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Important measures have also been introduced for the guidance of the lodge , and it is to be hoped that the other lodges will copy the example set by the AA' . M . of the Lodge of Antiquity , who is one of the most eminent Masons , and one who has held the highest position the Craft could afford iu this country . This lodge also does everything that can be done outside , through their Committee of General Purposes , which is composed of ten of the members , who meet a few days before the
stated meeting of lodge and consider all Masonic matters brought before them , and report and recommend to the lodge . This committee , therefore , does the principle portion of the outside work , and saves the lodge at least fifty per cent of its time generally used in voting and discussing . The initiation fee to this lodge will in three months be one hundred dollars , it now stands at forty , and the increase is recommended as a tendency to benefit the Order in the estimation of the outer worldand ,
, indeed , did all the lodges follow their example Masonry would take a predominancy here and elsewhere . A course of Masonic lectures was introduced here last winter by the D . D . G . M . of this district with great satisfaction and benefit to the brethren , and I believe the same will be repeated this winter .
Cape Of Good Hope.
LAVING THE FOUNDATION STONE OE THE TOWN HALL , KING WILLIAM ' S TOWN , BRITISH KAEPRARIA , WITH MASONIC HONOURS , ON THE 15 th NOVEMBER , 1866 . The Mayor and Borough Council having requested the members of the Craft to assist in laying the foundation-stone , and the permission of Bro . the Hon . R . Southey , Prov . G . M ., having been obtained , the brethren of the British Kaffrarian Lodge ( No . 853 ) assembled at their lodge at nine o'clocka . m . The
, lodge being opened the members formed in regular order and proceeded to Prince Alfred-square , and joined a procession returning from turning the first sod of the water works , which then marched to Market-square in the following order . On arriving at the site for the town-hall , the procession formed an avenue through wliich the Masonic lodge passed , and took up a position around the stone , Mrs . Peters , the Mayoress , Mr . Justice Fitzpatrick , Archdeacon Vutton , and the Mayor ,
also standing with them . Bro . J . F . Lonsdale , AV . M ., then called upon the Archdeacon to read the prayers . At ' the conclusion of the prayer , Bro . Lonsdale , AA ' . M ., then called upon Bro . Blake , P . M ., to baud the trowel to the Mayoress . The AV . M . then called upon Bro . Street , the Secretary , to read the inscription and deposit the same . The inscription was as follows : — " This stone was laid by Mrs . Peters , assisted by the brethren of the British Kaffrarian Masonic Lodge ( No . S 53 ) , on the 15 th day of November , 1866 , . being the thirtieth year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Alctoria ; Sir
Philip Edmond AA ' odehonse being Governor of Cape Colony ; Sir Percy Robert Douglas , Bart ., Commander of the Forces ; Richard Taylor , Esq ., Civil Commissioner for the Division of King AVilliamstowu ; Colonel John Armstrong , Commandant of the Garrison : James Peters , Esq ., Mayor of the Borough ; Messrs . Thomas Cox , John Michael Peacock , John Spyron , jun ., George Robert Street , John Osborn Bate , AA'illiam Monteith Pears , Alexander Duncan , Robert MacAA'illiams , and James
McIntyre , Borough Councillors ; William Stewart AA ' ebb , Town Clerk ; and AA'allace Hewetson , Market-master . The architects of the building are Messrs . AA ' elchman and Reed ; and the contractors , Messrs . Hendry , Pearce , Musgrove , and Gilbert . Signed with the Borough Seal , this 15 th day of November , 1866 . " This inscription , beautifully written on parchment , had been placed in a bottle , securely sealed , together with a copy of the two local papersthe Gazelle and the Watchmanand were
, , deposited by the Secretary in the cavity prepared for them . Bro . Robertson , the Treasurer , having read tho list of coins , and deposited the same , a copy of the by-laws of the British Kaffrarian Lodge were deposited in the stone . The builder then proceeded to spread the mortar , after wliich the Mayoress spread a quantity of cement with the trowel previously presented to her for that purpose , and the stone was lowered with three the band solemn music
stops , playing The stono being finally adjusted , the * AV . M . said : Bro . Junior AVarden , the plumb being the proper jewel of your office , I will thank you to apply it to the several edges of the stone and report to me whether or no they are correct .
