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Thomas Tregastas , Sec ; John Farran Penrose , S . D . ; Tobias Edward Lanyon , J . D . ; AA'illiam Michell , Org . ; Robert Bell , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Dir . of Cers . ; John Jeffery and Henry T . Ferguson , Stewards ; Samuel Harvey , P . M ., Prov . G . Purst ., I . G . ; AVilliam Rooks , Prov . G . Tyler , Tyler . Bro . AVilliam Tweedy , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas ., was appointed Steward for the Carnwall Masonic Annuity Fund . Tho business having been concluded , the brethren and visitors adjourned to the Red
Lion Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet awaited them . Bro . F . M . Williams , M . P ., the W . AI ., was in the chair , and was supported by a very large attendance of the members of the Phoenix , Fortitude , Druids , Tregullow , and other lodges . AA ' e noticed Bro . Edward T . Carlvon , P . JI ., Prov . G . Sec ; Bro . Thomas Churgwin , P . Prov . j " . G . W ., & c ; AA' . 11 . Jenkins , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., & c . j Dr . Hugoe , AA' . M . 699 ; John Hocking , jun ., P . M . P . Prov . G . S . of AA ' . Bros . F . AV . DubbP . M . P . Prov .
, ; , , G . S . of AA ' . ; Thomas Davey , AV . M . 589 ; Josiah Ralph , AV . M . 1 , 006 ; AA ' . Coke , AV . M . 131 ; Dr . H . S . Leverton , Past S . AV . 331 ; AV . H . . Cln-istoe , P . M . ; Frederick Marshall , P . M ., & c . ; Stephen Holloway , P . M ., P . G . S . ; AVilliam J . Johns , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Kev . F . H . A . AVright , M . A ., P . M . 331 , Prov . G . Chap . ; Dr . Bannister , S . AV . 1 , 006 , Prov . G . Chap . ; AVilliam J . Hughan , S . AV . 131 , & c ; Thomas Solomon , P . M . 331 , P . Prov .
G . D . ( mayor of Truro ) , amongst those who were present , but really there were so many that to enumerate them would take us more time , aud the Magazine more space , than can well be spared . Suffice it to say , it was a brilliant meeting , and highly
suggestive ot the esteem and regard that universally in Cornwall is felt for the W . M . Bro . F . M . AA'illiams , M . P . Numerous complimentary toasts followed after the substantial department ofthe banquet had been concluded , and we were much gratified to find that strangers and members , " one and all , " united in extolling the merits of the AV . M . No . 331 , for his kind heart , generous sentiments , and most Masonic deportment at all times . Not a few orphansnot a few widowsnot even a few indigent
, , Masons , have cause to bless the day when he saw the "Light , " and it is our prayer that he . may he long preserved to carry out the duties of his high station , and fill the important sphere of labour he is ultimately destined to do in the province of Cornwall , and in the cause of Masonry generally . AVe feel proud in stating , as a Cornish Freemason , that the members and visitors did not separate without testifying their sympathy with the National
Lifeboat Institution , and the efforts of several brethren and others in this county to preserve the lives of the shipwrecked mariners who are so frequently in troublesome waters and localities along the coast . It was determined to forma preliminary meeting there and then , and give power to the Secretary , pro tern ., to -write to the Prov . G . Master , and other distinguished brethren who were unavoidablabsent
y , to secure their approval and support . A handsome sum was contributed before the brethren separated , and as they have wisely decided to appeal to the whole fraternity in Cornwall , and thus make the fiind and the lifeboat thoroughly a provincial organisation , we feel sanguine that before many months have expired the " Cornish Masonic Lifeboat" will be a reality .
