Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 8 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
_ . \ MASONIC MEMS . ROTAIJ BEUEVOI / ENT INSTITUTIOS . —In our report cf the proceedings at the festival of this Institution last week , when we stated that £ 237 came from East Lancashire , we should have added , in addition to £ 105 from the Prov . G . Lodge , Bro . B . B . Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., Norfolk , gave £ 20 in his own name , and £ 20 for the lodge named after him at Norwich .
' N _ -l ? TU _ n _ LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —Tho installation meeting v / as held mi Thursday , January 31 , at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street . The lodge was opened by Bro . Eobert Farran , P . M . ( the AV . M . being called away to China . ) Bro . AVinsor was passed to the second degree . Bro . Henry Muggeridge then assumed the chair , and Bro . Alfred Pratt , being presented , was installed into the chair in Bro . Muggeridge's masterly manner , the addresses to the several officers being listened to with marked attention . The officers
appointed were Bro . T . T . Lemare , S . AV . ; Bro . Clarence Harcourt , J . AV . ; Bro . C . J . Osborne , Sec ; Bro . W . P . De Morley Blynn , S . D . ; Bro . Augustus Greatex , J . D . ; Bro . J . H . Allingham , I . G . Bro . Isaac AAilcocks re-elected Treas ., and Henry Holt the Tyler , were also invested . There was a very good attendance , the members and visitors numbering nearly fifty . Among the visitors were Bros . C . T . Storr , Prov . G . D . C , Jersey ; Burridge , No . 33 ; Talbot , No . 156 ; PackwoodP . M . No . 680 ; AdamsonNo . 235 ; and Poole
, , , , No . 805 . All business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren reassembled at the banquet , which was most excellent . Dinner ended and the cloth removed , the AV . M . said , the first toast required no words from him , and he should , therefore , give , " The Queen and the Craft . " In proposing the M . AV . G . M ., Bro . ' Pratt said it gave him great pleasure even to mention the name of so estimable a nobleman as the Karl of Zetland , who had so long , and to such good effect , presided over the Craft . —The AV . M ., in proposing the toast of
" The D . G . M ., " said he had had but few opportunities of seeing Lord Dalhousie in Lodge , but they were assured that he devoted much attention to the interests of the institution , and was well deserving the high position he held . —The AV . M ., on again rising , said , "The Visitors" was a toast at all times pleasing to the lodge ; they had several who paid their first visit , some of them being from the provinces , who could not foil to have been gratified with the working of the lodge . —Bro . STOEB , in returning thanks for himself and the brethren included in the toast , assured the AV . M . tbat the way in which the ceremonies were conducted afforded
tnem great satisfaction . He remarked that the spirit of emulation exhibited by the P . M . s could not fail to stimulate every member of the lodge to arrive at the same high position . The efficiency of the several officers was a satisfactory proof of the good working of the lodge . —Bro . PAI . HAN , in brief but complimentary terms ss to his efficiency , proposed , " The Health of the AV . M ., " observing the peculiar circumstance that induced Bro . Pratt to enter Masonry ( an incident in the Crimean war ) that from his first admission he diligentl
, y studied the ritual , and had regularly worked his way through every office to the chair . Prom the experience they had , there was perfect assurance of good government . —The AV . M ., in responding , said he found it difficult to express his grateful feelings in language commensurate with the kind expressions the brethren evinced towards him . It was his most earnest desire , on taking the chairof the lodge , to follow the good example afforded by his predecessors , and to leave it to the
satisfaction of himself and the brethren . He could not , however , allow the opportunity to pass without paying a tribute of gratitude to Bro . Muggerid ge , as it was to his instruction all his own capabilities were due . He sincerely hoped every brother who desired to attain eminence would not fail attending the Lodge of Instruction over which that able professor presided . —The AA . M . again rose , and said the working of the lodge had been brought to its state of
efficiency by the zealous efforts of those who had preceded lihn in his high position , and it v . as to them he had to look for aid ; and without particularly noticing one more than another , he could safely say each had well done his duty . His immediate predecessor had left his native land ; and with the ' toast ofthe P . Ms , he connected the name of Bro . Farrnn . —That worthy brother having responded , the AA ' . M . then saidalthough they PMs included in the
, , as .., were preceding toast , he especially called to the notice of the brethren to two officers who had discharged with integrity and perfect satisfaction the important duties of treasurer and secretary . —Bro . WIICOCKS , in acknowled gment , said he expected that , for tlie kind reception of their services , he was mainly indebted to the great
attention and correctness of the secretary . Personally , he might say he possessed the confidence of the Past Masters , and he was able to say that he had a good balance in hand . —Bro . OSBOHNE said that he could , with perfect sincerity , assure his brethren his happiest hours were those spent in recording their proceedings . Sometimes , in his enthusiasm and zeal , he might he considered over forward . The Treasurer and himself were always in unison , in a desire to keep their books in a most perfect state ; so that ,
whenever they might be called away , they might be enabled to leave to their successors the Neptune Lodge safe in its integrity . —The AV . M ., in giving the toast of " The Officers , " referred to the S . AV . being compelled to leave , and paid a compliment to the J . AV ., who had last year so ably discharged the duties of Deacon . — -Bro . HAKCOUBT , in reply , assured the AV . M . it was the intention of every officer to carry out the wishes of the AV . M ., and that they should not be found wanting . —The Tyler's toast brought the proceedings to a close . The evening ' s entertainment was enlivened by tho vocal efforts of Bros . Sturch , Farran , Holden , and Batty .
