Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK Page 1 of 3 →
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Notes On Music And The Drama.
just let me put two plugs into your nostrils to prevent the air from issuing out at those apertures . I ivas resolved not to endure this , and looked round for the door , in oreler to secure a retreat , while he thus Avent on -. —I always wear plugs AAdienI sing , but I have a great notion that if holes AA-ere bored at proper distances along the side of the nose , it Avould make no bad flute . Noiv , sir , give me leave to shoAv you hoAV much farther the j . aws ought to be distended by
the lancet , and where the glands should be cut . —Saying this , he drew a pen-knife out of his side pocket ; but as I had alt this time been sideling towards the door ( being IIOAV fully convinced he Avas rather more disturbed in the faculties than a good theorist ought to be ) out I flew , anel never once looked behind me 'till I ivas fairiy oufc of sight of the house . "
Public Amusements.
DRURY LANE THEATRE . Miss Avonia Jones , a lady AVIIO had acquired considerable distinction in Australia , on Tuesday evening made her first appearance before an English audience as Medea , and achieved a genuine success . The part Avhich she selected for her debut is , indeed , a trying one . Of all female characters in the AA'hole range of the drama , that of Medea is the most difficult to impersonate . To say that Miss Jones lays to absolute perfectionivere to aivard hiher
p , g praise than the occasion Avarrants ; yet it may be asserted with perfect truth that she sustains that most arduous of characters ivith remarkable skill and poiver , and that she frequently succeeds in awakening the cordial sympathy of her audience . Miss J ones ' s personal advantages are greatly in her favour , her face being handsome and thoughtful , her figure more than usually tall and well moulded , and voice melodious , and well adapted for the utterance of tragic emotion . Her Medea is someivhat deficient
in those qualities of grandeur , majesty , anel terror ivhich Madame Ristori associates with the character ; but it is instinct ivifch poetic grace , fraught Avith tender sentiment , full of poignant SOITOAV , and most eloquently and touchingly expressive of maternal love . Her gesfcures are appropriate and impressive , and her attitudes have a spontaneous significance and a sculpturesque beauty of design which greatly enhance the effect of her performance . She was summoned before the curtain no fewer than five times in the course
of the evening , and on the last occasion was accompanied by Mr . E . T . Smith , Avhose reception Avas such as expressed the satisfaction of the audience on finding that he had secured the services of so accomplished an artist .
LYCEUM THEATRE . Mr . Edmund Falconer has succeeded in keeping open the Lyceum Theatre during the elulles : period of the year , with substantial profit to himself and entire satisfaction to the public . The croivded audiences Avhich have filled the theatre nightly since the commencement of the season have not been draAvn together by any flimsy or meretricious attraction . The magnet has been a sterling English Comedy , played for the most part in a style of first-rate
excellence . As the author of " AVoman , " Mr . Falconer has been in a double sense the creator of his OAVII success , ivhich has resulted alike from his good management and his good ivrithig . Seeing that he has thus not only given remunerative employment to a company ot very clever artists , but afc the same time afforded a rich intellectual treat to the lovers of our native drama , he certainly deserves the cordial support of the public . A new and original drama , also from the pen of the lessee , entitled " Peep o' Day , or Savourneen Deelish , " and strongly east , is to be produced on Monday evening .
A BiACE ; OEAO-CE . — " One example , Rough , " said the raven to the terrier , " will let you into fche entire secret as to hoiv this fortune telling dodge was worked . Say , the customer is a spooney youth , lvanting to knoAv if lie is at all likely ever to get a siveetheart ; if so , IIOAV , and Allien , and AA-here ? He whispers the question to Mrs . Boseo , ivho repeats it to me behind the curtain . 'Impsiwheeze , ' says she , ' ansAA-er—YES or no ? ' ' Yes . ' ' AVill she be tall or
SHOBT ? ' 'Short . ' 'AVill she be handsome , do you KNOW ? ' 'No . ' ' Good gracious ! ' ejaculates the young man , turning paler than ever . ' Will she be poor or BICH ? ' ' Rich / 'How long AVIH it be before he meets her ? ' NOAV , it ivas an understanding that when I didn't get any clue from the question , I ivas to utter the first nonsense that came into my head . ' Chuckster toll-bar-binks , ' replied I . ' That is Hebrew' / explained Mrs . Bosco to the astonished youth— ' a tongue Avhich the bird sometimes mixes Avith oursI
. , hoAvever , can interpret it : fifteen months and a quarter is the time mentioned by the sage bird . Is that IUGTIT , Impsiwheeze ?' ' Right' replied I . That terminated the interview , the silly felloAV taking his departure , assured that he had received ample Avorth for the half-croAvn he had paid . "—Boy ' s own Magazine .
