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come among them . The toast ivas received in true Masonic form . Bro . Sheppard , in acknoivledging the toast , referred to the fact of his having been initiated in the Royal Cornish Miners' Lodge ( No . 175 ) , ( under the old constitutions ) , at Dover , in Kent , on the 13 th day of July , 1811 ( which lodge is noAv extinct ) , and he produced his Grand Lodge Certificate ; that from various circumstances he was 2 irevented for nearly tii'enty years after his
initiation attending a Masonic Lodge , as among other things he ivas engaged in the Royal Navy during the latter period of the continental ivar . After giving an interesting account of his someiA-hat varied and chequered life , he expressed the very great pleasure he felt in being at length , though at a late period in life , in a position to call himself a Past Master of the craft . He felt particularly happy In seeing so many of his Masonic friends around him to celebrate his Masonic jubilee , and hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would
spare , him to meet them on many future occasions . The health of Mrs . Sheppard ivas proposed and duly honoured , as was also that of many of the brethren present , including the AV . M . and P . M . 's of the Harmonic Lodge ( No . 313 ) , and an evening which will be long remembered among the craft in Dudley , ivas brought to a close about eleven o ' clock . The folloiving brethren were present on the above occasion : —Bros . Sheppard , P . M ., in the chair ; Dennison , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., W . M . 313 , in the A'ice chair ;
Masefield , P . M . 313 and 730 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Prov . G . Treas . ; Bristow , P . M . 313 , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., Prov . G . Sec ; Morris , P . M . 313 , P . Prov . G . Supt . Wits . ; Patterson , P . M . 313 , P . Prov . G . D . ; Dr . Cooper , P . M . 313 , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; Rolinson , Hanson , Geo . Smith , Geo . Stevenson , Roberts , Peters , and Geo . Wilkinson . At a regular meeting of the members , held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Dudley , on Tuesday , Sth November , the R . W . Bro . M . DennisonP . M . P . Prov . S . G . AV . W . M . in the chairthe R . W .
, , , , Bro . Bristoiv , P . M . P . Prov . J . G . W ., Prov . Grand Sec , in pursuance of notice given by him at the previous regular meeting , proposed that the sum of ten pounds be given from the funds of this lodge in aid of the Female Fund of the Royal Benevolent Institution , ivhich ivas carried unanimously .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS . ) STOKESTJEY . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 795 . )—On Monday evening last , the usual monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge ivas held at the Golden Lion Inn—Bros . John Hepburn Handyside , P . M . and P . Prov . S . J . AV ., AV . M . ; Richard Watson , S . W . ; George Markham Tiveddell as J . W . ; John RoAvntree , S . D . ; — Smith as J . D . ; — TurnerI . G . and AVilliam HarrisonTyler . The lodge being
, , , opened to the third degree , Bros . Cooke , Wrighton , and Terry , having previously passeel a creditable examination ivere raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons ; the ceremony being ably performed by the W . M ., and the explanation of the tracing hoard given in his usual impressive manner by Bro . William Martin , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . B . The lodge was then closed , and the meeting adjourned until the first Monday in December .
GIBRALTAR . LODGE OF FBIENDSHIP ( NO . 31-5 ) . —The members of the above lodge met on Tuesday , the 22 nd October , 1861 , for the purpose of crafting Bros , the Rev . Chas . J . Horfc , Chaplain to the Forces , Lieut . Thos . Lyster , Royal Engineers , and Lieut . F . AVm . Ramsbottom , Rifle Brigade ; also to meat the W . M ., Major Middleton , and partake of an entertainment given by the members of 345 to
that distinguished Mason and officer , on the eve of his departure for Malta , to which island he had been appointed on the staff of Major General Bates . The meeting ivas fully attended ; amongst the visitors ive noticed Col . B . S . Stehelin , Commanding Royal Engineers , a Master Mason of 1822 , and of Col . Paulett Somerset , C . B ., Royal Fusiliers . After the business of the lodge was concluded , the brethren adjourned to the refreshment-room , and partook of an excellent supper provided in its usual sumptuous
style by our worthy Treasurer , Bro . W . Weis . After supper the W . M ., Bro . Middleton , gave " The Queen , " ivhich toast ivas received ivith great applause . The healths of of the Grand Masters of England , Ireland , and Scotland ivere also Avarmly received . The Senior Warden , Lieut .-Col . Dunn , V . C . 100 th Reg ., then gave the toasfc of the evening , " The Heath of fche AV . M ., " was received Avith rapturous applause . He dwelt on the many advantages for which Lodge 345 ivas indebted to the W . M . in his indefatigable
endeavours for the good of Masonry , and prayed thafc the Grand Geometrician ivould abundantly eroAvn him Avith success in all his undertakings . The W . M . suitably acknowledged the kind manner in AA'hich the toast of his health had been given anil received . Since he had had the great pleasure of taking charge of theloclge , ifc had been his earnest Avish to promote the interests and welfare of the Oreler , in the best manner he could . He felt gratified with the expressions of feeling which had been madeand returned his best
, and heartfelt thanks to the officers and brethren of the loelge , who hael so ably assisted him in his duties—he ivould take this opportunity of drinking to their healths . After many other toasts ivere drunk and responded to , the lodge proceeded to harmony , and at an early hour separated .
