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surer of the lodge , Bro . AV . Pickford , P . M . The D . Prov . G . M . of Monmouthshire , Bro . Colonel Lyne , presided . The presentation consisted of a life-size portrait ( a most striking likeness ) of Bro . Pickford , who is represented in his full Masonic costume . It was fitted . in an elegant frame of the Lawrence pattern . The groundwork 0 f t [ le portrait is obtained with absolute certainty hy means ofthe solar camera—anew invention—and finished in oil by Bro . Villiersartist 8 Commercial-streetNewportThe
, , , , . elegant frame was made by Mr , Gill , of this town . The D . Prov . * S . M . Col . Lyne said : Bro . P . M . Pickford—I have been requested hy a few of your Masonic brethren , members of the Silurian Lodge , to present you with this portrait , as a small token of the regard and affection in which you are held by them . I am sure it will afford you as much pleasure to receive this memento Eas it does me to present it , for you are too old and good a Mason
not to know and feel sure that presentations of this kind are never made by members of our Order unless they are fully ¦ assured that he whom they desire to compliment is in every way worthy of such compliment . Masonry in this province has oflate years very considerably increased , and with it its funds also enabling us to distribute greater charity . Iu this desirable state of things we feel that youas our Treasurerhave layed
, , p no inconsiderable part , but there is also another matter in wliich ¦ you have taken a deep interest . I speak of our Masonic Schools and . Almshouses . Formerly this province contributed somewhat feebly in these respects , but I am glad to say that since you became our Treasurer , and have taken this desirable matter up , our contributions have largely increased ; and I may say that ,
altogether , this province never was in a more satisfactory and -flourishing state than at present . I am sure , Bro . Pickford , 'in making this presentation , I express the sentiments of every ¦ member of our Order , when I say that we one and all wish you health and every happiness , and pray that you may long live to continue the active and useful member of our Order which you have hitherto been , and that when it shall please the Great Architect of the Universe to from
remove you amongst ¦ ns , your sons , and your sons' sons , when looking upon that ^ picture , may remember with fondness one who was not only dear to his family , but also to the great family of Freemasons . Bro . AV . Pickford , P . M ., acknowledged the presentation . He said : Brethren , I am sure you will pardon any defect in expression of my sincere and heartfelt appreciation of the unbounded kindness and confidence which has been expressednot
, only in so substantial a form by your presentation , bub also through the eloquent speech of my respected Deputy Provincial 'Grand Master , Bro . Lyne . Brethren , to be connected with 'Such a body of gentlemen and Masons as I now see around me , -is to me a great pleasure , and I am sure your presentation this evening will be one of the brightest pictures which will hang ¦ on . memory ^ walls , when I hand to my partner in life and my
• children this very handsome present . To each of you I offer my grateful aeknowlengments , and I again thank you for so noble and beautiful a memento of your confidence , a confidence Avhich I hope will never be forfeited by your humble servant Eand brother . At the conclusion of the presentation , the 'brethren sat down to a champagne supper , provided by Bro . Pickford , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly 'honoured .
NORFOLK . YAEUOTTTH —Lodge of Friendship ( 8 o . \ 00 ) . — This lodge met on 29 th ult ., at the Corn Hal ] , Yarmouth , for the purpose of in-• stallrag Bro . John Plowman AVard as AV . M . for the present year . There was a large assemblage of the brethren belonging to the "Yarmouth , Norwich , Lynn , and other lodges . The ceremony was most ably and very impressivelperformed bthe WMwho
y y .., having been duly installed , selected his officers as follows : — Bros . AV . Barnard , S . AV . ; H . Brand , J . AV . ; H . Mason , S . D . ; AA' . Overend , J . D . ; C . Howes , I . G . At the conclusion of the proceedings the brethren repaired to the Crown and Anchor Hotel , where they partook of a splendid banquet provided by Bro . John Franklin . Amongst the company present were the newly elected AV . AI . ( in the chair ) Bros . DrMorganProvG
; . , . . 'Sec ; Joseph Tomlinson , AV . M . of the Lodge Perseverance ; ¦ Oswald Diver , P . M . ; AV . Wright , P . M ., Sec . ; Colman ; Charles Chipperfield , P . M . ; John F . Young ( Norwich ); the Rev . Dean of Norwich ; Edward Stagg , & c . NORWICH . —Callell Lodge ( No . 903 . )—On Thursday evening the 31 st . ult ., Bro . T . Campling was duly installed to the office
of AA' . M . of this lodge , to which he was unanimously elected by the brethren at the previous meeting . The ceremony was performed by Bros . J . AA' . Taylor , P . JI . ; and F . Colsey , P . M . ; officiating with his usual ability as Dir . of Cers . About forty brethren were present , including a large number of Past Masters and visitors . In the course of the evening , the AA ' . M . appointed the following as his officers for the twelve months : —Bros . Taylor , S . W . ; AV . Billiard , J . AV . ; Bishop , S . D . ; Downing ,
J . D . ; Neckles , I . G . ; J . AV . Eacey , Treas . ; and Smith Sec . At the conclusion of the lodge business , the brethren attended an excellent banquet provided in the Masonic hall by Bro . AVoods . Morgan , Provincial Grand Secretary , Thirkettle , the Immediate Past Master , anil a large number of brethren supported the AV . M ., who presided over the hospitable board in a truly Masonic and affable manner . The festivities were spiritedly kept up until high twelve , when the brethren separated .
