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Island , who was a great sufferer from the effects of the terrific hurricane which swept over the colony on the 30 th September last , was referred to a committee to deal with . The Charity Committee of tho Lodge submitted a full report of thoir proceedings and the various appropriations made during the past year . The AA . M . appointed P . M . 's Bunting , Kcans , and Short , a Committee of Charity for the current year .
In accordance with notice given at the previous regular meeting , an addition to the bye-laws was agreed to , providing for the appointment annually , of a committee to have supervision over the property and paraphernalia of the lodge . Notice was given , having for its object the appointment of a committee to instruct and propose candidates for advancement in the several degrees . After the transaction of other unimportant matters of business , the AA' . M . announced that in accordance
with a resolution of the lodge adopted at a previous communication , providing for the appointment of a committee to procure a suitable testimonial for presentation to P . M . Bunting , a gold watch and chain had been selected , and it now became his pleasing duty to complete the work so justly undertaken . The W . M . having called the lodge to order , read the following address : " To AVilliam Franklin Bunting , Esquire , P . M . of St . John's Lodge , No . 436 , F . and A . M ., on the Registry of the Grand
Lodge of England . " Worshipful Brother : " For the period of nearly fifteen years , during which you have been a member of St . John's Lodge ( No . 436 ) , Free and Accepted Masons , you have not only filled many of its most important offices , including that of the AV . M ., hut you have endeared yourself to the lodge , and , we believe , to the fraternity , by the frankness of your character and the sincerity
of your actions , and by the ready performance of offices of attention and affection , far beyond those which have devolved -upon you of a merely official or routine nature . At all times , and often at great personal sacrifices and inconvenience to yourself , you have been not only ready but anxious to afford , cheerfully , your valuable co-operation in all Masonic " AA'ays and Works ; " to assist in the deliberations , pai ticipate in the labours , perform the charities , and interchange the loftiest
friendship of our lodge and institution—a faithful brother , a zealous mason , a judicious counsellor , a true man . "Necessarily , therefore , you have very largely contributed to the prosperity of this lodge , and to the common well-being of our honourable and ancient fraternity , Stirred by memories of this character , this lodge expects us to convey to you some testimonial of their esteem and affection—not as an equivalent for yonr labours , but as a very trifling testimonial to your worth .
"In the name , therefore , of St . John's Lodge ( No . 436 ) , and on behalf the committee , we present you with this watch and -chain , and add that which , after all , will be of more value than any intrinsic worth of any mere work of art—the assurance of your brothers' love and confidence , their prayer for your " health , wealth , and prosperity " here , and for your perpetual happiness hereafter . " Fraternalland affectionatel
y y yours , " AV . II . A . KEAXS , P . M . - ) " AA' -JL AVEDBEEEII'KX , P . M . > Committee . " JOHN D . SHORT , P . M . ) ( L . S . ) "J . GORDON FORBES , AVorshipful Master . " St . John , N . B ., Jan . 1 , 1867 . " Bro . Bunting acknowledged the honour done him in his
usual happy and felicitious manner . Tlie watch and chain are of the very best manufacture , from the establishment of Messrs . Rothorhams , London . The watch bears the following inscription : " Presented to Past Master Win . F . Bunting , by St . John's Lodge ( No . d 36 ) , F . A . M . St . John , N . B ., Dec . 25 , 1866 . " The lodge was thereupon changed to the F . C . Degree , anil two candidates , who had previously in open lodge given proof of their proficiency in the E . A . Degree , were introduced and indicted into tho secrets of the middle chamber , after which the lodge was closed in due favour .
QUEBEC . ALBIOS - LODGE ( No . 17 ) - —The officers of this ancient lodge
the warrant cf which , under tho English Constitution , dates as far back as 1752 . were dulv installed on St . John's Day by tho R . \ A . the D . G . AI- Bro . James Dean , assisted by the AA . Bro . Joseph AA'hite , Dep . D . G . M . Tho appointments areas follow : — Bros . AA ' . Miller , AA' . M . ; A . Bellinger and AV . Eadon , P . M . 's : S . J . Dawson , S . W . ; S . AV . Bowden , J . AV . ; A . Fraser , Treas . ; B . Jacobs , Sec . ; P . O'Neill , S . D . ; J . McClutchy , J . D . ; J . Dawe , I . G . ; J . Alexander , Dir . of Cers . ; Robt . Stride , Tyler .
