Article IRELAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article IRELAND. Page 2 of 2 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Page 1 of 2 →
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( Bro . Perrier was repeatedly interrupted by applause , and on terminating , cheering was renewed , and repeated for a considerable interval . ) " The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Lodge of Ireland " was responded to by Bro . H . H . TOWNSEND , AV . M ., Lodge No . 1 . The D . PROA . G . MASTER , in proposing " The Grand Lodges of America , " stated that they were thirty-six in number , that Masonry was a great Institution in America , from whose
members the most admirable and profound writings upon tbe history , laws , and principles of the Order had emanated . He wished to connect with the toast the name of a brother Avhom , although he had never seen he had for many years corresponded with , and for whom he should ever feel tlie most sincere esteem and brotherly love . He meant Bro . Frederick AVebber . Bro . AVebber had been for many years , and still , notwithstanding the present fearful troubles in America , was a regular subscriber
to their Masonic Orphan Asylum in Cork . He felt happy iu having an opportunity of paying a compliment to this excellent brother . Bro . ROGEES responded to the toast . The D . Pnov . G . MASTEB here proposed "The health of their illustrious brother , the Provincial Grand Master of Munster , General Sir James Chatterton . " Upon the mention ofthe gallant general ' s name the entire of the brethren roseand bloud
, y and prolonged cheers testified their respect for the Provincial Grand Master . The I ) . Prov . G . M , said that he felt it unnecessary to dilate upon the toast before them . They all knew the distinguished brother whose name he had mentioned . He had passed an honourable and respected life in the service of his country ; nor was lie unknown to them as a fellow citizen . ( Cheers . ) If circumstances permitted him to be present , he should have rejoiced to see such an assemblage of his brethren ,
and been truly grateful for the enthusiastic manner in which his name had been received . ( Cheers , followed by the grand Masonic honours . ) Bro . CEEAA ' TOWNSEND , S . G . AA " ., responded . The next toast was , " All true and accepted Masons of all regular Lodges throughout the AA orld . " Bro . JOHN BENNETT , P . M . Loclge No . 8 , here rose to propose " The Health of the Chairman , Bro . George Chatterton , D . Prov .
G . M . Bro . Bennett , in an eloquent and lengthened address , reviewed the state of Masonry in Ireland , ancl its advancement , particularly in the province of Minister , which he attributed in a great measure to tho zeal and exertions of his esteemed friend and brother whose name was before them . ( Loud and continued cheers . ) The D . PBOV . G . MASTEE , after the grand honours had been given , rose to return thanks . He felt that ho did not deserve
one-half of the encomiums which his friends and Bro . Bennett had passed upon him . He had been placed in the high and honourable position which he now held more by accidental circumstances than by any merit of his own . ( No , no . ) It Avas true that since his initiation , now thirty years ago , he had taken an active part in the working of the various degrees of Masonry . He hoped he had not been a drone in the Masonic hive . ( Cheers . ) He had studied the principles upon which the
Order was founded , and with the guidance of tho G . A . O . T . U ., had endeavoured to conform his life and practice to them . There Avere in the Avorld many associations of men for various pur-X > oses—many societies in which men were banded together for good ; but where , he would ask , was there any society or institution formed by men like theirs ? whose immutable ! principles where " Brotherly love , relief , and truth" —brotherly love being
the foundation of its structure—the middle storey being the glorious aud God-like virtue of charity , while the top-stone was Truth , divine truth , moral truth , truth and sincerity between man and man , truth and honour and honesty in all our dealings . He asked the brethren to have these principles in mind , and to guard with tho utmost watchfulness the approaches to our lodges . Let them examine well the materials before they are
admitted within the porch , and see that they be well squared and fitted as proper materials for their temples ; then should our Order flourish for ages to come , as it has for ages past , ancl be a benefit to mankind . Our natural year was now about to close , and lie begged his brethren if any petty animosities , if any jarring or unbrotherly feelings existed in their minds , to bury them with the year that is passing away . He Avould conclude witli the
emphatic words of onr beautiful Invocation" Let brotherly love prevail , and every moral and social virtue cement ancl unite us . " Loud ancl prolonged cheering followed the address of the Deputy Grand Master .