CONSTANTINOPLE . —Oriental Lodge ( No . 988 ) . —The first monthly meeting after the recess ivas held at tbe lodge room , High-street , Pera , on Friday , the 18 th October , Bros . H . Pulmaii , W . M . ; G . LaAvrie , P . M . ; Brackett , S . AV . ; Mountain , , I . W ., andBro . J . P . BroAvn , Secretary of the "U . S . Legation , was elected a joining member . Bro . TAviney , Barrister Supreme Court , and Bro . Harmen AA-ere raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Secretary read a notification from R . W . Bro . Sir 11 . L . Bulwerof the appointment of
, D . Prov , G . M . The R . W . Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . Prov . G . M of Turkey and Greece , ivas then announced anel received ivith honours . He stated to the brethren by the command of his excellency , that the Provincial Grand Lodge ii'ould be held on the 28 th . In the evening a banquet ivas held , AA'hen the usual Masonic toasts , and ' "The Health of the D . Prov . G . M ., " which was respondeel to by him , were duly given .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter was held on Wednesday , there being present Comps . Hall presiding as M . E . Z . ; LI . Evans as H . ; Sir Lucius Curtis as J . ; Havers , N . ; Clarke , E . ; Rev . Dr . Senior , P . Soj . ; Mclntyre and Le . Veau , Asst . Sog . ; Roxburgh Reg . ; Symonds , D . C . ; Bridges , Pullen , Wilson , Mattheivs , GoleAVheelerand about a dozen other companions .
, , The Chapter being opened , the report of the Committee of General Purposes published- in the FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE of last week , ivas presented and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Comp . EVANS moved a resolution approving that portion relative to the right of Grand Chapter to grant charters for Chapters to be attached to lodges in Canada , holding under the Grand Lodgeof England , which was seconded and carried unanimously . Comp . EVANS then moved that the petition from the Chapter of
Harmony ( No . 387 ) , praying for permission to remove the Chapter to Fareham , in consequence of the Lodge of Harmony , to ivhich the Chapter is attached , having been removed to that toAi-n , heagreed to . The motion having been seconded , Comp . STEBBINGS opposed it on the ground that it was at variance with the laiv for Grand Chapter to give that permission , unnecessarily putting a cumbrous machinery into motionand an
, interference with the privileges of the Grand Principal Z . He contended , that under the Royal Arch regulations , though Grand Chapter recommended the granting of charters for new Chapters , they were in the ivords of the charters issued by the three Grand-Principals ivith "the consent of Grand Chapter ; " and that as the dispensing poiver ivas ahvays in the hands of the first principal , and as , under the laivs of the Craft , lodges could only be moved ivith the consent of the Grand Master on the
recommendation of fche Prov . Grand Master , so in Arch Masonry the Chapters could only be moved by the consent of the Grand Z ., on . the recommendation of the Grand Supt . He thought that the laivs ought to be strictly adhered to , anel therefore moved that the recommendation of the Committee of General Purposes for theremoval of the Chapter , being an interference ivifch the privileges of the first Grand Principals , and the Prov . Grand Supts ., it bC'hot adopted .
