Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
to the orders of tho Lodge and to reflect full credit on Messrs . Chater and I ' unge , who were , by many of the brethren present , considered to have succeeded in arranging one of the finest entertainments of the season . The musical arrangements of the banquet were conducted by Bro . Lawler . The chair was taken by Bro . S . N . Driver , AV . M ., Bro . A . Sargood being S . AV ., and Bro . G . AV . K . Potter , P . S . G . D ., acting as J . AV . As ladies were present , the usual Masonic ceremonial was avoided , and the toasts received in the ordinary way . In proposing- the D . G . M .,
Lord Panmure , and the Grand Officers , the AVorshipful Master mentioned that the Lodge was proud of having two highly valued Grand Officers among its members , Bro . G . AA . K . Potter and Bro . Slight . Bro . Crohn , Secretary for German Correspondence , returned thanks for this toast . The AVorshipful Master iu giving " Tlie Past Masters , " referred to the services they had received from Bro . AA'ebster and others , but in calling on Bro . Potter to return thanks for the P . Ms ., he took the opportunity of paying a tribute to the hih Masonic character of that brother
g , his signal benevolence , the deep interest he had shown in the welfare of their Lodge , and the service he had rendered in preparing the festival , the arrangements of which had been marked by every provision for taste and comfort . To this toast Bro . Potter responded . Bro . AA cbster gave '" ' Tlie health of the Worshipful Master . " Bro . Sargood said they had among their visitors some brethren most distinguished for their attainments as Masons , and named Bro . Crohn and Bro . Hyde Clarke , calling
upon them to drink the health of the visitors with that of the latter brother . Bro . Clarke , in returning thanks , gave some information respecting Lodges of adoption on the continent , the celebration of the festival of St . John ' s day by the wives , daughters and sisters of brethren , and the practice of adopting the orphans and other children of brethren He concluded fby addressing a few remarks to a youth who was seated at the table , and who had distinguished himself at a public school , impressing him that as the son of a Mason he wouldif he
upon , per severed in the pursuit of knowledge and of virtue , be privileged to be received in the great brotherhood of Masonry before strangers . The company adjourned from the banquet to the suite of rooms on the main floor of the London Tavern , which were arranged to form a drawing room , concert room , and refreshment room , and where a further number of members and ladies and some few non-masonic friends assembled . Here again the care of Bro . Potter was recognized . Each lady , on entering ,
was presented with a bouquet . The grand room was provided with tables , on which were placed stereoscopes and various objects of interest contributed by Messrs . Negretti and Zamlira , and where a concert was given , in which numerous English and foreign musicians took part , and ivhich was continued to a late hour . While the main object of the members was to give the ladies a , handsome reception , the arrangements wero well calculated to impress strangers present with a favourable conviction of the externals of Masonry in its intellectual and social relations .
TEMPLE LODGE ( NO . US ) . —The summer dinner took place on the 29 th , at the Eoyal Pavilion Hotel , North AVoolwich . Bro . Scott , P . M ., took the chair , and Bro . Earthing , J . AV ., the vice ; the usual Masonic toasts were duly given aud responded to , including the officers of the Lodge , the [ latter toast being responded to by Bro . Beard , Honorary Secretary . Some excellent singing by Bros . Hackney , Grover , ancl Earthing , considerably enhanced the pleasures of the meeting . Er . onKXOE NIGHTINGALE LODGE ( NO . 1008 ) . —The annual meeting was
held on Thursday , June 23 rd , at the Freemasons' Tavern , AVoolwich . Era . Major Henry Clerk , AA . M ., presided ; and after the confirmation of the minutes of the preceding Lodge , when the AVM . and Treasurer for the year ensuing were elected , Bro . Capt . Forbes , P . M ., presented Bro . J . AV . Cairn , the AA . M . elect , for installation , to Bro . Clerk , who discharged that duty with his accustomed ability , performing the entire ceremonial , and delivering the addresses iu a manner that reflected the hihest credit on his dili The AVMthen appointed and invested
g gence . .. as his officers-Bros . W . H . Carter , S . AV . ; Major 1 <\ Du Cane , J . AA . ; J . M . Boddy , Secretary ; J . Smyth , S . D .: H . Church , J . D . ; J . It . Thomson , I . G . Bro . Peter Laird , who had been re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Henderson , Tyler , were also invested . There being no other business , the Lodge was duly closed . After drinking the toasts of " The Queen ; " and " The Grand Master , " the AV . AI . in proposing "The health ofthe Deputy Grand blaster and . the rest ofthe G rand Officers" led
