Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
bearing the following inscription : — " Pesented by the members of the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , to Bro . Edward Hughes , as a mark of their respect and esteem , for the very able and efficient maimer he has discharged the duties of Secretary to the lodge for the List eight years . " Bro . Partridge , P . M ., presented an old copy of the Book of Constitutions which had formerly belonged to the Castle Lodgefor which a vote of thanks was
, passed . Bro . Wilcox proposed for initiation Mr . Charles Rose . Bro . Marshall moved that two guineas be given to the Masonic Lifeboat Fund . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 4 th inst . There were present : Bros . Charles A . Long , W . M . ; W S . AdamsS . W . ; Thomas ArnoldJ . W . ; WelchP . M . Treas . ;
, , , , John W . Lyon , P . M ., Sec ; Wingham , S . D . ; Powell , I . G . ; E . C . White , C . S . ; Watson , Dyte , Charles Bennett , and Bley , P . M . 's ; and Dicketts , I . P . M . Bro . J . B . Davies , No . 753 , was present as a visitor . Messrs . Thomas Richard Morris , Thomas Dash Bellamy , and James Hedger were initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bro . Lazarus was passed to the second degree , and Bro . Pritchard raised to the third degree .
MOIRA LODGE ( NO . 92 ) . —On Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., the brethren of this lodge met at the London Tavern , Bishopsgatestreet , under the presidency of Bro . E . Home , W . M ., supported by Bros . Brett , S . W . ; W . Pen-in , J . W .: Ledger , S . D . ; Jacob , J . D . ; Harrington , P . M ., I . G . ; Thorne , P . M . ; Palmer , P . M . ; and Webster , P . M ., Sec . The business of the evening consisted of passing Bros . Holder Hogg , Dunstervillc Elliot , John
Elliot , ancl Alexander Mortimore to the degree of F . C ., and raising Bro . Henry Harben to the sublime degree of Master Mason . LODGE OH INDUSTRY ( No . 186 ) . —The brethren of the above lodge held a regular meeting on tbe 22 ud ult . at the Freemason ' s Hall , when there were present—Bros . T . Price , W . M . ; Talleut , S . W . ; Clark , J . W . ; Lake , P . M . ; Maun , P . M ., Treas . ; Moehemer
, Sec . and S . D . ; Lux , J . D . ; Wylie , I . G . ; Henley , TrV . S . ; J . Mortloek , I . P . M . ; Carpenter , & c The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Mr . John Cleaver was duly initiated into the Order , and Bro . Blake , jun ., was passed to the second degree . Tlie lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The brethren separated , after passing a most delightful evening . Some excellent singing was rendered during the evening liy Bros . Piatt , Scott , Simpson , Ltc .
ROYAL ALI < RED LODGE ( NO . 7 S 0 . —The regular meeting of this lodge for the transaction of business took plai-c at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , Ealing , on the 25 th ult ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Urn . Geo . Alfred Littlewood . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Adlard , P . M . 7 ; James Terry , P . M . and W . M . 1 , 278 ; B . P . Todd , P . M . 27 ; George Pymm , W . M . 74 , 9 ; George StatesP . G . S . and P . M . ; C . SpngnoletteP . Prov . G . J . W
, , . Berks and Bucks ; B . Clegg , I . G . 27 ; Durkin . 72 ; Balcombe , 1 , 278 ; Child , 34 ; Hunt , 276 ; Shepherd , 4-5 ; Barringer , 266 ; Parker , 31 , and others . The lodge having been opened , the W . AI . raised Bros . Tailing and Moorcroi't and passed Bro . Seward , performing the respective ceremonies in a most creditable manner . After the usual routine business of the lodge had been transacted and the lodge closed , a banquet was partaken
of , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . An address on vellum , together wir . li a purse containing twenty guineas , were presented to Bro . Henry G . Buss , the esteemed Secretary of the lodge , in presenting which , the AV . M . said he had to discharge a duty which might well be envied by every brother amongst them . In their Secretary they had a man in whom good aud kindly qualities were
transcendent—who was , in fact , in the highest Masonic sense , a brother amongst them , and towards whom they entertained the hallowed feelings of brotherhood . Bro . Buss had been the Secretary of that lodge since the year 1859 , and they knew how admirably he had fulfilled the duties devolving upon him . Any words of his would fail adequately to express their feelings towards Bro . Buss ^ and he trusted he would accept this memento of their affection in the spirit in which it was presentedand that he
, might long live to cherish the remembrance of that night and their humble efforts to render honour to whom honour is due . Bro . Buss replied in suitable terms . The toast of the visitors was responded to by Bro . G . S . States . SOUTHERN STAB LODGE ( NO . 1 , 158 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., at
Craft Masonry.
