Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2
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amidst much applause , and then followed the last and simple , but feeling toast of a Masonic banquet , " All poor and distressed Masons throughout the world . " Thus concluded one of the most successful Provincial Grand festivals ever held in Cornwall . Amongst those present were Bros . E . T . Carlyon . Mills , Rodda , Blight , lt . B . Rodd ( all of high rank in the " Masonic Order ) , Bro . AA * . Michell , of Apollo Lodge (" So . 610 ) , Oxford , and Bro . T . Darke , of Grampound , chief engineer of the Grand Indian
Peninsular Railway Company , & c . As the evening closed in the various trains conveyed the brethren to their respective homes , after enjoying a festival so replete with good feeling and fraternal friendship .
CUMBERLAND . GAULISH .. — Union Zodge ( No . 389 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday evening , July 29 , at seven o ' clock , to initiate Messrs . T . C . Mulcaster and AA'hatly , and to elect a coinmittee to revise the bye-laws . At the time stated in the summons , there was an unusual gathering . The lodge being opened by Bro . AVilsonAA ' . M . in the first degreeand all
-, , , pre liminary business being carefully dispatched , it was opened in the ¦ second . Bro . AVheateley was then voted to discharge the necessary duties previous to being raised . He accomplished everything requisite with credit to himself , his instructor , and the approval of all present ; hot-hen retired , and the lodge was opened in the third degree . The AA ' . M . called P . M . P . AV . Hayward to the duty of raising our brotherwhich was done with great
, solemnity , accuracy , and precision , assisted by Bros . Blaclclock , S . AV . ; Ritson , Acting J . AV . ; G . Hayward , Acting S . D . ; Gilkerson , J . D . ; Murray , I . G . ; Story , Tyler ; and Tisher , Sec . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , and a candidate having previously been balloted for and approved , was admitted in the regular form when he was initiated by P . M . Hayward in his usual impressive manner . The practical and moral application of tbe
working tools were very minutely explained iu both instances by P . M . Hayward The lodge was then solemnly and finally closed . The brethren retired to tlie ante-room to renovate ane ! invigorate the physical and mental powers . The usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts being duly given and received , Bro . B . Blacklock , S . AA " ., proposed "The health of our new-appointed Prov . G . M . /' Bro . Dykesand hoped that he would be able to attend and
, preside at our forthcoming provincial meeting , to be htld at Whitehaven , on the Sth of August . As it was " just as essential for our superior officers to attend our provincial and other meetings as it was for the superior officers , either naval or military , to attend their reviews , that , by their presence and commands , they might concentrate their minds to resular actions , anil
thereby stimulate the physical powers to perform their duties within due bounds with every zeal and precision ; and he sincerely hoped that as soon as the health of the Prov . G . M . would permit , that he , and as many of the superior officers as it was possible to muster , ivould pay a special visit to each lodge in the province . It was his intention to have gone more fully into this important matter ; but , as time was on the wing , this must suffice for the present . —The W . M . gave " Bro . Greivcsthe D . Prov . G . M . "
, They all knew the ( interest he took in their special meetings ; he was always there to do his duty to the utmost extent of his ability . The two above toasts were responded to with all honours . —The P . M . gave "The AV . M . ancl his Officers , " and very strongly exhorted them to attend to their duties , which were duly received and replied to . — "Tlie newly-raised ancl initiated brethren" were next given and received . Each of
thenreplies were most gratifying . —The AA ' . M . proposed "The health of P . M . P . AV . Hayward . " He said they all knew his devotion to this lodge and Masonry in general ; there was not a more energetic Mason in the province ; lie was always at his post , discharging his duties with care and ability . It was responded to witli all . honours and hearty good wishes . —Bro . HAXWAEB thanked the AA ' . M . for the way he had honoured him in
proposing his health , and the brethren for their hearty response . He felt grateful to them for the honourable position in which they had placed him as P . M . of this lodgo , and so long as ho was spared to be amongst them , he would still continue to exert himself for the benefit of Masonry generally , more pavticularly this lodge . Before resinning his seat , he said there was a brother ivhose health he had to propose , their P . S . AA' ., Bro . Ritson ,
long may he live to do his duty—a more zealous and industrious brother they had never had , so far as he could remember . He has not been abseent from any lodge or other meeting since lie became a inniber of this lodge ; he was always ready to
assist in any capacity . Indeed ( said Br . Hayward ) I have initiated , passed , and raised the whole of the brethren , who , within the last four years , have been admitted ( with very few exceptions ) ; in the whole of which ceremonies Bro . Ritson served as S . or J . AV ., or any other office where he could be of service . I may say that the Union Lodge owes its present prosperity to the uuited and indefatigable exertions of Bro . Ritson and myself . Some four years since we set
