Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CANADA. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS: Page 1 of 2 →
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Channel Islands.
Extracted from the Jersey Express and Channel Islands ' Advertiser , of August 2 nd , 1866 . AVe have to announce to our readers the approaching departure from Jersey , chiefly on considerations of health , of a gentleman who has resided among us upwards of eight years , and who , as an occasional correspondent in each of our local papers , is no doubt well known to most of our readers . AA e
refer to Dr . Hopkins , who , whatever may he thought of the opinions he has at various times expressed , has had an honourable career in this island . On two points especially , the Jersey public are indebted to that gentleman . Previous to his arrival here , there was a delivery of letters out of St . Helier onlyrm three days in each week . By his representations to the London authorities , arrangements were made for a daily delivery in the more populous portions of Jersey , and also for an extension of
the hour at which certain district offices are closed , from six to nine , p . m . AA e have mainly to thank him , too , for the reduction in the price of gas from 6 s . Sd . to 5 s . per 1 , 000 ft ., since , though the threat of a new company was the immediate cause , the ground had been prepared by a series of newspaper articles founded on statistics , Dr . Hopkins took the trouble to obtain from many towns in England and Scotland , extending over more than a yearby which he clearly proved that a reduction
, of price , combined ivith certain economical arrangements in the management , would be advantageous both to the shareholders and the public . By a large portion of the Masonic body he is respected , and we understand that an especial evening meeting has been held in his honour . He has taken leave of the tAvo lodges , La Cesaree and St . Aubin's , iu which he is best known and appreciated , by delivering two formal addresses , given in extenso in the FKEEKASOS - S' MAGAZIXE . They contain so
much matter for thought , that though referring to a body which is somewhat exclusive in its character , yet we think they may he perused with advantage by all . tinder such an impression , Ave publish the addresses in our columns .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . HAUHITOJT . Grand Conclave of Masonic Knights Templar . The Provincial Grand Conclave of the Royal , Exalted , Military , and Religious Order of Masonic Knights Templar , and Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta , was held on the 15 th ult . The attendance was good , and
fully equal to that of last year . The V . E . Sir . Knt , Col . W . J . B . MeLood Moore , Prov . G . Commander ( by patent from the Supreme Grand Conclave of England and AA ales ) presided with his usual dignity , and conducted the business most satisfactorily . After a very interesting session , the A . E . G . Commander was pleased to instal the elective and appointed officers for the current year as follows : — E . Sir Kt . T . D . IlaringtoiiOttawa D . G . Com .
, „ Thos . B . Harris , Hamilton G . Prior . „ AV . B . Simpson , Kingston G-. Sub-Prior . „ Rev . J . A . Preston , M . A G . Prelate . „ T . McCraken , London 1 st G . Capt . „ S . S . Finden , Ottawa 2 ndG . Capt . „ C . D . Macdonnoll , Peterboro' ... G . Chancellor .
„ J . Mofiatt , London Vice G . Chancellor . „ J , Seymour , St . Catharines G . Registrar . „ L . H . Henderson , Belleville ... G . Treasurer . „ J . AV . Murton , Hamilton G , Chamberlain . „ AV . M . Jamieson , Samia G . Hospitaller . „ D . Curtis , Brantford G . Expert . „ J . J . Curran , Toronto 1 st G . Std . Bearer . „ E . Goodman , St . Catharines ... 2 nd G . Std . Bearer .
„ AV . Reid , Bothwell G . Almoner . II . Poetter , Ottawa IstG .-A . D . C . „ ' B . E . Charlton , Hamilton 2 nd G . A . D . C . „ I . II . Stearns , Montreal G . Dir . of Cers . „ AV . I-I . Day , Trenton G . Capt , of L . „ II . Robertson , Collingwood 1 st G . Herald . „ AV . Doctor , Belleville 2 nd G . Herald . „ A . G . Smyth , London G . Sword Bearer .
Comp . R , Graham , Kingston G . Equerry . Before tho proceedings terminated , the officers of a new encampment for St . Catharines were installed . The next assembly Avill be held at OttaAva .
