provl . qu ' un Te ' moignage d'Amour Fraternel , de respect et de reconnaissance , soit presente par le A ' en . dans une tenue regulicre an Resp . Fr . Philippe Le Cras , Ven . dTIoniieur , pour le zele et le devouement qu'il n ' a cesso de manifester pendant deux annees de presidence .
Philippe Baudains , A en . Francis Martett , pr . Surv . Geo . F . Perrot , 2 d . SUIT . Gustave Ratier , Orateur . Napn . Le Goupillot , Tresr . Philippe Le Neveu , Sec . '"
The Tableau , beautifully executed and illuminated on vellum , and enclosed in a handsome frame , was now handed to Bro . Le Cras . The W . M . resumed : — " I must now complete the programme of the proceedings of this evening , by presenting to you this Past Master's Jewel , and I feel proud of the opportunity thus afforded me of decorating you with this token of our affection . The inscription engraved thereon is , — ' La Loge La Cesaree , ( No . SCO ) , au Resp . Fr . Philippe Le Cras , Ven . d'Honneur . ' I shall now only add an
earnest wish that it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to bless you with health and happiness , long to enjoy the esteem ancl regard of your brethren . " Bro . Le Cras , who appeared much affected by this address , very feelingly expressed his thanks to the brethren of the Lodge for these two unexpected tokens of their esteem . After having at some length set forth the circumstances and position of the Lodge at the time of his election to the Chair , he passed in review some of the principal incidents which had
occurred during the period of his rule , and declared that he felt the most lively pleasure in accepting the elegant testimonials he had just received , with an assurance that his efforts , humble as they had been , were at least directed to one great object , namely , the advancement of Freemasonry , and the promotion of fraternal affection , and that these presents would be cherished by him , and regarded as among the most valuable of his possessions . No brother having any other business to lay before the meeting , the Lodge was closed in perfect harmony at half-past ten . " 11 . 11 .
ISi . E OF WIGHT . NEWPORT . —Albany Lodge ( No . 170 ) . —On Friday evenina-, the 24 th of August , Bro . Peter Matthews , Past Master ' of Lodges No . 11 , 33 , 218 , 313 , S 30 , and P . Prov . J . G . AY . of Essex , with Bros . 0 . J . A \ atson , S . AV ., No . 11 ; Spicer , No . 25 ; G . F . Swan , No . 11 ; Hclsham , S . D ., No . 113 ; Lavers , No . 225 ; Charles Swan , No . 237 , and JAY ., No . 830 ; Hall , No . 808 ; Benshain , P . M ., No . 593 , and Prov . G . O . of Surrey ; W . F . Newton , P . M ., No . 830 ; and Bro .
Thomas AYatkins , No . 830 , Fitzroy Lodge—all of whom are members of the division of the Ancient A ' olunteer Hon . Artillery Company of London , stationed at Sundown for a short period—visited the brethren of the Albany Lodge ( No . 176 ) at tho Masonic Hall , Newport . The AA ' orsh ' ipful Master , Bro . Georso A allance , being unavoidably _ absent , Past Master Bro . the Rev . Allan AYallaee presided . The ceremony of initiation was nearly concluded , when the visiting brethren were announcedThey received in
. were open lodge , and cordially welcomed by the AV . Af . " The Lodge was afterwards duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to tlio " banquctiiigl'oom , where a few hours were devoted' to the social interchange of brotherl y feeling , and of song and sentiment . The brethren of the Hon . Artillery Company were in uniform , also tho S . AY . of 170 , Bro . Capt . Saunders , Barrack Master , witli his bravelv-carned medals and the Rev \ VMPast Mastersand brethrenwho
, . .., , , belong to the Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers , 2 nd Comnany , Newport . It may be fairly added that the impetus iriven to the volunteer movement by the Freemasons of Newport , " niembers of tlio Albany Lodge ( No . 170 ) , when the preliminary committee meeting ., were held at their Masonic Hall , has not been without its clue effect .
LANCASHIRE ( AATGST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Devonshire Lodge ( No . 8 G 4 ) . —On Thursday , Aug 23 rd , a very handsome mallet was presented to the Devonshire Lodge , having tho following inscription : — " Presented to the Devonshire Lodge , 8 G 4 , by Bro . Marsh , 1 SG 0 . " The AA orshipful Master having received the mallet , the thanks of the Loclga were voted to Bro . Marsh for his handsome present .