about the work of retrenchment and reform , which we persevered in very cautiously until we accomplished our laudable object ; we then showed the propriety of having private rooms for our lodge , and we had many a fruitless search , but at last we met with these rooms , the alterations and furnishing of which cost about £ 50 . At thc time we took these rooms ive had but about £ 1 in hand , since then ( not quite two years ) we
have discharged all debts , and in a short time will have about a large amount standing to the credit of the lodge , free of all demands . It is a source of pleasure to us both to see our very necessary and laudable undertaking crowned with success . I ever found Br . Ritson readyjto give his counsel on all important matters relating to the above ; nor has he relaxed in his devotion to thisbis mother lodNo . 389 . You have latelhad some proof
, ge , y of the care and circumspection he has exercised in drawing out the reports of the proceedings of this lodge , ivhich have appeared in the PKEEIIASO'SS MAGAZINE . Brethren , I give with pleasure " Bro . Ritson—long may he be spared to do his duty . " The toast was duly responded to with all the honours . — Bro . RITSON thanked the P . M . for the compliment he had paid
him , also the brethren for their earnest and hearty response . He said it was very pleasing to him to know that his services had their marked approval and honourable reward . He had done no more than it was the duty of every Mason to do ; and he hoped now , as they were becoming numerous , that , by the brethren acting as every zealous brother ought , that their worthy ancl energetic P . M ., Bro . Hayward and himself , might beif not relievedmateriallassisted in their heavy duties .
, , y Tlie more he became , acquainted with the component parts of Masonry the more firmly they became interwoven in his affections . So long as it might please the Divine will to bless him with health , he should devote as much of his leisure time to it as circumstances ivould permit . He was only sorry that he was not in a position to do more for the good of the Order , more especially this his mother lodgeNo . 339 . He assured them he
, had the will , and trusted he may for some time be favoured with the means to do more . He begged to tender to them his grateful thanks . —The AA ' . M . proposed their visitor , Bro . Gregory , from New York , which was received in the usual manner . —Bro . GEEGOKX said he was extremely obliged to the AV . M . and the brethren for the hearty welcome they gave him on every occasion that ho had visited this lodge , ancl sincerely wished them every
prosperity . He had collected in his mind some particulars regarding American Masonry , which he had intended to give tonight , but would defer it to a more favourable opportunity . It was really new life to him to be amongst them . He begged again to thank them for their cordiality and hospitality . The meeting closed in the usual manner ; the brethren parted , highly delighted with the night's proceedings .
LANCASHIRE ( AA'EST ) . AVAMiixGTOy . —Zodge of Zighls ( No . 173 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Blackburn Arms Hotel , on Monday evening the 28 th ult ., at half-past six o ' clock . Present , Bro . James Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas ., in the Chair . Bros . Stringer , P . M ., H . B . AVhite , S . AA * ., J . Knight , J . AV ., AA . K . AValmsleyas S . D . John Bowesas J . D . A ' eeversTreas .
, , , , , and Sec , Bather , I . G ., ancl other brethren . Bro . George Aston , having passed his examination in the first degree in a highly creditable manner , was passed to the degree of a P . C ., by Bro . Hamer , in his usual able manner , the " working tools being presented by the S . AV ., ancl afterwards enlarged upon by Bro . Hamer . A ballot was taken for Bro . the Rev . James Nixon Porterof No . 40 lod Belfastas a joining memberand was
, ge , , , unanimous in his favour , upon which the S . AV . announced to the great satisfaction of the members present , that Bro . Porter would at the next meeting deliver a lecture on Freemasonry , as evidenced by the book of Genesis . Bro . A ' eevers , who is about leaving Englaud , resigned his office as Treasurer , and Bro . H . B . AA'hite was unanimously elected in his stead . The brethren adjourned in good will and harmony at an early hour .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
amidst much applause , and then followed the last and simple , but feeling toast of a Masonic banquet , " All poor and distressed Masons throughout the world . " Thus concluded one of the most successful Provincial Grand festivals ever held in Cornwall . Amongst those present were Bros . E . T . Carlyon . Mills , Rodda , Blight , lt . B . Rodd ( all of high rank in the " Masonic Order ) , Bro . AA * . Michell , of Apollo Lodge (" So . 610 ) , Oxford , and Bro . T . Darke , of Grampound , chief engineer of the Grand Indian
Peninsular Railway Company , & c . As the evening closed in the various trains conveyed the brethren to their respective homes , after enjoying a festival so replete with good feeling and fraternal friendship .
