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LANARKSHIRE . GLASGOW . —Lodge Glasgow ( No . 441 ) . —This young and prosperous lodge held their annual meeting on Tuesday evening , the 15 th ult ., for the election of office-bearers , in tbe Masonic Hall , 19 , Croy-place , the AV . M . being assisted by Bro- Wallace , No . 360 , and Bro . Campbell , No . 408 , who kindly assisted the auditors to audit the lodge books , which showed a favourable
return . The chair was contested by Bros . James Russell and William Taylor . The following office-bearers were elected for the year : —Bros . AA'illiam Taylor , AV . M . ; John Guthrie , D . M . ; Andrew Blane , S . M . ; Robert Revie , S . W . ; James Davidson , J . W . ; Jchn Glen , S . D . ; Joseph Mathieson , J . D . ; B . Kerr , Treas . ; John Fowler , Sec . ; Adam Black , Chap . ; Neil Young , Architect ; Alexander Revie , Senior Steward ; William Livingston , Junior Steward ; John Taylor , I . G . ; Robert Cochrane , O . G . After the business of the evening was disposed of , a vote of thanks was awarded Bros . AVallace and Campbell for their assisting in furthering the lodge in the business of the evening .
STEABANE . —Alercorn Lodge ( No . 188 ) . —This lodge was opened for the first time on Thursday , 31 st ult ., with the assistance of the various lodges in the vicinity . The brethren , to the number of 70 , assembled in the Masonic Hall , at four o ' clock , and marched in procession to the lodge room . Bro . J . K . Irvine , W . M ., of Lifford Lodge , 102 , took the chair and , assisted by his officersopened the lodin ancient form . The Secretary . Bro
, ge . R . T . Turbitt , having read the warrant of constitution from the Grand Lodge , appointing Bro . John McGowan , James Trimble , and Samuel Gordon , Master and AVardens of this lodge . They were installed into their respective offices . This interesting ceremony was ably performed by Bro . Irvine , assisted by Bros . C . Scott , WM . 350 ; C . J . McMullin , P . M . 334 ; John Stewart , W . M . 547 ; W . O . Orrand AVm . BeattyP . M . 's 332 Alexander
, , ; Hutcheson , AV . M . 640 , and several other Past Masters . The W . M . having received the congratulations of all the brethren present , proposed that His Excellency the Marquis of Abereorn should be made an honorary member of this lodge ; seconded by Bro . Gordon , J . AV . and received with great applause . Eleven brethren were proposed as joining members and several candidates for initiation . The lodge was closed in peace and
harmony at six o'clock , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment , a substantial repast having been prepared for the occasion . After the cloth was removed the AA ' . M . gave the usual Masonic and loyal toasts , which were received with the
accustomed honour . Bro . C . Scott proposed the health of the AV . M ., Bro . McGowan , and was happy to see such a large number of brethren assembled from Donegal and Tyrone to greet him on this occasion ; it augured well for the success of this new lodge in having such a nobleman as the Viceroy for a patron , and such a bright Mason to preside over them as their W . M ., whose acquaintance he was happy to make this evening . Bro . McGowan in repling stated he felt the honour conferred
y upon him and the kind reception they gave him , and would endeavour to fill his post with credit to himself and advantage to the lodo-e ; it gave him sincere pleasure to see so many influential brethren present who so kindly gave their assistance and whom he hoped often to see as visitors in the Abereorn Lodge . On behalf of himself and Bro . Wardens he requested they would accept his best thanks . The AV-M . then gave "The Masters and Past
Masters of the several lodges . " This toast was appropriatel y responded to by Bro . Irvine C . J . McMullin , AV . Orr , and C . Scott , AV . M . of one of the oldest lodges in Ulster . Bros . Dr . McKelvey , Harvey , J . Moody , P . M . ; and John Birnie , aveteran in the Craft , contributed to the enjoyment of the brethren by singing some favourite songs . The company separated at nine o'clock , having spent a most agreeable and pleasant evening . Great credit is due to the Stewards , Bros . S . Gordon and John Moody , P . M ., for the courtesy and the excellent refreshments provided for the brethren .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 168 ) . —On Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., the annual meeting for the installation of officers
Channel Islands.