" The Masonic Female Orphan Asylum of the Province , " Avas next proposed and drunk . Bro . H . S . NOBLETT responded , and called on all the brethren for more liberal contributions to this excellent Charity , and invited them and their friends to visit the Institution . The Senior Warden ' s and Junior Warden's toasts were next given . The D . PROV . G . MASTER gave " The Health of our Musical
Brethren , " who had so eminently contributed to the success and harmony of the banquet , and begged to call upon his friend Bro . James Roche . Bro . ROCHE returned thanks . The D . PROA \ G . MASTEB , in proposing the last toast upon the list , "To onr next merry meeting , " said that he did so Avith regretbut that all the best things in life must come to an
, end . He thanked them for their kindness upon this and all other occasions , and for the present took an affectionate leave of all , wishing them A Happy New Year . ( Applause . ) " The Health of Bro . Cotton " having been given and Avannly responded to , the brethren rose and departed at a quarter to twelve o'clock , highly gratified with the entertainment of the eveninsr .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAREE ( NO . 590 ) . —A special meeting Avas held on AVednesday , the 30 th ult ., so as not to interfere Avith the numerous engagements of brethren on New Year's eve , when according to the usual arrangements it should have been held . Soon after six o'clock , the lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . DnrellAA . M . assisted bhis AVardensBros . Clement
, , y , and Philip E . Le Sueur . The W . M . read a note from Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 , WM . 958 , apologising for absence on account , of confinement to the house by indisposition . The AV . M . having opened the lodge in the second degree , announced that Bros . J . Ahier , Ch . G . Eenouf , and E . Pock Avere ready to receive further advancement . The lodge was opened in the third degree , ancl the candidates were successively introduced , and
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M ., who alsogave them the customary charge appertaining to it , and the explanation of the tracing-board , the whole of the ceremony being conducted in the most impressive manner . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , and Bro . John Blampied Avas examined as to his proficiency . The lodge was opened in the second degree , ancl Bro . Blampied was re-introduced and passed to that of Fellow-craft with the accustomed solemnities ,
receiving also the explanations of tho tracing hoard aud the charge appropriate for the occasion . Again the lodge was resumed in the first degree . The members unanimously approved of a gratuity granted to the Tyler by the AV . M . and AVardens . The proceedings were brought to a close at nine o'clock in perfect harmony , and about 40 of those present adjourned for refreshment , after which an hour was passed in a most agreeable manner . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , but
that to the Rev . Bro . De la Mare , Chaplain , Avas received Avith the greatest enthusiasm . The formal monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the following day , Dec . 31 , Bro . Durell as usual presiding , assisted by his S . AV . and Bro . Goupillot acting as J . A \ . The Secretary read the minutes of the last regular meeting and also of two emergency meetings , all of which Avere unanimously confirmed . A donation of 10 s . was accorded to a distressed brother , and several accounts Avere passed , which terminated the proceedings , and the lodge Avas closed with the usual formalities .
Cape Of Good Hope.