CUMBERLAND . GAULISH .. — Union Zodge ( No . 389 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday evening , July 29 , at seven o ' clock , to initiate Messrs . T . C . Mulcaster and AA'hatly , and to elect a coinmittee to revise the bye-laws . At the time stated in the summons , there was an unusual gathering . The lodge being opened by Bro . AVilsonAA ' . M . in the first degreeand all
-, , , pre liminary business being carefully dispatched , it was opened in the ¦ second . Bro . AVheateley was then voted to discharge the necessary duties previous to being raised . He accomplished everything requisite with credit to himself , his instructor , and the approval of all present ; hot-hen retired , and the lodge was opened in the third degree . The AA ' . M . called P . M . P . AV . Hayward to the duty of raising our brotherwhich was done with great
, solemnity , accuracy , and precision , assisted by Bros . Blaclclock , S . AV . ; Ritson , Acting J . AV . ; G . Hayward , Acting S . D . ; Gilkerson , J . D . ; Murray , I . G . ; Story , Tyler ; and Tisher , Sec . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , and a candidate having previously been balloted for and approved , was admitted in the regular form when he was initiated by P . M . Hayward in his usual impressive manner . The practical and moral application of tbe
working tools were very minutely explained iu both instances by P . M . Hayward The lodge was then solemnly and finally closed . The brethren retired to tlie ante-room to renovate ane ! invigorate the physical and mental powers . The usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts being duly given and received , Bro . B . Blacklock , S . AA " ., proposed "The health of our new-appointed Prov . G . M . /' Bro . Dykesand hoped that he would be able to attend and
, preside at our forthcoming provincial meeting , to be htld at Whitehaven , on the Sth of August . As it was " just as essential for our superior officers to attend our provincial and other meetings as it was for the superior officers , either naval or military , to attend their reviews , that , by their presence and commands , they might concentrate their minds to resular actions , anil
thereby stimulate the physical powers to perform their duties within due bounds with every zeal and precision ; and he sincerely hoped that as soon as the health of the Prov . G . M . would permit , that he , and as many of the superior officers as it was possible to muster , ivould pay a special visit to each lodge in the province . It was his intention to have gone more fully into this important matter ; but , as time was on the wing , this must suffice for the present . —The W . M . gave " Bro . Greivcsthe D . Prov . G . M . "
, They all knew the ( interest he took in their special meetings ; he was always there to do his duty to the utmost extent of his ability . The two above toasts were responded to with all honours . —The P . M . gave "The AV . M . ancl his Officers , " and very strongly exhorted them to attend to their duties , which were duly received and replied to . — "Tlie newly-raised ancl initiated brethren" were next given and received . Each of
thenreplies were most gratifying . —The AA ' . M . proposed "The health of P . M . P . AV . Hayward . " He said they all knew his devotion to this lodge and Masonry in general ; there was not a more energetic Mason in the province ; lie was always at his post , discharging his duties with care and ability . It was responded to witli all . honours and hearty good wishes . —Bro . HAXWAEB thanked the AA ' . M . for the way he had honoured him in
proposing his health , and the brethren for their hearty response . He felt grateful to them for the honourable position in which they had placed him as P . M . of this lodgo , and so long as ho was spared to be amongst them , he would still continue to exert himself for the benefit of Masonry generally , more pavticularly this lodge . Before resinning his seat , he said there was a brother ivhose health he had to propose , their P . S . AA' ., Bro . Ritson ,
long may he live to do his duty—a more zealous and industrious brother they had never had , so far as he could remember . He has not been abseent from any lodge or other meeting since lie became a inniber of this lodge ; he was always ready to
assist in any capacity . Indeed ( said Br . Hayward ) I have initiated , passed , and raised the whole of the brethren , who , within the last four years , have been admitted ( with very few exceptions ) ; in the whole of which ceremonies Bro . Ritson served as S . or J . AV ., or any other office where he could be of service . I may say that the Union Lodge owes its present prosperity to the uuited and indefatigable exertions of Bro . Ritson and myself . Some four years since we set
