Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 9 of 9 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 2 →
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Humber Lodge , No . 65 ; " whieh was acknowledged by Bro . Denison , S . AA ' ., in an admirable speech , which we regret our space will not allow us to give . Bro . Denison then gave ' ' Success and Prosperity to the Pelham Pillar Lodge , " which was received with loud and continued applause . Bro . AA' . J . AA'halley , J . AA " ., responded . He duly appreciated the honourable positiou in which his brethren hacl that clay placed him .
From the day of his initiation he had felt it as a disgrace to their ancient borough that it could not boast a Masonic Lodge , and his constant exertions hacl been directed to the bringing about that which they had this day met to incorporate . ( Cheers ) . The fact of our town having for so long a time been honoured by- the residence of that illustrious brother , Dr . Oliver , ought to be an incentive to the brethren for increased exertions in the good cause . On behalf of the Pelham Pillar Lodge , he returned his sincere thanks to Bro . Denison for the handsome
maimer iu which he had proposed the toast , and to the visiting brethren , not only for the cordiality with which they had responded to it , but for the kind and brotherly feeling evinced by them in coming to assist at the opening of their Lodge . The Chairman ancl most of the visiting brethren having to leave at this stage of the proceedings , Bro . Hewsou . AA' . AI . of the Lodge , took the chair . Bro . Jas . Fowler proposed the health of the AA' . AL and brethren
of the Minerva Lodge , " and expressed his pleasure in seeing among them so many brethren from neighbouring Lodges . Such interchange of sentiment and expression of fraternal feeling as prevailed at these happy meetings , proved that we knew "how good and joyful a thing ifc was to dwell in unity , " and also that we wished to promote its growth among those without the pale of our Order . ( Cheers ) . He regretted tho early departure of the Hull brethren , as it made the toast he hacl to propose
appear almost a matter of form , and he would , therefore , without further preface , give " The AA ' . AI . and brethren ofthe Minerva Lodge . " ^ Cheers ) . The toast was drunk with great cordiality . A variety of other toasts were proposed , ancl most heartily responded to , including •'• ' The Visitors ; " " The Brethren of Foreign Lodges ; " " The Lindsay Lodge , ~ So . 1 , 01-1 , " responded to by Bro . Blakeloek , P . M ., who first saw the light forty years ago in the now defunct Sperna and
Humber Lodge ; " " The . Vicar , with thanks for the use of the church ;" " The subordinate members of the Pelham Pillar Lotlge , " & c ; and the brethren sej ) arated after a most harmonious and auspicious celebration of the opening of their new Lodge , which has our heartiest wishes for its prosperity and success .
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Perseverance Lodge ( No . 25 S ) . —The brethren held thenregular monthly meeting at the Rampant Horse Hotel , on the 20 th ult ., Bro . James Dawbarn , AA' . M ., in the chair , who opened the Lodge in the three degrees , when Bro . Plumbly was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ; the Lodge being afterwards closed clown , Air . Robert Thorns was initiated into Alasonry ; both ceremonies were performed btho
AA'ory shipful Master in a manner most impressive aud satisfactory . The business being ended , the brethren retired to refreshment , ancl spent the evening agreeably . NORWICH , —Social Lodge ( No . 110 ) . —The Provincial Grand Alaster having given his sanction to the holding a Lodge of Instruction under the AA ' arrant of this Lodge , the provincial monthly meeting was held at the Royal Hotel , Market-place , Bro . A . F . Morgan , S . AA ' . of No . 110 ,
acting as AA ' . M ., opened ancl closed the Lodge in the three degrees , ancl performed the ceremony of passing iu a most praiseworthy manner . By his indefatigable exertions to complete the circle of his Masonic duties , this brother has shown that whenever called upon to rule over his Lodge , he is fully prepared to do so , ancl that the dignity of the chair ancl the well working of the Lodge will not sutler in his keeping . The benefits arising from the establishment of this Lodge are becoming very manifest , tending as it does to develop the capabilities of those who are irants
asp for the higher offices of the Order , as well as for the general improvement of its members , in proof of which many have qualified themselves for different appointments who otherwise might never have given their serious attention to the matter . Among these may particularly be noticed Bro . E . Hyams , who has greatly distinguished himself . Although the Lodge numbers nearly forty members , it is greatly to be regretted that , as to many of them , their names on the book form the only proof that they are enrolled as members of our antient and honourable Order .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . ST . MARK ' S LonciF . —The first meeting was held atthe Freemasons ' Tavern , on Wednesday . October nth , Bro . Sharman presiding , when " " > . Simmouds was elected R . AV . : Brc . Fox P . M . ; Loewenstark . S . AV . ; Arliss , , T . AA * . PROVINCIAL .