Permanent Committee : —Bros . G . Thompson , AV . Eadon , and J . Dawe . ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( NO . 182 ) . —The officers of this lodge were installed by the E . \ A . the D . G . M ., assisted by the \ A . Bro . the Dep . D . G . M ., on St . John's Day . The appointments are as follow :-Bros . H . P . Leggatt , AV . M . ; C . Stavoly , P . M . ; Alex . Frew , S . AA ' . ; Charles Hamilton , J . W . ; A . Adamson , Chap . ; Geo . A ' easoy . Treas . ; John ShawSee . ; James StavelyAssist . Sec . ;
, , AA ' . M . McLaren , Org .: AV . Crawford , Dir . of Cers . ; C . Mackenzie , S . D . ; R . D . Turner , J . D . ; AV . H . Kennedy , I . G . ; and H . Beer , Tyler . Permanent Committee : —Bros . j . AVhite , Dep . D . G . M . ; AA'illiam Miller , Geo . Thompson , and R . H . Smith , P . M . 's . AA ' ARRINGTON LODGE ( No . 49 , R . C . )—Tho following is the list of officers of this lodge for the cm-rent year , viz .: —Bros . J . Tweddell , AA' . M . ; C . Joncas , P . M . ; II . P . Reid , S . AV . ; Selig J .
Burnstein , J . AA ' . ; A . McCullum , Treas . ; A . Smithson , Sec ; J . Lachance , S . D . ; S . Carrier , J . D . ; 11 . Hudson , I . G . ; and H . Beer , Tyler . ST . ANDREW ' S LODGE ( NO . 356 , SC . )—The officers of this
lodge for the current year were installed by Bro . J . S . Bowen , as follow : —Bros . T . Lambert , AA ' . M . ; J . G . Leitch , P . M . ; J . Dunbar , Deputy Master ; AV . Wilkinson , Substitute Master ; C . Judge , S . AA' . ; AV . Clearihue , J . W . ; J . S . Bowen , Treas , ; H . J . Pratten , Secretary ; AA ' . Couper , Assist . Sec ; J . Hatch , S . D . ; Smithson , J . D . ; Ellison , I . G . ; Beer , Tyler ; Thom and Kelly , Stewards ; May , Dir . of Cers . ; Dickinson , Org . Permanent committee : Bros . ChalmersLesueurand E . H . Duval .
, , ALMA LODGE ( NO . 648 ) . —The officers of this lodge were installed by the D . GM ., assisted by Bro . tbe Dep . G . M ., on St . John's Day . The appointments are as follow : —Bros . George Thompson , P . M . Albion Lodge , No . 17 , honorary member o £ St . John ' s Lodge , No . 182 , Alma Lodge , No . 648 , E . R . ; St . Andrew's Lodge , No . 356 , S . R ., and Clement Amitie , Paris ; and Past Deputy Grand Master , Quebec and Three Rivers , AV . M . ;
C . E . Montizambert , S . AV . ; Dr . Hunter , J . AV . ; P . Patterson , Treas . ; J . S . Crawford , Sec ; R . H . Smith , P . AI ., S . D . ; T . R . Reeve , P . M ., J . D ., F . Thompson , I . G , ; H . Beer , Tyler . Permanent committee : Bros . R . H . Smith , T . J . Reeve , H . P . Leggatt , and lt . E . Coker , P . M . ' s . GARRISON LODGE ( NO . 160 , E . G . ) . —The following is the list of office-bearers of this lodge for the current year : — -Bros . AA'illiam PressAA ' . M . ; William AVilkinsonP . M . ; Martin Winn
, , , S . AV . ; AVilliam Peard , J . AV . ; Thomas Kelly , Chap . ; John Devlin , Treas . ; Thomas S . Bartlett , Sec . ; Thomas King , Dir . of Cers . ; J . AA ' . Rnmsden , S . D . ; James AVilkinson , J . D . ; AVilliam Johnson , I . Gr . ; Henry Beer , Tyler ; John AVard , Org . ; Richard Knapp and Eichd . Swindell , Stewards . Permanent Committee : Bros . AA'illiam Wilkinson , Martin AA'imi , and AA'illiam Peard .
( From our own Correspondent . ) MONTREAL . —The number of lodges in this city is at present ton , which , for the size of the place is , perhaps , too many , still they all mange to keep alive and sound the gavel regularly at their appointed time . Of these ten , six are under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Canada , three under England , and one undci Scotland , and it is indeed very pleasing to see how
harmoniously they all work together , no matter under what register they be , they are all brothers of the mystic tie , and act as such . As a regular thing almost all of them celebrate St . John tho Evangelist ' s Day with a banquet , and not a lodge would be forgotten by the deputations who are sent forth during the evening to convey the congratulations and good wishes of one to the other . There is always a number of visitors from the different lodges at any stated meeting of one of themand
, wo are now having a new system of visiting introduced by the AA ' . M . of Lodge of Antiquity ( which stands first on the Grand Registry of Canada ) , in accordance with which the AV . M . and all his officers being announced in a body for admission , which will tend to still invite an increase of visitors . The lodge just named provides refreshments in the anteroom of the lodge , which answers much better than adjourning to public-houses and taverns such as is generally done , and costs much less
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Island , who was a great sufferer from the effects of the terrific hurricane which swept over the colony on the 30 th September last , was referred to a committee to deal with . The Charity Committee of tho Lodge submitted a full report of thoir proceedings and the various appropriations made during the past year . The AA . M . appointed P . M . 's Bunting , Kcans , and Short , a Committee of Charity for the current year .