CUMBERLAND AND AAIHSTMOEELAND . KEJTDAL . — Union Lodge ( No . 126 . )—The regular monthl y meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday afternoon , 31 st ult . at the Masonic hall , Kent-street . The W . M . Bro . John AVhitwell , Past Prov . G . Reg ., presiding , and supported by the following officers : —Bros . Edward Busher ,, I . P . M ., Prov . G . Warden ; Bev . W . Chaplin , B . D ., Chap . ; Eev . James Simpson , S . AV . ; Thomas AtkinsonJ . AA ' . C . GardnerThomsonTreas
, ; , , . ; AV . Cartmel , Sec ; Doubleday , J . D . ; J . 0 . Atkinson , I . G . ; and Lord Kenlis , A \ . M . 1034 ; Rev . Thomas Simpson , Halecot Hall , Rev . William Dent , AVilliam Wilson , T . Wilson , Jones Taylor , Dr . Noble ; AVilliam Tattersall , John Holme , George Cartmel , Thomas Busher , R . Hodgson , Dr . Leeming , S . Gawith , John Medcalf ; AVilliam Dodd , Richard James , Edward Hibberd , Robert Butterwith , Thomas Jones , J . K . Thompson , T . S . Job
Home , . Bintley , & c , and the following visitors : —Bros . Daniel Harrison , Dr . Greaves , P . P . D . G . M . , C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England ; A . C . Mott , Thomas AA ' ylie , and J . AVilson , Grand Officers of AVest Lancashire ; T . R . Clapham 1074 ; Boulton , 339 ; Richard Holmes , Dr . Barber , P . M ., Lodge of lirmiiess . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the W . M . announced that the business of the day was to initiate the W . M . elect , Bro . AV . AVilson , late S . AV . of the Underley Lodge , 1074 . The usual questions having been read by Bro . Mott and assented to in the usual manner by Bro ; AVilson , he was then
inducted into the chair of K . S . by Bros . Greaves and Mott , assisted by Bros . AVylie , AVhitwell and Busher . The officers were then invested as follows : —Bros . AVhitwell , I . P . M . ; Rev . J . F . BlackjSChap . ; AVilliam Cartmel , S . AV . ; Samuel Gawith , J . AV . ; C . G . Thomson , Treas . ; AA . Doubleday , Sec ; Dr . Deeming , S . D . ; John Holme , J . D . ; Edward Busher , P . M ., as Dir . of Cers . ; J . 0 . Atkinson , I . G . ; Robert Butterwith , Org . Thanks voted to the visiting brethren who had assisted in the
were ceremonial . The usual business having been transacted . Aftersolemn prayer the lodge was closed in a most able manner by the newly elected officers , after which the brethren ( upwardsof forty ) , adjourned to the Kings Arms Hotel where a choice banquet was served by Mr . Jackson the worthy host . The chair was occupied by the AV . M ., and supported by several very influential brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were
given and responded to by the AA ' . M ., Bros . AVhitwell , Rev . James Simpson , Dr . ' . Greaves , C . J . Bannister , A . C . Mott , T . AVylie , AV . . Cartmel , Thomas Atkinson , Dr . Barber , & c , and the cause of Masonic Charity , having been ably advocated ( with considerable success for the Royal Benevolent Institution ) ,, by Bro . Edward Busher , P . M ., who was acting as Steward at the present festival for the charity , - this very agreeable meeting broke up about half-past nine o ' clock . The harmony of the evening was ably sustained by Bros . S . E . Thompson , Mott , AA ' ylie , Hodgson , Boulton , & c . Bro . Bowes was unavoidablyabsent through indisposition , which was much regretted .
DEVONSHIRE . MOKICE TOWN , DEVOJJTOBT . —Lodge St . Auht / n ( No . 954 ) . — A Master Mason ' s lodge of emergency was held on the 28 th tilt ., to confer the third degree on Bro . the Hon . R . B . Bruce , if found qualified . The lodge having been duly opened in the Craftsman's degree , and the usual examination being of a highly satisfactory nature , the Hon . Bro . retired to be re-admitted to a lodof a superior and sublimer degreein which he was
adge , mitted to a full participation of its secrets and mysteries by the AV . M ., whose rendering of the ritual of the degree has brought down encomiums from candidates and P . M . ' s . This being an emergency meeting , no other business was , of course , transacted , and the brethren adjourned for simple refreshment .