CORNWALL . CIIACEWATEE . —Boscawen Lodge ( No . 1000 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated the Festival of Saint John , on Thursday , Jan . 24 .. The lodge was opened at noon , the " sun being at its meridian . " Bro . S . Harvey , P . M ., Fortitude Lodge , Truro , conducted the business of the lodge in his usual impressive manner , and , assisted by Bros . Petherick , W . M ., and J . Moyle , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C , installed Bro . S . G . Moyle as the AA . M . for tlie ensuing year . The
AV . M . selected the following as his officers : —Bro . J . Niness , Prov . G . O ., S . AV . ; AV . Bray , J . AV . ; M . Bawden , Treasurer ; J " . Paull , Secretary ; J . Hall , S . D . ; J . Delbridge , J . D . ; T . Kellow , J . D ., and . AV . Lean , Ty ler . The usual salutations to the AV . M . having been faithfully and cheerfully performed , the brethren , after a short repose from labour , partook of an excellent repast . Many loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the brethren separated at an earlhourafter spending a most
delighty , ful evening , carrying with them those feelings of contentment which will tend to augment the harmony of , not only their own firesides , but of the world at large . TUUKO . — . PhcenUc Lodye ( 1-15 ) . —The members of this lodge met ; on Monday , January 28 th , at the Masonic Rooms , High Cross , Truro , for the purpose of celebrating their annual festival , which is -usually held on the lodge day nearest to that of St . John the Evangelist . There were present on the occasion , amongst other
members , Bro . Augustus Smith , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . John St . Aubyn , Bro . Brydges AVilliams , and Bro . the Rev . AVilliam St . Aubyn , as well as many visitors from other towns in the province , including the AVorshipful Masters and AVardens of the
following-Lodges—Love and Honour ( No . 89 ); Portitude ( No . 153 ); Mount Sinai ( No . 142 ) ; Druids ( No . 859 ); and Boscawen Lodge ( No . 1000 . ) One brother was also present who had epiitted America , and was gladly welcomed by the AVestern Cornish Lodge . The lodge was close tyled at high twelve , and Bro . P . Marshall . P . M ., the newly elected AV . M ., who had previously appointed thefollowing brethren as his officers , and invested them with thenrespective jewelswas ablsupported in the labour of the lod
, y ge . Bro . Ellis , S . AA . ; Bro . Christoe , J . AA ' . ; Bro . G . Harvey , Chaplain ; . Bro . H . Harvey , Secretary ; Bro . ( Sock , S . D . ; Bro . Tweedy , J . D . ; Bro . S . Harvey , I . G . ; Bro . Hooks , T . The labours of the lodge being ended , the brethren adjourned for refreshment to the Koyal Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared by Bro . Tedder . The room was symbolically decorated with the flags of all nations , in allusion to the universal bond of fellowship which
exists among Masons throughout the world . As soon as the cloth had been removed , and grace had been pronounced by the Chaplain , tho usual toasts were given and duly responded to : —Letters regretting their absence were received and read from Bro . Pearce , D . Prov . G . M ., and from Bro . K . Rogers , Prov . G . S . Then followed a series : oi brilliant orations , each alluding to the benefits accruing to men , as Masons , and in high praise of the science of Freemasonry . The brethren concluding their festival with the Masonic toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons , " separated at an early hour ,, with feelings of true fraternal affection for each other , and at peace with the whole Masonic world .
DEVONSHIRE . D _ . vo _ . roKT . —Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 280 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge , lately removed from Tiverton , was celebrated at Bro . Thomas's Hotel , on AVednesday , Jan . 30 , and afforded a rich treat to the brethren who had the good fortune to be present . Independently of the excellent repast which was spread upon the table , there was an amount of intellectual enjoyment rarely attainable . The AA ' . M ., Bro . J . May Mackay , was supported on the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
_ . \ MASONIC MEMS . ROTAIJ BEUEVOI / ENT INSTITUTIOS . —In our report cf the proceedings at the festival of this Institution last week , when we stated that £ 237 came from East Lancashire , we should have added , in addition to £ 105 from the Prov . G . Lodge , Bro . B . B . Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., Norfolk , gave £ 20 in his own name , and £ 20 for the lodge named after him at Norwich .