LEICESTER . —Fun-k-e Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 10 ) . —A . meet ' ng ol this Lod ge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday the 20 th ult . I hero were present Bros . AV . Kelly , ( Prov . G . M . M . ) , AVAL ; Bankart , J -AV ; Paul , S . D . ; Clephaii , Treas . ; " 11 . Brewin , I . G . ; Bethrey , Director ° t Music and Ceremonies : and J . H . Garnar ; visitors . Bros . Under-
Mark Masonry.
wood , ( D . Prov . G . M . M . ) , AV . M . ; Pettifer , S . AV . ; AViudram , J . AV . ; Nedham , Secretary of the Howe Lodge , No . 21 . The minutes of the last Lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros , Rev . J . O . Pieton , Lieut . H . Barber , G . F . ' Lloyd , G . A . Lcihr , and B . Broadbent , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 760 , as candidates , when they were declared duly elected , and Bros . Pieton , Barber , and Lloyd , being presentwere advanced to the degree . The Riht Hon . Earl
, g Howe , Prov . S . G . AA ' . of the Alark , was elected an honorary member of the Lodge . A formal resolution was passed for the removal of the Lodge from the Three Crowns Hotel to the Alasonic Hall , two members ( Bros . Clephan and Bankart ) were elected to serve with the AA ' orshipful Master on the committee of management for the building , and auditors of the Treasurer ' s accounts were also elected . A ballot was then taken for AA ' orshipful Alaster for the ensuing year , when Bro . Kelly was
unanimously re-elected . A bust of the late Sir E . G . Fowke , Bart ., Prov . G . AI . for Leicestershire , ( from whom tho Lodge derives its name ) , was presented by the present baronet . The Lodge was then closed in harmony . LEICESTER . —Howe Lodge of Marie Masters ( No . 21 ) . —At a later hour of the evening a meeting / of this Lodge was held , Bro . Underwood , A \ . AL , in the chair ; the same brethren being present , and similar resolutions connected with the Masonic Hall were passed . A . ballot was taken for Bros .
Gill , Morris , and Benibridge ( as Tyler ) , all of whom were duly elected , ancl Bros . Gibson , Gill , aud Benibridge , ( of Sfc . John ' s Lodge , No . 3-18 ) , were advanced , tho lecture of the degree being delivered by Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . AL ; Bro . Underwood was reelected AA ' . AI ., ancl Bro . Gibson was elected as Treasurer ; after which the Lodgo was closed .
Knights Templar.