Sir LUCIUS CURTIS , as Prov . Grand Supt . for Hampshire , seconded the amendment , and complained that the Royal Arch regulations were very defective , especially ivith regard to the duties devolving
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
come among them . The toast ivas received in true Masonic form . Bro . Sheppard , in acknoivledging the toast , referred to the fact of his having been initiated in the Royal Cornish Miners' Lodge ( No . 175 ) , ( under the old constitutions ) , at Dover , in Kent , on the 13 th day of July , 1811 ( which lodge is noAv extinct ) , and he produced his Grand Lodge Certificate ; that from various circumstances he was 2 irevented for nearly tii'enty years after his
initiation attending a Masonic Lodge , as among other things he ivas engaged in the Royal Navy during the latter period of the continental ivar . After giving an interesting account of his someiA-hat varied and chequered life , he expressed the very great pleasure he felt in being at length , though at a late period in life , in a position to call himself a Past Master of the craft . He felt particularly happy In seeing so many of his Masonic friends around him to celebrate his Masonic jubilee , and hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would
spare , him to meet them on many future occasions . The health of Mrs . Sheppard ivas proposed and duly honoured , as was also that of many of the brethren present , including the AV . M . and P . M . 's of the Harmonic Lodge ( No . 313 ) , and an evening which will be long remembered among the craft in Dudley , ivas brought to a close about eleven o ' clock . The folloiving brethren were present on the above occasion : —Bros . Sheppard , P . M ., in the chair ; Dennison , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., W . M . 313 , in the A'ice chair ;
Masefield , P . M . 313 and 730 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Prov . G . Treas . ; Bristow , P . M . 313 , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., Prov . G . Sec ; Morris , P . M . 313 , P . Prov . G . Supt . Wits . ; Patterson , P . M . 313 , P . Prov . G . D . ; Dr . Cooper , P . M . 313 , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; Rolinson , Hanson , Geo . Smith , Geo . Stevenson , Roberts , Peters , and Geo . Wilkinson . At a regular meeting of the members , held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Dudley , on Tuesday , Sth November , the R . W . Bro . M . DennisonP . M . P . Prov . S . G . AV . W . M . in the chairthe R . W .
, , , , Bro . Bristoiv , P . M . P . Prov . J . G . W ., Prov . Grand Sec , in pursuance of notice given by him at the previous regular meeting , proposed that the sum of ten pounds be given from the funds of this lodge in aid of the Female Fund of the Royal Benevolent Institution , ivhich ivas carried unanimously .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS . ) STOKESTJEY . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 795 . )—On Monday evening last , the usual monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge ivas held at the Golden Lion Inn—Bros . John Hepburn Handyside , P . M . and P . Prov . S . J . AV ., AV . M . ; Richard Watson , S . W . ; George Markham Tiveddell as J . W . ; John RoAvntree , S . D . ; — Smith as J . D . ; — TurnerI . G . and AVilliam HarrisonTyler . The lodge being
, , , opened to the third degree , Bros . Cooke , Wrighton , and Terry , having previously passeel a creditable examination ivere raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons ; the ceremony being ably performed by the W . M ., and the explanation of the tracing hoard given in his usual impressive manner by Bro . William Martin , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . B . The lodge was then closed , and the meeting adjourned until the first Monday in December .
GIBRALTAR . LODGE OF FBIENDSHIP ( NO . 31-5 ) . —The members of the above lodge met on Tuesday , the 22 nd October , 1861 , for the purpose of crafting Bros , the Rev . Chas . J . Horfc , Chaplain to the Forces , Lieut . Thos . Lyster , Royal Engineers , and Lieut . F . AVm . Ramsbottom , Rifle Brigade ; also to meat the W . M ., Major Middleton , and partake of an entertainment given by the members of 345 to
that distinguished Mason and officer , on the eve of his departure for Malta , to which island he had been appointed on the staff of Major General Bates . The meeting ivas fully attended ; amongst the visitors ive noticed Col . B . S . Stehelin , Commanding Royal Engineers , a Master Mason of 1822 , and of Col . Paulett Somerset , C . B ., Royal Fusiliers . After the business of the lodge was concluded , the brethren adjourned to the refreshment-room , and partook of an excellent supper provided in its usual sumptuous
style by our worthy Treasurer , Bro . W . Weis . After supper the W . M ., Bro . Middleton , gave " The Queen , " ivhich toast ivas received ivith great applause . The healths of of the Grand Masters of England , Ireland , and Scotland ivere also Avarmly received . The Senior Warden , Lieut .-Col . Dunn , V . C . 100 th Reg ., then gave the toasfc of the evening , " The Heath of fche AV . M ., " was received Avith rapturous applause . He dwelt on the many advantages for which Lodge 345 ivas indebted to the W . M . in his indefatigable
endeavours for the good of Masonry , and prayed thafc the Grand Geometrician ivould abundantly eroAvn him Avith success in all his undertakings . The W . M . suitably acknowledged the kind manner in AA'hich the toast of his health had been given anil received . Since he had had the great pleasure of taking charge of theloclge , ifc had been his earnest Avish to promote the interests and welfare of the Oreler , in the best manner he could . He felt gratified with the expressions of feeling which had been madeand returned his best
, and heartfelt thanks to the officers and brethren of the loelge , who hael so ably assisted him in his duties—he ivould take this opportunity of drinking to their healths . After many other toasts ivere drunk and responded to , the lodge proceeded to harmony , and at an early hour separated .
