Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 7 of 9 →
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hers having recently been reinforced by tbe addition of several zealous and riiern-etic members , it was determined that an earnest effort should be ¦ li-ide again to revive the light of Alasonry among them . Accordingly , in Mav last , a meeting was held , at- which it was resolved to present a petition to the M AA Grand Master for a warrant to enable the brethren to hold a Locbe , to ' be called the " Pelham Pillar Lodge , " a name taken ( we may explain in passing ) , from a lofty pillar erected in memory ot a member ot familof Lord Yarboroughthe noble Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire .
the y , TheM AV Grand Master was pleased to grant a warrant iu accordance with the prayer of the petition , under the name of the " Pelham Pillar Lodge , No 1 , 09-1 , " holding its meetings on the first Thursday of the month at Chapman ' s Hotel . The objections against meeting at an inn are felt oy tiio Grimsby brethren , their present location , we understand , being but temporary , aud as soon as more eligible quarters can be obtained the Lodwill be removedA spacious and convenient room has been
ob"C . tained , which , with a few additional arrangements for securing greater privacy , will be well suited for the purpose . The furniture , jewels , & c , ¦ qi of whieh are new , are very handsome , and reflect great credit upon Bro . Spencer , of Great Queen-street , by whom they have beeu supplied , is has also the very beautiful volume of the Sacred Law presented to ¦
the Lodge by Bro . F . P . Cupiss , the . treasurer . The proceedings oi constituting the Lodgo commenced shortly alter one o ' clock , Bro . AA ' aite , AV . M . of the Lindsay Lodge , No . 101-1 , acting as installing Alaster , aud discharging his important duties in so able and impressive a manner as to elicit the warmest commendations from the lar"o assemblaKe of the brethren present . The Lodge having been duly
,-nnstifcuted according to fche usages of tho Graft , Lro . J . tiomas Hen-son , V Prov . G . S . B ., was installed AVorshipful Master , and saluted by the brethren according to ancient custom . The AVorshipful Alaster then unpointed and invested tho Officers , viz ., Bros . J . Sarle , S . AV . : AV . J . AVhallev , J . AA ' . ; F . P . Cupiss , Treas . ; Jno . Wlntford , Sec . ; A \ . Marshall , S D . ; D . II . BUM , J . D . ; E . Henshall ancl S . AValrnsley , Stewards ; ii ii . Clarke , I . G . ; S . Harcleastle , Ty ler . The business being concluded , the Lod closed in antient form
ge was . The brethren next proceeded to the Corn Exchange , wuence a procession was formed to the parish church , a fine old Norman edifice , whieh has " recently been restored with great taste . Prayers were read by Bro . the Rev . It . Aiaslie . vicar of Grimsby , and au eloquent sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . E . ' R . Larken , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , Lincolnshire , which was listened to by the brethren with the utmost attention . The text wis taken from Ephesians , v . 8 , " AValk as children of light . " The
reverend brother said : — . ' ¦ ' It were needless , even if it were possible , to point out minutely the blessings iiflbrded to mankind by their Heavenly Father in his gift of material light , the creation of whieh is first recorded in his revealed word , m these simple but impressive words— " God said , Let there be light , aud there was light . " If we can imagine what the world must have been hacl this blessing been denied it , we can perhaps have something like an adecniatc idea of the value of the boonAll tho beautiful forms and colours
. that now delight our vision , refine our taste , and enliven our fancy , would have had no existence , and wo should have led a wearisome lite in a gloomy ancl monotonous world . Nor can ifc be said , with any force of argument , that we should not have suffered had tlio blessing of light been denied to us because not being acquainted with its value we could not bo conscious of our own want of it ; for that very want of acquaintance and of consciousness would have been of itself a privation . Our finest sense of tho hihest grati
and tho one through which we are capable deriving g - fication would have been lost to us , and the mere fact of our being unaware of what we mig ht otherwise have enjoyed , would have been hut a slight , a very slight alleviation of our misfortune . But thanks be Lo God , there is no need to speculate further on what might have been i'ur condition and our sufferings in a darksome world . Light has been given , ancl it has blessed us to a degree of which wc can only show our sense by our thankfulness , aud never should we offer up the tribute of uur gratitude to the Almighty for the many benefits bestowed upon us tile
from his inexhaustible store , without including tins among numuer . 'those who . by accident or disease , or rather by God ' s permission have lost the power of availing themselves of this benefit , coulcl tell how great the loss of how manv of the purest delights they have been deprived ; -md their declarations of misery at tho want of that blessing which wo enjoy should render us doubly sensible of , and thankful tor the mercy ivhich continues it to ourselves . If we could confer with one of these unhappy should find thafc one of the greatest sources of distress