The Force of Facts ; or , the Pentateuch and the Prophets Examined . - By a Layman . Author of " Searchings of Scripture , ancl its Teachings . " London : James BTisbett and Co ., 21 , Berners-streefc . 1866 .-THE writer of this useful little work is well known to ns as an active and zealous lay member of the Church , of
England , and a man forward in every work of benevolence and charity . He is a firm believer in the volume of the Sacred LaAV ; and a former work ou the same Holy Book , " Searchings of Scripture and its Teachings , " was received on its appearance some years since , with considerable favour . In his own words , " the design" of the treatise now
under review is to " set forth hoAv the divine inspiration of the whole canon of Holy Scripture is asserted , or assumed , or apparent in each and every one of the sacred prophets of the Old Testament , under a great variety of manner and form and manifestation , but all testifying that the spirit of the Lord vras with His servants in Avhat they Avrote in His name . "
We are bound to state that the object thus proposed has been Avell wrought ouo . As Freemasons Ave thank the author of " The Force of Facts , " for having added another buttress to the inspiration of a book Avhich is the " great light in Masonry . " We should be glad to see many gentlemen , of independent means and influence , andAvith love for God and man
in their hearts , thus coming forward in defence of the Scriptures of truth , Avhich , according to our beloved Queen —and surely every impartial inquirer must agree with , her—have been the source of England ' s greatness , but Avhich a few hapless sceptics are striving to impugn , to their own destruction and that of those ivho are so weak as to be led away by their specious arguments , which have been over and over again refuted .
The Servants' Magazine . S . AY . Partridge , 9 , Paternoster Bow . WE have tho September number of this little serial before us . It is admirably adapted for the class for Avhich it is written . Servants are either a bane or a blessing to our
households . That they aro so frequently the former may , perhaps , be attributed to tho neglect ivith ivhich they are too often treated by the heads of the households , as regards moral and religious influences . We feel quite sure that The Servants' Magazine will be found a very useful auxiliary in servant improvement and reformation . We Avould strongly recommend our brethren to take it in for their domestics . It is plain , simple , and sound , and costs but one penny per month .
Public Amusements:
Mr . Hastings lias heen very fortunate in having secured what Ave consider to be the leading Attraction of his company , in the person of the coloured American tragedian , Bro . Morgan Smith , P . M . of the Atlieri--um Lodge , Pennsylvania , U . S . We Avitnessed the other ei'emng with considerable interest the admirable and accomplished acting of our coloured
brother , Ave greet him well , and must congratulate him upon the thoroughly appreciative manner in Avhicli . his performance in the tragedy of " Othello " is received by a crowded ancl criticising house , many of whom had previously Avitnessed the performance
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
Extracted from the Jersey Express and Channel Islands ' Advertiser , of August 2 nd , 1866 . AVe have to announce to our readers the approaching departure from Jersey , chiefly on considerations of health , of a gentleman who has resided among us upwards of eight years , and who , as an occasional correspondent in each of our local papers , is no doubt well known to most of our readers . AA e
refer to Dr . Hopkins , who , whatever may he thought of the opinions he has at various times expressed , has had an honourable career in this island . On two points especially , the Jersey public are indebted to that gentleman . Previous to his arrival here , there was a delivery of letters out of St . Helier onlyrm three days in each week . By his representations to the London authorities , arrangements were made for a daily delivery in the more populous portions of Jersey , and also for an extension of
the hour at which certain district offices are closed , from six to nine , p . m . AA e have mainly to thank him , too , for the reduction in the price of gas from 6 s . Sd . to 5 s . per 1 , 000 ft ., since , though the threat of a new company was the immediate cause , the ground had been prepared by a series of newspaper articles founded on statistics , Dr . Hopkins took the trouble to obtain from many towns in England and Scotland , extending over more than a yearby which he clearly proved that a reduction
, of price , combined ivith certain economical arrangements in the management , would be advantageous both to the shareholders and the public . By a large portion of the Masonic body he is respected , and we understand that an especial evening meeting has been held in his honour . He has taken leave of the tAvo lodges , La Cesaree and St . Aubin's , iu which he is best known and appreciated , by delivering two formal addresses , given in extenso in the FKEEKASOS - S' MAGAZIXE . They contain so
much matter for thought , that though referring to a body which is somewhat exclusive in its character , yet we think they may he perused with advantage by all . tinder such an impression , Ave publish the addresses in our columns .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . HAUHITOJT . Grand Conclave of Masonic Knights Templar . The Provincial Grand Conclave of the Royal , Exalted , Military , and Religious Order of Masonic Knights Templar , and Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta , was held on the 15 th ult . The attendance was good , and
fully equal to that of last year . The V . E . Sir . Knt , Col . W . J . B . MeLood Moore , Prov . G . Commander ( by patent from the Supreme Grand Conclave of England and AA ales ) presided with his usual dignity , and conducted the business most satisfactorily . After a very interesting session , the A . E . G . Commander was pleased to instal the elective and appointed officers for the current year as follows : — E . Sir Kt . T . D . IlaringtoiiOttawa D . G . Com .