, coup with it the health of Bro . Iliiixman , as a Past Grand Steward . Bro . Hinxman , after referring to the services of Lord Panmure ancl the other Grand Officers , said he now appeared as a visitor , feeling that in the present official state of tho Lodgo , there was no imperative want of his services . He had assisted in the formation of the Lodge , and had continued his membership as long as he considered ho could be useful to them ; but the claims of his profession demanded more of his time , and lie could onl
y say , should the Florence Nightingale at any future time require his services , he should most readily reunite himself with the Lodge . Bro . Clerk then proposed tho health of the AV . M ., and expressed the pleasure he felt on resigning the gavel into the hands of a brother so capable of sustaining the prestige ofthe Florence Nightingale Lodge . The AV . M . briefly acknowledged the compliment , ancl said he hoped , by diligence and attention , to merit the honours the brethren had conferred upon him iu electing him to preside over them . The AA . M . then
proposed " The A'isitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Hinxman . To the health of " The Past Masters , " Bro . Major Clerk replied , and referred the _ resolution the Lodge had come to in transacting their Masonic business at a place apart from the tavern , which plan it was hoped
The Masonic Mirror.
would lie adopted by the other Masonic bodies in AA oohvich . The banquets would continue to be held at Bro . De Grey ' s , as now . In conclusion Bro . Clerk tendered bis thanks to all tho officers who had acted with him during the period he had the happiness of presiding as AV . M ., whose active co-operation was his success . The AV . M ., iu proposing the health of the first Master of the Lodge , expressed the pleasure he and . the brethren had in the presence of Bro . Capt . Forbes on that occasion ; in reply Bro . Forbes saicl , his being the first Master of the Lodge would
ever afford him pleasing recollections . On accepting the Mastership ho entered office under the auspices of the other Lodges in AVoolwich , and had the assistance of some of their members . He was happy to say , that in two years they had been able to clear the Lodge of the expenses incurred on the foundation . This last year , under the admirable Mastership of Bro . Clerk , had been particularly successful . He trusted that every member would feel it his duty to support the Florence Nightingale Lodge , no matter where he might be placed ; for himself he
assured the brethren he should ever consider such to be his duty ; and that whereverjliis residence might be , he should continue to be a member . Bro . Laird made an appeal to the brethren to aid the widow of a brother , but it having been suggested that the subject would be more properly brought forward in Lodge , he reserved his observations until the next meeting . Some other toasts followed , and after remembering "All Poor and Distressed Masons , " the brethren separated . There wero thirty-six present ; and among the visitors were Bro . Col . Gordon , R . E ., of the Delhi Lodge ; Bro . Bentham , Prov . G . Organist , Surrey ; Bro .
Muggeridge , P . M ., No . 227 ; Bro . AV . Farnfield , jun ., No . 318 , & c . PRINCE FiiEDEiircK AAILMAJI LODGE ( No . 1050 ) . — An emergency meeting was held on AArednesday , the 29 th ult ., at their Lodge-room , St . John ' sAVood . Present—Bros . John Dennis Caulcher , AV . M . ; J . J . Hartley , S . AA \ ; E . J . Eraser , JAY . ; H . A . Stacey , Secretary , and many other brethren . The work of the evening consisted of two initiations , two passings , and two raisings . All of these ceremonies were performed by
the AA orsMpful Master , Bro . Caulcher , in a correct and impressive manner . After dinner the health of the Initiates was replied to by Bro . AA hitaker , who , in the course of an eloquent address , said that to his dying hour lie should not forget the occurrence of this eventful day ; from his heart he thanked the AA orshipful Master and brethren for the honour they had done him in admitting him a member of this Lodge , to participate iu tbe rights and mysteries of so ancieut and honourable
a society . The AA ' orshipful Master ( his health having been proposed ) ivas gratified to know that , during his year of office , his endeavours to perform his duties creditably had met with the approval of the Lodge . He proposed the health of Bro . Hardey . S . W ., who was also Worshipful Master elect . Bro . Hardey tendered his thanks , and hoped that during the ensuing year he should be as well and faithfully supported by those who would be connected with him as the retiring Worshipful Master had been through the whole term of his office . Bro . AA ' . AVatson returned
thanks for the . P . Ms ., and Bro . Elisha Cooke , from Kentucky , expressed his thanks for the hospitality of the brethren of the Prince AVilliam Frederick Lodge . Bros . Piatt , H . A . Stacey and Caulcher sMig some cood SOUKS .
