Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 3 of 3
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Craft Masonry.
Bayfield ) , was given aud responded to , and some other toasts followed , interspersed with songs and recitations and the entire evening was spent in that happy way so characteristic of the Southern Star Lodge . PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —The members of this lodge held an emergency meeting at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 Jamaica-roadBermondseylast week . Bro . J . AVavery
, , , , AV . M ., presided , ancl there were present during the evening Bros . F . H . Elsworth ; P . M ., as S . AV . ; H . Bartlett , J . W . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M .. Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; J . AV . Dudle , S . D . ; J . H . Harmsworth , Dir . of Cers . ; J . H . Fudge , AA . S . ; G . Drapper , J . A . Axtell , and several others . The visitors were Bros . AV . Endsor , 73 ; A . Avery , AV . M . 619 ; J . Hawker , P . M . 871 ; H . J . DavisS 71 aud others . The lodge having been
, , opened , ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . G . D . Baker , which proved , favourable , but being abroad , his admission was deferred until the next meeting . The work done consisted of passing Bros . G . Mabbs and AV . May to the second , and raising Bro . G . J . Ellis to the third degree . The business over , tbe brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment .
INSTRUCTION . UNITED PILGRIMS' LODGE OE INSTRUCTION ( No . 507 ) . Anniversary Festival . The annual meeting of this excellent lodge of instruction was held on Friday evening , the 1 st inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Bro . John Thomas , P . M . of the parent lodge , and
preceptor of this lodge / presided ; Bro . H . J . Wright , S . AV . of the Royal Jubilee Lodge , acfed as S . AV . ; and Bro . Larlhaus , of the Macdonald Lodge ( No . 1 , 216 ) , as J . AV . There were a great many members of the Craft present , amongst whom were several P . M . ' s of other lodges . The lodge was opened precisely at seven o'clock , when the three sections of the first lecture were worked by the brethren , after which the lodge was closed and the brethren retired to the banquet-roomwhere a bountiful repast
, ¦ was provided . Tbe cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and formal Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Francis , P . M . and Sec . to tlie lodge of instruction , then called upon the brethren to fill bumpers for the toast that he was about to propose , which was " The Health of Bro . Thomas , P . M ., and Preceptor of the ledge , " and one of the most distinguished members of tbe Craft . He hoped ho might long he
amongst them , trusting that the day might be far distant when they should see his place vacant in that lodge . It would be a bitter day for them whenever that should happen , for a more able and distinguished member in the Craft did not exist than Bro . Thomas . The toast was drunk with acclamation . Bro . Thomas , P . M ., said he was very much obliged to Bro . Francis for the very kind way in which they spoken of him , and
he was also obliged to the brethren for the way in which they bad responded to the toast . It was true that he was an old member of the Craft , and he had the honour of holding the office of preceptor of the lodge for some years , aud he could tell them , that as long as he was spared by the Great Architect of the Universe , he should feel pleased in attending that lodge of instruction , and give information to the brethren who were willing to receive it , as he had hitherto done . It was an encouragement
to him to go ou when he found brethren as willing to learn as he was to instruct them . He was more immediately connected with that lodge than any other , they holding it under the sanction of the parent lodge , to which he belonged ; he felt especially interested in its welfare , ancl lie shoulel have been pleased to have seen a larger number of brethren present on that occasion , but he felt gratified that there were- then there several brethren well known in frequenting lodges of instruction . He was honoured
that evening by the presence of : » number of Past Masters , amongst whom were Bro . Francis , the Immediate Past Master of the St . Mark ' s Lodge ; Bro . H . Thompson , P . M . of the Domatic and of the Southern Star Lodge , the latter of which he ( Bro . Thomas ) had the pleasure of being an honorary member ; Bro . AVolpert , AV . M . of the Painniire Loelge ( No . 720 ) Bro . WrightS . W . of the Royal Jubilee Lod Bro . Wilsford ;
, ge ; P . M . of the AVellington Lodge ; and several others whose names he did not mention , so that he was well supported by the P . M . 's and AA ' ordens of other lodges , and he hoped that they had all enjoyed themselves , and would all meet again on their anniversary that lime twelvemonths . He gave , " The Past Masters and Wardens , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro
Craft Masonry.