LEICESTERSHIRE , LEICESTEE . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —This lodge held its usual meeting on the third Thursday of the mouth ( the 17 th ult . ) , at which Bro . Eelly , D . Prov . G . M ., presided . Amongthose present were Bro . Duff , P . M ., as S . AA ' . ( in the absence of Bro . G . IT . Hodges , in Paris ); J . E . Hodges , J . AA ' . ; Barfoot , Sec ; Shepherd , Treas . ; Atkins , S . D . ; AVatson , I . G . ; G . Toller , J . C . Clarke , and Baines . Alsitors—Bros . L . A . Clarke , AV . M .,
and J . Ride , J . AV . of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last lodge , including a vote of £ 100 in reduction of the debt on the Masonic Hall , having been read and confirmed , a Fellow-Craft ' s lodge was opened , and Bros . Sculthorpe and Partridge were duly examined in that degree , after which the lodge was opened in the third degree , and they were duly raised to that sublime degree . The lodge was then lowered to tho first degree , and there being no further business the brethren adjourned torefreshment .
INSTRUCTION . LEICESTEE . —Lodge of Instruction . —The first meeting of a . lodge of instruction for the use of the members of the two local lodges , Nos . 279 and 523 , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., but owing to the severity of the weatherwas but thinly attended . In addition to the D . Prov . G . M .,. there were present : —Bros , the Rev . J . Spittal , P . M . ; Duff , PM ( who each presided during part of the evening ) J . H .
.. ; Hodges , as S . AA . ; Barfoot , J . AV . ; Ride , S . D . ; Atkins , J . D . ; Toller , AVatson , Sculthorpe , Partrick , and others . The lodge was opened and closed in tbe three degrees , and the ceremony of initiation was worked , Bro . Sculthorpe acting as the candidate . The lodge is to he held on tho fourth Thursday in every month , and will doubtless bo found of great advantage to the brethren .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . — Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —There was a numerous attendance at the meeting of this lodge on the 28 th ult ., the event of the evening being tbe presentation of a testimonial , subscribed for by a few of the members , to the esteemed Trea-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Thomas Tregastas , Sec ; John Farran Penrose , S . D . ; Tobias Edward Lanyon , J . D . ; AA'illiam Michell , Org . ; Robert Bell , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Dir . of Cers . ; John Jeffery and Henry T . Ferguson , Stewards ; Samuel Harvey , P . M ., Prov . G . Purst ., I . G . ; AVilliam Rooks , Prov . G . Tyler , Tyler . Bro . AVilliam Tweedy , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas ., was appointed Steward for the Carnwall Masonic Annuity Fund . Tho business having been concluded , the brethren and visitors adjourned to the Red
Lion Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet awaited them . Bro . F . M . Williams , M . P ., the W . AI ., was in the chair , and was supported by a very large attendance of the members of the Phoenix , Fortitude , Druids , Tregullow , and other lodges . AA ' e noticed Bro . Edward T . Carlvon , P . JI ., Prov . G . Sec ; Bro . Thomas Churgwin , P . Prov . j " . G . W ., & c ; AA' . 11 . Jenkins , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., & c . j Dr . Hugoe , AA' . M . 699 ; John Hocking , jun ., P . M . P . Prov . G . S . of AA ' . Bros . F . AV . DubbP . M . P . Prov .
, ; , , G . S . of AA ' . ; Thomas Davey , AV . M . 589 ; Josiah Ralph , AV . M . 1 , 006 ; AA ' . Coke , AV . M . 131 ; Dr . H . S . Leverton , Past S . AV . 331 ; AV . H . . Cln-istoe , P . M . ; Frederick Marshall , P . M ., & c . ; Stephen Holloway , P . M ., P . G . S . ; AVilliam J . Johns , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Kev . F . H . A . AVright , M . A ., P . M . 331 , Prov . G . Chap . ; Dr . Bannister , S . AV . 1 , 006 , Prov . G . Chap . ; AVilliam J . Hughan , S . AV . 131 , & c ; Thomas Solomon , P . M . 331 , P . Prov .