INSTRUCTION ' . THE MANCHESTER LODGE ( NO . 209 ) . —At the AA'estem Masonic-hall , Old Bond-street , there was a crowded assembly on the 2 Sth ult ,, the attraction being Bro . Elisha Cooke , from America , who very lucidly and minutely explained the whole system of working , as practised in the United States . 'Thanks having been voted to Bro . Cooke , he said , ' ' Brethren , there is a great deal more jn Masonry than its mere form- ;
—there is a wondrous beauty in the theory of Masonry . To me it is the image of a band of men united in the bonds of brotherly love , and in which all hearts are bent on the acquisition of knowledge , and only look on the mere technical lectures ns a key to the great storeroom where the information is deposited that we are in search of . And I truly believe that an all-wise Providence would not have permitted a society , so great in numbers , and extending into every clime , to exist for so long a period were there not some good cause . Brethren , we have a groat work to perform , let us lean towards each other till we have accomplished it , and when finished , may it meet the approbation of the great Architect of the universe . "
TIIK ST . JAMES UNION LODGE ( N O . 211 ) . —This Lodge received a visit on Monday last from Bro . Elisha . Cooke , accompanied by Bro . S . 15 . AVilson , P . G . D . The brethren were much gratified at the urbanity and promptness of our American brother , in answering the many questions put to him . On the motion of Bro . Walkloy , P . M ., Bro . Cooke was unanimously elected an honorary member of this bodge of Instruction . This Lodge was very numerously attended .
CHANNEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Loclge was held ou Thursday , June 30 th , under the presidency of the AA , M , Bro . Le Cras ; the S / W , Bro . Banclains was present , and the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
to the orders of tho Lodge and to reflect full credit on Messrs . Chater and I ' unge , who were , by many of the brethren present , considered to have succeeded in arranging one of the finest entertainments of the season . The musical arrangements of the banquet were conducted by Bro . Lawler . The chair was taken by Bro . S . N . Driver , AV . M ., Bro . A . Sargood being S . AV ., and Bro . G . AV . K . Potter , P . S . G . D ., acting as J . AV . As ladies were present , the usual Masonic ceremonial was avoided , and the toasts received in the ordinary way . In proposing- the D . G . M .,
Lord Panmure , and the Grand Officers , the AVorshipful Master mentioned that the Lodge was proud of having two highly valued Grand Officers among its members , Bro . G . AA . K . Potter and Bro . Slight . Bro . Crohn , Secretary for German Correspondence , returned thanks for this toast . The AVorshipful Master iu giving " Tlie Past Masters , " referred to the services they had received from Bro . AA'ebster and others , but in calling on Bro . Potter to return thanks for the P . Ms ., he took the opportunity of paying a tribute to the hih Masonic character of that brother
g , his signal benevolence , the deep interest he had shown in the welfare of their Lodge , and the service he had rendered in preparing the festival , the arrangements of which had been marked by every provision for taste and comfort . To this toast Bro . Potter responded . Bro . AA cbster gave '" ' Tlie health of the Worshipful Master . " Bro . Sargood said they had among their visitors some brethren most distinguished for their attainments as Masons , and named Bro . Crohn and Bro . Hyde Clarke , calling
upon them to drink the health of the visitors with that of the latter brother . Bro . Clarke , in returning thanks , gave some information respecting Lodges of adoption on the continent , the celebration of the festival of St . John ' s day by the wives , daughters and sisters of brethren , and the practice of adopting the orphans and other children of brethren He concluded fby addressing a few remarks to a youth who was seated at the table , and who had distinguished himself at a public school , impressing him that as the son of a Mason he wouldif he
upon , per severed in the pursuit of knowledge and of virtue , be privileged to be received in the great brotherhood of Masonry before strangers . The company adjourned from the banquet to the suite of rooms on the main floor of the London Tavern , which were arranged to form a drawing room , concert room , and refreshment room , and where a further number of members and ladies and some few non-masonic friends assembled . Here again the care of Bro . Potter was recognized . Each lady , on entering ,
was presented with a bouquet . The grand room was provided with tables , on which were placed stereoscopes and various objects of interest contributed by Messrs . Negretti and Zamlira , and where a concert was given , in which numerous English and foreign musicians took part , and ivhich was continued to a late hour . While the main object of the members was to give the ladies a , handsome reception , the arrangements wero well calculated to impress strangers present with a favourable conviction of the externals of Masonry in its intellectual and social relations .