Thompson , P . M . ofthe Domatic Lodgo and also of the Southern Star Lodge . Bro . Thompson , in returning thanks for the Past Masters , expressed the gratification he had experienced in being present at tho working of tho lodge , which was perfect ; i . nd alluded to the high estimation in which Bro . Thomas was held throughout the Craftnot only for his great ability as a Masonbut for
, , the very kind and courteous way in which he communicatee !' instruction to those younger bretliren who sought it at his hands . While he was willing at all times to impart information to them ,, he did so in such a genial spirit , and so free from ostentation as to his own abilities , that it became really a pleasure to receiveit at his hands . For himself , he ( Bro . Thompson ) could say that for a great deal that he knew ho was indebted to Bro . Thomas ,
who never considered anything a trouble , and indeed felt an interest in giving , not only in the lodge but out of it , any amount of information or instruction that was required to fit them for any duties that they might be called upon to perform . He thanked them sincerely , and felt it a great honour to havehis name connected with the toast , which had been just been proposed and drunk with such unanimit
y . T he AV . Master next gave " The Health of tbe worthy Secretary of the United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Bro . Francis . " The brethren knew what he was , for he was not only a fund of humour in himself , but was of great service in the lodge of instruction , and he ( the W . M . ) believed that he bad g iven satisfaction to the brethren , as they had recently expressed their appreciation of his services . ( The toast was cordially received ) .
Bro . Francis , in-a toue of quaint raillery , replied to the toast , and said that he had endeavoured to discharge his duty , and if any brother required instruction he should be happy to render it to the best of his ability . "The Health of the Stewards of the Festival" was next drank , for which Bros . H . J . AVright , AVelsford , and Pain severally returned thanks . Some other toasts were given and ' receiveci , aud in the course of the evening several excellent songs were sung , and it was passed in a very happy manner , with warm expressions as to the next " merry meeting . "
PROVINCIAL . MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —The usnal monthly meeting of the members of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , on Friday , the 1 st inst ., at 7 p . m ., ancl there was a very good muster of Craft Masons . The minutes
of the last general lodge and a subsequent lodge of emergency having been read and confirmed , the ballot took place when Mr . William Evans , Peuimore , was uaanhnously admitted . The balloting for Mr . George Harwarcl , was adjourned till the next meeting . Mr . William Oliver , Mr . James Powell , and Mr .. AVilliam Hooper Matthews , being in attendance were initiated into Masonry , tho ceremony being admirably rendered by the AA . M . The lodge was closed in harmony at 9 p . m .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . MIDDLESBKO' . —North York Lodge ( No . 602 ) . —The members of this lodge have recently erected a highly appropriate memorial to the late Bro . J . S . Peacock , P . M ., P . Prov . S . W ., & c . The monument consists of a massive obelisk of Dalbeattie granite , bearing a suitable inscription . The deceased was the first town clerk of Middlcsbro' . ancl died suddenly some time ago . He was
a zealous Mason , and it was through his exertions , to a large extent , that tho Freemasons' Hall in Middlesbro' was erected . Tho North York has commenced a lodge of instruction in connection with it . A considerable number of members have been enrolled , and the working is being carried on efficiently , the members electing each evening the AV . M . that is to preside at the next meeting . At the February meeting of the regular
lodge , Mr , Williams was initiated , the ceremony being performed by the AV . M . Bro . Gladstone was then passed to the second degree , the AV . M . again officiating . Bro . Middleton was then raised to the sublime degree of M . M . hy Bro . Ingram , P . M . Bro . Linklater was then raised by the W . M . Bro . Watson was also raised , tho ceremony being performed by Bro . Manners , P . M ,., P . Prov . S . D . At the meeting held on Friday , the 1 st inst , Bro . AVilliams received the charge as an E . A ., and was then passed to the second degree , the AV . M ., Bro . John Jones , presiding .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Bayfield ) , was given aud responded to , and some other toasts followed , interspersed with songs and recitations and the entire evening was spent in that happy way so characteristic of the Southern Star Lodge . PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —The members of this lodge held an emergency meeting at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 Jamaica-roadBermondseylast week . Bro . J . AVavery
, , , , AV . M ., presided , ancl there were present during the evening Bros . F . H . Elsworth ; P . M ., as S . AV . ; H . Bartlett , J . W . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M .. Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; J . AV . Dudle , S . D . ; J . H . Harmsworth , Dir . of Cers . ; J . H . Fudge , AA . S . ; G . Drapper , J . A . Axtell , and several others . The visitors were Bros . AV . Endsor , 73 ; A . Avery , AV . M . 619 ; J . Hawker , P . M . 871 ; H . J . DavisS 71 aud others . The lodge having been
, , opened , ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . G . D . Baker , which proved , favourable , but being abroad , his admission was deferred until the next meeting . The work done consisted of passing Bros . G . Mabbs and AV . May to the second , and raising Bro . G . J . Ellis to the third degree . The business over , tbe brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment .
INSTRUCTION . UNITED PILGRIMS' LODGE OE INSTRUCTION ( No . 507 ) . Anniversary Festival . The annual meeting of this excellent lodge of instruction was held on Friday evening , the 1 st inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Bro . John Thomas , P . M . of the parent lodge , and
preceptor of this lodge / presided ; Bro . H . J . Wright , S . AV . of the Royal Jubilee Lodge , acfed as S . AV . ; and Bro . Larlhaus , of the Macdonald Lodge ( No . 1 , 216 ) , as J . AV . There were a great many members of the Craft present , amongst whom were several P . M . ' s of other lodges . The lodge was opened precisely at seven o'clock , when the three sections of the first lecture were worked by the brethren , after which the lodge was closed and the brethren retired to the banquet-roomwhere a bountiful repast
, ¦ was provided . Tbe cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and formal Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Francis , P . M . and Sec . to tlie lodge of instruction , then called upon the brethren to fill bumpers for the toast that he was about to propose , which was " The Health of Bro . Thomas , P . M ., and Preceptor of the ledge , " and one of the most distinguished members of tbe Craft . He hoped ho might long he
amongst them , trusting that the day might be far distant when they should see his place vacant in that lodge . It would be a bitter day for them whenever that should happen , for a more able and distinguished member in the Craft did not exist than Bro . Thomas . The toast was drunk with acclamation . Bro . Thomas , P . M ., said he was very much obliged to Bro . Francis for the very kind way in which they spoken of him , and
he was also obliged to the brethren for the way in which they bad responded to the toast . It was true that he was an old member of the Craft , and he had the honour of holding the office of preceptor of the lodge for some years , aud he could tell them , that as long as he was spared by the Great Architect of the Universe , he should feel pleased in attending that lodge of instruction , and give information to the brethren who were willing to receive it , as he had hitherto done . It was an encouragement
to him to go ou when he found brethren as willing to learn as he was to instruct them . He was more immediately connected with that lodge than any other , they holding it under the sanction of the parent lodge , to which he belonged ; he felt especially interested in its welfare , ancl lie shoulel have been pleased to have seen a larger number of brethren present on that occasion , but he felt gratified that there were- then there several brethren well known in frequenting lodges of instruction . He was honoured
that evening by the presence of : » number of Past Masters , amongst whom were Bro . Francis , the Immediate Past Master of the St . Mark ' s Lodge ; Bro . H . Thompson , P . M . of the Domatic and of the Southern Star Lodge , the latter of which he ( Bro . Thomas ) had the pleasure of being an honorary member ; Bro . AVolpert , AV . M . of the Painniire Loelge ( No . 720 ) Bro . WrightS . W . of the Royal Jubilee Lod Bro . Wilsford ;
, ge ; P . M . of the AVellington Lodge ; and several others whose names he did not mention , so that he was well supported by the P . M . 's and AA ' ordens of other lodges , and he hoped that they had all enjoyed themselves , and would all meet again on their anniversary that lime twelvemonths . He gave , " The Past Masters and Wardens , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro
Craft Masonry.