PROA'INCIAL ENOAMPAIENT . LIVEIU'OOII . —l-jiicanipmciit of Jacques de Malay . —This Encampment was held at the Alasonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Friday , September 2 Sth . Sir Knt . James Heyes was installed Eminent Commander by Sir Knt . H . S . Alpass , P . E . C , and afterwards invested the following Knights , as his officers for the ensuing year : —C . J . Banister , 1 st Captain ; R . Collins , 2 nd Captain ; J . Ellis , Prelate ; L . Leather , Chancellor ;'; H . S . AlpassRegistrar ancl Treasurer ; JacksonExpert ;
, , Ed . Pierpoint , Capt . of Lines ; A . Smith , Equerry . The Encampment being closed , the Knights adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very happy evening . The Provincial Grand Conclave was holden next day at Ashtou . Sir Knts . H . S . Alpass , James Heyes , and C . J . Banister , were the deputation from this Encampment ,
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty with " her husband and family have been taking advantage of the splendid weather of the last week , ancl devoting themselves to out of door amusements of various kinds . On Friday last , the queen hacl a party at the castle , to which a few personal friends were invited . The Secretary of State in waiting on her Majesty is Sir George Lewis , ancl among the visitors have been Lord John Russell ancl Sir James Hudson , K . O . B ., of diplomatic celebrity . FoitErax Ni : ws . —Ths Imperial Court will quit Biarritz on the 10 th
instant , and leave Bayonne for Bordeaux on the 11 th . After a sojourn of forty-eight hours in Bordeaux , they will leave for Paris , where they are expected to arrive on the 1-lth instant . General Changamier has returned to Paris from Belgium . Marshal Canrobert and Alarshal the Duke of Magenta have cpiitted Paris for Nancy and Lille , to resume the command of their military districts . Lord Cowley hacl started for Biarritz to arrange , it is stated , with Count AA'alewski respecting the joint expedition to China . The King of the Belgians lias left Marseilles
for Switzerland . Sundry circumstances combine to show how much opposed is the Emperor of the French to the fortifications of Antwerp . The French bishops have taken up the cause of the Pope with great warmth , and in doing so one of t-liem ( the bishop of Poictiers ) presents us with the following view of the Papal Government : — " The Roman Government , in its chief , its higher dignitaries , ancl its present representatives , is inferior to no contemporary government , and that in all the degrees of the centralprovincialancl municipal administration it has
, , nothing to fear in any quarter from a comparison of merit with merit , position with position , person with person . " The . French army of Italy will winter iu the peninsula . General Ulloa and AI . Alontanelli have arrived in Paris from Florence . It is said that in addition to the steam ram Solferino . just laid on tho stocks at Lorient . ten steam rams are in course of construction at other ports . Alarshal Niel , on entering Toulouse at the head of a portion of the army of Italy , was very unfavourably
received—some say hissed . The war of the French press against the government was boldly continued , and it is evident that the latter must take some stronger measure against the press if it is to be kept in order . The Patrie states that it is ' asserted that the treaty of peace will be signed at Zurich next week ; it also states on good authority , that tho treaty would be a fulfilment of the preliminaries of Villafrauca . Other questions arising out of the settlement of the affairs of Italy would be referred to a superior jurisdiction , by which it is evidently meant that a congress will be held . A telegram announces that Austria has consented to reduce the share of the Lombard debt to be paid by Sardinia
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Humber Lodge , No . 65 ; " whieh was acknowledged by Bro . Denison , S . AA ' ., in an admirable speech , which we regret our space will not allow us to give . Bro . Denison then gave ' ' Success and Prosperity to the Pelham Pillar Lodge , " which was received with loud and continued applause . Bro . AA' . J . AA'halley , J . AA " ., responded . He duly appreciated the honourable positiou in which his brethren hacl that clay placed him .
From the day of his initiation he had felt it as a disgrace to their ancient borough that it could not boast a Masonic Lodge , and his constant exertions hacl been directed to the bringing about that which they had this day met to incorporate . ( Cheers ) . The fact of our town having for so long a time been honoured by- the residence of that illustrious brother , Dr . Oliver , ought to be an incentive to the brethren for increased exertions in the good cause . On behalf of the Pelham Pillar Lodge , he returned his sincere thanks to Bro . Denison for the handsome
maimer iu which he had proposed the toast , and to the visiting brethren , not only for the cordiality with which they had responded to it , but for the kind and brotherly feeling evinced by them in coming to assist at the opening of their Lodge . The Chairman ancl most of the visiting brethren having to leave at this stage of the proceedings , Bro . Hewsou . AA' . AI . of the Lodge , took the chair . Bro . Jas . Fowler proposed the health of the AA' . AL and brethren
of the Minerva Lodge , " and expressed his pleasure in seeing among them so many brethren from neighbouring Lodges . Such interchange of sentiment and expression of fraternal feeling as prevailed at these happy meetings , proved that we knew "how good and joyful a thing ifc was to dwell in unity , " and also that we wished to promote its growth among those without the pale of our Order . ( Cheers ) . He regretted tho early departure of the Hull brethren , as it made the toast he hacl to propose
appear almost a matter of form , and he would , therefore , without further preface , give " The AA ' . AI . and brethren ofthe Minerva Lodge . " ^ Cheers ) . The toast was drunk with great cordiality . A variety of other toasts were proposed , ancl most heartily responded to , including •'• ' The Visitors ; " " The Brethren of Foreign Lodges ; " " The Lindsay Lodge , ~ So . 1 , 01-1 , " responded to by Bro . Blakeloek , P . M ., who first saw the light forty years ago in the now defunct Sperna and
Humber Lodge ; " " The . Vicar , with thanks for the use of the church ;" " The subordinate members of the Pelham Pillar Lotlge , " & c ; and the brethren sej ) arated after a most harmonious and auspicious celebration of the opening of their new Lodge , which has our heartiest wishes for its prosperity and success .