G . D . ( mayor of Truro ) , amongst those who were present , but really there were so many that to enumerate them would take us more time , aud the Magazine more space , than can well be spared . Suffice it to say , it was a brilliant meeting , and highly
suggestive ot the esteem and regard that universally in Cornwall is felt for the W . M . Bro . F . M . AA'illiams , M . P . Numerous complimentary toasts followed after the substantial department ofthe banquet had been concluded , and we were much gratified to find that strangers and members , " one and all , " united in extolling the merits of the AV . M . No . 331 , for his kind heart , generous sentiments , and most Masonic deportment at all times . Not a few orphansnot a few widowsnot even a few indigent
, , Masons , have cause to bless the day when he saw the "Light , " and it is our prayer that he . may he long preserved to carry out the duties of his high station , and fill the important sphere of labour he is ultimately destined to do in the province of Cornwall , and in the cause of Masonry generally . AVe feel proud in stating , as a Cornish Freemason , that the members and visitors did not separate without testifying their sympathy with the National
Lifeboat Institution , and the efforts of several brethren and others in this county to preserve the lives of the shipwrecked mariners who are so frequently in troublesome waters and localities along the coast . It was determined to forma preliminary meeting there and then , and give power to the Secretary , pro tern ., to -write to the Prov . G . Master , and other distinguished brethren who were unavoidablabsent
y , to secure their approval and support . A handsome sum was contributed before the brethren separated , and as they have wisely decided to appeal to the whole fraternity in Cornwall , and thus make the fiind and the lifeboat thoroughly a provincial organisation , we feel sanguine that before many months have expired the " Cornish Masonic Lifeboat" will be a reality .
CUMBERLAND AND AAIHSTMOEELAND . KEJTDAL . — Union Lodge ( No . 126 . )—The regular monthl y meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday afternoon , 31 st ult . at the Masonic hall , Kent-street . The W . M . Bro . John AVhitwell , Past Prov . G . Reg ., presiding , and supported by the following officers : —Bros . Edward Busher ,, I . P . M ., Prov . G . Warden ; Bev . W . Chaplin , B . D ., Chap . ; Eev . James Simpson , S . AV . ; Thomas AtkinsonJ . AA ' . C . GardnerThomsonTreas
, ; , , . ; AV . Cartmel , Sec ; Doubleday , J . D . ; J . 0 . Atkinson , I . G . ; and Lord Kenlis , A \ . M . 1034 ; Rev . Thomas Simpson , Halecot Hall , Rev . William Dent , AVilliam Wilson , T . Wilson , Jones Taylor , Dr . Noble ; AVilliam Tattersall , John Holme , George Cartmel , Thomas Busher , R . Hodgson , Dr . Leeming , S . Gawith , John Medcalf ; AVilliam Dodd , Richard James , Edward Hibberd , Robert Butterwith , Thomas Jones , J . K . Thompson , T . S . Job
Home , . Bintley , & c , and the following visitors : —Bros . Daniel Harrison , Dr . Greaves , P . P . D . G . M . , C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England ; A . C . Mott , Thomas AA ' ylie , and J . AVilson , Grand Officers of AVest Lancashire ; T . R . Clapham 1074 ; Boulton , 339 ; Richard Holmes , Dr . Barber , P . M ., Lodge of lirmiiess . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the W . M . announced that the business of the day was to initiate the W . M . elect , Bro . AV . AVilson , late S . AV . of the Underley Lodge , 1074 . The usual questions having been read by Bro . Mott and assented to in the usual manner by Bro ; AVilson , he was then
inducted into the chair of K . S . by Bros . Greaves and Mott , assisted by Bros . AVylie , AVhitwell and Busher . The officers were then invested as follows : —Bros . AVhitwell , I . P . M . ; Rev . J . F . BlackjSChap . ; AVilliam Cartmel , S . AV . ; Samuel Gawith , J . AV . ; C . G . Thomson , Treas . ; AA . Doubleday , Sec ; Dr . Deeming , S . D . ; John Holme , J . D . ; Edward Busher , P . M ., as Dir . of Cers . ; J . 0 . Atkinson , I . G . ; Robert Butterwith , Org . Thanks voted to the visiting brethren who had assisted in the
