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Cape Of Good Hope.
tho greatest credit on the architect ( Mr . Castledine , H . E . ) , in fact all who have seen it pronounce it to he the most handsome and substantial building on the frontier . The hall itself is very commodious , ancl the preparing rooms , & c , admirably suited for the purpose required . As Masonry is making rapid progress in this district , we hope soon to be able to add a hanquetting room , tyler's quarters , etc . The news of the dedication having spread far and widethe town was quite alive at nine a . m . hundreds
, , having come from a distance to witness the occasion . At halfpast ten 73 members of the Craft assembled at the old lodge room , where the loclge was opened in due form . The procession then formed , aud the ceremonial was proceeded Avith by Bro . Com . General Drake , O . B ., assisted by Bro . AVard , AV . M ., . and the brethren , the Chaplain pronouncing the following benediction : — " May this Freemasons' Hall , now dedicated to
Masonry , be ever the sanctuary and receptacle of virtue , universal charity , and benevolence ; may those who are invested with the government of the lodge , be endued with wisdom to instruct their brethren in all duties , may brotherly love and charity prevail among the members of the lodge ; ancl may this bond of union continue to strengthen the lodges throughout the world . May the Great Architect of the Universe , bless all
here assembled , and all brethren throughout the world , wheresoever dispersed ; and grant speedy relief to all -who are either oppressed or distressed . We humbly commend to Thee all the members of Thy whole family ; may they increase in the knowledge of Thee , and the love of each other . Finally , may -we finish all our works here below , with Thine approbation ; and then , have our transition from this earthly abode to Thy Holy Temple above ; there to enjoy light , glory , and bliss ineffable .
Glory he to God on high . As it was in the beginning , is now , and ever shall be , world without end—Amen . " A very clever and appropriate sermon was preached on the occasion by the Bro . Syree . At the close of the ceremony a vevv handsome silver trowel Avas presented to Bro . C . G . Drake , C . B ., hy the brethren of the Zetland Lodge . In the evening the brethren gave a splendid ball which Avas attended b 250 leThe room Avas tastefulldecorated
y peop . y -with flags , evergreens , flowers , and transparencies , with Masonic devices , mottoes , & c The viands were sufficient and good , and the stewards most energetic and attentive iu their endeavours to make the assembly enjoy themselves . Altogether the scene was brilliant and will long be remembered by those who Avitnessed it . The ladies declare that Freemasons only know the secret of making everyone happy . The thanks of the brethren
are due to the fair ones for adding to the beauty and grandeur of the' occasion and for kindly singing in the choir . The splendid band of the Cape Mounted Rifles played with taste and spirit during the whole evening .
( From the Indian Freemason's Friend . ) DACCA . LODGE GOOD HOPE ( NO . 1058 , now altered to 756 ) . —The brethren met emergently on AVednesday , the 9 th September . Prom unavoidable circumstances , the attendance of members YTKS small , and there was besides one visitor present , who , like tgood Masonhas applied to join . After the lodge had been
, duly opened , and other , business regularly gone through , two candidates were passed to the second degree , —the one was Bro . Grownfield , ancl the other Bro . Burnett ( both of the Northern Revenue Survey . ) Bro . Sergeant Thomas Davies , of the Army Commissariat Department , late of the Scotch Lodge St . David in the East ( No . 371 ) , was elected a joining member , and exemptedin consequence of his limited meansfrom payment onl
, , y of his assessment to the lodge . Two candidates were proposed as desiring to join , including the visiting brother above alluded to . The proceedings were rendered most gratifying by the ceremony , which next took place , of presenting to Bro . J . G . N . Pogose , P . M . of the lodge , in a suitable and graceful speech from the E ., —besides a splendid collar and apron , —a very handsome solid gold P . M . 's jewel , most tastefully executed with
buckle aud holder , ribbon and case complete , having on a blue ground , a square , and the diagram of the 47 th proposition , encircled with a neatly corded vine and cassia border , ancl surmounted with a square ancl compasses supporting a double
Triangle , richly embossed and chased , hearing on the inverse the following inscription : —• " Presented by the Brethren of Lodge Good Hope ( No . 1058 ) , Dacca , to AV . Bro . J . G . N . Pogose , as a token of fraternal regard , and in acknowledgment of his valuable services to the lodge , particularly whilst AV . M . in 1861 . " And around the obverse : — "Lodge Good Hope ( No . 1053 ) . " The gift was acknowledged hy Bro . Pogose in the most thankful and appropriate terms , and with feelings of the warmest gratitude .