KING ' S LYKS . —Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 107 ) . —The meeting of this lodge for installation of its W . M . for the ensuing year was held at the Globe Hotel , King's Lynn , on Monday , the 4 th inst . At half-past five there was a full attendance of members and visitors , and the lodge was opened by Bro . R . H . Household , AA ' . M ., and after the necessary preliminary duties , the installation of the AA ' . M . elect , Bro . Charles T . Ives , was proceeded with . Bro . James Dawbarn , of Norwich , had kindly undertaken
the ceremony , and performed it with his well-known efficiency and impressiveness . He was ably seconded by Bro . I ? . Colsey , P . M . 213 , as Dir . of Cers ., and was supported by a full board of Installed Masters . The usual charges having been delivered by the Installing Master , the new AV . M . was proclaimed in due form , and saluted by the brethren , and he then proceeded with the investiture of his officers for the year : —Bros . G . G . Sadler , S . AA' . ; J . T . Banks , J . W . ; AV . J . Pole , S . D . ; T . R . Mills , J . D . ;
J . Bray , I . G . ; R . Cruso , Treas . ; James Green , Sec . ; R . AVells and C . Miller , Stewards ; Woolsey , Tyler . The lodge then adjourned , and at seven o'clock a sumptuous banquet was served by Bro . Marshall , to about thirty-five of the brethren , including several representatives of other lodges in the provinces of Norfolk , Cambridgeshire , and Lincolnshire . The newly-installed W . M . presided , and was supported on his right
by Bros . Dawbarn , P . M . ; H . J . AVigmore , P . M . and P . Prov . J . G . AV . Cambs . ; H . Ladbroke , P . M . ; W . H . Exley , AV . M . 809 , AVisbech ; F . Colsey , P . M . 213 , and P . G . S . B . Norfolk ; T . G . Hessey , S . D . 838 , Boston ; and on his left , by the following Past Masters of 107 -. Bros . R . H- Household , G . AVebster , Richard AVhitwell , H . Kennedy , and T . M . Kendal ] , P . Prov . J . G . W . Norfolk . Due justice having been done to the good things provided , the AA' . M . proceeded to propose "The Queen and the Craft , " and , in due succession , " The Prince and Princess of
AVales anil the rest of the Royal Family ; " "The Most AVorshipful Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The Right AA'orshipful Deputy Grand Master , the Earl De Grey and Ripon ; " "The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , "—all of which were received with due honour . In proposing the next toast the AV . M . paid a tribute of respect to the memory of the late D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Leedes Foxand announced the fact of the appointment of
, Bro . the Hon . F . AA ' alpole to the vacant office . The announcement and the health of V . W . Bro . were received with great applause . Bro . T . M . Kendall responded to the toast of " The Provincial Grand Officers ; " and Bro- H . J . AVigmore for "The Grand Officers of Neighbouring Provinces . " " The Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Ives " was then proposed by Bro . Household , I . P . M ., and Avas received with great enthusiasm .
The AA ' . M-, having duly responded , proposed " The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . Dawbarn , and the Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Colsey , " who were loudly cheered , and responded in excellent speeches , iu which they dwelt on the kindly principles of Masonry , whilst Bro . Dawbarn in particular enforced the necessity of assiduous attention to the duties of the lodge . The next toast was that of " The Past Masters , " for which Bros .