beings we to them is their inability to provide for their own comfort and security , t-J guide themselves amid the crowds of their fellow men , and to avoid the dangers which beset tbe path of all , but which those who are Messed with eye sight may , by the use of common vigilance , be tolerably sure of escaping . Many alleviations , I am aware , are found by the alU ' ictcd through public and private benevolence , by the care and consideration shown to them by the crowds through which they pass , aud for them then
% the sympathy their privation always beget .-: among fellow creatures , and it is even true that to some the loss of one sense seems greatly to be made up by the additional aeiitcuess of the rest—a wonderful instance this of compensation at the hands of our merciful Creator ; but whatever exceptions we may lind , tho rule is true that tney are deepl y aud sincerely to bo pitied , from whom is withheld the unspeakable hlessiug of light . Ancl , my brethren , if such be the case with material % ht , the light by which ' that body is guided iu its daily intercourse Avith the world , ancl by which the eye is charmed , in its survey of the
¦ dorious works of the Almighty—how much greater is the blessing , how much more valuable the gift of spiritual light , by whieh the soul is guided and directed in its weary pilgrimage through this scene of sm and suffering , to its home in the eternal city , aud enabled to survey with gratitude and joy the rich provisions made by the love aud mercy of God to reclaim it from all its depravity andjmpurity , and win it back to himself , a partaker of his ineffable glory in the palaces foil high . Without this ht what would have been the moral aspect of the . world 1
lig As dark and dreary as would have been its material face had darkness prevailed over it from the beginning . AVhat wonders should we have lost , and of what glories should we have been unconscious I From the bcinuin" - of man ' s existence upon earth , iu the time of his innocensy , tins lig ht has been vouchsafed unto him by his Maker in such a manner as the ° iustruction of his dawning intellect required , and his infant vision
able to bear . It was not wholly withdrawn after the period ot lunocency was over , but still g iven to those who diligently sought after it , and God has never failed to poriifinto their souls this his holy inspiration . By this light has the knowledge of his being , bis unity and his attributes been maintained in the hearts of men from tho creation until now . The philosophy of th ' e heathen , which taught much of these mighty truths , owed all its power fco the illuminating virtue of this influx , and to its ' especial andabundant outpourings are we indebted for all
more , thafc long chain of witnesses to the glorious facts of the existence of God , our relationship to him , the immortality of our souls , our duties in this life , ancl our prospects iu the life to come . Whence but from this source came the supernatural wisdom of the royal sage of the times of the glory of Jerusalem , of him who was at once tho king and the philosopher of his people , to whom was vouchsafed the invaluable of building holtemple to the Lord Jehovah 1 This goodly
privilege a y . fabric—which had for seven years been rising from its foundations like some tall aud spreading palmtree , rapidly yet almost imperceptibly , surely and strongiv , without the din of the workman's hammer , on which hacl been lavished tho treasures of the east , and the labours ot the cunning workmen of all countries—now stood forth in all its beauty and splendour . No longer did the ark ot the Lord dwell under curtains ; while tho monarch ' of his le wa ) sheltered by a roof of cedarsnow
peop , at the comp letion of the work , it is borne with all the accompaniments of sacred pomp to a shrine benefiting in magnificence the treasure it received : and far surpassing in grandeur tho palace of any eartluy sovereign , even as tho majesty of the God , who chose to place his name there exceeded that of the proudest of his creatures . Here at this solemn dedication the best and wisest of Israel , her princes , her elders , her warriors and her sages filled the courts of the temple , and were " Father of their country
lifthi" up their hearts to the Almighty ; many were " praying lor the peace of Jerusalem , and while tho smoke of numberless sacrifices rose to heaven , the ark entered tho most holy place oven under the wings of tho Cherubim . Then was vouchsafed tho Almighty ' s acceptance of the costly offering of his servant , and a symbol of hi . ° future more peculiar residence within its sanctuary . ^ And it came to pass , when tho priests were come out ofthe holy place , that the cloud filled the house of the Lord , so that the priests could not stand to