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Perseverance Lodge ( No . 25 S ) . —The brethren held thenregular monthly meeting at the Rampant Horse Hotel , on the 20 th ult ., Bro . James Dawbarn , AA' . M ., in the chair , who opened the Lodge in the three degrees , when Bro . Plumbly was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ; the Lodge being afterwards closed clown , Air . Robert Thorns was initiated into Alasonry ; both ceremonies were performed btho
AA'ory shipful Master in a manner most impressive aud satisfactory . The business being ended , the brethren retired to refreshment , ancl spent the evening agreeably . NORWICH , —Social Lodge ( No . 110 ) . —The Provincial Grand Alaster having given his sanction to the holding a Lodge of Instruction under the AA ' arrant of this Lodge , the provincial monthly meeting was held at the Royal Hotel , Market-place , Bro . A . F . Morgan , S . AA ' . of No . 110 ,
acting as AA ' . M ., opened ancl closed the Lodge in the three degrees , ancl performed the ceremony of passing iu a most praiseworthy manner . By his indefatigable exertions to complete the circle of his Masonic duties , this brother has shown that whenever called upon to rule over his Lodge , he is fully prepared to do so , ancl that the dignity of the chair ancl the well working of the Lodge will not sutler in his keeping . The benefits arising from the establishment of this Lodge are becoming very manifest , tending as it does to develop the capabilities of those who are irants
asp for the higher offices of the Order , as well as for the general improvement of its members , in proof of which many have qualified themselves for different appointments who otherwise might never have given their serious attention to the matter . Among these may particularly be noticed Bro . E . Hyams , who has greatly distinguished himself . Although the Lodge numbers nearly forty members , it is greatly to be regretted that , as to many of them , their names on the book form the only proof that they are enrolled as members of our antient and honourable Order .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . ST . MARK ' S LonciF . —The first meeting was held atthe Freemasons ' Tavern , on Wednesday . October nth , Bro . Sharman presiding , when " " > . Simmouds was elected R . AV . : Brc . Fox P . M . ; Loewenstark . S . AV . ; Arliss , , T . AA * . PROVINCIAL .
LEICESTER . —Fun-k-e Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 10 ) . —A . meet ' ng ol this Lod ge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday the 20 th ult . I hero were present Bros . AV . Kelly , ( Prov . G . M . M . ) , AVAL ; Bankart , J -AV ; Paul , S . D . ; Clephaii , Treas . ; " 11 . Brewin , I . G . ; Bethrey , Director ° t Music and Ceremonies : and J . H . Garnar ; visitors . Bros . Under-
Mark Masonry.
wood , ( D . Prov . G . M . M . ) , AV . M . ; Pettifer , S . AV . ; AViudram , J . AV . ; Nedham , Secretary of the Howe Lodge , No . 21 . The minutes of the last Lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros , Rev . J . O . Pieton , Lieut . H . Barber , G . F . ' Lloyd , G . A . Lcihr , and B . Broadbent , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 760 , as candidates , when they were declared duly elected , and Bros . Pieton , Barber , and Lloyd , being presentwere advanced to the degree . The Riht Hon . Earl
, g Howe , Prov . S . G . AA ' . of the Alark , was elected an honorary member of the Lodge . A formal resolution was passed for the removal of the Lodge from the Three Crowns Hotel to the Alasonic Hall , two members ( Bros . Clephan and Bankart ) were elected to serve with the AA ' orshipful Master on the committee of management for the building , and auditors of the Treasurer ' s accounts were also elected . A ballot was then taken for AA ' orshipful Alaster for the ensuing year , when Bro . Kelly was
unanimously re-elected . A bust of the late Sir E . G . Fowke , Bart ., Prov . G . AI . for Leicestershire , ( from whom tho Lodge derives its name ) , was presented by the present baronet . The Lodge was then closed in harmony . LEICESTER . —Howe Lodge of Marie Masters ( No . 21 ) . —At a later hour of the evening a meeting / of this Lodge was held , Bro . Underwood , A \ . AL , in the chair ; the same brethren being present , and similar resolutions connected with the Masonic Hall were passed . A . ballot was taken for Bros .