the Montpelier Tavern , Walworth , anel was numerously attended by members aud visitors . Bro . R . Clarke , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Bayfield , S . W . ; C . E . Thompson , J . W . ; Towers , S . D . ; Pago , J . D . ; Tarrell , I . G . ; H . Thompson , P . M . and Treas . ; Pulsford , P . M . and Sec ; Potters , P . M . ; Thomas , P . M . ; Dr . Goldsboro , P . M ., etc . The lodge was opened soon after four o ' clock , when the officers were all in their places . The minutes
of the last regular lodge , and the lodge of emergency were read and confirmed . There was a large amount of business to be transacted , there being six candidates for initiation , seven for passing , and six for raising , besides other important matters , including the election of a AV . M . for the ensuing year . A . ballot was taken , and Messrs . J . Carter , T . L . Allen , H . Painter , aud S . Muir , who were candidates for admission to the Order , being in attendancewere duly initiated into the mysteries and
privi-, leges of ancient Freemasonry . Tlie lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bros . Parr , Clayton , and Bolton were passed to the degree of F . C . Having undergone a preliminary examination , the lodge was opened in tho third degree , and Bros . Radford , Andrews , and Oldfield , were impressively raised to the degree of M . M . The whole of these ceremonies were well
performed by the W . AI . Ihe lodge was resumed to the first degree , when Bro . Pulsford , the Secretary , read the revised by-laws , which were approved . The next business was the election of a AV . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Bayfield , S . AV ., was unanimously elected to that office . Bro . H . Thomson , P . M ., was also unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Laing , as Tyler . It was proposed and carried unanimously , that a jewel of the value of ten guineasbe presented to Bro . R . E . Clarke on his
retire-, ment from the office of W . M . On the proposition of the W . M ., it was agreed that the sum of £ 5 be presented to the Royal Benevolent Institution for the AVidows of Freemasons , this sum completing anel making the lodge life subscribers to all the Masonic Institutions . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M . and Treas ., proposed , and Bro . Bayfield , S . AA ., seconded a motion , that the sum of two guineas he voted from the funds of the lodge towards
the Masonic Lifeboat , to be presented to the National Lifeboat Institution . The motion was unanimously carried , showing that the lodge is ever ready to listen to any worthy appeal that may be may be made to it . The AV . M . then said that he had a very pleasing duty to perform in a proposition he was about to make . The brethren all knew the ready and valuable services Bro . Dr . Goldsbro' had rendered them in the infancy of the lodge , and he
was at all times willing to do anything that lay in his power to promote its prosperity . He , therefore , had great pleasure in proposing that Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' should become an honorary member of the Southern Star Lodge , as a recognition of his services . Bro . C . E . Thompson , J . W ., seconded tho motion , and said he knew Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' as a good man and a good Mason , and at all times ready to render assistance , whether in or outside the lodge , and carry out the great precepts of the Order . The motion was unanimouslv acrreed tn . and Bro . j
— — — , , ~ a _ . — Goldsboro , ' in very feeling terms , expressed his sense of the high honour conferred upon him , which he should always remember with feclhigs of gratitude to the end of his life . Several propositions for initiation for the next meeting having been made , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet table , at which fifty-one sat down , ancl their creature comforts were well taken care of by mine host Bro . Allattwho was most assiduous in doing all
, in his power co give them satisfaction , and it was unanimously admitted that he had succeeded in doing so . After the cloth was drawn , the customary loyal toasts were given , and afterwards Bro . Allen returned thanks for the newly-initiated brethren . " The Health of the W . M . " was drunk with great cordiality , and the visitors severally responded , expressing the pleasure they had experienced in visiting the Southern Star Lodge , not
on account of the hospitality extended to them , but for the Masonic treat thoy had enjoyed in tlie working of the lodge , which was done in a manner that left nothing to be desired ; trusting again to have the opportunity of visiting them to receive a renewed pleasure in doing so . Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M . and Treas ., responded for the P . M . 's , aud alluded to the great success which has attended the lodge ever since its formation . It had not been three years in existenceand now
num-, bered upwards of eighty members . As the founder of the lodge , it was needless for him to say the gratification he experienced iu seeing its prosperity , hoping it might long enjoy the distinguished position in the Craft that it then occupied , and that it would ever keep alive those grand principles upon which their Order was founded . "The Health of the W . M . elect , " Bro
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
bearing the following inscription : — " Pesented by the members of the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , to Bro . Edward Hughes , as a mark of their respect and esteem , for the very able and efficient maimer he has discharged the duties of Secretary to the lodge for the List eight years . " Bro . Partridge , P . M ., presented an old copy of the Book of Constitutions which had formerly belonged to the Castle Lodgefor which a vote of thanks was
, passed . Bro . Wilcox proposed for initiation Mr . Charles Rose . Bro . Marshall moved that two guineas be given to the Masonic Lifeboat Fund . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 4 th inst . There were present : Bros . Charles A . Long , W . M . ; W S . AdamsS . W . ; Thomas ArnoldJ . W . ; WelchP . M . Treas . ;
, , , , John W . Lyon , P . M ., Sec ; Wingham , S . D . ; Powell , I . G . ; E . C . White , C . S . ; Watson , Dyte , Charles Bennett , and Bley , P . M . 's ; and Dicketts , I . P . M . Bro . J . B . Davies , No . 753 , was present as a visitor . Messrs . Thomas Richard Morris , Thomas Dash Bellamy , and James Hedger were initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bro . Lazarus was passed to the second degree , and Bro . Pritchard raised to the third degree .