minister bjcause of the cloud , for the glory of the Lord had filled the hou--e ofthe Lord . ' And even with this visibb sign of Gods more immediate presence before him , the monarch of Israel could regard it only as a si ™ , and not the reality itself . And in the course of that magnificent prayer which he then offered to the most high God ( and which I trust no one who hears me this day will tail to study with reverence and devotion ) , burst into this striking apostrophe to the incomprehensible omni of God'But will God indeed dwell the carlobeheld
potence . upon , the heaven ancl the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee , bow much less this house that I have buikled . ' AVhenco but from the light vouchsafed bv God himself coulcl come this poiver to bear testimony to this his most unspeakable majesty and glory ? To what but to this light do we owe the testimonies borne to the Most High by the long hue of seers and prophets of old ! But as ages rolled onward these special and abundant outpourings of this light more rarel y took place m the extrashod the monarch and the hets
ordinary measure iu which ifc was on prop of Israel , until at last an interval of four hundred years occurred , miring which it seems to have been withdrawn altogether , and mon were lettt ' , > the ordinary teaching of tha light upon their hearts and consciences , sufficient indeed to lead them in the rig ht path it they would but seek it , but not coming with supernatural forces upon the soul , and thus irresistibly compelling convictions . You know in what a state ot uncertainty , aud Gentile worlds sunk during
doubt , ancl distrust , both the Jewish this period . Indiit ' erentisni ancl scepticism had taken the place ot religious faith and knowledge , and a formal attention to outward ceremonies had usurped that of the heart , so that the prediction of tho prophet was fulfilled , ' Behold the darkness shall cover the earth , and gross darkness the people ' aud the time arrived for his invocation to be answered— ' Avise , shine ! for the light is come , and the glory of the Lord is risen upon he who not the promised lighu
thee ' 'then came in rapid succession was , hut its ' forerunner aud witness , and then tho Sim ot Righteousness himself with healing on his wings . Then did he , during tne little wmlo that He-the true lig ht—was with his followers , teach them the way ot truth and righteousness , and died afc last to enable them to follow that way . Then came the outpouring of tho Holy Spirit upon the glorious company ofthe apostles , ancl then followed the noble army of martyrs , who have beeu followed again by the holy church throughout all the world , iu an acknowledgment and ascription of glory tothe _ Most Hig h , And although ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
hers having recently been reinforced by tbe addition of several zealous and riiern-etic members , it was determined that an earnest effort should be ¦ li-ide again to revive the light of Alasonry among them . Accordingly , in Mav last , a meeting was held , at- which it was resolved to present a petition to the M AA Grand Master for a warrant to enable the brethren to hold a Locbe , to ' be called the " Pelham Pillar Lodge , " a name taken ( we may explain in passing ) , from a lofty pillar erected in memory ot a member ot familof Lord Yarboroughthe noble Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire .
the y , TheM AV Grand Master was pleased to grant a warrant iu accordance with the prayer of the petition , under the name of the " Pelham Pillar Lodge , No 1 , 09-1 , " holding its meetings on the first Thursday of the month at Chapman ' s Hotel . The objections against meeting at an inn are felt oy tiio Grimsby brethren , their present location , we understand , being but temporary , aud as soon as more eligible quarters can be obtained the Lodwill be removedA spacious and convenient room has been
ob"C . tained , which , with a few additional arrangements for securing greater privacy , will be well suited for the purpose . The furniture , jewels , & c , ¦ qi of whieh are new , are very handsome , and reflect great credit upon Bro . Spencer , of Great Queen-street , by whom they have beeu supplied , is has also the very beautiful volume of the Sacred Law presented to ¦
the Lodge by Bro . F . P . Cupiss , the . treasurer . The proceedings oi constituting the Lodgo commenced shortly alter one o ' clock , Bro . AA ' aite , AV . M . of the Lindsay Lodge , No . 101-1 , acting as installing Alaster , aud discharging his important duties in so able and impressive a manner as to elicit the warmest commendations from the lar"o assemblaKe of the brethren present . The Lodge having been duly
,-nnstifcuted according to fche usages of tho Graft , Lro . J . tiomas Hen-son , V Prov . G . S . B ., was installed AVorshipful Master , and saluted by the brethren according to ancient custom . The AVorshipful Alaster then unpointed and invested tho Officers , viz ., Bros . J . Sarle , S . AV . : AV . J . AVhallev , J . AA ' . ; F . P . Cupiss , Treas . ; Jno . Wlntford , Sec . ; A \ . Marshall , S D . ; D . II . BUM , J . D . ; E . Henshall ancl S . AValrnsley , Stewards ; ii ii . Clarke , I . G . ; S . Harcleastle , Ty ler . The business being concluded , the Lod closed in antient form