FOET BEAHEOET—( Zetland Lodge , No . 60 S , late 844 . )—The dedication of the Masonic Hall for the above lodge , took place at Fort Beaufort , on the 14 th October , 1863 . The officers for that year being—Bros . AVard , AV . M . ; Kay , P . M . and Sec ; Pearson , S . W . ; AVinenand , J . W . ; Estment , Treas . ; Blakeway , S . D . ; Overton , J . D . ; Honman , I . G . ; Muller , Tyler . The new Masonic Hall , is situated in the centre of the new town , and the foundation-stone was laid by our much esteemed and worthy Bro . Com . General Drake , C . B ., on the 27 th August A . L . 5862 . The architecture of the building is strictly Gothic , and reflects
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
( Bro . Perrier was repeatedly interrupted by applause , and on terminating , cheering was renewed , and repeated for a considerable interval . ) " The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Lodge of Ireland " was responded to by Bro . H . H . TOWNSEND , AV . M ., Lodge No . 1 . The D . PROA . G . MASTER , in proposing " The Grand Lodges of America , " stated that they were thirty-six in number , that Masonry was a great Institution in America , from whose
members the most admirable and profound writings upon tbe history , laws , and principles of the Order had emanated . He wished to connect with the toast the name of a brother Avhom , although he had never seen he had for many years corresponded with , and for whom he should ever feel tlie most sincere esteem and brotherly love . He meant Bro . Frederick AVebber . Bro . AVebber had been for many years , and still , notwithstanding the present fearful troubles in America , was a regular subscriber
to their Masonic Orphan Asylum in Cork . He felt happy iu having an opportunity of paying a compliment to this excellent brother . Bro . ROGEES responded to the toast . The D . Pnov . G . MASTEB here proposed "The health of their illustrious brother , the Provincial Grand Master of Munster , General Sir James Chatterton . " Upon the mention ofthe gallant general ' s name the entire of the brethren roseand bloud
, y and prolonged cheers testified their respect for the Provincial Grand Master . The I ) . Prov . G . M , said that he felt it unnecessary to dilate upon the toast before them . They all knew the distinguished brother whose name he had mentioned . He had passed an honourable and respected life in the service of his country ; nor was lie unknown to them as a fellow citizen . ( Cheers . ) If circumstances permitted him to be present , he should have rejoiced to see such an assemblage of his brethren ,
and been truly grateful for the enthusiastic manner in which his name had been received . ( Cheers , followed by the grand Masonic honours . ) Bro . CEEAA ' TOWNSEND , S . G . AA " ., responded . The next toast was , " All true and accepted Masons of all regular Lodges throughout the AA orld . " Bro . JOHN BENNETT , P . M . Loclge No . 8 , here rose to propose " The Health of the Chairman , Bro . George Chatterton , D . Prov .
G . M . Bro . Bennett , in an eloquent and lengthened address , reviewed the state of Masonry in Ireland , ancl its advancement , particularly in the province of Minister , which he attributed in a great measure to tho zeal and exertions of his esteemed friend and brother whose name was before them . ( Loud and continued cheers . ) The D . PBOV . G . MASTEE , after the grand honours had been given , rose to return thanks . He felt that ho did not deserve
one-half of the encomiums which his friends and Bro . Bennett had passed upon him . He had been placed in the high and honourable position which he now held more by accidental circumstances than by any merit of his own . ( No , no . ) It Avas true that since his initiation , now thirty years ago , he had taken an active part in the working of the various degrees of Masonry . He hoped he had not been a drone in the Masonic hive . ( Cheers . ) He had studied the principles upon which the
Order was founded , and with the guidance of tho G . A . O . T . U ., had endeavoured to conform his life and practice to them . There Avere in the Avorld many associations of men for various pur-X > oses—many societies in which men were banded together for good ; but where , he would ask , was there any society or institution formed by men like theirs ? whose immutable ! principles where " Brotherly love , relief , and truth" —brotherly love being
the foundation of its structure—the middle storey being the glorious aud God-like virtue of charity , while the top-stone was Truth , divine truth , moral truth , truth and sincerity between man and man , truth and honour and honesty in all our dealings . He asked the brethren to have these principles in mind , and to guard with tho utmost watchfulness the approaches to our lodges . Let them examine well the materials before they are
admitted within the porch , and see that they be well squared and fitted as proper materials for their temples ; then should our Order flourish for ages to come , as it has for ages past , ancl be a benefit to mankind . Our natural year was now about to close , and lie begged his brethren if any petty animosities , if any jarring or unbrotherly feelings existed in their minds , to bury them with the year that is passing away . He Avould conclude witli the
emphatic words of onr beautiful Invocation" Let brotherly love prevail , and every moral and social virtue cement ancl unite us . " Loud ancl prolonged cheering followed the address of the Deputy Grand Master .