took place . The lodsre was opened at half-past seven o ' clock , by Bro . Smythson , AA ' . M ., assisted by Bro . Gallienne , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . De Carteret , P . M ., acting as S . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 958 , acting as J . W . ; Wakley , I . P . M . There were also present , Bros . Guilbert , AV . M . 84 ; Hutchinson , P . M . 84 ; Thurston , AV . M . 243 ; Glencross , S . D . St ; Sarchet , and about a dozen other members and visitors . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmedthe lodge was opened
, in the second degree , and the D . Prov . G . M . then took the chair . Bro . Smythson having been re-elected to rule over the lodge a second year , was presented for re-installation by Bro . De Carteret , P . M . The preliminary ceremony , in a curtailed form , having been gone through , the brethren who had not passed the chair . left the room , and a Board of Installed Masters was formedin whose presence Bro . Smythson was again laced in
, p chair of King Solomon . The board having been closed and the brethren re-admitted , the usual processions , salutations , proclamations , and greetings took place . The following appointments were made by the W . M .: —Bros . Brown , S . AA . ; Sedgley J . W . ; Henry , S . D . ; AVarr , J . D . ; Gaudion , P . M ., I . G . ; Le Carpentier , Treas . ; Mauger , Tyler . Bro . Gallienne , D . Prov . G . M-, gave the addresses to the AV . M ., AVardens , and brethren
with great effect . The officers being for the most part new , he afterwards forcibly urged upon them the necessity for strict punctuality and a perfect knowledge of their respective duties . For the latter he pointed out that a rare opportunity now occurred , as Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who was thoroughly acquainted with the correct form of ritual , has offered during his residence for a few months in Guernsey , give instruction to the younger members of the Craft , for which purpose a class had been formed '
to meet once a fortnight . He stated that all the new officers of the Doyle Lodge had joined it , that even some of the Past-Masters had talked of doing so , and expressed a hope that those who had this evening been placed in chairs would follow their example . He said that they could not fail to benefit by snch a course , and added that having himself attended the first meeting he had been much gratified by the proceedings , which were the more likely to be successful , because the instructor knew
how to combine the fortiter in re with the suaviter in modo r while courteous towards all , he insisted on perfect obedience tohis directions , even on what might appear trilling points , but which were of great importance as corrective of common errorsand productive of uniformity , indeed none would be admittedunless they pledged themselves to this . The lodge was closed , at nine o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
NEAV BRUNSAVICK . ST . JOHN . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 436 ) . —This prosperouslodge held its regular communication for January , at the Masonic Hal ] , on Tuesday evening , the 1 st ult . The lodge room was crowded to excess , the brethren being drawn togetherto witness an interesting ceremony of presentation to a brother who is much esteemed and highly respected throughout the
province . P . M . Bro . AVm . F . Bunting , the very officiant district G . Sec . and a P . J . G . AV . ot New Brunswick . There were present the R . AV . District G . M ., Deputy District G . M ., S . G . AA ' ., G . Treas ., and other officers of the District Grand Lodge , the AV . M . ' s of every lodge in the city , as well as a numerous attendance of P . M . 's , and other influential members of the Craftall desirous of paying a just tribute to P . M . Bunting ' s
, deserved popularity . The recently installed AA ' . M . Bro . J . Gordon Forbes presided for the first time , assisted by the following officers : Dr . J . C . Hathawav , S . W . ; Rev . Geo . J Case , J . W . ; Rev . Neil McKay , Chap . ; AV . H . A . Keans , P . M . Treas . ; AV . F . Bunting , P . M . Sec . ; John AVhite , S . D . ; Robt . Thompson , jun ., J . D . ; Dr . J . L . Bunting and John Sweet , Stewaids ; Robert Finlay , Dir . of Cers . ; Robert Burns , I . G .,
and full quota of other members . The lodge having been opened on the E . A . degree , the minutes were read and confirmed . The Committee on Petitions presented at the last regular communication , reported in favour of their acceptance , and on the ballot being taken , the brethren confirmed the recommendations of the committee . Petitions were received from several gentlemen desirous of initiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry . An application for assistance from a brother residing at Grand Cay , Turk ' s
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LANARKSHIRE . GLASGOW . —Lodge Glasgow ( No . 441 ) . —This young and prosperous lodge held their annual meeting on Tuesday evening , the 15 th ult ., for the election of office-bearers , in tbe Masonic Hall , 19 , Croy-place , the AV . M . being assisted by Bro- Wallace , No . 360 , and Bro . Campbell , No . 408 , who kindly assisted the auditors to audit the lodge books , which showed a favourable
return . The chair was contested by Bros . James Russell and William Taylor . The following office-bearers were elected for the year : —Bros . AA'illiam Taylor , AV . M . ; John Guthrie , D . M . ; Andrew Blane , S . M . ; Robert Revie , S . W . ; James Davidson , J . W . ; Jchn Glen , S . D . ; Joseph Mathieson , J . D . ; B . Kerr , Treas . ; John Fowler , Sec . ; Adam Black , Chap . ; Neil Young , Architect ; Alexander Revie , Senior Steward ; William Livingston , Junior Steward ; John Taylor , I . G . ; Robert Cochrane , O . G . After the business of the evening was disposed of , a vote of thanks was awarded Bros . AVallace and Campbell for their assisting in furthering the lodge in the business of the evening .