The Week
THE COUBT . —On Friday , the 1 st , the Queen formally inaugurated the new order of knighthood , the creation of AA'hich ivill tend to illustrate her reign—The Order of the Star of India . The creation of this order , ive need hardly remind our readers , is intended to commemorate the direct extension of the British sovereignty over India , and is open both to distinguished natives anel
to those Englishmen who have signalised themselves by civil or military service in the Indian field . Among those who received the honour at her Majesty's hands were Lord Gough , the Maharajah Duleep Singh , Lord Harris , Lord Clyde , Sir John Lawrence , and others . The Prince Consort and the Prince of Wales Avere made extra knights of the order . Lord Canning had previously
conferred the order on some distinguished natives and European officers in Calcutta . Her Majesty and the larger part of the Royal Family still remain at Windsor . The young Prince Leopold , Avho is in Mseighth year , has gone to Cannes , in the south of France , to spend the Avinter , in consequence of delicate health . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The weekly return of the births and
deaths in London continues to be greatly below the ten years' average . The number of last Aveek AA-as about 100 beloAV that which the average Avould have made it , Avhile the births are as high above it . The only disease at present approaching to au epidemic is scar > Iafcina , which is making rather serious attacks on young children . The Smithfield Club , which for many years has rented
premises for their annual cattle shoiv in Baker-street , noAv feel confidence enough in the resources aucl stability of their society todetermine on the erection of premises of . their oiA-n , and the foundation stone ofthe HBAV building AA-as laid on Tuesday afc Islington ,
by Lord Bemers . The premises AVIII be spacious , fitted up with all conveniences for the purposes to Avhich they aee destined , and the architecture , where architectural decorations can be introduced , ivill be elegant and tasteful . The cost of the building is estimated at £ 30 , 000 , and we understand ifc has all- been subscribed . The autumnal exhibition of fruits and flowers took place in the Horticultural Gardens on Tuesday . The shoiv ivas
admirable , and attracted a large number of A'isitors . Some time ago , the Hanley Town Council passeel a resolution thanking Mr . Cobden for his sendees in connection with the Commercial Treaty . Thereply of tbe hon . gentleman has just been published . He urges that some vigilance must be exercised to ensure the enjoyment of the " moral fruits" of the Treaty ; for , at the very moment when
the two peoples are invited to extend to each other the hand of friendship , the tivo governments are constantly increasing their preparations for Avar . He does not attempt to cast exclusive blame upon either party for a state of things AA'hich " is both repugnant fco reason and offensive to public morality , " bufc an effort at least
must be made to effect a beneficial change . The annual dinner in aid of the AVarehousemen and Clerks' schools , took place last Aveek at the London Tavern . Lord Brougham occupied the chair ; and aboufc 320 persons sat doAvn . The Avhole affair ivas most successful . The right honourable chairman expressed his approval of the manner in AA'hich the charity had been managed , and a hope that even increased success AA-ould attend ifc in future . At
theclose of the proceedings the subscription lists Avere sent round , and about ; fil 500 Avere subscribed . The charity is an excellent one , aud Avell deserving of even more support than it has hitherto obtained . A fresh effort is about to be made to establish telegraphic communications with India . Our readers will remember the failure of the cable laid down by the Bed Sea Company , and all the
correspondence thafc took place Avifch the Government before the company could obtain the payment of the guarantee Avhich the Government had in the first instance promised them . It appears that fresh negociations have been going on , and the shareholders have been called together to consider the propriety of handing over their shares to a UOAV company , on the Government engaging to relieve
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Music And The Drama.