MOIRA LODGE ( NO . 92 ) . —On Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., the brethren of this lodge met at the London Tavern , Bishopsgatestreet , under the presidency of Bro . E . Home , W . M ., supported by Bros . Brett , S . W . ; W . Pen-in , J . W .: Ledger , S . D . ; Jacob , J . D . ; Harrington , P . M ., I . G . ; Thorne , P . M . ; Palmer , P . M . ; and Webster , P . M ., Sec . The business of the evening consisted of passing Bros . Holder Hogg , Dunstervillc Elliot , John
Elliot , ancl Alexander Mortimore to the degree of F . C ., and raising Bro . Henry Harben to the sublime degree of Master Mason . LODGE OH INDUSTRY ( No . 186 ) . —The brethren of the above lodge held a regular meeting on tbe 22 ud ult . at the Freemason ' s Hall , when there were present—Bros . T . Price , W . M . ; Talleut , S . W . ; Clark , J . W . ; Lake , P . M . ; Maun , P . M ., Treas . ; Moehemer
, Sec . and S . D . ; Lux , J . D . ; Wylie , I . G . ; Henley , TrV . S . ; J . Mortloek , I . P . M . ; Carpenter , & c The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Mr . John Cleaver was duly initiated into the Order , and Bro . Blake , jun ., was passed to the second degree . Tlie lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The brethren separated , after passing a most delightful evening . Some excellent singing was rendered during the evening liy Bros . Piatt , Scott , Simpson , Ltc .
ROYAL ALI < RED LODGE ( NO . 7 S 0 . —The regular meeting of this lodge for the transaction of business took plai-c at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , Ealing , on the 25 th ult ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Urn . Geo . Alfred Littlewood . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Adlard , P . M . 7 ; James Terry , P . M . and W . M . 1 , 278 ; B . P . Todd , P . M . 27 ; George Pymm , W . M . 74 , 9 ; George StatesP . G . S . and P . M . ; C . SpngnoletteP . Prov . G . J . W
, , . Berks and Bucks ; B . Clegg , I . G . 27 ; Durkin . 72 ; Balcombe , 1 , 278 ; Child , 34 ; Hunt , 276 ; Shepherd , 4-5 ; Barringer , 266 ; Parker , 31 , and others . The lodge having been opened , the W . AI . raised Bros . Tailing and Moorcroi't and passed Bro . Seward , performing the respective ceremonies in a most creditable manner . After the usual routine business of the lodge had been transacted and the lodge closed , a banquet was partaken
of , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . An address on vellum , together wir . li a purse containing twenty guineas , were presented to Bro . Henry G . Buss , the esteemed Secretary of the lodge , in presenting which , the AV . M . said he had to discharge a duty which might well be envied by every brother amongst them . In their Secretary they had a man in whom good aud kindly qualities were
transcendent—who was , in fact , in the highest Masonic sense , a brother amongst them , and towards whom they entertained the hallowed feelings of brotherhood . Bro . Buss had been the Secretary of that lodge since the year 1859 , and they knew how admirably he had fulfilled the duties devolving upon him . Any words of his would fail adequately to express their feelings towards Bro . Buss ^ and he trusted he would accept this memento of their affection in the spirit in which it was presentedand that he
, might long live to cherish the remembrance of that night and their humble efforts to render honour to whom honour is due . Bro . Buss replied in suitable terms . The toast of the visitors was responded to by Bro . G . S . States . SOUTHERN STAB LODGE ( NO . 1 , 158 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., at
Craft Masonry.