Gill , Morris , and Benibridge ( as Tyler ) , all of whom were duly elected , ancl Bros . Gibson , Gill , aud Benibridge , ( of Sfc . John ' s Lodge , No . 3-18 ) , were advanced , tho lecture of the degree being delivered by Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . AL ; Bro . Underwood was reelected AA ' . AI ., ancl Bro . Gibson was elected as Treasurer ; after which the Lodgo was closed .
Knights Templar.
PROA'INCIAL ENOAMPAIENT . LIVEIU'OOII . —l-jiicanipmciit of Jacques de Malay . —This Encampment was held at the Alasonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Friday , September 2 Sth . Sir Knt . James Heyes was installed Eminent Commander by Sir Knt . H . S . Alpass , P . E . C , and afterwards invested the following Knights , as his officers for the ensuing year : —C . J . Banister , 1 st Captain ; R . Collins , 2 nd Captain ; J . Ellis , Prelate ; L . Leather , Chancellor ;'; H . S . AlpassRegistrar ancl Treasurer ; JacksonExpert ;
, , Ed . Pierpoint , Capt . of Lines ; A . Smith , Equerry . The Encampment being closed , the Knights adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very happy evening . The Provincial Grand Conclave was holden next day at Ashtou . Sir Knts . H . S . Alpass , James Heyes , and C . J . Banister , were the deputation from this Encampment ,
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty with " her husband and family have been taking advantage of the splendid weather of the last week , ancl devoting themselves to out of door amusements of various kinds . On Friday last , the queen hacl a party at the castle , to which a few personal friends were invited . The Secretary of State in waiting on her Majesty is Sir George Lewis , ancl among the visitors have been Lord John Russell ancl Sir James Hudson , K . O . B ., of diplomatic celebrity . FoitErax Ni : ws . —Ths Imperial Court will quit Biarritz on the 10 th
instant , and leave Bayonne for Bordeaux on the 11 th . After a sojourn of forty-eight hours in Bordeaux , they will leave for Paris , where they are expected to arrive on the 1-lth instant . General Changamier has returned to Paris from Belgium . Marshal Canrobert and Alarshal the Duke of Magenta have cpiitted Paris for Nancy and Lille , to resume the command of their military districts . Lord Cowley hacl started for Biarritz to arrange , it is stated , with Count AA'alewski respecting the joint expedition to China . The King of the Belgians lias left Marseilles
for Switzerland . Sundry circumstances combine to show how much opposed is the Emperor of the French to the fortifications of Antwerp . The French bishops have taken up the cause of the Pope with great warmth , and in doing so one of t-liem ( the bishop of Poictiers ) presents us with the following view of the Papal Government : — " The Roman Government , in its chief , its higher dignitaries , ancl its present representatives , is inferior to no contemporary government , and that in all the degrees of the centralprovincialancl municipal administration it has
, , nothing to fear in any quarter from a comparison of merit with merit , position with position , person with person . " The . French army of Italy will winter iu the peninsula . General Ulloa and AI . Alontanelli have arrived in Paris from Florence . It is said that in addition to the steam ram Solferino . just laid on tho stocks at Lorient . ten steam rams are in course of construction at other ports . Alarshal Niel , on entering Toulouse at the head of a portion of the army of Italy , was very unfavourably
received—some say hissed . The war of the French press against the government was boldly continued , and it is evident that the latter must take some stronger measure against the press if it is to be kept in order . The Patrie states that it is ' asserted that the treaty of peace will be signed at Zurich next week ; it also states on good authority , that tho treaty would be a fulfilment of the preliminaries of Villafrauca . Other questions arising out of the settlement of the affairs of Italy would be referred to a superior jurisdiction , by which it is evidently meant that a congress will be held . A telegram announces that Austria has consented to reduce the share of the Lombard debt to be paid by Sardinia