Article CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Cape Of Good Hope.
before . He sincerely hoped that the building would be successfully prosecuted , and when completed would be the means of much prosperity , and that they would all see better days . Mr . Schermbrucker then gave an invitation " to the public at large" to repair to the ground near ( he new cemetery , for refreshments and sports . He hoped all the inhabitants of King William ' s Town would enjoy themselves , and then called for
several cheers . The Mayor said that with all the cheering there was still one name which , although it had been omitted , he was sure it was not forgotten— "Three cheers for the Queen . " These were given iu the Kaffrarian style , right loyally , after which , the ceremony being concluded , the assembly began to disperse . The band of the 1 st 10 th headed the Masonic lodge , and that of the Cape M . Rifles that of the Odd Fellows and Kaffrarian Brethren , to their respective lodge rooms .
Royal Arch.
AVESTMORELAND . KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —The annual meeting of this lately revived and ancient chapter was heid at the Masonic Hall , Kendal , on Thursday ; the 31 st January , at twelve of the clock , prompt time . Comps . Greares , M . E . Z . ; Edward Busher , H . and J . " AVylie , as J . ; S . GarriMi , P . S . ; T . Wilson , Scribe E . ; John AVhitwell , Scribe N . ; J . 0 . Atkmsou , Janitor , & c ; C . J . Banister , P . Z . ; A . C . Mott , P . Z . ; and AVilson ,
Liverpool ; W . AVilson , High Park ; C . J . Thomson ; Jones Taylor ; T . R . Clapham ; Ed . Hibberd ; John Medcalf ; Rev . J . Simpson ; Henry Stephen ; Rev . Thomas Simpson , Halecot Hall ; Robert Butterwith , Organist ; Daniel Harrison , & c . The minutes ofthe previous minutes having been read , confirmed , and signed , and the ballot having been taken for Bros . R . James and R . Hodgson , both M . M . s of twelve years' standing and upwards . The chairs were then taken bComps . Mottas M . E . T . Bannister
y , as H ., and Wylie , as J ., and assisted by Comps . AA'ilson , of Liverpool , and Garwith ; the above-named brethren , having given satisfactory proof of ability , were , in a most impressive and efficient manner , admitted into the privileges of Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . Edward Busher having been duly elected , was installed as M . E . Z . for the ensuing year by M . E . P-Z . Mott , Comp . Bowes was proclaimed H ., and Comp . AVhitwell was nstalled J . for the next twelve months . Comps . J . AA'ilson
, AV . Wilson , and S . Garwith were severally initiated as Scribes E . and N . and P . S ., after which the chapter was closed in harmony by the newly-installed officers , and the companions adjourned to the King's Arms Hotel , and fraternised with the brethren of 129 , and spent a most agreeable and happy evening with the members of the Craft .
IRELAND . SlciUereen Chapter ( No . 15 ) . —On Thursday , the 24 th ult ., a convocation of the companions of this chapter , attached to Lodge 15 , was held in their rooms , North-street . There were present , Comps . R . H . H . Becher , Dr . Hidden , Charles Gierke , Robert Atkins , John F . Lewis , Richard Lee , James Douglas , William EddyAA ' alter TownsendAA'illiam SwantonThomas
, , , Trinder , F . P . E . Potter , and J . AV . Potter . The chapter having been duly _ opened , the following officers were appointed for the ensuing twelvemonths : —Dr . Somerville , King ; John F . Lewis , High Priest ; Frederick P . E . Potter , Chief Scribe ; Charles Gierke , Capt . of Host ; R . Beamish , Supt . ofthe Tabernacle ; Robert Atkins , Royal Arch Captain ; It . H- H . Beecher , Capt . of the Scarlet Veil ; AVilliam Eddy , Capt . of the Purple Veil ;
and Thomas Tonkins , Capt . of the Blue Veil . The following brethren were then initiated into the fourth degree of Masonry , and afterwards received into the chapter , the different degrees being conferred by Bro . R . Atkins : —Cornet Cox , Lieutenant Pole , Capt Gillett . J . Wilson , and AA ' . Brenan . There being no further business to transact , tlie companions retired from labour to refreshment , in which they were joined by several members ofthe Blue Lodge . The following comps . sat down to supper : —
R . H . H . Beecher , Cornet Cox , Lieut . Pole , Capt . Gillett , Charles Gierke , John F . Levis , Charles Laurence , Dr . Atkins , Robert Atkins , R . Lee , Sergeant-Major Dennier , T . Trinder , James Douglas , H . E . Nichols , — Brenan , John AA'ilson , John O'Donoghue , AA . Eddy , and Frederick P . Potter . The usual loyal Masonic toasts were given and responded to , after which followed singing and several social toasts . This short notice would be incomplete if mention was not made of the very
Royal Arch.
creditable way in which the supper was served up by Mr . O'Keeffe , proprietor of the Beecher Arms . CANADA . QUEBEC— Stadacona Chapter ( No . 13 , G . R . C . )—The following are the officers of this chapter for the present year : Comps .