ge was . The brethren next proceeded to the Corn Exchange , wuence a procession was formed to the parish church , a fine old Norman edifice , whieh has " recently been restored with great taste . Prayers were read by Bro . the Rev . It . Aiaslie . vicar of Grimsby , and au eloquent sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . E . ' R . Larken , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , Lincolnshire , which was listened to by the brethren with the utmost attention . The text wis taken from Ephesians , v . 8 , " AValk as children of light . " The
reverend brother said : — . ' ¦ ' It were needless , even if it were possible , to point out minutely the blessings iiflbrded to mankind by their Heavenly Father in his gift of material light , the creation of whieh is first recorded in his revealed word , m these simple but impressive words— " God said , Let there be light , aud there was light . " If we can imagine what the world must have been hacl this blessing been denied it , we can perhaps have something like an adecniatc idea of the value of the boonAll tho beautiful forms and colours
. that now delight our vision , refine our taste , and enliven our fancy , would have had no existence , and wo should have led a wearisome lite in a gloomy ancl monotonous world . Nor can ifc be said , with any force of argument , that we should not have suffered had tlio blessing of light been denied to us because not being acquainted with its value we could not bo conscious of our own want of it ; for that very want of acquaintance and of consciousness would have been of itself a privation . Our finest sense of tho hihest grati
and tho one through which we are capable deriving g - fication would have been lost to us , and the mere fact of our being unaware of what we mig ht otherwise have enjoyed , would have been hut a slight , a very slight alleviation of our misfortune . But thanks be Lo God , there is no need to speculate further on what might have been i'ur condition and our sufferings in a darksome world . Light has been given , ancl it has blessed us to a degree of which wc can only show our sense by our thankfulness , aud never should we offer up the tribute of uur gratitude to the Almighty for the many benefits bestowed upon us tile
from his inexhaustible store , without including tins among numuer . 'those who . by accident or disease , or rather by God ' s permission have lost the power of availing themselves of this benefit , coulcl tell how great the loss of how manv of the purest delights they have been deprived ; -md their declarations of misery at tho want of that blessing which wo enjoy should render us doubly sensible of , and thankful tor the mercy ivhich continues it to ourselves . If we could confer with one of these unhappy should find thafc one of the greatest sources of distress
beings we to them is their inability to provide for their own comfort and security , t-J guide themselves amid the crowds of their fellow men , and to avoid the dangers which beset tbe path of all , but which those who are Messed with eye sight may , by the use of common vigilance , be tolerably sure of escaping . Many alleviations , I am aware , are found by the alU ' ictcd through public and private benevolence , by the care and consideration shown to them by the crowds through which they pass , aud for them then
% the sympathy their privation always beget .-: among fellow creatures , and it is even true that to some the loss of one sense seems greatly to be made up by the additional aeiitcuess of the rest—a wonderful instance this of compensation at the hands of our merciful Creator ; but whatever exceptions we may lind , tho rule is true that tney are deepl y aud sincerely to bo pitied , from whom is withheld the unspeakable hlessiug of light . Ancl , my brethren , if such be the case with material % ht , the light by which ' that body is guided iu its daily intercourse Avith the world , ancl by which the eye is charmed , in its survey of the
¦ dorious works of the Almighty—how much greater is the blessing , how much more valuable the gift of spiritual light , by whieh the soul is guided and directed in its weary pilgrimage through this scene of sm and suffering , to its home in the eternal city , aud enabled to survey with gratitude and joy the rich provisions made by the love aud mercy of God to reclaim it from all its depravity andjmpurity , and win it back to himself , a partaker of his ineffable glory in the palaces foil high . Without this ht what would have been the moral aspect of the . world 1
lig As dark and dreary as would have been its material face had darkness prevailed over it from the beginning . AVhat wonders should we have lost , and of what glories should we have been unconscious I From the bcinuin" - of man ' s existence upon earth , iu the time of his innocensy , tins lig ht has been vouchsafed unto him by his Maker in such a manner as the ° iustruction of his dawning intellect required , and his infant vision