TEMPLE LODGE ( NO . US ) . —The summer dinner took place on the 29 th , at the Eoyal Pavilion Hotel , North AVoolwich . Bro . Scott , P . M ., took the chair , and Bro . Earthing , J . AV ., the vice ; the usual Masonic toasts were duly given aud responded to , including the officers of the Lodge , the [ latter toast being responded to by Bro . Beard , Honorary Secretary . Some excellent singing by Bros . Hackney , Grover , ancl Earthing , considerably enhanced the pleasures of the meeting . Er . onKXOE NIGHTINGALE LODGE ( NO . 1008 ) . —The annual meeting was
held on Thursday , June 23 rd , at the Freemasons' Tavern , AVoolwich . Era . Major Henry Clerk , AA . M ., presided ; and after the confirmation of the minutes of the preceding Lodge , when the AVM . and Treasurer for the year ensuing were elected , Bro . Capt . Forbes , P . M ., presented Bro . J . AV . Cairn , the AA . M . elect , for installation , to Bro . Clerk , who discharged that duty with his accustomed ability , performing the entire ceremonial , and delivering the addresses iu a manner that reflected the hihest credit on his dili The AVMthen appointed and invested
g gence . .. as his officers-Bros . W . H . Carter , S . AV . ; Major 1 <\ Du Cane , J . AA . ; J . M . Boddy , Secretary ; J . Smyth , S . D .: H . Church , J . D . ; J . It . Thomson , I . G . Bro . Peter Laird , who had been re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Henderson , Tyler , were also invested . There being no other business , the Lodge was duly closed . After drinking the toasts of " The Queen ; " and " The Grand Master , " the AV . AI . in proposing "The health ofthe Deputy Grand blaster and . the rest ofthe G rand Officers" led
, coup with it the health of Bro . Iliiixman , as a Past Grand Steward . Bro . Hinxman , after referring to the services of Lord Panmure ancl the other Grand Officers , said he now appeared as a visitor , feeling that in the present official state of tho Lodgo , there was no imperative want of his services . He had assisted in the formation of the Lodge , and had continued his membership as long as he considered ho could be useful to them ; but the claims of his profession demanded more of his time , and lie could onl
y say , should the Florence Nightingale at any future time require his services , he should most readily reunite himself with the Lodge . Bro . Clerk then proposed tho health of the AV . M ., and expressed the pleasure he felt on resigning the gavel into the hands of a brother so capable of sustaining the prestige ofthe Florence Nightingale Lodge . The AV . M . briefly acknowledged the compliment , ancl said he hoped , by diligence and attention , to merit the honours the brethren had conferred upon him iu electing him to preside over them . The AA . M . then
proposed " The A'isitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Hinxman . To the health of " The Past Masters , " Bro . Major Clerk replied , and referred the _ resolution the Lodge had come to in transacting their Masonic business at a place apart from the tavern , which plan it was hoped
The Masonic Mirror.