There was also an almost similarly designed gold P . M . ' s jewel , and a most elegant gold watch by Frodsham , both suitably inscribed , ready for presentation to the Honorary Past Master , Bro . Major G . B . Jennings ; but as that brother is now at Meean Meer , Punjab , the testimonial remains to be presented to him through some Avorking lodge nearest to his station . On the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned as usual to the festive board , ancl enjoyed harmoniously together a splendid dinner , and passed a very pleasant evening .
JTJLLUNDER . LODGE AA ' AHAB , OE BENEVOLENT . —Some Masons , finding themselves strong enough , determined at the beginning of the year to re-open Lodge Jullunder ( No . 906 ) , which had been for some years dormant ; when , lo ! at a meeting convened to discuss preliminaries , a brother produced a letter just received from an official at Calcuttaannouncing that the loclge ( No . 906 ) had been
, erased from the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , at the quarterly communication of March , 1862 . This , as you may suppose , made us open our mouths and gasp again ; but heing very anxious to have a loclge and commence working , it was determined to petition Grand Loclge , through the Prov . G . M ., for a restoration of the warrant . The Prov G . M ., however , recommended us to apply for a new Avarrant , as being easier of
attainment than the restoration of the old one , at the same time very kindly saying that ho would recommend to District Grand Lodge that the property of the old lodge be made over to us , waiving their claim on account of the Fund of Benevolence . So much expence being saved , we agreed to apply for a new warrant , which was accordingly done , and authority was given in the middle of April to the Master elect to open the new Lodge AVafiabor Benevolent . This was accordingly done . The loclge
, was opened in each of the three degrees , the W . M . adding a few words to the usual prayers , invoking the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe on the Lodge AVahab or Benevolent then opened for the first time . Since then it has assembled regularly on the 1 st and 3 rd Thursdays of each month . The earlier meetings wero for purposes of instruction , rehearsal of
ceremonies , lectures and instruction in the three degrees . AVe had one joining candidate and one Entered Apprentice amongst our number , both of whom sent in applications for promotion . Tho Entered Apprentice was , in due course , examined in open lodge , but not being deemed sufficiently expert in some parts of the work , lie was recommended , to practise a little more , and was , after a time , found qualified , and was duly passed to the second degree . As usually happens in the plains one-half of our
our small number Avent to the hills , and in consequence of two others being temporarily indisposed , we could not open the lodge during the month of July . Since the retvirn of some of the hill birds , however , we have continued to meet regularly , and there is now , I hear , likely to be an increase to our numbers , some officers and a native gentleman , I am told , having expressed a desire to be initiated into our mysteries . The joining candidate alluded to aboveAvhen he found the stle of examination
, y through which the Entered Apprentice Avas put , begged to defer his examination , as he feared he was not quite prepared . The Entered Apprentice used to go to the Master for instruction , and when be began to know something about the precepts of the first degree , stated that he Avas very glad he had been rejected at first , as ho now said that at that time he really knew nothing at all about Masonry . The native gentleman alluded
to is a Parsee merchant , a young man , Avho talks , reads , and writes English very well . He appears very anxious to be made , and a copy of Preston ' s Illustrations has been lent to him . He seems to like the book , and says that the funeral ceremony is very similar to that of the Parsees . CALCUTTA .
