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A Sketch Of The Philosophy, Traditions, And Records Of The Masonic Order Of The Red * Or Knights Of Constantine, At Present Under The Command Of Lord Kenlis, M. Ill. G. Sov.
withdraw from the Council . On their retirement the Grand Council of this enlightened degree was closed in ancient form . " The report of the next meeting is thus headed , " At a Grand Chapter of the illustrious Order of the Red Cross , holden in
pursuance of a summons for that purpose , at Freemasons Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , on Thursday , the 23 rd day of May , A . L . 5815 , A . D . 1811 , A . O . 1508 . Present Sir W . R . Wright , G . M . ; R . Jebb , G . Chamberlain and G . Lt . pro
tam . ; W . H . White , J . Lt . pro torn . ; H . Woodthorpe , T . W . H . Woodthorpe , J . Dyke , H . J . Da Costa . It was duly reported at this assembly that the Noviciate Cross of the Order had been conferred upon Sir J . Austin and Sir John Goff , who with Sir S . Hanning and Sir R . Spencer Avere then elected Grand Crosses .
The chapter was then thrown open to the Knights Noviciate in attendance , viz ., Sir J . Goff , Sir J . Austin , and Sir R . Spencer , who being admitted and having read over the several articles of the Constitution of the Order , were informed
of the votes which had just been passed , and expressing- their desire to accept the honour intended to be conferred upon them , were ordered to retire , after which , being introduced in due form , they were severally professed and installed Sovereign
Knights of the Grand Cross of this Order , and made their offerings accordingly . " Sir Richard Jebb gave notice of a request it was his intention to prefer to the High Council , viz ., that as he was
about to leave this country for India , he might be empowered to create a certain number of noviciate knights beyond the six on whom he was entitled to confer that honour , by virtue of his situation as a Grand Officer of the Order . And also that he
might have power to do so without the necessity of waiting for the consent of the High Council , and further , that he might receive a special dispensation empowering , as in case of urgent necessity , to instal two of such noviciate kni ghts
to be of the Grand Cross of the Order without the presence and assistance of any other knight of the Grand Cross , that is , within the limits of British India .
Sir H . Woodthorpe gave notice of his intention to move that no knig ht noviciate of this Order be in future admitted to the Grand Cross until he has actually performed the bounden service of a noviciate at a Grand or subordinate chapter thereof . A special meeting was then ordered to be
convened on the Gth June , for the purpose of installing such knights noviciate as might be able to attend , also to fill up vacancies in the High Council , and "for the members of the High Council so filled up to elect and appoint from
amongst themselves , the Grand Master and several Grand Officers of the Order for the ensuing two vears . " Two members were fined 10 s . 6 d . each
at this meeting for non-attendance , although " within the reach of the summons . " At the special meeting held on the Gth June , 1811 , Sir T . P . Slapp and Sir R . Jebb resigned their several offices in the Council , and Sir Ii . J . Da Costa and
Sir T . W . Woodthorpe were elected in their stead . Sir W . R . Wright was re-elected G . M ., with the Rev . G . A . Browne and J . 0 . Burckhardt as his
Lieutenants ; C . Dalton , G . Chancellor ; Fredk . Perkins , G . Marshall ; H . J . Da Costa , G . Chamberlain ; and T . W . H . Woodthorpe , G . Registrar . The requests of Sir R . Jebb , as to installing and ! promoting knights in India were unanimously
agreed to ., Sir J . Foulston and Sir S . Hamning , D . D ., were installed Grand Crosses of the Order . The motion of Sir H . Woodthorpe ^ respecting the necessary qualification , for election to the Grand Cross Avas also carried .
The next Grand Chapter was held on the 13 th April , 1813 , and after the roll-call and confirmation of the minutes , Sir A . Perkins and Sir J . White were elected and installed in regular form as Sovereigns of the Order . It was reported that
the Cross of the Order had been conferred upon the folloAving knights by various members of the High Council Avhose names are stated in the minutes , viz .: Sir R . L . Percy , Sir S . J . Tuffnell , Sir S . McGillivray , Sir W . Williams , Sir W .
Meyer , Sir John Aldridge , Sir AndreAvD . O'Kelly , the Right Hon . Edward Lord HaAvke , Sir John Shenvood , aud Sir T . Blackie , a knight of the Temple . Eig ht of the above neAV members being present ,
took their seats accordingly , and Sir R . L . Percy * and A . D . O'Kelly havin g duly complied with the laAvs as to servitude Avere proposed for the Grand Cross . The Grand Chamberlain obtained permission to confer the Noviciate Cross upon Sir James Moss , a knight of the Temple .
The minutes of the next meeting on Tuesday , 18 th May , 1813 , are very interesting , and there Avas a large attendance of knights . It was reported that the Noviciate Cross had been conferred upon Sir James Gumming . R . L . Percy and A .