would lie adopted by the other Masonic bodies in AA oohvich . The banquets would continue to be held at Bro . De Grey ' s , as now . In conclusion Bro . Clerk tendered bis thanks to all tho officers who had acted with him during the period he had the happiness of presiding as AV . M ., whose active co-operation was his success . The AV . M ., iu proposing the health of the first Master of the Lodge , expressed the pleasure he and . the brethren had in the presence of Bro . Capt . Forbes on that occasion ; in reply Bro . Forbes saicl , his being the first Master of the Lodge would
ever afford him pleasing recollections . On accepting the Mastership ho entered office under the auspices of the other Lodges in AVoolwich , and had the assistance of some of their members . He was happy to say , that in two years they had been able to clear the Lodge of the expenses incurred on the foundation . This last year , under the admirable Mastership of Bro . Clerk , had been particularly successful . He trusted that every member would feel it his duty to support the Florence Nightingale Lodge , no matter where he might be placed ; for himself he
assured the brethren he should ever consider such to be his duty ; and that whereverjliis residence might be , he should continue to be a member . Bro . Laird made an appeal to the brethren to aid the widow of a brother , but it having been suggested that the subject would be more properly brought forward in Lodge , he reserved his observations until the next meeting . Some other toasts followed , and after remembering "All Poor and Distressed Masons , " the brethren separated . There wero thirty-six present ; and among the visitors were Bro . Col . Gordon , R . E ., of the Delhi Lodge ; Bro . Bentham , Prov . G . Organist , Surrey ; Bro .
Muggeridge , P . M ., No . 227 ; Bro . AV . Farnfield , jun ., No . 318 , & c . PRINCE FiiEDEiircK AAILMAJI LODGE ( No . 1050 ) . — An emergency meeting was held on AArednesday , the 29 th ult ., at their Lodge-room , St . John ' sAVood . Present—Bros . John Dennis Caulcher , AV . M . ; J . J . Hartley , S . AA \ ; E . J . Eraser , JAY . ; H . A . Stacey , Secretary , and many other brethren . The work of the evening consisted of two initiations , two passings , and two raisings . All of these ceremonies were performed by
the AA orsMpful Master , Bro . Caulcher , in a correct and impressive manner . After dinner the health of the Initiates was replied to by Bro . AA hitaker , who , in the course of an eloquent address , said that to his dying hour lie should not forget the occurrence of this eventful day ; from his heart he thanked the AA orshipful Master and brethren for the honour they had done him in admitting him a member of this Lodge , to participate iu tbe rights and mysteries of so ancieut and honourable
a society . The AA ' orshipful Master ( his health having been proposed ) ivas gratified to know that , during his year of office , his endeavours to perform his duties creditably had met with the approval of the Lodge . He proposed the health of Bro . Hardey . S . W ., who was also Worshipful Master elect . Bro . Hardey tendered his thanks , and hoped that during the ensuing year he should be as well and faithfully supported by those who would be connected with him as the retiring Worshipful Master had been through the whole term of his office . Bro . AA ' . AVatson returned
thanks for the . P . Ms ., and Bro . Elisha Cooke , from Kentucky , expressed his thanks for the hospitality of the brethren of the Prince AVilliam Frederick Lodge . Bros . Piatt , H . A . Stacey and Caulcher sMig some cood SOUKS .
INSTRUCTION ' . THE MANCHESTER LODGE ( NO . 209 ) . —At the AA'estem Masonic-hall , Old Bond-street , there was a crowded assembly on the 2 Sth ult ,, the attraction being Bro . Elisha Cooke , from America , who very lucidly and minutely explained the whole system of working , as practised in the United States . 'Thanks having been voted to Bro . Cooke , he said , ' ' Brethren , there is a great deal more jn Masonry than its mere form- ;
—there is a wondrous beauty in the theory of Masonry . To me it is the image of a band of men united in the bonds of brotherly love , and in which all hearts are bent on the acquisition of knowledge , and only look on the mere technical lectures ns a key to the great storeroom where the information is deposited that we are in search of . And I truly believe that an all-wise Providence would not have permitted a society , so great in numbers , and extending into every clime , to exist for so long a period were there not some good cause . Brethren , we have a groat work to perform , let us lean towards each other till we have accomplished it , and when finished , may it meet the approbation of the great Architect of the universe . "
TIIK ST . JAMES UNION LODGE ( N O . 211 ) . —This Lodge received a visit on Monday last from Bro . Elisha . Cooke , accompanied by Bro . S . 15 . AVilson , P . G . D . The brethren were much gratified at the urbanity and promptness of our American brother , in answering the many questions put to him . On the motion of Bro . Walkloy , P . M ., Bro . Cooke was unanimously elected an honorary member of this bodge of Instruction . This Lodge was very numerously attended .
CHANNEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Loclge was held ou Thursday , June 30 th , under the presidency of the AA , M , Bro . Le Cras ; the S / W , Bro . Banclains was present , and the