Household and AVhitwell severally returned thanks ; and " The Visitors " was proposed by the former and coupled with the name of Bro . Hessey , who , in returning thanks , delivered a very instructive address on the antiquities and principles of the Craft . The AV . M . then gave " The Health of the Lodge Officers , " for which Bro . Sadler , S . AA ' ., returned thanks . Bro . AA ' ebster proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and " The Tyler's toast" concluded the list . Several capital songs and glees were sung at appropriate intervals , and the harmony and pleasure of the meeting was unalloyed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
surer of the lodge , Bro . AV . Pickford , P . M . The D . Prov . G . M . of Monmouthshire , Bro . Colonel Lyne , presided . The presentation consisted of a life-size portrait ( a most striking likeness ) of Bro . Pickford , who is represented in his full Masonic costume . It was fitted . in an elegant frame of the Lawrence pattern . The groundwork 0 f t [ le portrait is obtained with absolute certainty hy means ofthe solar camera—anew invention—and finished in oil by Bro . Villiersartist 8 Commercial-streetNewportThe
, , , , . elegant frame was made by Mr , Gill , of this town . The D . Prov . * S . M . Col . Lyne said : Bro . P . M . Pickford—I have been requested hy a few of your Masonic brethren , members of the Silurian Lodge , to present you with this portrait , as a small token of the regard and affection in which you are held by them . I am sure it will afford you as much pleasure to receive this memento Eas it does me to present it , for you are too old and good a Mason
not to know and feel sure that presentations of this kind are never made by members of our Order unless they are fully ¦ assured that he whom they desire to compliment is in every way worthy of such compliment . Masonry in this province has oflate years very considerably increased , and with it its funds also enabling us to distribute greater charity . Iu this desirable state of things we feel that youas our Treasurerhave layed
, , p no inconsiderable part , but there is also another matter in wliich ¦ you have taken a deep interest . I speak of our Masonic Schools and . Almshouses . Formerly this province contributed somewhat feebly in these respects , but I am glad to say that since you became our Treasurer , and have taken this desirable matter up , our contributions have largely increased ; and I may say that ,
altogether , this province never was in a more satisfactory and -flourishing state than at present . I am sure , Bro . Pickford , 'in making this presentation , I express the sentiments of every ¦ member of our Order , when I say that we one and all wish you health and every happiness , and pray that you may long live to continue the active and useful member of our Order which you have hitherto been , and that when it shall please the Great Architect of the Universe to from
remove you amongst ¦ ns , your sons , and your sons' sons , when looking upon that ^ picture , may remember with fondness one who was not only dear to his family , but also to the great family of Freemasons . Bro . AV . Pickford , P . M ., acknowledged the presentation . He said : Brethren , I am sure you will pardon any defect in expression of my sincere and heartfelt appreciation of the unbounded kindness and confidence which has been expressednot
, only in so substantial a form by your presentation , bub also through the eloquent speech of my respected Deputy Provincial 'Grand Master , Bro . Lyne . Brethren , to be connected with 'Such a body of gentlemen and Masons as I now see around me , -is to me a great pleasure , and I am sure your presentation this evening will be one of the brightest pictures which will hang ¦ on . memory ^ walls , when I hand to my partner in life and my
• children this very handsome present . To each of you I offer my grateful aeknowlengments , and I again thank you for so noble and beautiful a memento of your confidence , a confidence Avhich I hope will never be forfeited by your humble servant Eand brother . At the conclusion of the presentation , the 'brethren sat down to a champagne supper , provided by Bro . Pickford , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly 'honoured .
NORFOLK . YAEUOTTTH —Lodge of Friendship ( 8 o . \ 00 ) . — This lodge met on 29 th ult ., at the Corn Hal ] , Yarmouth , for the purpose of in-• stallrag Bro . John Plowman AVard as AV . M . for the present year . There was a large assemblage of the brethren belonging to the "Yarmouth , Norwich , Lynn , and other lodges . The ceremony was most ably and very impressivelperformed bthe WMwho
y y .., having been duly installed , selected his officers as follows : — Bros . AV . Barnard , S . AV . ; H . Brand , J . AV . ; H . Mason , S . D . ; AA' . Overend , J . D . ; C . Howes , I . G . At the conclusion of the proceedings the brethren repaired to the Crown and Anchor Hotel , where they partook of a splendid banquet provided by Bro . John Franklin . Amongst the company present were the newly elected AV . AI . ( in the chair ) Bros . DrMorganProvG
; . , . . 'Sec ; Joseph Tomlinson , AV . M . of the Lodge Perseverance ; ¦ Oswald Diver , P . M . ; AV . Wright , P . M ., Sec . ; Colman ; Charles Chipperfield , P . M . ; John F . Young ( Norwich ); the Rev . Dean of Norwich ; Edward Stagg , & c . NORWICH . —Callell Lodge ( No . 903 . )—On Thursday evening the 31 st . ult ., Bro . T . Campling was duly installed to the office
of AA' . M . of this lodge , to which he was unanimously elected by the brethren at the previous meeting . The ceremony was performed by Bros . J . AA' . Taylor , P . JI . ; and F . Colsey , P . M . ; officiating with his usual ability as Dir . of Cers . About forty brethren were present , including a large number of Past Masters and visitors . In the course of the evening , the AA ' . M . appointed the following as his officers for the twelve months : —Bros . Taylor , S . W . ; AV . Billiard , J . AV . ; Bishop , S . D . ; Downing ,
J . D . ; Neckles , I . G . ; J . AV . Eacey , Treas . ; and Smith Sec . At the conclusion of the lodge business , the brethren attended an excellent banquet provided in the Masonic hall by Bro . AVoods . Morgan , Provincial Grand Secretary , Thirkettle , the Immediate Past Master , anil a large number of brethren supported the AV . M ., who presided over the hospitable board in a truly Masonic and affable manner . The festivities were spiritedly kept up until high twelve , when the brethren separated .