just let me put two plugs into your nostrils to prevent the air from issuing out at those apertures . I ivas resolved not to endure this , and looked round for the door , in oreler to secure a retreat , while he thus Avent on -. —I always wear plugs AAdienI sing , but I have a great notion that if holes AA-ere bored at proper distances along the side of the nose , it Avould make no bad flute . Noiv , sir , give me leave to shoAv you hoAV much farther the j . aws ought to be distended by
the lancet , and where the glands should be cut . —Saying this , he drew a pen-knife out of his side pocket ; but as I had alt this time been sideling towards the door ( being IIOAV fully convinced he Avas rather more disturbed in the faculties than a good theorist ought to be ) out I flew , anel never once looked behind me 'till I ivas fairiy oufc of sight of the house . "
Public Amusements.
DRURY LANE THEATRE . Miss Avonia Jones , a lady AVIIO had acquired considerable distinction in Australia , on Tuesday evening made her first appearance before an English audience as Medea , and achieved a genuine success . The part Avhich she selected for her debut is , indeed , a trying one . Of all female characters in the AA'hole range of the drama , that of Medea is the most difficult to impersonate . To say that Miss Jones lays to absolute perfectionivere to aivard hiher
p , g praise than the occasion Avarrants ; yet it may be asserted with perfect truth that she sustains that most arduous of characters ivith remarkable skill and poiver , and that she frequently succeeds in awakening the cordial sympathy of her audience . Miss J ones ' s personal advantages are greatly in her favour , her face being handsome and thoughtful , her figure more than usually tall and well moulded , and voice melodious , and well adapted for the utterance of tragic emotion . Her Medea is someivhat deficient
in those qualities of grandeur , majesty , anel terror ivhich Madame Ristori associates with the character ; but it is instinct ivifch poetic grace , fraught Avith tender sentiment , full of poignant SOITOAV , and most eloquently and touchingly expressive of maternal love . Her gesfcures are appropriate and impressive , and her attitudes have a spontaneous significance and a sculpturesque beauty of design which greatly enhance the effect of her performance . She was summoned before the curtain no fewer than five times in the course
of the evening , and on the last occasion was accompanied by Mr . E . T . Smith , Avhose reception Avas such as expressed the satisfaction of the audience on finding that he had secured the services of so accomplished an artist .
LYCEUM THEATRE . Mr . Edmund Falconer has succeeded in keeping open the Lyceum Theatre during the elulles : period of the year , with substantial profit to himself and entire satisfaction to the public . The croivded audiences Avhich have filled the theatre nightly since the commencement of the season have not been draAvn together by any flimsy or meretricious attraction . The magnet has been a sterling English Comedy , played for the most part in a style of first-rate
excellence . As the author of " AVoman , " Mr . Falconer has been in a double sense the creator of his OAVII success , ivhich has resulted alike from his good management and his good ivrithig . Seeing that he has thus not only given remunerative employment to a company ot very clever artists , but afc the same time afforded a rich intellectual treat to the lovers of our native drama , he certainly deserves the cordial support of the public . A new and original drama , also from the pen of the lessee , entitled " Peep o' Day , or Savourneen Deelish , " and strongly east , is to be produced on Monday evening .
