Article SLEEP. Page 1 of 1 Article TO AN INFANT. Page 1 of 1 Article FINE ARTS. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 3 →
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SIB JOHN DENHAJT . Morpheus ! the humble god that dwells In cottages and smoky cells , Hates gilded roofs and beds of down ; Ancl , though he fears no prince ' s frown , Flies from the circle of a crown : Come , I say , thou powerful god ,
And thy leaden charming rod , Dipped in the Lethean lake , O ' er his wakeful temples shake , Lest he should sleep , and never Avake . Nature , alas ! why art thou so Obliged to thy greatest foe ? Sleep , that is thy best repast , Yet of death it bears a taste , And both are the same thing at last .
To An Infant.
A . PHILLIPS . Timely blossom , infant fair , Fondling of a happy pair , Every morn , and every night , Their solicitous delight , Sleeping , waking , still at ease , Pleasing without skill to please ;
Little gossip , blithe ancl hale , Tattling many a broken tale , Singing many a tuneless song-, Jjavish of a heedless tongue ; Simple maiden , void of art , Babbling out the very heart , Yet abandoned to thy Avill , Yet imagining no ill
, Yet too innocent to blush ; Like the linnet in tho bush , To the mother-linnet ' s nota Moduling her slender throat , Chirping forth thy petty joys , "Wanton in the change of toys ; Like the linnet-green , in May , Flitting to each bloomy spray ,
AVearied then , and glad of rest , Like the linnet in the nest . This thy present happy lot , This in time will be forgot : Other pleasures , other cares , Ever-busy Time prepares ; And thou shalt in thy daughter see , This picture , once , resembled thee .
Fine Arts.
ROYAL ACADEMY . The annual prizes of the Royal Academy were awarded on the 10 th December , at a general assembly of the Academicians , presided over hy Sir Charles Easfclake . AVe are glad to see that Mr . Richard Phone Spiers , eldest son of Alderman Spiers , D . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , won distinguished honours , being awarded a gold medal , books , and a scholarship of £ 25 for two years for the best architectural desi and a silver medal
gn , Avith books for an architectural drawing . So brilliant a success is rarely achieved , ancl Mr . Spiers will be Avarmly congratulated by his fellow-citizens on his triumph . The Daily News remarks : — " The progress of architectural art in England Avas most gratifyingly exhibited in the remarkable drawings which obtained the gold and silver medals this year . Mr . R . P . Spiers ' design for a vestibule and staircase of a Royal Palaceand his
, study of St . Stephen's , Walbrook , were emphatically commended by the President , with the full assent of all the Academicians present , as ' marked by most distinguished merit . ' Inded , these architectural drawings of the young double prizeman and medallist Avere the subject of general remark and admiration . " — Oxford Journal .
Public Amusements.
CRYSTAL PALACE . The enterprising company of this splendid place of resort have this year laid a most ample programme before the Christinas holiday-makers . To elaborate the many items contained in the bill of fare would be to occupy space wo could not afford , however deservedly it might be filled , suffice it , therefore , to say that each and all are relatively attractive , but those which ,
perhaps , more especially formed features of attraction , aud consequently came in for a fair share of attention , may be mentioned . The Chantrill Family , in their classical gymnastic exercises , a Juvenile Entertainment , arranged hy Mr . Erampton , Avhose pupils , cleverly interpreted the title of the production , " Marriage a La Mode ; " the great Juggler , Signor Langlois
A elocimane , whose tricks seemed to astound the most incredulous ; a highly-interesting and well-got-up Burlesque-Extravaganza by the Messrs . Ii'Aubans ; the astonishing feats ofthe Brothers Nelson as the Necromantic Elves ; and last , though by no means least , the comic Pantomime in shadow , written by Air . Nelson Lee , and entitled " Harlequin Jack tho Giant Killer ; or , Mother Goose . " The relisation of this theme by shadows was ludicrously laughable and interesting in the
extreme , affording to the all-devouring sight-seers the most genuine delight . ST . JAMES'S HALL . CHRISTY MINSTRELS . —The first two of ten especial Christmas entertainments ( afternoon and evening ) , were given by this popular hand of " Darkie brothers" ou Saturday , December 26 th , and of course attracted numerous audiences—the choruses , solos , dances , burlesques , & c , being all as heartily greeted as they could have been had they possessed the charm of novelty .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
A new farce has been produced at the New Royalty Theatre , entitled , "Stolen ; or , £ 20 Reward . " It is written by W . Hancock , Esq . Mrs . Henry Lindon ( sister of the late Miss M . A . Atkinson , of vocal celebrity ) expired on Christmas Day . She was a member of the Royal Adelphi Theatre for some years , and at the time of her death was fulfilling an engagement at the Pavilion Theatre .
Mr . G . Clarke , of Murray-street , Hoxton , has just published a new baritone song entitled "Poland for the Pole , " Avords by J . Christinas , and the music by George Clarke . Mr . Phelps is announced to appear in a new and original drama this evening ( Saturday ) at the Drury Lane Theatre , entitled "Night and Morn . "
The Week.
THE CODET . —Her Majesty ancl family still remain in the Isle of AA'ight , with the exception of the Prince and Princess of AA ales , Avho have returned to Sandringham . GENEEAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality of the metropolis last week took a sudden spring upwards . The deaths recorded were 1 , 642 , which was more than 100 aboA'e the numbers of the
preceding week , and 84 higher than the average of the last ten years . The births rose in a still higher proportion , amoimtingto the unusual number of 2 , 308 , which was 606 more than the deaths , and 480 above the ten years' average . The revenue returns for the year and quarter ending on 31 st ult ., show an increase upon every item Avith tbe important exceptions of the Customs and the property tax . The diminished receipts from these two sources of national income are due , of course , to remissions of taxation ; and the country—in the enjoyment of a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SIB JOHN DENHAJT . Morpheus ! the humble god that dwells In cottages and smoky cells , Hates gilded roofs and beds of down ; Ancl , though he fears no prince ' s frown , Flies from the circle of a crown : Come , I say , thou powerful god ,
And thy leaden charming rod , Dipped in the Lethean lake , O ' er his wakeful temples shake , Lest he should sleep , and never Avake . Nature , alas ! why art thou so Obliged to thy greatest foe ? Sleep , that is thy best repast , Yet of death it bears a taste , And both are the same thing at last .