' Bro . Kulhman : AA'orshipful Sir , I have tested the stone with the plumb , and find it truly and properly laid . Bro . Senior Warden , the level being the proper jewel of your office , I will thank you to apply it to the top of the stone , and report to me whether it is convent . Bro . McIntyre : Worshipful Sir , I have tested the stone with the level , and find it truly and properly laid .
Bro . Past Master : The square being the proper jewel of your office , I will thank you to apply it to those parts of the stone which should be square and report to mo whether or no they are correct . Bro . Egan : AVorshipful Sir , I have tested the stone with the square and find it truly and jiroperly laid . The AVorshipful Master : Brethren , fully assured of your skillit only remains for me to call upon the Mayoress to finish
, the work and pronounce the stone duly laid . The mallet was then handed to the Mayoress , who struck the stone with it three times , and then in a clear voice declared it duly laid as follows : "I do hereby declare this stono well laid , true and trusty . May this undertaking be conducted and completed by the craftsmen according to plans , in peace , harmony , and brotherly love . " The stone now being laidthe band played "Rule Britannia "
, , after which Mr . Schermbrucker again called for three cheers forthe Lady Mayoress , then three more for the Mayor , and three more for the guests . The AA ' orshipful Master then called upon Mr . Trill , the Superintendent of AVorks , to produce the plans of the building , which being handed to him , he examined them , and then , addressing the Mayor , said : Your AVorshipful the Mayor , have you approved
of these plans ? The Mayor -. AVe have . The AVorshipful Master , addressing the Superintendent of Works : I return these plans to you , enjoining upon you the utmost care and diligence in the prosecution of the work . The ewers containing respectively corn , wine , and oil , were then handed in turn to the AV . M ., who proceeded as follows : — I scatter this corn as an emblem of plenty ; I pour this wine as an emblem of cheerfulness and joy ; I pour this oil as an emblem of happiness and prosperity , and may corn , wine , and oil , and
all the other necessaries of life abound among the inhabitants of King AVilliam ' s Town . Bro . Lonsdale , W . M ., then gave the following address : It is customary at tbe erection of stately or superb edjfie . es , to lay the first or foundation-stone at the north-east corner , and they had assembled on the present occasion to witness that ceremony . AVe , Masons , meet you here to-day not for display , but to promote harmony and good-will , and it gives me groat pleasure to
find we are joined in the same object by the brethren of the Odd Fellows and British Kaffraria Brethren Benefit Society . Freemasonry being in bad odour with many owing to its profound secrets , more especially among the ladies , that being a virtue they did not admire , although in possession of many other great and good virtues , aud this being a red-letter day in the annals of King AAllliam ' s Town , I shall proceed to divulge a few of those great secrets . The tools now in my hands you
have seen applied as used by operative Masons , but we beingfree or speculative , apply them to our morals in this sense , the square teaches morality , directing us to the volume of the sacred law as the standard of our faith ; the level , equality , reminding us that God is no respecter of persons ; the plumb rule , justice and uprightness of action , and when this building is completed may the councillors whp assemble there to direct the government of tho boroughbe actuated bthe same principles and
, y thereby promote prosperity , happiness , and general contentment among the inhabitants . I cannot bring these few remarks to a close without expressing to Dr . Peters , the Mayor , our gratification at having assisted at this interesting ceremony today , and I tender to your worship on behalf of the lodge of which I am the AA ' . M ., our sincere thanks to the borough council for the honour they conferred upon ns . May the Great Architect in his benign wisdom and goodness , bestow his blessing
upon the work . The Mayor , addressing the AV . M . and the assembly , said : It had been a matter of much satisfaction to himself , and he was sure also to Mrs . Peters to have been honoured with the duty of laying that stone . He was most happy to see the work commenced under such favourable circumstances , and he was certain that when the time came that he should cease to be the Mayor , it would be a very pleasing reflection that the council would then have a much better room to meet in than they ever had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Important measures have also been introduced for the guidance of the lodge , and it is to be hoped that the other lodges will copy the example set by the AA' . M . of the Lodge of Antiquity , who is one of the most eminent Masons , and one who has held the highest position the Craft could afford iu this country . This lodge also does everything that can be done outside , through their Committee of General Purposes , which is composed of ten of the members , who meet a few days before the
stated meeting of lodge and consider all Masonic matters brought before them , and report and recommend to the lodge . This committee , therefore , does the principle portion of the outside work , and saves the lodge at least fifty per cent of its time generally used in voting and discussing . The initiation fee to this lodge will in three months be one hundred dollars , it now stands at forty , and the increase is recommended as a tendency to benefit the Order in the estimation of the outer worldand ,
, indeed , did all the lodges follow their example Masonry would take a predominancy here and elsewhere . A course of Masonic lectures was introduced here last winter by the D . D . G . M . of this district with great satisfaction and benefit to the brethren , and I believe the same will be repeated this winter .