about the work of retrenchment and reform , which we persevered in very cautiously until we accomplished our laudable object ; we then showed the propriety of having private rooms for our lodge , and we had many a fruitless search , but at last we met with these rooms , the alterations and furnishing of which cost about £ 50 . At thc time we took these rooms ive had but about £ 1 in hand , since then ( not quite two years ) we
have discharged all debts , and in a short time will have about a large amount standing to the credit of the lodge , free of all demands . It is a source of pleasure to us both to see our very necessary and laudable undertaking crowned with success . I ever found Br . Ritson readyjto give his counsel on all important matters relating to the above ; nor has he relaxed in his devotion to thisbis mother lodNo . 389 . You have latelhad some proof
, ge , y of the care and circumspection he has exercised in drawing out the reports of the proceedings of this lodge , ivhich have appeared in the PKEEIIASO'SS MAGAZINE . Brethren , I give with pleasure " Bro . Ritson—long may he be spared to do his duty . " The toast was duly responded to with all the honours . — Bro . RITSON thanked the P . M . for the compliment he had paid
him , also the brethren for their earnest and hearty response . He said it was very pleasing to him to know that his services had their marked approval and honourable reward . He had done no more than it was the duty of every Mason to do ; and he hoped now , as they were becoming numerous , that , by the brethren acting as every zealous brother ought , that their worthy ancl energetic P . M ., Bro . Hayward and himself , might beif not relievedmateriallassisted in their heavy duties .
, , y Tlie more he became , acquainted with the component parts of Masonry the more firmly they became interwoven in his affections . So long as it might please the Divine will to bless him with health , he should devote as much of his leisure time to it as circumstances ivould permit . He was only sorry that he was not in a position to do more for the good of the Order , more especially this his mother lodgeNo . 339 . He assured them he
, had the will , and trusted he may for some time be favoured with the means to do more . He begged to tender to them his grateful thanks . —The AA ' . M . proposed their visitor , Bro . Gregory , from New York , which was received in the usual manner . —Bro . GEEGOKX said he was extremely obliged to the AV . M . and the brethren for the hearty welcome they gave him on every occasion that ho had visited this lodge , ancl sincerely wished them every
prosperity . He had collected in his mind some particulars regarding American Masonry , which he had intended to give tonight , but would defer it to a more favourable opportunity . It was really new life to him to be amongst them . He begged again to thank them for their cordiality and hospitality . The meeting closed in the usual manner ; the brethren parted , highly delighted with the night's proceedings .
LANCASHIRE ( AA'EST ) . AVAMiixGTOy . —Zodge of Zighls ( No . 173 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Blackburn Arms Hotel , on Monday evening the 28 th ult ., at half-past six o ' clock . Present , Bro . James Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas ., in the Chair . Bros . Stringer , P . M ., H . B . AVhite , S . AA * ., J . Knight , J . AV ., AA . K . AValmsleyas S . D . John Bowesas J . D . A ' eeversTreas .
, , , , , and Sec , Bather , I . G ., ancl other brethren . Bro . George Aston , having passed his examination in the first degree in a highly creditable manner , was passed to the degree of a P . C ., by Bro . Hamer , in his usual able manner , the " working tools being presented by the S . AV ., ancl afterwards enlarged upon by Bro . Hamer . A ballot was taken for Bro . the Rev . James Nixon Porterof No . 40 lod Belfastas a joining memberand was
, ge , , , unanimous in his favour , upon which the S . AV . announced to the great satisfaction of the members present , that Bro . Porter would at the next meeting deliver a lecture on Freemasonry , as evidenced by the book of Genesis . Bro . A ' eevers , who is about leaving Englaud , resigned his office as Treasurer , and Bro . H . B . AA'hite was unanimously elected in his stead . The brethren adjourned in good will and harmony at an early hour .