LODGE TEUE FEIENDSHIP . —A regular meeting was holden on Tuesday , the 29 th September . Present—Bros . Roberts , Master , presiding ; John AV . Brown ( P . M . of Lodge Saint John ) as P . M . ; Kelvey , S . AV . ; Dove , J . W . ; AA estfield , S . D . ; Ball ( of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cape Of Good Hope.
tho greatest credit on the architect ( Mr . Castledine , H . E . ) , in fact all who have seen it pronounce it to he the most handsome and substantial building on the frontier . The hall itself is very commodious , ancl the preparing rooms , & c , admirably suited for the purpose required . As Masonry is making rapid progress in this district , we hope soon to be able to add a hanquetting room , tyler's quarters , etc . The news of the dedication having spread far and widethe town was quite alive at nine a . m . hundreds
, , having come from a distance to witness the occasion . At halfpast ten 73 members of the Craft assembled at the old lodge room , where the loclge was opened in due form . The procession then formed , aud the ceremonial was proceeded Avith by Bro . Com . General Drake , O . B ., assisted by Bro . AVard , AV . M ., . and the brethren , the Chaplain pronouncing the following benediction : — " May this Freemasons' Hall , now dedicated to
Masonry , be ever the sanctuary and receptacle of virtue , universal charity , and benevolence ; may those who are invested with the government of the lodge , be endued with wisdom to instruct their brethren in all duties , may brotherly love and charity prevail among the members of the lodge ; ancl may this bond of union continue to strengthen the lodges throughout the world . May the Great Architect of the Universe , bless all
here assembled , and all brethren throughout the world , wheresoever dispersed ; and grant speedy relief to all -who are either oppressed or distressed . We humbly commend to Thee all the members of Thy whole family ; may they increase in the knowledge of Thee , and the love of each other . Finally , may -we finish all our works here below , with Thine approbation ; and then , have our transition from this earthly abode to Thy Holy Temple above ; there to enjoy light , glory , and bliss ineffable .
Glory he to God on high . As it was in the beginning , is now , and ever shall be , world without end—Amen . " A very clever and appropriate sermon was preached on the occasion by the Bro . Syree . At the close of the ceremony a vevv handsome silver trowel Avas presented to Bro . C . G . Drake , C . B ., hy the brethren of the Zetland Lodge . In the evening the brethren gave a splendid ball which Avas attended b 250 leThe room Avas tastefulldecorated
y peop . y -with flags , evergreens , flowers , and transparencies , with Masonic devices , mottoes , & c The viands were sufficient and good , and the stewards most energetic and attentive iu their endeavours to make the assembly enjoy themselves . Altogether the scene was brilliant and will long be remembered by those who Avitnessed it . The ladies declare that Freemasons only know the secret of making everyone happy . The thanks of the brethren
are due to the fair ones for adding to the beauty and grandeur of the' occasion and for kindly singing in the choir . The splendid band of the Cape Mounted Rifles played with taste and spirit during the whole evening .
( From the Indian Freemason's Friend . ) DACCA . LODGE GOOD HOPE ( NO . 1058 , now altered to 756 ) . —The brethren met emergently on AVednesday , the 9 th September . Prom unavoidable circumstances , the attendance of members YTKS small , and there was besides one visitor present , who , like tgood Masonhas applied to join . After the lodge had been
, duly opened , and other , business regularly gone through , two candidates were passed to the second degree , —the one was Bro . Grownfield , ancl the other Bro . Burnett ( both of the Northern Revenue Survey . ) Bro . Sergeant Thomas Davies , of the Army Commissariat Department , late of the Scotch Lodge St . David in the East ( No . 371 ) , was elected a joining member , and exemptedin consequence of his limited meansfrom payment onl
, , y of his assessment to the lodge . Two candidates were proposed as desiring to join , including the visiting brother above alluded to . The proceedings were rendered most gratifying by the ceremony , which next took place , of presenting to Bro . J . G . N . Pogose , P . M . of the lodge , in a suitable and graceful speech from the E ., —besides a splendid collar and apron , —a very handsome solid gold P . M . 's jewel , most tastefully executed with
buckle aud holder , ribbon and case complete , having on a blue ground , a square , and the diagram of the 47 th proposition , encircled with a neatly corded vine and cassia border , ancl surmounted with a square ancl compasses supporting a double
Triangle , richly embossed and chased , hearing on the inverse the following inscription : —• " Presented by the Brethren of Lodge Good Hope ( No . 1058 ) , Dacca , to AV . Bro . J . G . N . Pogose , as a token of fraternal regard , and in acknowledgment of his valuable services to the lodge , particularly whilst AV . M . in 1861 . " And around the obverse : — "Lodge Good Hope ( No . 1053 ) . " The gift was acknowledged hy Bro . Pogose in the most thankful and appropriate terms , and with feelings of the warmest gratitude .