" The Masonic Female Orphan Asylum of the Province , " Avas next proposed and drunk . Bro . H . S . NOBLETT responded , and called on all the brethren for more liberal contributions to this excellent Charity , and invited them and their friends to visit the Institution . The Senior Warden ' s and Junior Warden's toasts were next given . The D . PROV . G . MASTER gave " The Health of our Musical
Brethren , " who had so eminently contributed to the success and harmony of the banquet , and begged to call upon his friend Bro . James Roche . Bro . ROCHE returned thanks . The D . PROA \ G . MASTEB , in proposing the last toast upon the list , "To onr next merry meeting , " said that he did so Avith regretbut that all the best things in life must come to an
, end . He thanked them for their kindness upon this and all other occasions , and for the present took an affectionate leave of all , wishing them A Happy New Year . ( Applause . ) " The Health of Bro . Cotton " having been given and Avannly responded to , the brethren rose and departed at a quarter to twelve o'clock , highly gratified with the entertainment of the eveninsr .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAREE ( NO . 590 ) . —A special meeting Avas held on AVednesday , the 30 th ult ., so as not to interfere Avith the numerous engagements of brethren on New Year's eve , when according to the usual arrangements it should have been held . Soon after six o'clock , the lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . DnrellAA . M . assisted bhis AVardensBros . Clement
, , y , and Philip E . Le Sueur . The W . M . read a note from Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 , WM . 958 , apologising for absence on account , of confinement to the house by indisposition . The AV . M . having opened the lodge in the second degree , announced that Bros . J . Ahier , Ch . G . Eenouf , and E . Pock Avere ready to receive further advancement . The lodge was opened in the third degree , ancl the candidates were successively introduced , and
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M ., who alsogave them the customary charge appertaining to it , and the explanation of the tracing-board , the whole of the ceremony being conducted in the most impressive manner . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , and Bro . John Blampied Avas examined as to his proficiency . The lodge was opened in the second degree , ancl Bro . Blampied was re-introduced and passed to that of Fellow-craft with the accustomed solemnities ,
receiving also the explanations of tho tracing hoard aud the charge appropriate for the occasion . Again the lodge was resumed in the first degree . The members unanimously approved of a gratuity granted to the Tyler by the AV . M . and AVardens . The proceedings were brought to a close at nine o'clock in perfect harmony , and about 40 of those present adjourned for refreshment , after which an hour was passed in a most agreeable manner . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , but
that to the Rev . Bro . De la Mare , Chaplain , Avas received Avith the greatest enthusiasm . The formal monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the following day , Dec . 31 , Bro . Durell as usual presiding , assisted by his S . AV . and Bro . Goupillot acting as J . A \ . The Secretary read the minutes of the last regular meeting and also of two emergency meetings , all of which Avere unanimously confirmed . A donation of 10 s . was accorded to a distressed brother , and several accounts Avere passed , which terminated the proceedings , and the lodge Avas closed with the usual formalities .
Cape Of Good Hope.
FOET BEAHEOET—( Zetland Lodge , No . 60 S , late 844 . )—The dedication of the Masonic Hall for the above lodge , took place at Fort Beaufort , on the 14 th October , 1863 . The officers for that year being—Bros . AVard , AV . M . ; Kay , P . M . and Sec ; Pearson , S . W . ; AVinenand , J . W . ; Estment , Treas . ; Blakeway , S . D . ; Overton , J . D . ; Honman , I . G . ; Muller , Tyler . The new Masonic Hall , is situated in the centre of the new town , and the foundation-stone was laid by our much esteemed and worthy Bro . Com . General Drake , C . B ., on the 27 th August A . L . 5862 . The architecture of the building is strictly Gothic , and reflects