' N _ -l ? TU _ n _ LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —Tho installation meeting v / as held mi Thursday , January 31 , at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street . The lodge was opened by Bro . Eobert Farran , P . M . ( the AV . M . being called away to China . ) Bro . AVinsor was passed to the second degree . Bro . Henry Muggeridge then assumed the chair , and Bro . Alfred Pratt , being presented , was installed into the chair in Bro . Muggeridge's masterly manner , the addresses to the several officers being listened to with marked attention . The officers
appointed were Bro . T . T . Lemare , S . AV . ; Bro . Clarence Harcourt , J . AV . ; Bro . C . J . Osborne , Sec ; Bro . W . P . De Morley Blynn , S . D . ; Bro . Augustus Greatex , J . D . ; Bro . J . H . Allingham , I . G . Bro . Isaac AAilcocks re-elected Treas ., and Henry Holt the Tyler , were also invested . There was a very good attendance , the members and visitors numbering nearly fifty . Among the visitors were Bros . C . T . Storr , Prov . G . D . C , Jersey ; Burridge , No . 33 ; Talbot , No . 156 ; PackwoodP . M . No . 680 ; AdamsonNo . 235 ; and Poole
, , , , No . 805 . All business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren reassembled at the banquet , which was most excellent . Dinner ended and the cloth removed , the AV . M . said , the first toast required no words from him , and he should , therefore , give , " The Queen and the Craft . " In proposing the M . AV . G . M ., Bro . ' Pratt said it gave him great pleasure even to mention the name of so estimable a nobleman as the Karl of Zetland , who had so long , and to such good effect , presided over the Craft . —The AV . M ., in proposing the toast of
" The D . G . M ., " said he had had but few opportunities of seeing Lord Dalhousie in Lodge , but they were assured that he devoted much attention to the interests of the institution , and was well deserving the high position he held . —The AV . M ., on again rising , said , "The Visitors" was a toast at all times pleasing to the lodge ; they had several who paid their first visit , some of them being from the provinces , who could not foil to have been gratified with the working of the lodge . —Bro . STOEB , in returning thanks for himself and the brethren included in the toast , assured the AV . M . tbat the way in which the ceremonies were conducted afforded
tnem great satisfaction . He remarked that the spirit of emulation exhibited by the P . M . s could not fail to stimulate every member of the lodge to arrive at the same high position . The efficiency of the several officers was a satisfactory proof of the good working of the lodge . —Bro . PAI . HAN , in brief but complimentary terms ss to his efficiency , proposed , " The Health of the AV . M ., " observing the peculiar circumstance that induced Bro . Pratt to enter Masonry ( an incident in the Crimean war ) that from his first admission he diligentl
, y studied the ritual , and had regularly worked his way through every office to the chair . Prom the experience they had , there was perfect assurance of good government . —The AV . M ., in responding , said he found it difficult to express his grateful feelings in language commensurate with the kind expressions the brethren evinced towards him . It was his most earnest desire , on taking the chairof the lodge , to follow the good example afforded by his predecessors , and to leave it to the
satisfaction of himself and the brethren . He could not , however , allow the opportunity to pass without paying a tribute of gratitude to Bro . Muggerid ge , as it was to his instruction all his own capabilities were due . He sincerely hoped every brother who desired to attain eminence would not fail attending the Lodge of Instruction over which that able professor presided . —The AA . M . again rose , and said the working of the lodge had been brought to its state of
efficiency by the zealous efforts of those who had preceded lihn in his high position , and it v . as to them he had to look for aid ; and without particularly noticing one more than another , he could safely say each had well done his duty . His immediate predecessor had left his native land ; and with the ' toast ofthe P . Ms , he connected the name of Bro . Farrnn . —That worthy brother having responded , the AA ' . M . then saidalthough they PMs included in the
, , as .., were preceding toast , he especially called to the notice of the brethren to two officers who had discharged with integrity and perfect satisfaction the important duties of treasurer and secretary . —Bro . WIICOCKS , in acknowled gment , said he expected that , for tlie kind reception of their services , he was mainly indebted to the great
attention and correctness of the secretary . Personally , he might say he possessed the confidence of the Past Masters , and he was able to say that he had a good balance in hand . —Bro . OSBOHNE said that he could , with perfect sincerity , assure his brethren his happiest hours were those spent in recording their proceedings . Sometimes , in his enthusiasm and zeal , he might he considered over forward . The Treasurer and himself were always in unison , in a desire to keep their books in a most perfect state ; so that ,
whenever they might be called away , they might be enabled to leave to their successors the Neptune Lodge safe in its integrity . —The AV . M ., in giving the toast of " The Officers , " referred to the S . AV . being compelled to leave , and paid a compliment to the J . AV ., who had last year so ably discharged the duties of Deacon . — -Bro . HAKCOUBT , in reply , assured the AV . M . it was the intention of every officer to carry out the wishes of the AV . M ., and that they should not be found wanting . —The Tyler's toast brought the proceedings to a close . The evening ' s entertainment was enlivened by tho vocal efforts of Bros . Sturch , Farran , Holden , and Batty .