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A Sketch Of The Philosophy, Traditions, And Records Of The Masonic Order Of The Red * Or Knights Of Constantine, At Present Under The Command Of Lord Kenlis, M. Ill. G. Sov.
withdraw from the Council . On their retirement the Grand Council of this enlightened degree was closed in ancient form . " The report of the next meeting is thus headed , " At a Grand Chapter of the illustrious Order of the Red Cross , holden in
pursuance of a summons for that purpose , at Freemasons Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , on Thursday , the 23 rd day of May , A . L . 5815 , A . D . 1811 , A . O . 1508 . Present Sir W . R . Wright , G . M . ; R . Jebb , G . Chamberlain and G . Lt . pro
tam . ; W . H . White , J . Lt . pro torn . ; H . Woodthorpe , T . W . H . Woodthorpe , J . Dyke , H . J . Da Costa . It was duly reported at this assembly that the Noviciate Cross of the Order had been conferred upon Sir J . Austin and Sir John Goff , who with Sir S . Hanning and Sir R . Spencer Avere then elected Grand Crosses .
The chapter was then thrown open to the Knights Noviciate in attendance , viz ., Sir J . Goff , Sir J . Austin , and Sir R . Spencer , who being admitted and having read over the several articles of the Constitution of the Order , were informed
of the votes which had just been passed , and expressing- their desire to accept the honour intended to be conferred upon them , were ordered to retire , after which , being introduced in due form , they were severally professed and installed Sovereign
Knights of the Grand Cross of this Order , and made their offerings accordingly . " Sir Richard Jebb gave notice of a request it was his intention to prefer to the High Council , viz ., that as he was
about to leave this country for India , he might be empowered to create a certain number of noviciate knights beyond the six on whom he was entitled to confer that honour , by virtue of his situation as a Grand Officer of the Order . And also that he
might have power to do so without the necessity of waiting for the consent of the High Council , and further , that he might receive a special dispensation empowering , as in case of urgent necessity , to instal two of such noviciate kni ghts
to be of the Grand Cross of the Order without the presence and assistance of any other knight of the Grand Cross , that is , within the limits of British India .
Sir H . Woodthorpe gave notice of his intention to move that no knig ht noviciate of this Order be in future admitted to the Grand Cross until he has actually performed the bounden service of a noviciate at a Grand or subordinate chapter thereof . A special meeting was then ordered to be
convened on the Gth June , for the purpose of installing such knights noviciate as might be able to attend , also to fill up vacancies in the High Council , and "for the members of the High Council so filled up to elect and appoint from
amongst themselves , the Grand Master and several Grand Officers of the Order for the ensuing two vears . " Two members were fined 10 s . 6 d . each
at this meeting for non-attendance , although " within the reach of the summons . " At the special meeting held on the Gth June , 1811 , Sir T . P . Slapp and Sir R . Jebb resigned their several offices in the Council , and Sir Ii . J . Da Costa and
Sir T . W . Woodthorpe were elected in their stead . Sir W . R . Wright was re-elected G . M ., with the Rev . G . A . Browne and J . 0 . Burckhardt as his
Lieutenants ; C . Dalton , G . Chancellor ; Fredk . Perkins , G . Marshall ; H . J . Da Costa , G . Chamberlain ; and T . W . H . Woodthorpe , G . Registrar . The requests of Sir R . Jebb , as to installing and ! promoting knights in India were unanimously
agreed to ., Sir J . Foulston and Sir S . Hamning , D . D ., were installed Grand Crosses of the Order . The motion of Sir H . Woodthorpe ^ respecting the necessary qualification , for election to the Grand Cross Avas also carried .
The next Grand Chapter was held on the 13 th April , 1813 , and after the roll-call and confirmation of the minutes , Sir A . Perkins and Sir J . White were elected and installed in regular form as Sovereigns of the Order . It was reported that
the Cross of the Order had been conferred upon the folloAving knights by various members of the High Council Avhose names are stated in the minutes , viz .: Sir R . L . Percy , Sir S . J . Tuffnell , Sir S . McGillivray , Sir W . Williams , Sir W .
Meyer , Sir John Aldridge , Sir AndreAvD . O'Kelly , the Right Hon . Edward Lord HaAvke , Sir John Shenvood , aud Sir T . Blackie , a knight of the Temple . Eig ht of the above neAV members being present ,
took their seats accordingly , and Sir R . L . Percy * and A . D . O'Kelly havin g duly complied with the laAvs as to servitude Avere proposed for the Grand Cross . The Grand Chamberlain obtained permission to confer the Noviciate Cross upon Sir James Moss , a knight of the Temple .
The minutes of the next meeting on Tuesday , 18 th May , 1813 , are very interesting , and there Avas a large attendance of knights . It was reported that the Noviciate Cross had been conferred upon Sir James Gumming . R . L . Percy and A .