Article CHINESE LODGES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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Chinese Lodges.
perfect exhibition of the relations of human society . His remark ' which will be found in Dr . Legge ' s excellent translation of the Chinese classics , vol . ii . page 16 S , was as follows : — " The compass and square produce perfect circles and squares . By the sages the human relations are perfectly exhibited . " In consequence , I presume , of this association of ideas the Chinese terms
for compass and square haA'e in the course of ages come to express order , regularity , propriety , and at this moment the colloquial Chinese equivalent for the sentence " in a proper manner , " or " in accordance with propriety , " is " Chao kwei keu , " which ' being interpreted literally , means " on the compass and square . " This employment of the names of two instruments , which are
important emblems of the Craft , to express a moral characteristic , is curiously coincident Avith some of the first principles of Masonry , and it has struck me that the identity may be happily taken advantage of in selecting a suitable name for the lodge . I propose therefore the Chinese name of " Kwei-keu-tang " meaning " Compass ancl Square Hall" as the most fitting
designation that can be adopted . This title will at once associate the building , and the fraternity AA'ho congregate in it , in the minds of the uneducated natives , with all that is right and orderly ; and to a Chinese , who knows anything of his country's literature , the name will carry his memory back to the sacred Avords I have before referred to , as uttered by the sage , and AA'hich , fortuitously perhaps , but none the less distinctly , convey . so Masonic an idea to the mind .
I beg leave to mention here a fact Avhich strongly corroborates the truth of my impression that the mystery connected Avith a Masonic lodge , unless veiled or explained by a suitable name , is calculated , Avith the ignorant ancl superstitious heathen , to lead to conclusions injurious to the fame of Masonry . There is a lodge in Batavia , Avhere I spent many years of my
childhood , learning of course , as I have done here , the language of the place . Long before I ever heard of Masonry I received impressions inimical to it from repeatedly having had the loclge there pointed out to me as " Roomah Saltan , " that is " The dwelling of Beelzebub , " by which it was then , and I dare say still is , known amongst the native population .
I may also add that a simple translation of the Avord " Freemason'J or "Masonic lodge" into Chinese , Avould fail to convey any idea beyond that of a "free bricklayer" or " stonemason " or the "lodge of a bricklayer , " & c . The Chinese language possesses no equivalent for "Mason , " and hence they call a -stonemason a " stone worker , " and a bricklayer a " mud and water worker . " It Avould be impossible to express the term " Mason" alone .
I must apologise for the length of this letter , and my best best excuse for addressing it to you at all must be the importance of the subject on which it treats . Should yourself and the brethren not view the matter in the same light as I do , I trust you will even then pardon me , in the belief that my anxiety for the good , of Masonry has prompted my intrusion of it on your notice . Apologies are also due from me for AvritingAvhenhaving had
, , the honour of admission into the loclge as a visiting brother , I might perhaps Avith most propriety have mentioned the subject viva voce . I should certainly have adopted the latter course , had I not feared to occupy too much of the brethren ' s time , and had not been diffident of my ability to speak in public with any chance of securing attention . Should you feel inclined to accept my suggestion , or should think of
you some other appellation , Avhich you would like to have put into Chinese as more suitable than the one I have proposed , I beg you will command my services Avithout scruple , and I shall have much pleasure either in getting the characters I have thought of nicel y and properly depicted , or trying to find out any others you may nrefer in their place . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , W . H . MEDHUEST .
The Masonic Mirror.
ST . JAMES ' S LODGE ( No . 765 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting of the year on Tuesday , January Sth , at the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston-street , Bermoudsey ; Bro . Joshua Howes , P . M ., presided . The work Avas three raisings and one initiation . All the ceremonies Avere done in an able manner . After business , the brethren adjourned to a good banquet . Visitors—P . AValters , W . M ., 73 ; T . Moore , 73 j G . Morris , 73 , & c .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 70 ) . —The brethren of this old established lodge met , pursuant to notice , at their Masonic Hall , Courtenay-street , Plymouth , on Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., at two p . m . Through the indisposition of Bro . Phillips , the W . M ., the lodge Avas opened with the usual solemnities by Bro . Harfoot , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas ., when the S . W ., Bro .