Cape Of Good Hope.
LAVING THE FOUNDATION STONE OE THE TOWN HALL , KING WILLIAM ' S TOWN , BRITISH KAEPRARIA , WITH MASONIC HONOURS , ON THE 15 th NOVEMBER , 1866 . The Mayor and Borough Council having requested the members of the Craft to assist in laying the foundation-stone , and the permission of Bro . the Hon . R . Southey , Prov . G . M ., having been obtained , the brethren of the British Kaffrarian Lodge ( No . 853 ) assembled at their lodge at nine o'clocka . m . The
, lodge being opened the members formed in regular order and proceeded to Prince Alfred-square , and joined a procession returning from turning the first sod of the water works , which then marched to Market-square in the following order . On arriving at the site for the town-hall , the procession formed an avenue through wliich the Masonic lodge passed , and took up a position around the stone , Mrs . Peters , the Mayoress , Mr . Justice Fitzpatrick , Archdeacon Vutton , and the Mayor ,
also standing with them . Bro . J . F . Lonsdale , AV . M ., then called upon the Archdeacon to read the prayers . At ' the conclusion of the prayer , Bro . Lonsdale , AA ' . M ., then called upon Bro . Blake , P . M ., to baud the trowel to the Mayoress . The AV . M . then called upon Bro . Street , the Secretary , to read the inscription and deposit the same . The inscription was as follows : — " This stone was laid by Mrs . Peters , assisted by the brethren of the British Kaffrarian Masonic Lodge ( No . S 53 ) , on the 15 th day of November , 1866 , . being the thirtieth year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Alctoria ; Sir
Philip Edmond AA ' odehonse being Governor of Cape Colony ; Sir Percy Robert Douglas , Bart ., Commander of the Forces ; Richard Taylor , Esq ., Civil Commissioner for the Division of King AVilliamstowu ; Colonel John Armstrong , Commandant of the Garrison : James Peters , Esq ., Mayor of the Borough ; Messrs . Thomas Cox , John Michael Peacock , John Spyron , jun ., George Robert Street , John Osborn Bate , AA'illiam Monteith Pears , Alexander Duncan , Robert MacAA'illiams , and James
McIntyre , Borough Councillors ; William Stewart AA ' ebb , Town Clerk ; and AA'allace Hewetson , Market-master . The architects of the building are Messrs . AA ' elchman and Reed ; and the contractors , Messrs . Hendry , Pearce , Musgrove , and Gilbert . Signed with the Borough Seal , this 15 th day of November , 1866 . " This inscription , beautifully written on parchment , had been placed in a bottle , securely sealed , together with a copy of the two local papersthe Gazelle and the Watchmanand were
, , deposited by the Secretary in the cavity prepared for them . Bro . Robertson , the Treasurer , having read tho list of coins , and deposited the same , a copy of the by-laws of the British Kaffrarian Lodge were deposited in the stone . The builder then proceeded to spread the mortar , after wliich the Mayoress spread a quantity of cement with the trowel previously presented to her for that purpose , and the stone was lowered with three the band solemn music
stops , playing The stono being finally adjusted , the * AV . M . said : Bro . Junior AVarden , the plumb being the proper jewel of your office , I will thank you to apply it to the several edges of the stone and report to me whether or no they are correct .