STEABANE . —Alercorn Lodge ( No . 188 ) . —This lodge was opened for the first time on Thursday , 31 st ult ., with the assistance of the various lodges in the vicinity . The brethren , to the number of 70 , assembled in the Masonic Hall , at four o ' clock , and marched in procession to the lodge room . Bro . J . K . Irvine , W . M ., of Lifford Lodge , 102 , took the chair and , assisted by his officersopened the lodin ancient form . The Secretary . Bro
, ge . R . T . Turbitt , having read the warrant of constitution from the Grand Lodge , appointing Bro . John McGowan , James Trimble , and Samuel Gordon , Master and AVardens of this lodge . They were installed into their respective offices . This interesting ceremony was ably performed by Bro . Irvine , assisted by Bros . C . Scott , WM . 350 ; C . J . McMullin , P . M . 334 ; John Stewart , W . M . 547 ; W . O . Orrand AVm . BeattyP . M . 's 332 Alexander
, , ; Hutcheson , AV . M . 640 , and several other Past Masters . The W . M . having received the congratulations of all the brethren present , proposed that His Excellency the Marquis of Abereorn should be made an honorary member of this lodge ; seconded by Bro . Gordon , J . AV . and received with great applause . Eleven brethren were proposed as joining members and several candidates for initiation . The lodge was closed in peace and
harmony at six o'clock , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment , a substantial repast having been prepared for the occasion . After the cloth was removed the AA ' . M . gave the usual Masonic and loyal toasts , which were received with the
accustomed honour . Bro . C . Scott proposed the health of the AV . M ., Bro . McGowan , and was happy to see such a large number of brethren assembled from Donegal and Tyrone to greet him on this occasion ; it augured well for the success of this new lodge in having such a nobleman as the Viceroy for a patron , and such a bright Mason to preside over them as their W . M ., whose acquaintance he was happy to make this evening . Bro . McGowan in repling stated he felt the honour conferred
y upon him and the kind reception they gave him , and would endeavour to fill his post with credit to himself and advantage to the lodo-e ; it gave him sincere pleasure to see so many influential brethren present who so kindly gave their assistance and whom he hoped often to see as visitors in the Abereorn Lodge . On behalf of himself and Bro . Wardens he requested they would accept his best thanks . The AV-M . then gave "The Masters and Past
Masters of the several lodges . " This toast was appropriatel y responded to by Bro . Irvine C . J . McMullin , AV . Orr , and C . Scott , AV . M . of one of the oldest lodges in Ulster . Bros . Dr . McKelvey , Harvey , J . Moody , P . M . ; and John Birnie , aveteran in the Craft , contributed to the enjoyment of the brethren by singing some favourite songs . The company separated at nine o'clock , having spent a most agreeable and pleasant evening . Great credit is due to the Stewards , Bros . S . Gordon and John Moody , P . M ., for the courtesy and the excellent refreshments provided for the brethren .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 168 ) . —On Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., the annual meeting for the installation of officers
Channel Islands.