In accordance with notice given at the previous regular meeting , an addition to the bye-laws was agreed to , providing for the appointment annually , of a committee to have supervision over the property and paraphernalia of the lodge . Notice was given , having for its object the appointment of a committee to instruct and propose candidates for advancement in the several degrees . After the transaction of other unimportant matters of business , the AA' . M . announced that in accordance
with a resolution of the lodge adopted at a previous communication , providing for the appointment of a committee to procure a suitable testimonial for presentation to P . M . Bunting , a gold watch and chain had been selected , and it now became his pleasing duty to complete the work so justly undertaken . The W . M . having called the lodge to order , read the following address : " To AVilliam Franklin Bunting , Esquire , P . M . of St . John's Lodge , No . 436 , F . and A . M ., on the Registry of the Grand
Lodge of England . " Worshipful Brother : " For the period of nearly fifteen years , during which you have been a member of St . John's Lodge ( No . 436 ) , Free and Accepted Masons , you have not only filled many of its most important offices , including that of the AV . M ., hut you have endeared yourself to the lodge , and , we believe , to the fraternity , by the frankness of your character and the sincerity
of your actions , and by the ready performance of offices of attention and affection , far beyond those which have devolved -upon you of a merely official or routine nature . At all times , and often at great personal sacrifices and inconvenience to yourself , you have been not only ready but anxious to afford , cheerfully , your valuable co-operation in all Masonic " AA'ays and Works ; " to assist in the deliberations , pai ticipate in the labours , perform the charities , and interchange the loftiest
friendship of our lodge and institution—a faithful brother , a zealous mason , a judicious counsellor , a true man . "Necessarily , therefore , you have very largely contributed to the prosperity of this lodge , and to the common well-being of our honourable and ancient fraternity , Stirred by memories of this character , this lodge expects us to convey to you some testimonial of their esteem and affection—not as an equivalent for yonr labours , but as a very trifling testimonial to your worth .
"In the name , therefore , of St . John's Lodge ( No . 436 ) , and on behalf the committee , we present you with this watch and -chain , and add that which , after all , will be of more value than any intrinsic worth of any mere work of art—the assurance of your brothers' love and confidence , their prayer for your " health , wealth , and prosperity " here , and for your perpetual happiness hereafter . " Fraternalland affectionatel
y y yours , " AV . II . A . KEAXS , P . M . - ) " AA' -JL AVEDBEEEII'KX , P . M . > Committee . " JOHN D . SHORT , P . M . ) ( L . S . ) "J . GORDON FORBES , AVorshipful Master . " St . John , N . B ., Jan . 1 , 1867 . " Bro . Bunting acknowledged the honour done him in his
usual happy and felicitious manner . Tlie watch and chain are of the very best manufacture , from the establishment of Messrs . Rothorhams , London . The watch bears the following inscription : " Presented to Past Master Win . F . Bunting , by St . John's Lodge ( No . d 36 ) , F . A . M . St . John , N . B ., Dec . 25 , 1866 . " The lodge was thereupon changed to the F . C . Degree , anil two candidates , who had previously in open lodge given proof of their proficiency in the E . A . Degree , were introduced and indicted into tho secrets of the middle chamber , after which the lodge was closed in due favour .
QUEBEC . ALBIOS - LODGE ( No . 17 ) - —The officers of this ancient lodge
the warrant cf which , under tho English Constitution , dates as far back as 1752 . were dulv installed on St . John's Day by tho R . \ A . the D . G . AI- Bro . James Dean , assisted by the AA . Bro . Joseph AA'hite , Dep . D . G . M . Tho appointments areas follow : — Bros . AA ' . Miller , AA' . M . ; A . Bellinger and AV . Eadon , P . M . 's : S . J . Dawson , S . W . ; S . AV . Bowden , J . AV . ; A . Fraser , Treas . ; B . Jacobs , Sec . ; P . O'Neill , S . D . ; J . McClutchy , J . D . ; J . Dawe , I . G . ; J . Alexander , Dir . of Cers . ; Robt . Stride , Tyler .