, „ Thos . B . Harris , Hamilton G . Prior . „ AV . B . Simpson , Kingston G-. Sub-Prior . „ Rev . J . A . Preston , M . A G . Prelate . „ T . McCraken , London 1 st G . Capt . „ S . S . Finden , Ottawa 2 ndG . Capt . „ C . D . Macdonnoll , Peterboro' ... G . Chancellor .
„ J . Mofiatt , London Vice G . Chancellor . „ J , Seymour , St . Catharines G . Registrar . „ L . H . Henderson , Belleville ... G . Treasurer . „ J . AV . Murton , Hamilton G , Chamberlain . „ AV . M . Jamieson , Samia G . Hospitaller . „ D . Curtis , Brantford G . Expert . „ J . J . Curran , Toronto 1 st G . Std . Bearer . „ E . Goodman , St . Catharines ... 2 nd G . Std . Bearer .
„ AV . Reid , Bothwell G . Almoner . II . Poetter , Ottawa IstG .-A . D . C . „ ' B . E . Charlton , Hamilton 2 nd G . A . D . C . „ I . II . Stearns , Montreal G . Dir . of Cers . „ AV . I-I . Day , Trenton G . Capt , of L . „ II . Robertson , Collingwood 1 st G . Herald . „ AV . Doctor , Belleville 2 nd G . Herald . „ A . G . Smyth , London G . Sword Bearer .
Comp . R , Graham , Kingston G . Equerry . Before tho proceedings terminated , the officers of a new encampment for St . Catharines were installed . The next assembly Avill be held at OttaAva .
The Force of Facts ; or , the Pentateuch and the Prophets Examined . - By a Layman . Author of " Searchings of Scripture , ancl its Teachings . " London : James BTisbett and Co ., 21 , Berners-streefc . 1866 .-THE writer of this useful little work is well known to ns as an active and zealous lay member of the Church , of
England , and a man forward in every work of benevolence and charity . He is a firm believer in the volume of the Sacred LaAV ; and a former work ou the same Holy Book , " Searchings of Scripture and its Teachings , " was received on its appearance some years since , with considerable favour . In his own words , " the design" of the treatise now
under review is to " set forth hoAv the divine inspiration of the whole canon of Holy Scripture is asserted , or assumed , or apparent in each and every one of the sacred prophets of the Old Testament , under a great variety of manner and form and manifestation , but all testifying that the spirit of the Lord vras with His servants in Avhat they Avrote in His name . "
We are bound to state that the object thus proposed has been Avell wrought ouo . As Freemasons Ave thank the author of " The Force of Facts , " for having added another buttress to the inspiration of a book Avhich is the " great light in Masonry . " We should be glad to see many gentlemen , of independent means and influence , andAvith love for God and man
in their hearts , thus coming forward in defence of the Scriptures of truth , Avhich , according to our beloved Queen —and surely every impartial inquirer must agree with , her—have been the source of England ' s greatness , but Avhich a few hapless sceptics are striving to impugn , to their own destruction and that of those ivho are so weak as to be led away by their specious arguments , which have been over and over again refuted .
The Servants' Magazine . S . AY . Partridge , 9 , Paternoster Bow . WE have tho September number of this little serial before us . It is admirably adapted for the class for Avhich it is written . Servants are either a bane or a blessing to our
households . That they aro so frequently the former may , perhaps , be attributed to tho neglect ivith ivhich they are too often treated by the heads of the households , as regards moral and religious influences . We feel quite sure that The Servants' Magazine will be found a very useful auxiliary in servant improvement and reformation . We Avould strongly recommend our brethren to take it in for their domestics . It is plain , simple , and sound , and costs but one penny per month .
Public Amusements:
Mr . Hastings lias heen very fortunate in having secured what Ave consider to be the leading Attraction of his company , in the person of the coloured American tragedian , Bro . Morgan Smith , P . M . of the Atlieri--um Lodge , Pennsylvania , U . S . We Avitnessed the other ei'emng with considerable interest the admirable and accomplished acting of our coloured
brother , Ave greet him well , and must congratulate him upon the thoroughly appreciative manner in Avhicli . his performance in the tragedy of " Othello " is received by a crowded ancl criticising house , many of whom had previously Avitnessed the performance