KING ' S LYKS . —Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 107 ) . —The meeting of this lodge for installation of its W . M . for the ensuing year was held at the Globe Hotel , King's Lynn , on Monday , the 4 th inst . At half-past five there was a full attendance of members and visitors , and the lodge was opened by Bro . R . H . Household , AA ' . M ., and after the necessary preliminary duties , the installation of the AA ' . M . elect , Bro . Charles T . Ives , was proceeded with . Bro . James Dawbarn , of Norwich , had kindly undertaken
the ceremony , and performed it with his well-known efficiency and impressiveness . He was ably seconded by Bro . I ? . Colsey , P . M . 213 , as Dir . of Cers ., and was supported by a full board of Installed Masters . The usual charges having been delivered by the Installing Master , the new AV . M . was proclaimed in due form , and saluted by the brethren , and he then proceeded with the investiture of his officers for the year : —Bros . G . G . Sadler , S . AA' . ; J . T . Banks , J . W . ; AV . J . Pole , S . D . ; T . R . Mills , J . D . ;
J . Bray , I . G . ; R . Cruso , Treas . ; James Green , Sec . ; R . AVells and C . Miller , Stewards ; Woolsey , Tyler . The lodge then adjourned , and at seven o'clock a sumptuous banquet was served by Bro . Marshall , to about thirty-five of the brethren , including several representatives of other lodges in the provinces of Norfolk , Cambridgeshire , and Lincolnshire . The newly-installed W . M . presided , and was supported on his right
by Bros . Dawbarn , P . M . ; H . J . AVigmore , P . M . and P . Prov . J . G . AV . Cambs . ; H . Ladbroke , P . M . ; W . H . Exley , AV . M . 809 , AVisbech ; F . Colsey , P . M . 213 , and P . G . S . B . Norfolk ; T . G . Hessey , S . D . 838 , Boston ; and on his left , by the following Past Masters of 107 -. Bros . R . H- Household , G . AVebster , Richard AVhitwell , H . Kennedy , and T . M . Kendal ] , P . Prov . J . G . W . Norfolk . Due justice having been done to the good things provided , the AA' . M . proceeded to propose "The Queen and the Craft , " and , in due succession , " The Prince and Princess of
AVales anil the rest of the Royal Family ; " "The Most AVorshipful Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The Right AA'orshipful Deputy Grand Master , the Earl De Grey and Ripon ; " "The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , "—all of which were received with due honour . In proposing the next toast the AV . M . paid a tribute of respect to the memory of the late D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Leedes Foxand announced the fact of the appointment of
, Bro . the Hon . F . AA ' alpole to the vacant office . The announcement and the health of V . W . Bro . were received with great applause . Bro . T . M . Kendall responded to the toast of " The Provincial Grand Officers ; " and Bro- H . J . AVigmore for "The Grand Officers of Neighbouring Provinces . " " The Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Ives " was then proposed by Bro . Household , I . P . M ., and Avas received with great enthusiasm .
The AA ' . M-, having duly responded , proposed " The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . Dawbarn , and the Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Colsey , " who were loudly cheered , and responded in excellent speeches , iu which they dwelt on the kindly principles of Masonry , whilst Bro . Dawbarn in particular enforced the necessity of assiduous attention to the duties of the lodge . The next toast was that of " The Past Masters , " for which Bros .
Household and AVhitwell severally returned thanks ; and " The Visitors " was proposed by the former and coupled with the name of Bro . Hessey , who , in returning thanks , delivered a very instructive address on the antiquities and principles of the Craft . The AV . M . then gave " The Health of the Lodge Officers , " for which Bro . Sadler , S . AA ' ., returned thanks . Bro . AA ' ebster proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and " The Tyler's toast" concluded the list . Several capital songs and glees were sung at appropriate intervals , and the harmony and pleasure of the meeting was unalloyed .