Henry J . Pratten , 1 st P . Z . ; Thomas Lambert , P . Z . and D . S . ; C . Staveley , 2 nd P . H . ; Henry Smeaton , 3 rd P . J . ; W . Couper , Scribe E . ; J . Chalmers , Scribe N . ; AA ' . Press , Treas . ; Charles Knowles , jun ., P . S .,- John Breakey , S . S . ; H . P . Reid , J . S . ; AV . Clearihue , Dir . of Cers . ; A . Thorn and D . Kerr , Stewards ; T . Hatch , Standard Bearer ; W . Peard , Janitor . QUEBEC—Si . John ' s Chapter ( No . 182 , E . G . ) . —The
installation of officers of this chapter for the present year took place on the 6 th Dec , 1866 . The officers were installed by the M . E . Comp . Thompson , and are as follow : —Comps . Geo . Thompson , 1 st Prin . Z . ; James Dunbar , 2 nd Prin . H . j 0 . H . E . Tilstone , 3 rd Prin . J . ; H . P . Leggatt , Scribe E- ; Crawford , Scribe N . ; T . Laidlaw , Prin . Soj . ; T . J . Reeves and W . Bell , Assist . Sojs .. ; G . Veasey , Treas . ; Dawson , Org . ; and J . Chalmers , Dir .. of Cers .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . THE SOUTHWARK LODGE OF MARK MASTERS ( No . 22 )" . — The regular meeting of this old lodge was held on Monday , February 4 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . Punctually at half-past six o'clock p . m ., the AV . M . Bro . Dr . F . J . Lilley sounded the gavel and opened the lodge . The minutes of the last meeting were read and unanimously
confirmed . The ballots for candidates were unanimous in favour of their admission . Bros . R . AA ' . Little , P . M ., W . Turner , and J . H . H . Doughney being present , were duly advanced to the ancient ; and honourable degree of Mark Master Freemasons . There were present—Bros . J . Hawker , as M . O . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . O . ; Allenden , as J . O . ; A . D . Loewenstark , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Ord , Reg . ; F . AValton , P . AI ., Sec ; J . Read , S . D . ; AV . Noak ? . J . D . ; T . H . MeredithI . G . ; AV . BillingtonAV . S . ; J .
, , Tuckett , AA' . Dalziel , D . Masson , E . Harris , C . A . Cathie , and many others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . S . B ., P . AI . S ; K . Watts , W . M . 8 ; A . Rule , and others whose names we could not get . The lodge was duly closed . Bro . Dr . F . J . Lilley , AA ' . M ., gave all the work in a superior and an impressive manner , which was pleasing to all present . The next meeting will be held on Monday , April 1 st , at half-past six o ' clock p . m .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN , DEVONPORT . — Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 64 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 28 th ult . Bro . A'incent Bird , AV . M ., Grand Master Overseer , presiding , there being present also , Bro . S . Chappie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg ., and P . G . Dir . of Cers . of the Grand Lodge of M . M . ; and Bro . Henry Townsend , a visitor from the Leinster Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 387 ) Malta , together with the
office bearers and other members of this lodge . The business was opened with a prayer imploring the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe on the duties of the evening , after which the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for a brother hailing as a Master Mason from Lodge No . 954 , -which was unanimous , but the brother in question being unavoidably absent , the working of the degree was unnecessary . The AV . M . announced that a
vacancy had occurred in the list of his officers by the resignation of the J . O ., he therefore called Bro . John Brown , Prov . G . Steward , to the pedestal , and invested him with the collar and jewel of that office . Bro . Forwell was also invested as I . G ., vice Brown ; and Bro . Masters as Steward . Notice of motion affecting the proposition of candidates was made by the Treasurer ; and an order by the lodge that the marks of those Craftsmen who were not already on the walls of the building , should at once be placed there . Labour being thus ended , the lodge was closed with the accustomed solemnity .