CORNWALL . CIIACEWATEE . —Boscawen Lodge ( No . 1000 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated the Festival of Saint John , on Thursday , Jan . 24 .. The lodge was opened at noon , the " sun being at its meridian . " Bro . S . Harvey , P . M ., Fortitude Lodge , Truro , conducted the business of the lodge in his usual impressive manner , and , assisted by Bros . Petherick , W . M ., and J . Moyle , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C , installed Bro . S . G . Moyle as the AA . M . for tlie ensuing year . The
AV . M . selected the following as his officers : —Bro . J . Niness , Prov . G . O ., S . AV . ; AV . Bray , J . AV . ; M . Bawden , Treasurer ; J " . Paull , Secretary ; J . Hall , S . D . ; J . Delbridge , J . D . ; T . Kellow , J . D ., and . AV . Lean , Ty ler . The usual salutations to the AV . M . having been faithfully and cheerfully performed , the brethren , after a short repose from labour , partook of an excellent repast . Many loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the brethren separated at an earlhourafter spending a most
delighty , ful evening , carrying with them those feelings of contentment which will tend to augment the harmony of , not only their own firesides , but of the world at large . TUUKO . — . PhcenUc Lodye ( 1-15 ) . —The members of this lodge met ; on Monday , January 28 th , at the Masonic Rooms , High Cross , Truro , for the purpose of celebrating their annual festival , which is -usually held on the lodge day nearest to that of St . John the Evangelist . There were present on the occasion , amongst other
members , Bro . Augustus Smith , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . John St . Aubyn , Bro . Brydges AVilliams , and Bro . the Rev . AVilliam St . Aubyn , as well as many visitors from other towns in the province , including the AVorshipful Masters and AVardens of the
following-Lodges—Love and Honour ( No . 89 ); Portitude ( No . 153 ); Mount Sinai ( No . 142 ) ; Druids ( No . 859 ); and Boscawen Lodge ( No . 1000 . ) One brother was also present who had epiitted America , and was gladly welcomed by the AVestern Cornish Lodge . The lodge was close tyled at high twelve , and Bro . P . Marshall . P . M ., the newly elected AV . M ., who had previously appointed thefollowing brethren as his officers , and invested them with thenrespective jewelswas ablsupported in the labour of the lod
, y ge . Bro . Ellis , S . AA . ; Bro . Christoe , J . AA ' . ; Bro . G . Harvey , Chaplain ; . Bro . H . Harvey , Secretary ; Bro . ( Sock , S . D . ; Bro . Tweedy , J . D . ; Bro . S . Harvey , I . G . ; Bro . Hooks , T . The labours of the lodge being ended , the brethren adjourned for refreshment to the Koyal Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared by Bro . Tedder . The room was symbolically decorated with the flags of all nations , in allusion to the universal bond of fellowship which
exists among Masons throughout the world . As soon as the cloth had been removed , and grace had been pronounced by the Chaplain , tho usual toasts were given and duly responded to : —Letters regretting their absence were received and read from Bro . Pearce , D . Prov . G . M ., and from Bro . K . Rogers , Prov . G . S . Then followed a series : oi brilliant orations , each alluding to the benefits accruing to men , as Masons , and in high praise of the science of Freemasonry . The brethren concluding their festival with the Masonic toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons , " separated at an early hour ,, with feelings of true fraternal affection for each other , and at peace with the whole Masonic world .
DEVONSHIRE . D _ . vo _ . roKT . —Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 280 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge , lately removed from Tiverton , was celebrated at Bro . Thomas's Hotel , on AVednesday , Jan . 30 , and afforded a rich treat to the brethren who had the good fortune to be present . Independently of the excellent repast which was spread upon the table , there was an amount of intellectual enjoyment rarely attainable . The AA ' . M ., Bro . J . May Mackay , was supported on the