were ceremonial . The usual business having been transacted . Aftersolemn prayer the lodge was closed in a most able manner by the newly elected officers , after which the brethren ( upwardsof forty ) , adjourned to the Kings Arms Hotel where a choice banquet was served by Mr . Jackson the worthy host . The chair was occupied by the AV . M ., and supported by several very influential brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were
given and responded to by the AA ' . M ., Bros . AVhitwell , Rev . James Simpson , Dr . ' . Greaves , C . J . Bannister , A . C . Mott , T . AVylie , AV . . Cartmel , Thomas Atkinson , Dr . Barber , & c , and the cause of Masonic Charity , having been ably advocated ( with considerable success for the Royal Benevolent Institution ) ,, by Bro . Edward Busher , P . M ., who was acting as Steward at the present festival for the charity , - this very agreeable meeting broke up about half-past nine o ' clock . The harmony of the evening was ably sustained by Bros . S . E . Thompson , Mott , AA ' ylie , Hodgson , Boulton , & c . Bro . Bowes was unavoidablyabsent through indisposition , which was much regretted .
DEVONSHIRE . MOKICE TOWN , DEVOJJTOBT . —Lodge St . Auht / n ( No . 954 ) . — A Master Mason ' s lodge of emergency was held on the 28 th tilt ., to confer the third degree on Bro . the Hon . R . B . Bruce , if found qualified . The lodge having been duly opened in the Craftsman's degree , and the usual examination being of a highly satisfactory nature , the Hon . Bro . retired to be re-admitted to a lodof a superior and sublimer degreein which he was
adge , mitted to a full participation of its secrets and mysteries by the AV . M ., whose rendering of the ritual of the degree has brought down encomiums from candidates and P . M . ' s . This being an emergency meeting , no other business was , of course , transacted , and the brethren adjourned for simple refreshment .
LEICESTERSHIRE , LEICESTEE . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —This lodge held its usual meeting on the third Thursday of the mouth ( the 17 th ult . ) , at which Bro . Eelly , D . Prov . G . M ., presided . Amongthose present were Bro . Duff , P . M ., as S . AA ' . ( in the absence of Bro . G . IT . Hodges , in Paris ); J . E . Hodges , J . AA ' . ; Barfoot , Sec ; Shepherd , Treas . ; Atkins , S . D . ; AVatson , I . G . ; G . Toller , J . C . Clarke , and Baines . Alsitors—Bros . L . A . Clarke , AV . M .,
and J . Ride , J . AV . of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last lodge , including a vote of £ 100 in reduction of the debt on the Masonic Hall , having been read and confirmed , a Fellow-Craft ' s lodge was opened , and Bros . Sculthorpe and Partridge were duly examined in that degree , after which the lodge was opened in the third degree , and they were duly raised to that sublime degree . The lodge was then lowered to tho first degree , and there being no further business the brethren adjourned torefreshment .
INSTRUCTION . LEICESTEE . —Lodge of Instruction . —The first meeting of a . lodge of instruction for the use of the members of the two local lodges , Nos . 279 and 523 , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., but owing to the severity of the weatherwas but thinly attended . In addition to the D . Prov . G . M .,. there were present : —Bros , the Rev . J . Spittal , P . M . ; Duff , PM ( who each presided during part of the evening ) J . H .
.. ; Hodges , as S . AA . ; Barfoot , J . AV . ; Ride , S . D . ; Atkins , J . D . ; Toller , AVatson , Sculthorpe , Partrick , and others . The lodge was opened and closed in tbe three degrees , and the ceremony of initiation was worked , Bro . Sculthorpe acting as the candidate . The lodge is to he held on tho fourth Thursday in every month , and will doubtless bo found of great advantage to the brethren .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . — Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —There was a numerous attendance at the meeting of this lodge on the 28 th ult ., the event of the evening being tbe presentation of a testimonial , subscribed for by a few of the members , to the esteemed Trea-