able to bear . It was not wholly withdrawn after the period ot lunocency was over , but still g iven to those who diligently sought after it , and God has never failed to poriifinto their souls this his holy inspiration . By this light has the knowledge of his being , bis unity and his attributes been maintained in the hearts of men from tho creation until now . The philosophy of th ' e heathen , which taught much of these mighty truths , owed all its power fco the illuminating virtue of this influx , and to its ' especial andabundant outpourings are we indebted for all
more , thafc long chain of witnesses to the glorious facts of the existence of God , our relationship to him , the immortality of our souls , our duties in this life , ancl our prospects iu the life to come . Whence but from this source came the supernatural wisdom of the royal sage of the times of the glory of Jerusalem , of him who was at once tho king and the philosopher of his people , to whom was vouchsafed the invaluable of building holtemple to the Lord Jehovah 1 This goodly
privilege a y . fabric—which had for seven years been rising from its foundations like some tall aud spreading palmtree , rapidly yet almost imperceptibly , surely and strongiv , without the din of the workman's hammer , on which hacl been lavished tho treasures of the east , and the labours ot the cunning workmen of all countries—now stood forth in all its beauty and splendour . No longer did the ark ot the Lord dwell under curtains ; while tho monarch ' of his le wa ) sheltered by a roof of cedarsnow
peop , at the comp letion of the work , it is borne with all the accompaniments of sacred pomp to a shrine benefiting in magnificence the treasure it received : and far surpassing in grandeur tho palace of any eartluy sovereign , even as tho majesty of the God , who chose to place his name there exceeded that of the proudest of his creatures . Here at this solemn dedication the best and wisest of Israel , her princes , her elders , her warriors and her sages filled the courts of the temple , and were " Father of their country
lifthi" up their hearts to the Almighty ; many were " praying lor the peace of Jerusalem , and while tho smoke of numberless sacrifices rose to heaven , the ark entered tho most holy place oven under the wings of tho Cherubim . Then was vouchsafed tho Almighty ' s acceptance of the costly offering of his servant , and a symbol of hi . ° future more peculiar residence within its sanctuary . ^ And it came to pass , when tho priests were come out ofthe holy place , that the cloud filled the house of the Lord , so that the priests could not stand to
minister bjcause of the cloud , for the glory of the Lord had filled the hou--e ofthe Lord . ' And even with this visibb sign of Gods more immediate presence before him , the monarch of Israel could regard it only as a si ™ , and not the reality itself . And in the course of that magnificent prayer which he then offered to the most high God ( and which I trust no one who hears me this day will tail to study with reverence and devotion ) , burst into this striking apostrophe to the incomprehensible omni of God'But will God indeed dwell the carlobeheld
potence . upon , the heaven ancl the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee , bow much less this house that I have buikled . ' AVhenco but from the light vouchsafed bv God himself coulcl come this poiver to bear testimony to this his most unspeakable majesty and glory ? To what but to this light do we owe the testimonies borne to the Most High by the long hue of seers and prophets of old ! But as ages rolled onward these special and abundant outpourings of this light more rarel y took place m the extrashod the monarch and the hets
ordinary measure iu which ifc was on prop of Israel , until at last an interval of four hundred years occurred , miring which it seems to have been withdrawn altogether , and mon were lettt ' , > the ordinary teaching of tha light upon their hearts and consciences , sufficient indeed to lead them in the rig ht path it they would but seek it , but not coming with supernatural forces upon the soul , and thus irresistibly compelling convictions . You know in what a state ot uncertainty , aud Gentile worlds sunk during
doubt , ancl distrust , both the Jewish this period . Indiit ' erentisni ancl scepticism had taken the place ot religious faith and knowledge , and a formal attention to outward ceremonies had usurped that of the heart , so that the prediction of tho prophet was fulfilled , ' Behold the darkness shall cover the earth , and gross darkness the people ' aud the time arrived for his invocation to be answered— ' Avise , shine ! for the light is come , and the glory of the Lord is risen upon he who not the promised lighu
thee ' 'then came in rapid succession was , hut its ' forerunner aud witness , and then tho Sim ot Righteousness himself with healing on his wings . Then did he , during tne little wmlo that He-the true lig ht—was with his followers , teach them the way ot truth and righteousness , and died afc last to enable them to follow that way . Then came the outpouring of tho Holy Spirit upon the glorious company ofthe apostles , ancl then followed the noble army of martyrs , who have beeu followed again by the holy church throughout all the world , iu an acknowledgment and ascription of glory tothe _ Most Hig h , And although ,