Permanent Committee : —Bros . G . Thompson , AV . Eadon , and J . Dawe . ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( NO . 182 ) . —The officers of this lodge were installed by the E . \ A . the D . G . M ., assisted by the \ A . Bro . the Dep . D . G . M ., on St . John's Day . The appointments are as follow :-Bros . H . P . Leggatt , AV . M . ; C . Stavoly , P . M . ; Alex . Frew , S . AA ' . ; Charles Hamilton , J . W . ; A . Adamson , Chap . ; Geo . A ' easoy . Treas . ; John ShawSee . ; James StavelyAssist . Sec . ;
, , AA ' . M . McLaren , Org .: AV . Crawford , Dir . of Cers . ; C . Mackenzie , S . D . ; R . D . Turner , J . D . ; AV . H . Kennedy , I . G . ; and H . Beer , Tyler . Permanent Committee : —Bros . j . AVhite , Dep . D . G . M . ; AA'illiam Miller , Geo . Thompson , and R . H . Smith , P . M . 's . AA ' ARRINGTON LODGE ( No . 49 , R . C . )—Tho following is the list of officers of this lodge for the cm-rent year , viz .: —Bros . J . Tweddell , AA' . M . ; C . Joncas , P . M . ; II . P . Reid , S . AV . ; Selig J .
Burnstein , J . AA ' . ; A . McCullum , Treas . ; A . Smithson , Sec ; J . Lachance , S . D . ; S . Carrier , J . D . ; 11 . Hudson , I . G . ; and H . Beer , Tyler . ST . ANDREW ' S LODGE ( NO . 356 , SC . )—The officers of this
lodge for the current year were installed by Bro . J . S . Bowen , as follow : —Bros . T . Lambert , AA ' . M . ; J . G . Leitch , P . M . ; J . Dunbar , Deputy Master ; AV . Wilkinson , Substitute Master ; C . Judge , S . AA' . ; AV . Clearihue , J . W . ; J . S . Bowen , Treas , ; H . J . Pratten , Secretary ; AA ' . Couper , Assist . Sec ; J . Hatch , S . D . ; Smithson , J . D . ; Ellison , I . G . ; Beer , Tyler ; Thom and Kelly , Stewards ; May , Dir . of Cers . ; Dickinson , Org . Permanent committee : Bros . ChalmersLesueurand E . H . Duval .
, , ALMA LODGE ( NO . 648 ) . —The officers of this lodge were installed by the D . GM ., assisted by Bro . tbe Dep . G . M ., on St . John's Day . The appointments are as follow : —Bros . George Thompson , P . M . Albion Lodge , No . 17 , honorary member o £ St . John ' s Lodge , No . 182 , Alma Lodge , No . 648 , E . R . ; St . Andrew's Lodge , No . 356 , S . R ., and Clement Amitie , Paris ; and Past Deputy Grand Master , Quebec and Three Rivers , AV . M . ;
C . E . Montizambert , S . AV . ; Dr . Hunter , J . AV . ; P . Patterson , Treas . ; J . S . Crawford , Sec ; R . H . Smith , P . AI ., S . D . ; T . R . Reeve , P . M ., J . D ., F . Thompson , I . G , ; H . Beer , Tyler . Permanent committee : Bros . R . H . Smith , T . J . Reeve , H . P . Leggatt , and lt . E . Coker , P . M . ' s . GARRISON LODGE ( NO . 160 , E . G . ) . —The following is the list of office-bearers of this lodge for the current year : — -Bros . AA'illiam PressAA ' . M . ; William AVilkinsonP . M . ; Martin Winn
, , , S . AV . ; AVilliam Peard , J . AV . ; Thomas Kelly , Chap . ; John Devlin , Treas . ; Thomas S . Bartlett , Sec . ; Thomas King , Dir . of Cers . ; J . AA ' . Rnmsden , S . D . ; James AVilkinson , J . D . ; AVilliam Johnson , I . Gr . ; Henry Beer , Tyler ; John AVard , Org . ; Richard Knapp and Eichd . Swindell , Stewards . Permanent Committee : Bros . AA'illiam Wilkinson , Martin AA'imi , and AA'illiam Peard .
( From our own Correspondent . ) MONTREAL . —The number of lodges in this city is at present ton , which , for the size of the place is , perhaps , too many , still they all mange to keep alive and sound the gavel regularly at their appointed time . Of these ten , six are under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Canada , three under England , and one undci Scotland , and it is indeed very pleasing to see how
harmoniously they all work together , no matter under what register they be , they are all brothers of the mystic tie , and act as such . As a regular thing almost all of them celebrate St . John tho Evangelist ' s Day with a banquet , and not a lodge would be forgotten by the deputations who are sent forth during the evening to convey the congratulations and good wishes of one to the other . There is always a number of visitors from the different lodges at any stated meeting of one of themand
, wo are now having a new system of visiting introduced by the AA ' . M . of Lodge of Antiquity ( which stands first on the Grand Registry of Canada ) , in accordance with which the AV . M . and all his officers being announced in a body for admission , which will tend to still invite an increase of visitors . The lodge just named provides refreshments in the anteroom of the lodge , which answers much better than adjourning to public-houses and taverns such as is generally done , and costs much less