SOMERSETSHIRE HIGHBHIDGE , BuRNiuui—Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . —On Friday August 31 st ., this Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Masonic Room , Railway Hotel , Highbridge . The minutes of the Lodge , held July 27 th , having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Brother , B . C . Greenhill , as a joining member , when lie was declared by the W . M . unanimously elected . The AY . M .
Brother James Duke , then resigned his chair to P . M . Brother II . Bridges . Brother Salisbury was examined and being found duly qualified was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Brothers H . T . Heal , Mogg , Lott , and Hadley having been examined and found duly qualified , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , to be balloted for at the next Lodge meeting on the 28 th instant . The Loclge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The
evening was spent very pleasantly , ancl the brethren separated at their usual early hour . SUSSEX . BRIGHTON : —Royal York Loclge ( No . 394)—The monthly meeting was held at the Old Ship Hotel , on Tuesday last . Bro . Freeman , XY . M , who is constant in his attendance , presided , ancl the lodge was numerously attended . An initiation , passing , and raising took place , serving to display the great attention of the officers to their several duties . The half yearly "banquet will take place on Tuesday , October , 28 tll .
SKIBBEREEN MASONIC HALL . On the 16 th instants , a number of the Brethren of Loclge 15 assembled at their room , North Street , to witness the drawing for the Master Masons' Apron , Collar , and Jewel . There were but 4 GS tickets purchased , a very small number , where the ladable object for which the drawing was instituted—that of raising funds for building a Masonic Hall here—is considered , also the low price at which the tickets were issued , being but five shillings each ; the
Brethren , however , appeared truly grateful to those of the Craft who aided them thus far in their project . During the preliminary arrangements the Prize was viewed with much interest and admiration . The numbers of the respective tickets purehesed being marked on gun-wads , were placed in a revolving box , while an equal number of blank wads were put into another box , with the word "Prize " written on one . Two disinterested boys were chosen , and the drawing proceeded amidst great curiosity as to who would be the
fortunate winner . As the Prize was not drawn till nearly 450 hadbeen abstracted , much interest prevailed , when number 141 was declared the winner , which ticket was held by Brother Thomas Atteridge , Castlotownsoiid , who was warmly congratulated on his success , as a stauncber or better Mason could not have obtained it , and there are few who more appreciate the broad principles of charity on which our Order is founded . As the sum already realized is not sufficient for erecting the hall , the subscription list will not be closed till the
required amount is raised . Hie arrangements made by the Secretary , Brother . 1 . F . Levis , for the drawing gave general satisfaction . The following is a list of the Grand Officers for Ireland for the half-year , Juno 24 th to December 27 th : —M . A \ , His Grace Augustus Frederick , Duke of Leinster , G . AI . ; R . AY . John Fitzhonry Townsend , L . L . D ., D . G . AI . ; R . AY . the Bisrht Hon . the Earl of Do ' noughmore , S . G . AA . ; R . AY . Sir Edward Boroush , Bart ., J . G . AY . ; R . AY . T . Mostyn , G . Treas . ; R . AY . the Hon . George Handcock , G . Sec ; R . AY . the
Rev . John James Maesorley , G . Chap . ; R . AY . the Rev . Simpson G . Morrison , G . Chap . ; AY . Arthur Buslie , S . G . D . ; IV . Joseph Faviere Elrington , JJ . L . I ) ., J . G . I ) . ; AV . Davenport Crosthwaite , G . Org . ; AY . Charles T . AA'alinisley , Dep . G . Sec ; Bro . Samuel B . Oldham , Ass . Sec ; Bro . James Adams , G . Purs . ; Bro . AVilliam Clancy , G . Tyler . The following new warrants were issued during the past half-: —No . 719 Newtownliiimvadyeo . Deny ; No . 423 Ararat
year , , , , Victoria , Australia ; No . -121 , Prarhan , A'ictoria , Australia ; No . 425 , Chines , A'ictoria , Australia . The following warrants were suspended : — 'No . 75 , Skerry , co . Antrim ; No . 85 , Shercock , co . Cavau ; No . 9 G , Annoy , co . Antrim ; No . 177 , Ballynure , co . Antrim ; No . 217 , Madderow , co . Down ; No . 337 , Bushmills , co . Antrim ; No . 355 , Tamlaght , co . Deny ; No . GS 2 , Lisbnrn , co . Antrim ; No . 1012 , Carrickfergus , co . Antrim . The following win rant was restored : —No . 1000 , Coiilisr , co . Down .