Linimore , AV . M . elect , Avas presented for installation . This impressive ceremony , in every minutice , was most ably performed by Bro . Harfoot , assisted by Bro . Gover , P . M ., P . Prov . GAssist . Dir . of Cers ., in those addresses pourtraying the beauties of Masonry , the nobleness of its charities , and the universality of the Order , based on principles , the foundation of which is the volume of the Sacred Law , the sure and safe guide to all truth and happiness . After the installation , the usual
salutations being given , the new AV . M ., Bro . Linimore , invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . Holmes , pro . tern . for Phillips , I . P . M . ; Humbly , S . W . ; Matthews , J . W . ; A . Dyer , S . D . ; J . Head , J . D . ; Nichols , I . G . ; S . Head , S . Steward ; Bartlet , J . Steward ; Rogers , P . M ., P . Prov . G-. Tyler , Tyler ; Ash , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., Treas . ; Brewer , P . M ., Sec . In addressing Bro . Brewer , the Secretary , the AV . M . dwelt on his long services . Por forty years he had been devoted to the best interests of Masonry , ever ready to exercise those talents ( which he possessed of no common
order ) , to add lustre and honour to Lodge St . John ' s ( No . 70 ) , of which he was so valued and beloved a member . The W . M . also expressed the pleasure he had in seeing so many old and influential brethren present , the natural guardians of our ancient landmarks ( the Past Masters ) , of AA'hom twelve were in attendance , viz .: —Bros . Dr . Down , P . M . 189 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Cluse , P . M . 230 , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Ash , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; GoverP . M . P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir .
, , of Cers . ; Thomas , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Maynard , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Harfoot , P . M ., P . G . Treas . ; Dupre , Morgan , Holmes , Brewer , Sees . ; Ferris , jun ., P . M . ; also Bros . Shuel , AV . M ., Fortitude ( 105 ); Rev . D . Ace , B . D . ; Latimer , and many visitors , had honoured him by their presence . The general business being over , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Pearce ' s Royal Hotel for refreshment , Avhen above forty sat
down to a most excellent dinner , served up and attended in a manner that reflected credit on the resources and liberality of the establishment . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal toasts and those peculiar to Masons Avere given . A number of excellent speeches Avere made in the course of the evening , on the local and general prosperity and benevolent objects of this ancient and valued institution . The brethren Avere then called from refreshment to labour , and the loclge was closed with solemn prayer at ten p . m .
DURHAM . SOUTH SHIELDS—< Stf . Hilda's Lodge ( No . 240 ) . —The annual festival of the brethren of this lodge , was held on Monday , the 4 th ult ., at Bro . Carman's , Golden Lion Hotel , Bro . AVilliam AVright , AV . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Potts and Tasbach , P . M . 's , P . Prov . S . G . W . 's ; R . B . Ridley , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ( Mayor of the Borough , wearing his gold , chain of office ); H . Hewison , J . Roddam , H . Hedley , I . P . M ; J . G . Tulloch , Prov . J . G . AV . 431 ; J . Hopper , P . Prov . J . G . AV . 481 ; and H . C . Hansen , Prov . J . G . D . 431 , Northumberland ; Councillor Bro . C . A . Adamson , 431 ; J . Hinde , P . M ., occupying the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chinese Lodges.
perfect exhibition of the relations of human society . His remark ' which will be found in Dr . Legge ' s excellent translation of the Chinese classics , vol . ii . page 16 S , was as follows : — " The compass and square produce perfect circles and squares . By the sages the human relations are perfectly exhibited . " In consequence , I presume , of this association of ideas the Chinese terms
for compass and square haA'e in the course of ages come to express order , regularity , propriety , and at this moment the colloquial Chinese equivalent for the sentence " in a proper manner , " or " in accordance with propriety , " is " Chao kwei keu , " which ' being interpreted literally , means " on the compass and square . " This employment of the names of two instruments , which are
important emblems of the Craft , to express a moral characteristic , is curiously coincident Avith some of the first principles of Masonry , and it has struck me that the identity may be happily taken advantage of in selecting a suitable name for the lodge . I propose therefore the Chinese name of " Kwei-keu-tang " meaning " Compass ancl Square Hall" as the most fitting
designation that can be adopted . This title will at once associate the building , and the fraternity AA'ho congregate in it , in the minds of the uneducated natives , with all that is right and orderly ; and to a Chinese , who knows anything of his country's literature , the name will carry his memory back to the sacred Avords I have before referred to , as uttered by the sage , and AA'hich , fortuitously perhaps , but none the less distinctly , convey . so Masonic an idea to the mind .
I beg leave to mention here a fact Avhich strongly corroborates the truth of my impression that the mystery connected Avith a Masonic lodge , unless veiled or explained by a suitable name , is calculated , Avith the ignorant ancl superstitious heathen , to lead to conclusions injurious to the fame of Masonry . There is a lodge in Batavia , Avhere I spent many years of my
childhood , learning of course , as I have done here , the language of the place . Long before I ever heard of Masonry I received impressions inimical to it from repeatedly having had the loclge there pointed out to me as " Roomah Saltan , " that is " The dwelling of Beelzebub , " by which it was then , and I dare say still is , known amongst the native population .
I may also add that a simple translation of the Avord " Freemason'J or "Masonic lodge" into Chinese , Avould fail to convey any idea beyond that of a "free bricklayer" or " stonemason " or the "lodge of a bricklayer , " & c . The Chinese language possesses no equivalent for "Mason , " and hence they call a -stonemason a " stone worker , " and a bricklayer a " mud and water worker . " It Avould be impossible to express the term " Mason" alone .