took place . The lodsre was opened at half-past seven o ' clock , by Bro . Smythson , AA ' . M ., assisted by Bro . Gallienne , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . De Carteret , P . M ., acting as S . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 958 , acting as J . W . ; Wakley , I . P . M . There were also present , Bros . Guilbert , AV . M . 84 ; Hutchinson , P . M . 84 ; Thurston , AV . M . 243 ; Glencross , S . D . St ; Sarchet , and about a dozen other members and visitors . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmedthe lodge was opened
, in the second degree , and the D . Prov . G . M . then took the chair . Bro . Smythson having been re-elected to rule over the lodge a second year , was presented for re-installation by Bro . De Carteret , P . M . The preliminary ceremony , in a curtailed form , having been gone through , the brethren who had not passed the chair . left the room , and a Board of Installed Masters was formedin whose presence Bro . Smythson was again laced in
, p chair of King Solomon . The board having been closed and the brethren re-admitted , the usual processions , salutations , proclamations , and greetings took place . The following appointments were made by the W . M .: —Bros . Brown , S . AA . ; Sedgley J . W . ; Henry , S . D . ; AVarr , J . D . ; Gaudion , P . M ., I . G . ; Le Carpentier , Treas . ; Mauger , Tyler . Bro . Gallienne , D . Prov . G . M-, gave the addresses to the AV . M ., AVardens , and brethren
with great effect . The officers being for the most part new , he afterwards forcibly urged upon them the necessity for strict punctuality and a perfect knowledge of their respective duties . For the latter he pointed out that a rare opportunity now occurred , as Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who was thoroughly acquainted with the correct form of ritual , has offered during his residence for a few months in Guernsey , give instruction to the younger members of the Craft , for which purpose a class had been formed '
to meet once a fortnight . He stated that all the new officers of the Doyle Lodge had joined it , that even some of the Past-Masters had talked of doing so , and expressed a hope that those who had this evening been placed in chairs would follow their example . He said that they could not fail to benefit by snch a course , and added that having himself attended the first meeting he had been much gratified by the proceedings , which were the more likely to be successful , because the instructor knew
how to combine the fortiter in re with the suaviter in modo r while courteous towards all , he insisted on perfect obedience tohis directions , even on what might appear trilling points , but which were of great importance as corrective of common errorsand productive of uniformity , indeed none would be admittedunless they pledged themselves to this . The lodge was closed , at nine o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
NEAV BRUNSAVICK . ST . JOHN . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 436 ) . —This prosperouslodge held its regular communication for January , at the Masonic Hal ] , on Tuesday evening , the 1 st ult . The lodge room was crowded to excess , the brethren being drawn togetherto witness an interesting ceremony of presentation to a brother who is much esteemed and highly respected throughout the
province . P . M . Bro . AVm . F . Bunting , the very officiant district G . Sec . and a P . J . G . AV . ot New Brunswick . There were present the R . AV . District G . M ., Deputy District G . M ., S . G . AA ' ., G . Treas ., and other officers of the District Grand Lodge , the AV . M . ' s of every lodge in the city , as well as a numerous attendance of P . M . 's , and other influential members of the Craftall desirous of paying a just tribute to P . M . Bunting ' s
, deserved popularity . The recently installed AA ' . M . Bro . J . Gordon Forbes presided for the first time , assisted by the following officers : Dr . J . C . Hathawav , S . W . ; Rev . Geo . J Case , J . W . ; Rev . Neil McKay , Chap . ; AV . H . A . Keans , P . M . Treas . ; AV . F . Bunting , P . M . Sec . ; John AVhite , S . D . ; Robt . Thompson , jun ., J . D . ; Dr . J . L . Bunting and John Sweet , Stewaids ; Robert Finlay , Dir . of Cers . ; Robert Burns , I . G .,
and full quota of other members . The lodge having been opened on the E . A . degree , the minutes were read and confirmed . The Committee on Petitions presented at the last regular communication , reported in favour of their acceptance , and on the ballot being taken , the brethren confirmed the recommendations of the committee . Petitions were received from several gentlemen desirous of initiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry . An application for assistance from a brother residing at Grand Cay , Turk ' s