To An Infant.
A . PHILLIPS . Timely blossom , infant fair , Fondling of a happy pair , Every morn , and every night , Their solicitous delight , Sleeping , waking , still at ease , Pleasing without skill to please ;
Little gossip , blithe ancl hale , Tattling many a broken tale , Singing many a tuneless song-, Jjavish of a heedless tongue ; Simple maiden , void of art , Babbling out the very heart , Yet abandoned to thy Avill , Yet imagining no ill
, Yet too innocent to blush ; Like the linnet in tho bush , To the mother-linnet ' s nota Moduling her slender throat , Chirping forth thy petty joys , "Wanton in the change of toys ; Like the linnet-green , in May , Flitting to each bloomy spray ,
AVearied then , and glad of rest , Like the linnet in the nest . This thy present happy lot , This in time will be forgot : Other pleasures , other cares , Ever-busy Time prepares ; And thou shalt in thy daughter see , This picture , once , resembled thee .
Fine Arts.
ROYAL ACADEMY . The annual prizes of the Royal Academy were awarded on the 10 th December , at a general assembly of the Academicians , presided over hy Sir Charles Easfclake . AVe are glad to see that Mr . Richard Phone Spiers , eldest son of Alderman Spiers , D . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , won distinguished honours , being awarded a gold medal , books , and a scholarship of £ 25 for two years for the best architectural desi and a silver medal
gn , Avith books for an architectural drawing . So brilliant a success is rarely achieved , ancl Mr . Spiers will be Avarmly congratulated by his fellow-citizens on his triumph . The Daily News remarks : — " The progress of architectural art in England Avas most gratifyingly exhibited in the remarkable drawings which obtained the gold and silver medals this year . Mr . R . P . Spiers ' design for a vestibule and staircase of a Royal Palaceand his
, study of St . Stephen's , Walbrook , were emphatically commended by the President , with the full assent of all the Academicians present , as ' marked by most distinguished merit . ' Inded , these architectural drawings of the young double prizeman and medallist Avere the subject of general remark and admiration . " — Oxford Journal .
Public Amusements.
CRYSTAL PALACE . The enterprising company of this splendid place of resort have this year laid a most ample programme before the Christinas holiday-makers . To elaborate the many items contained in the bill of fare would be to occupy space wo could not afford , however deservedly it might be filled , suffice it , therefore , to say that each and all are relatively attractive , but those which ,
perhaps , more especially formed features of attraction , aud consequently came in for a fair share of attention , may be mentioned . The Chantrill Family , in their classical gymnastic exercises , a Juvenile Entertainment , arranged hy Mr . Erampton , Avhose pupils , cleverly interpreted the title of the production , " Marriage a La Mode ; " the great Juggler , Signor Langlois
A elocimane , whose tricks seemed to astound the most incredulous ; a highly-interesting and well-got-up Burlesque-Extravaganza by the Messrs . Ii'Aubans ; the astonishing feats ofthe Brothers Nelson as the Necromantic Elves ; and last , though by no means least , the comic Pantomime in shadow , written by Air . Nelson Lee , and entitled " Harlequin Jack tho Giant Killer ; or , Mother Goose . " The relisation of this theme by shadows was ludicrously laughable and interesting in the
extreme , affording to the all-devouring sight-seers the most genuine delight . ST . JAMES'S HALL . CHRISTY MINSTRELS . —The first two of ten especial Christmas entertainments ( afternoon and evening ) , were given by this popular hand of " Darkie brothers" ou Saturday , December 26 th , and of course attracted numerous audiences—the choruses , solos , dances , burlesques , & c , being all as heartily greeted as they could have been had they possessed the charm of novelty .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
A new farce has been produced at the New Royalty Theatre , entitled , "Stolen ; or , £ 20 Reward . " It is written by W . Hancock , Esq . Mrs . Henry Lindon ( sister of the late Miss M . A . Atkinson , of vocal celebrity ) expired on Christmas Day . She was a member of the Royal Adelphi Theatre for some years , and at the time of her death was fulfilling an engagement at the Pavilion Theatre .
Mr . G . Clarke , of Murray-street , Hoxton , has just published a new baritone song entitled "Poland for the Pole , " Avords by J . Christinas , and the music by George Clarke . Mr . Phelps is announced to appear in a new and original drama this evening ( Saturday ) at the Drury Lane Theatre , entitled "Night and Morn . "
The Week.
THE CODET . —Her Majesty ancl family still remain in the Isle of AA'ight , with the exception of the Prince and Princess of AA ales , Avho have returned to Sandringham . GENEEAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality of the metropolis last week took a sudden spring upwards . The deaths recorded were 1 , 642 , which was more than 100 aboA'e the numbers of the
preceding week , and 84 higher than the average of the last ten years . The births rose in a still higher proportion , amoimtingto the unusual number of 2 , 308 , which was 606 more than the deaths , and 480 above the ten years' average . The revenue returns for the year and quarter ending on 31 st ult ., show an increase upon every item Avith tbe important exceptions of the Customs and the property tax . The diminished receipts from these two sources of national income are due , of course , to remissions of taxation ; and the country—in the enjoyment of a