I must apologise for the length of this letter , and my best best excuse for addressing it to you at all must be the importance of the subject on which it treats . Should yourself and the brethren not view the matter in the same light as I do , I trust you will even then pardon me , in the belief that my anxiety for the good , of Masonry has prompted my intrusion of it on your notice . Apologies are also due from me for AvritingAvhenhaving had
, , the honour of admission into the loclge as a visiting brother , I might perhaps Avith most propriety have mentioned the subject viva voce . I should certainly have adopted the latter course , had I not feared to occupy too much of the brethren ' s time , and had not been diffident of my ability to speak in public with any chance of securing attention . Should you feel inclined to accept my suggestion , or should think of
you some other appellation , Avhich you would like to have put into Chinese as more suitable than the one I have proposed , I beg you will command my services Avithout scruple , and I shall have much pleasure either in getting the characters I have thought of nicel y and properly depicted , or trying to find out any others you may nrefer in their place . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , W . H . MEDHUEST .
The Masonic Mirror.
ST . JAMES ' S LODGE ( No . 765 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting of the year on Tuesday , January Sth , at the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston-street , Bermoudsey ; Bro . Joshua Howes , P . M ., presided . The work Avas three raisings and one initiation . All the ceremonies Avere done in an able manner . After business , the brethren adjourned to a good banquet . Visitors—P . AValters , W . M ., 73 ; T . Moore , 73 j G . Morris , 73 , & c .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 70 ) . —The brethren of this old established lodge met , pursuant to notice , at their Masonic Hall , Courtenay-street , Plymouth , on Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., at two p . m . Through the indisposition of Bro . Phillips , the W . M ., the lodge Avas opened with the usual solemnities by Bro . Harfoot , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas ., when the S . W ., Bro .
Linimore , AV . M . elect , Avas presented for installation . This impressive ceremony , in every minutice , was most ably performed by Bro . Harfoot , assisted by Bro . Gover , P . M ., P . Prov . GAssist . Dir . of Cers ., in those addresses pourtraying the beauties of Masonry , the nobleness of its charities , and the universality of the Order , based on principles , the foundation of which is the volume of the Sacred Law , the sure and safe guide to all truth and happiness . After the installation , the usual
salutations being given , the new AV . M ., Bro . Linimore , invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . Holmes , pro . tern . for Phillips , I . P . M . ; Humbly , S . W . ; Matthews , J . W . ; A . Dyer , S . D . ; J . Head , J . D . ; Nichols , I . G . ; S . Head , S . Steward ; Bartlet , J . Steward ; Rogers , P . M ., P . Prov . G-. Tyler , Tyler ; Ash , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., Treas . ; Brewer , P . M ., Sec . In addressing Bro . Brewer , the Secretary , the AV . M . dwelt on his long services . Por forty years he had been devoted to the best interests of Masonry , ever ready to exercise those talents ( which he possessed of no common
order ) , to add lustre and honour to Lodge St . John ' s ( No . 70 ) , of which he was so valued and beloved a member . The W . M . also expressed the pleasure he had in seeing so many old and influential brethren present , the natural guardians of our ancient landmarks ( the Past Masters ) , of AA'hom twelve were in attendance , viz .: —Bros . Dr . Down , P . M . 189 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Cluse , P . M . 230 , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Ash , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; GoverP . M . P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir .
, , of Cers . ; Thomas , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Maynard , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Harfoot , P . M ., P . G . Treas . ; Dupre , Morgan , Holmes , Brewer , Sees . ; Ferris , jun ., P . M . ; also Bros . Shuel , AV . M ., Fortitude ( 105 ); Rev . D . Ace , B . D . ; Latimer , and many visitors , had honoured him by their presence . The general business being over , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Pearce ' s Royal Hotel for refreshment , Avhen above forty sat
down to a most excellent dinner , served up and attended in a manner that reflected credit on the resources and liberality of the establishment . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal toasts and those peculiar to Masons Avere given . A number of excellent speeches Avere made in the course of the evening , on the local and general prosperity and benevolent objects of this ancient and valued institution . The brethren Avere then called from refreshment to labour , and the loclge was closed with solemn prayer at ten p . m .
DURHAM . SOUTH SHIELDS—< Stf . Hilda's Lodge ( No . 240 ) . —The annual festival of the brethren of this lodge , was held on Monday , the 4 th ult ., at Bro . Carman's , Golden Lion Hotel , Bro . AVilliam AVright , AV . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Potts and Tasbach , P . M . 's , P . Prov . S . G . W . 's ; R . B . Ridley , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ( Mayor of the Borough , wearing his gold , chain of office ); H . Hewison , J . Roddam , H . Hedley , I . P . M ; J . G . Tulloch , Prov . J . G . AV . 431 ; J . Hopper , P . Prov . J . G . AV . 481 ; and H . C . Hansen , Prov . J . G . D . 431 , Northumberland ; Councillor Bro . C . A . Adamson , 431 ; J . Hinde , P . M ., occupying the