' Bro . Kulhman : AA'orshipful Sir , I have tested the stone with the plumb , and find it truly and properly laid . Bro . Senior Warden , the level being the proper jewel of your office , I will thank you to apply it to the top of the stone , and report to me whether it is convent . Bro . McIntyre : Worshipful Sir , I have tested the stone with the level , and find it truly and properly laid .
Bro . Past Master : The square being the proper jewel of your office , I will thank you to apply it to those parts of the stone which should be square and report to mo whether or no they are correct . Bro . Egan : AVorshipful Sir , I have tested the stone with the square and find it truly and jiroperly laid . The AVorshipful Master : Brethren , fully assured of your skillit only remains for me to call upon the Mayoress to finish
, the work and pronounce the stone duly laid . The mallet was then handed to the Mayoress , who struck the stone with it three times , and then in a clear voice declared it duly laid as follows : "I do hereby declare this stono well laid , true and trusty . May this undertaking be conducted and completed by the craftsmen according to plans , in peace , harmony , and brotherly love . " The stone now being laidthe band played "Rule Britannia "
, , after which Mr . Schermbrucker again called for three cheers forthe Lady Mayoress , then three more for the Mayor , and three more for the guests . The AA ' orshipful Master then called upon Mr . Trill , the Superintendent of AVorks , to produce the plans of the building , which being handed to him , he examined them , and then , addressing the Mayor , said : Your AVorshipful the Mayor , have you approved
of these plans ? The Mayor -. AVe have . The AVorshipful Master , addressing the Superintendent of Works : I return these plans to you , enjoining upon you the utmost care and diligence in the prosecution of the work . The ewers containing respectively corn , wine , and oil , were then handed in turn to the AV . M ., who proceeded as follows : — I scatter this corn as an emblem of plenty ; I pour this wine as an emblem of cheerfulness and joy ; I pour this oil as an emblem of happiness and prosperity , and may corn , wine , and oil , and
all the other necessaries of life abound among the inhabitants of King AVilliam ' s Town . Bro . Lonsdale , W . M ., then gave the following address : It is customary at tbe erection of stately or superb edjfie . es , to lay the first or foundation-stone at the north-east corner , and they had assembled on the present occasion to witness that ceremony . AVe , Masons , meet you here to-day not for display , but to promote harmony and good-will , and it gives me groat pleasure to
find we are joined in the same object by the brethren of the Odd Fellows and British Kaffraria Brethren Benefit Society . Freemasonry being in bad odour with many owing to its profound secrets , more especially among the ladies , that being a virtue they did not admire , although in possession of many other great and good virtues , aud this being a red-letter day in the annals of King AAllliam ' s Town , I shall proceed to divulge a few of those great secrets . The tools now in my hands you
have seen applied as used by operative Masons , but we beingfree or speculative , apply them to our morals in this sense , the square teaches morality , directing us to the volume of the sacred law as the standard of our faith ; the level , equality , reminding us that God is no respecter of persons ; the plumb rule , justice and uprightness of action , and when this building is completed may the councillors whp assemble there to direct the government of tho boroughbe actuated bthe same principles and
, y thereby promote prosperity , happiness , and general contentment among the inhabitants . I cannot bring these few remarks to a close without expressing to Dr . Peters , the Mayor , our gratification at having assisted at this interesting ceremony today , and I tender to your worship on behalf of the lodge of which I am the AA ' . M ., our sincere thanks to the borough council for the honour they conferred upon ns . May the Great Architect in his benign wisdom and goodness , bestow his blessing
upon the work . The Mayor , addressing the AV . M . and the assembly , said : It had been a matter of much satisfaction to himself , and he was sure also to Mrs . Peters to have been honoured with the duty of laying that stone . He was most happy to see the work commenced under such favourable circumstances , and he was certain that when the time came that he should cease to be the Mayor , it would be a very pleasing reflection that the council would then have a much better room to meet in than they ever had