the Montpelier Tavern , Walworth , anel was numerously attended by members aud visitors . Bro . R . Clarke , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Bayfield , S . W . ; C . E . Thompson , J . W . ; Towers , S . D . ; Pago , J . D . ; Tarrell , I . G . ; H . Thompson , P . M . and Treas . ; Pulsford , P . M . and Sec ; Potters , P . M . ; Thomas , P . M . ; Dr . Goldsboro , P . M ., etc . The lodge was opened soon after four o ' clock , when the officers were all in their places . The minutes
of the last regular lodge , and the lodge of emergency were read and confirmed . There was a large amount of business to be transacted , there being six candidates for initiation , seven for passing , and six for raising , besides other important matters , including the election of a AV . M . for the ensuing year . A . ballot was taken , and Messrs . J . Carter , T . L . Allen , H . Painter , aud S . Muir , who were candidates for admission to the Order , being in attendancewere duly initiated into the mysteries and
privi-, leges of ancient Freemasonry . Tlie lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bros . Parr , Clayton , and Bolton were passed to the degree of F . C . Having undergone a preliminary examination , the lodge was opened in tho third degree , and Bros . Radford , Andrews , and Oldfield , were impressively raised to the degree of M . M . The whole of these ceremonies were well
performed by the W . AI . Ihe lodge was resumed to the first degree , when Bro . Pulsford , the Secretary , read the revised by-laws , which were approved . The next business was the election of a AV . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Bayfield , S . AV ., was unanimously elected to that office . Bro . H . Thomson , P . M ., was also unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Laing , as Tyler . It was proposed and carried unanimously , that a jewel of the value of ten guineasbe presented to Bro . R . E . Clarke on his
retire-, ment from the office of W . M . On the proposition of the W . M ., it was agreed that the sum of £ 5 be presented to the Royal Benevolent Institution for the AVidows of Freemasons , this sum completing anel making the lodge life subscribers to all the Masonic Institutions . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M . and Treas ., proposed , and Bro . Bayfield , S . AA ., seconded a motion , that the sum of two guineas he voted from the funds of the lodge towards
the Masonic Lifeboat , to be presented to the National Lifeboat Institution . The motion was unanimously carried , showing that the lodge is ever ready to listen to any worthy appeal that may be may be made to it . The AV . M . then said that he had a very pleasing duty to perform in a proposition he was about to make . The brethren all knew the ready and valuable services Bro . Dr . Goldsbro' had rendered them in the infancy of the lodge , and he
was at all times willing to do anything that lay in his power to promote its prosperity . He , therefore , had great pleasure in proposing that Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' should become an honorary member of the Southern Star Lodge , as a recognition of his services . Bro . C . E . Thompson , J . W ., seconded tho motion , and said he knew Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' as a good man and a good Mason , and at all times ready to render assistance , whether in or outside the lodge , and carry out the great precepts of the Order . The motion was unanimouslv acrreed tn . and Bro . j
— — — , , ~ a _ . — Goldsboro , ' in very feeling terms , expressed his sense of the high honour conferred upon him , which he should always remember with feclhigs of gratitude to the end of his life . Several propositions for initiation for the next meeting having been made , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet table , at which fifty-one sat down , ancl their creature comforts were well taken care of by mine host Bro . Allattwho was most assiduous in doing all
, in his power co give them satisfaction , and it was unanimously admitted that he had succeeded in doing so . After the cloth was drawn , the customary loyal toasts were given , and afterwards Bro . Allen returned thanks for the newly-initiated brethren . " The Health of the W . M . " was drunk with great cordiality , and the visitors severally responded , expressing the pleasure they had experienced in visiting the Southern Star Lodge , not
on account of the hospitality extended to them , but for the Masonic treat thoy had enjoyed in tlie working of the lodge , which was done in a manner that left nothing to be desired ; trusting again to have the opportunity of visiting them to receive a renewed pleasure in doing so . Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M . and Treas ., responded for the P . M . 's , aud alluded to the great success which has attended the lodge ever since its formation . It had not been three years in existenceand now
num-, bered upwards of eighty members . As the founder of the lodge , it was needless for him to say the gratification he experienced iu seeing its prosperity , hoping it might long enjoy the distinguished position in the Craft that it then occupied , and that it would ever keep alive those grand principles upon which their Order was founded . "The Health of the W . M . elect , " Bro