BEDFORDSHIRE . LEIGHTON BUZZARD . —Seaudesert Lodge ( No . 97 ) . —A new lodg under this name and number , and holding warrant from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , was opened ab Leighton Buzzard on Thursday , the 31 st . ult . The ceremony
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cape Of Good Hope.
before . He sincerely hoped that the building would be successfully prosecuted , and when completed would be the means of much prosperity , and that they would all see better days . Mr . Schermbrucker then gave an invitation " to the public at large" to repair to the ground near ( he new cemetery , for refreshments and sports . He hoped all the inhabitants of King William ' s Town would enjoy themselves , and then called for
several cheers . The Mayor said that with all the cheering there was still one name which , although it had been omitted , he was sure it was not forgotten— "Three cheers for the Queen . " These were given iu the Kaffrarian style , right loyally , after which , the ceremony being concluded , the assembly began to disperse . The band of the 1 st 10 th headed the Masonic lodge , and that of the Cape M . Rifles that of the Odd Fellows and Kaffrarian Brethren , to their respective lodge rooms .
Royal Arch.
AVESTMORELAND . KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —The annual meeting of this lately revived and ancient chapter was heid at the Masonic Hall , Kendal , on Thursday ; the 31 st January , at twelve of the clock , prompt time . Comps . Greares , M . E . Z . ; Edward Busher , H . and J . " AVylie , as J . ; S . GarriMi , P . S . ; T . Wilson , Scribe E . ; John AVhitwell , Scribe N . ; J . 0 . Atkmsou , Janitor , & c ; C . J . Banister , P . Z . ; A . C . Mott , P . Z . ; and AVilson ,
Liverpool ; W . AVilson , High Park ; C . J . Thomson ; Jones Taylor ; T . R . Clapham ; Ed . Hibberd ; John Medcalf ; Rev . J . Simpson ; Henry Stephen ; Rev . Thomas Simpson , Halecot Hall ; Robert Butterwith , Organist ; Daniel Harrison , & c . The minutes ofthe previous minutes having been read , confirmed , and signed , and the ballot having been taken for Bros . R . James and R . Hodgson , both M . M . s of twelve years' standing and upwards . The chairs were then taken bComps . Mottas M . E . T . Bannister
y , as H ., and Wylie , as J ., and assisted by Comps . AA'ilson , of Liverpool , and Garwith ; the above-named brethren , having given satisfactory proof of ability , were , in a most impressive and efficient manner , admitted into the privileges of Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . Edward Busher having been duly elected , was installed as M . E . Z . for the ensuing year by M . E . P-Z . Mott , Comp . Bowes was proclaimed H ., and Comp . AVhitwell was nstalled J . for the next twelve months . Comps . J . AA'ilson
, AV . Wilson , and S . Garwith were severally initiated as Scribes E . and N . and P . S ., after which the chapter was closed in harmony by the newly-installed officers , and the companions adjourned to the King's Arms Hotel , and fraternised with the brethren of 129 , and spent a most agreeable and happy evening with the members of the Craft .
IRELAND . SlciUereen Chapter ( No . 15 ) . —On Thursday , the 24 th ult ., a convocation of the companions of this chapter , attached to Lodge 15 , was held in their rooms , North-street . There were present , Comps . R . H . H . Becher , Dr . Hidden , Charles Gierke , Robert Atkins , John F . Lewis , Richard Lee , James Douglas , William EddyAA ' alter TownsendAA'illiam SwantonThomas
, , , Trinder , F . P . E . Potter , and J . AV . Potter . The chapter having been duly _ opened , the following officers were appointed for the ensuing twelvemonths : —Dr . Somerville , King ; John F . Lewis , High Priest ; Frederick P . E . Potter , Chief Scribe ; Charles Gierke , Capt . of Host ; R . Beamish , Supt . ofthe Tabernacle ; Robert Atkins , Royal Arch Captain ; It . H- H . Beecher , Capt . of the Scarlet Veil ; AVilliam Eddy , Capt . of the Purple Veil ;
and Thomas Tonkins , Capt . of the Blue Veil . The following brethren were then initiated into the fourth degree of Masonry , and afterwards received into the chapter , the different degrees being conferred by Bro . R . Atkins : —Cornet Cox , Lieutenant Pole , Capt Gillett . J . Wilson , and AA ' . Brenan . There being no further business to transact , tlie companions retired from labour to refreshment , in which they were joined by several members ofthe Blue Lodge . The following comps . sat down to supper : —
R . H . H . Beecher , Cornet Cox , Lieut . Pole , Capt . Gillett , Charles Gierke , John F . Levis , Charles Laurence , Dr . Atkins , Robert Atkins , R . Lee , Sergeant-Major Dennier , T . Trinder , James Douglas , H . E . Nichols , — Brenan , John AA'ilson , John O'Donoghue , AA . Eddy , and Frederick P . Potter . The usual loyal Masonic toasts were given and responded to , after which followed singing and several social toasts . This short notice would be incomplete if mention was not made of the very
Royal Arch.
creditable way in which the supper was served up by Mr . O'Keeffe , proprietor of the Beecher Arms . CANADA . QUEBEC— Stadacona Chapter ( No . 13 , G . R . C . )—The following are the officers of this chapter for the present year : Comps .