Thompson , P . M . ofthe Domatic Lodgo and also of the Southern Star Lodge . Bro . Thompson , in returning thanks for the Past Masters , expressed the gratification he had experienced in being present at tho working of tho lodge , which was perfect ; i . nd alluded to the high estimation in which Bro . Thomas was held throughout the Craftnot only for his great ability as a Masonbut for
, , the very kind and courteous way in which he communicatee !' instruction to those younger bretliren who sought it at his hands . While he was willing at all times to impart information to them ,, he did so in such a genial spirit , and so free from ostentation as to his own abilities , that it became really a pleasure to receiveit at his hands . For himself , he ( Bro . Thompson ) could say that for a great deal that he knew ho was indebted to Bro . Thomas ,
who never considered anything a trouble , and indeed felt an interest in giving , not only in the lodge but out of it , any amount of information or instruction that was required to fit them for any duties that they might be called upon to perform . He thanked them sincerely , and felt it a great honour to havehis name connected with the toast , which had been just been proposed and drunk with such unanimit
y . T he AV . Master next gave " The Health of tbe worthy Secretary of the United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Bro . Francis . " The brethren knew what he was , for he was not only a fund of humour in himself , but was of great service in the lodge of instruction , and he ( the W . M . ) believed that he bad g iven satisfaction to the brethren , as they had recently expressed their appreciation of his services . ( The toast was cordially received ) .
Bro . Francis , in-a toue of quaint raillery , replied to the toast , and said that he had endeavoured to discharge his duty , and if any brother required instruction he should be happy to render it to the best of his ability . "The Health of the Stewards of the Festival" was next drank , for which Bros . H . J . AVright , AVelsford , and Pain severally returned thanks . Some other toasts were given and ' receiveci , aud in the course of the evening several excellent songs were sung , and it was passed in a very happy manner , with warm expressions as to the next " merry meeting . "
PROVINCIAL . MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —The usnal monthly meeting of the members of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , on Friday , the 1 st inst ., at 7 p . m ., ancl there was a very good muster of Craft Masons . The minutes
of the last general lodge and a subsequent lodge of emergency having been read and confirmed , the ballot took place when Mr . William Evans , Peuimore , was uaanhnously admitted . The balloting for Mr . George Harwarcl , was adjourned till the next meeting . Mr . William Oliver , Mr . James Powell , and Mr .. AVilliam Hooper Matthews , being in attendance were initiated into Masonry , tho ceremony being admirably rendered by the AA . M . The lodge was closed in harmony at 9 p . m .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . MIDDLESBKO' . —North York Lodge ( No . 602 ) . —The members of this lodge have recently erected a highly appropriate memorial to the late Bro . J . S . Peacock , P . M ., P . Prov . S . W ., & c . The monument consists of a massive obelisk of Dalbeattie granite , bearing a suitable inscription . The deceased was the first town clerk of Middlcsbro' . ancl died suddenly some time ago . He was
a zealous Mason , and it was through his exertions , to a large extent , that tho Freemasons' Hall in Middlesbro' was erected . Tho North York has commenced a lodge of instruction in connection with it . A considerable number of members have been enrolled , and the working is being carried on efficiently , the members electing each evening the AV . M . that is to preside at the next meeting . At the February meeting of the regular
lodge , Mr , Williams was initiated , the ceremony being performed by the AV . M . Bro . Gladstone was then passed to the second degree , the AV . M . again officiating . Bro . Middleton was then raised to the sublime degree of M . M . hy Bro . Ingram , P . M . Bro . Linklater was then raised by the W . M . Bro . Watson was also raised , tho ceremony being performed by Bro . Manners , P . M ,., P . Prov . S . D . At the meeting held on Friday , the 1 st inst , Bro . AVilliams received the charge as an E . A ., and was then passed to the second degree , the AV . M ., Bro . John Jones , presiding .