There was also an almost similarly designed gold P . M . ' s jewel , and a most elegant gold watch by Frodsham , both suitably inscribed , ready for presentation to the Honorary Past Master , Bro . Major G . B . Jennings ; but as that brother is now at Meean Meer , Punjab , the testimonial remains to be presented to him through some Avorking lodge nearest to his station . On the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned as usual to the festive board , ancl enjoyed harmoniously together a splendid dinner , and passed a very pleasant evening .
JTJLLUNDER . LODGE AA ' AHAB , OE BENEVOLENT . —Some Masons , finding themselves strong enough , determined at the beginning of the year to re-open Lodge Jullunder ( No . 906 ) , which had been for some years dormant ; when , lo ! at a meeting convened to discuss preliminaries , a brother produced a letter just received from an official at Calcuttaannouncing that the loclge ( No . 906 ) had been
, erased from the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , at the quarterly communication of March , 1862 . This , as you may suppose , made us open our mouths and gasp again ; but heing very anxious to have a loclge and commence working , it was determined to petition Grand Loclge , through the Prov . G . M ., for a restoration of the warrant . The Prov G . M ., however , recommended us to apply for a new Avarrant , as being easier of
attainment than the restoration of the old one , at the same time very kindly saying that ho would recommend to District Grand Lodge that the property of the old lodge be made over to us , waiving their claim on account of the Fund of Benevolence . So much expence being saved , we agreed to apply for a new warrant , which was accordingly done , and authority was given in the middle of April to the Master elect to open the new Lodge AVafiabor Benevolent . This was accordingly done . The loclge
, was opened in each of the three degrees , the W . M . adding a few words to the usual prayers , invoking the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe on the Lodge AVahab or Benevolent then opened for the first time . Since then it has assembled regularly on the 1 st and 3 rd Thursdays of each month . The earlier meetings wero for purposes of instruction , rehearsal of
ceremonies , lectures and instruction in the three degrees . AVe had one joining candidate and one Entered Apprentice amongst our number , both of whom sent in applications for promotion . Tho Entered Apprentice was , in due course , examined in open lodge , but not being deemed sufficiently expert in some parts of the work , lie was recommended , to practise a little more , and was , after a time , found qualified , and was duly passed to the second degree . As usually happens in the plains one-half of our
our small number Avent to the hills , and in consequence of two others being temporarily indisposed , we could not open the lodge during the month of July . Since the retvirn of some of the hill birds , however , we have continued to meet regularly , and there is now , I hear , likely to be an increase to our numbers , some officers and a native gentleman , I am told , having expressed a desire to be initiated into our mysteries . The joining candidate alluded to aboveAvhen he found the stle of examination
, y through which the Entered Apprentice Avas put , begged to defer his examination , as he feared he was not quite prepared . The Entered Apprentice used to go to the Master for instruction , and when be began to know something about the precepts of the first degree , stated that he Avas very glad he had been rejected at first , as ho now said that at that time he really knew nothing at all about Masonry . The native gentleman alluded
to is a Parsee merchant , a young man , Avho talks , reads , and writes English very well . He appears very anxious to be made , and a copy of Preston ' s Illustrations has been lent to him . He seems to like the book , and says that the funeral ceremony is very similar to that of the Parsees . CALCUTTA .
LODGE TEUE FEIENDSHIP . —A regular meeting was holden on Tuesday , the 29 th September . Present—Bros . Roberts , Master , presiding ; John AV . Brown ( P . M . of Lodge Saint John ) as P . M . ; Kelvey , S . AV . ; Dove , J . W . ; AA estfield , S . D . ; Ball ( of