CONSTANTINOPLE . —Oriental Lodge ( No . 988 ) . —The first monthly meeting after the recess ivas held at tbe lodge room , High-street , Pera , on Friday , the 18 th October , Bros . H . Pulmaii , W . M . ; G . LaAvrie , P . M . ; Brackett , S . AV . ; Mountain , , I . W ., andBro . J . P . BroAvn , Secretary of the "U . S . Legation , was elected a joining member . Bro . TAviney , Barrister Supreme Court , and Bro . Harmen AA-ere raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Secretary read a notification from R . W . Bro . Sir 11 . L . Bulwerof the appointment of
, D . Prov , G . M . The R . W . Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . Prov . G . M of Turkey and Greece , ivas then announced anel received ivith honours . He stated to the brethren by the command of his excellency , that the Provincial Grand Lodge ii'ould be held on the 28 th . In the evening a banquet ivas held , AA'hen the usual Masonic toasts , and ' "The Health of the D . Prov . G . M ., " which was respondeel to by him , were duly given .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter was held on Wednesday , there being present Comps . Hall presiding as M . E . Z . ; LI . Evans as H . ; Sir Lucius Curtis as J . ; Havers , N . ; Clarke , E . ; Rev . Dr . Senior , P . Soj . ; Mclntyre and Le . Veau , Asst . Sog . ; Roxburgh Reg . ; Symonds , D . C . ; Bridges , Pullen , Wilson , Mattheivs , GoleAVheelerand about a dozen other companions .
, , The Chapter being opened , the report of the Committee of General Purposes published- in the FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE of last week , ivas presented and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Comp . EVANS moved a resolution approving that portion relative to the right of Grand Chapter to grant charters for Chapters to be attached to lodges in Canada , holding under the Grand Lodgeof England , which was seconded and carried unanimously . Comp . EVANS then moved that the petition from the Chapter of
Harmony ( No . 387 ) , praying for permission to remove the Chapter to Fareham , in consequence of the Lodge of Harmony , to ivhich the Chapter is attached , having been removed to that toAi-n , heagreed to . The motion having been seconded , Comp . STEBBINGS opposed it on the ground that it was at variance with the laiv for Grand Chapter to give that permission , unnecessarily putting a cumbrous machinery into motionand an
, interference with the privileges of the Grand Principal Z . He contended , that under the Royal Arch regulations , though Grand Chapter recommended the granting of charters for new Chapters , they were in the ivords of the charters issued by the three Grand-Principals ivith "the consent of Grand Chapter ; " and that as the dispensing poiver ivas ahvays in the hands of the first principal , and as , under the laivs of the Craft , lodges could only be moved ivith the consent of the Grand Master on the
recommendation of fche Prov . Grand Master , so in Arch Masonry the Chapters could only be moved by the consent of the Grand Z ., on . the recommendation of the Grand Supt . He thought that the laivs ought to be strictly adhered to , anel therefore moved that the recommendation of the Committee of General Purposes for theremoval of the Chapter , being an interference ivifch the privileges of the first Grand Principals , and the Prov . Grand Supts ., it bC'hot adopted .
Sir LUCIUS CURTIS , as Prov . Grand Supt . for Hampshire , seconded the amendment , and complained that the Royal Arch regulations were very defective , especially ivith regard to the duties devolving