Henry J . Pratten , 1 st P . Z . ; Thomas Lambert , P . Z . and D . S . ; C . Staveley , 2 nd P . H . ; Henry Smeaton , 3 rd P . J . ; W . Couper , Scribe E . ; J . Chalmers , Scribe N . ; AA ' . Press , Treas . ; Charles Knowles , jun ., P . S .,- John Breakey , S . S . ; H . P . Reid , J . S . ; AV . Clearihue , Dir . of Cers . ; A . Thorn and D . Kerr , Stewards ; T . Hatch , Standard Bearer ; W . Peard , Janitor . QUEBEC—Si . John ' s Chapter ( No . 182 , E . G . ) . —The
installation of officers of this chapter for the present year took place on the 6 th Dec , 1866 . The officers were installed by the M . E . Comp . Thompson , and are as follow : —Comps . Geo . Thompson , 1 st Prin . Z . ; James Dunbar , 2 nd Prin . H . j 0 . H . E . Tilstone , 3 rd Prin . J . ; H . P . Leggatt , Scribe E- ; Crawford , Scribe N . ; T . Laidlaw , Prin . Soj . ; T . J . Reeves and W . Bell , Assist . Sojs .. ; G . Veasey , Treas . ; Dawson , Org . ; and J . Chalmers , Dir .. of Cers .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . THE SOUTHWARK LODGE OF MARK MASTERS ( No . 22 )" . — The regular meeting of this old lodge was held on Monday , February 4 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . Punctually at half-past six o'clock p . m ., the AV . M . Bro . Dr . F . J . Lilley sounded the gavel and opened the lodge . The minutes of the last meeting were read and unanimously
confirmed . The ballots for candidates were unanimous in favour of their admission . Bros . R . AA ' . Little , P . M ., W . Turner , and J . H . H . Doughney being present , were duly advanced to the ancient ; and honourable degree of Mark Master Freemasons . There were present—Bros . J . Hawker , as M . O . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . O . ; Allenden , as J . O . ; A . D . Loewenstark , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Ord , Reg . ; F . AValton , P . AI ., Sec ; J . Read , S . D . ; AV . Noak ? . J . D . ; T . H . MeredithI . G . ; AV . BillingtonAV . S . ; J .
, , Tuckett , AA' . Dalziel , D . Masson , E . Harris , C . A . Cathie , and many others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . S . B ., P . AI . S ; K . Watts , W . M . 8 ; A . Rule , and others whose names we could not get . The lodge was duly closed . Bro . Dr . F . J . Lilley , AA ' . M ., gave all the work in a superior and an impressive manner , which was pleasing to all present . The next meeting will be held on Monday , April 1 st , at half-past six o ' clock p . m .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN , DEVONPORT . — Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 64 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 28 th ult . Bro . A'incent Bird , AV . M ., Grand Master Overseer , presiding , there being present also , Bro . S . Chappie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg ., and P . G . Dir . of Cers . of the Grand Lodge of M . M . ; and Bro . Henry Townsend , a visitor from the Leinster Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 387 ) Malta , together with the
office bearers and other members of this lodge . The business was opened with a prayer imploring the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe on the duties of the evening , after which the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for a brother hailing as a Master Mason from Lodge No . 954 , -which was unanimous , but the brother in question being unavoidably absent , the working of the degree was unnecessary . The AV . M . announced that a
vacancy had occurred in the list of his officers by the resignation of the J . O ., he therefore called Bro . John Brown , Prov . G . Steward , to the pedestal , and invested him with the collar and jewel of that office . Bro . Forwell was also invested as I . G ., vice Brown ; and Bro . Masters as Steward . Notice of motion affecting the proposition of candidates was made by the Treasurer ; and an order by the lodge that the marks of those Craftsmen who were not already on the walls of the building , should at once be placed there . Labour being thus ended , the lodge was closed with the accustomed solemnity .
BEDFORDSHIRE . LEIGHTON BUZZARD . —Seaudesert Lodge ( No . 97 ) . —A new lodg under this name and number , and holding warrant from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , was opened ab Leighton Buzzard on Thursday , the 31 st . ult . The ceremony