A BiACE ; OEAO-CE . — " One example , Rough , " said the raven to the terrier , " will let you into fche entire secret as to hoiv this fortune telling dodge was worked . Say , the customer is a spooney youth , lvanting to knoAv if lie is at all likely ever to get a siveetheart ; if so , IIOAV , and Allien , and AA-here ? He whispers the question to Mrs . Boseo , ivho repeats it to me behind the curtain . 'Impsiwheeze , ' says she , ' ansAA-er—YES or no ? ' ' Yes . ' ' AVill she be tall or
SHOBT ? ' 'Short . ' 'AVill she be handsome , do you KNOW ? ' 'No . ' ' Good gracious ! ' ejaculates the young man , turning paler than ever . ' Will she be poor or BICH ? ' ' Rich / 'How long AVIH it be before he meets her ? ' NOAV , it ivas an understanding that when I didn't get any clue from the question , I ivas to utter the first nonsense that came into my head . ' Chuckster toll-bar-binks , ' replied I . ' That is Hebrew' / explained Mrs . Bosco to the astonished youth— ' a tongue Avhich the bird sometimes mixes Avith oursI
. , hoAvever , can interpret it : fifteen months and a quarter is the time mentioned by the sage bird . Is that IUGTIT , Impsiwheeze ?' ' Right' replied I . That terminated the interview , the silly felloAV taking his departure , assured that he had received ample Avorth for the half-croAvn he had paid . "—Boy ' s own Magazine .
The Week
THE COUBT . —On Friday , the 1 st , the Queen formally inaugurated the new order of knighthood , the creation of AA'hich ivill tend to illustrate her reign—The Order of the Star of India . The creation of this order , ive need hardly remind our readers , is intended to commemorate the direct extension of the British sovereignty over India , and is open both to distinguished natives anel
to those Englishmen who have signalised themselves by civil or military service in the Indian field . Among those who received the honour at her Majesty's hands were Lord Gough , the Maharajah Duleep Singh , Lord Harris , Lord Clyde , Sir John Lawrence , and others . The Prince Consort and the Prince of Wales Avere made extra knights of the order . Lord Canning had previously
conferred the order on some distinguished natives and European officers in Calcutta . Her Majesty and the larger part of the Royal Family still remain at Windsor . The young Prince Leopold , Avho is in Mseighth year , has gone to Cannes , in the south of France , to spend the Avinter , in consequence of delicate health . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The weekly return of the births and
deaths in London continues to be greatly below the ten years' average . The number of last Aveek AA-as about 100 beloAV that which the average Avould have made it , Avhile the births are as high above it . The only disease at present approaching to au epidemic is scar > Iafcina , which is making rather serious attacks on young children . The Smithfield Club , which for many years has rented
premises for their annual cattle shoiv in Baker-street , noAv feel confidence enough in the resources aucl stability of their society todetermine on the erection of premises of . their oiA-n , and the foundation stone ofthe HBAV building AA-as laid on Tuesday afc Islington ,
by Lord Bemers . The premises AVIII be spacious , fitted up with all conveniences for the purposes to Avhich they aee destined , and the architecture , where architectural decorations can be introduced , ivill be elegant and tasteful . The cost of the building is estimated at £ 30 , 000 , and we understand ifc has all- been subscribed . The autumnal exhibition of fruits and flowers took place in the Horticultural Gardens on Tuesday . The shoiv ivas
admirable , and attracted a large number of A'isitors . Some time ago , the Hanley Town Council passeel a resolution thanking Mr . Cobden for his sendees in connection with the Commercial Treaty . Thereply of tbe hon . gentleman has just been published . He urges that some vigilance must be exercised to ensure the enjoyment of the " moral fruits" of the Treaty ; for , at the very moment when
the two peoples are invited to extend to each other the hand of friendship , the tivo governments are constantly increasing their preparations for Avar . He does not attempt to cast exclusive blame upon either party for a state of things AA'hich " is both repugnant fco reason and offensive to public morality , " bufc an effort at least
must be made to effect a beneficial change . The annual dinner in aid of the AVarehousemen and Clerks' schools , took place last Aveek at the London Tavern . Lord Brougham occupied the chair ; and aboufc 320 persons sat doAvn . The Avhole affair ivas most successful . The right honourable chairman expressed his approval of the manner in AA'hich the charity had been managed , and a hope that even increased success AA-ould attend ifc in future . At
theclose of the proceedings the subscription lists Avere sent round , and about ; fil 500 Avere subscribed . The charity is an excellent one , aud Avell deserving of even more support than it has hitherto obtained . A fresh effort is about to be made to establish telegraphic communications with India . Our readers will remember the failure of the cable laid down by the Bed Sea Company , and all the
correspondence thafc took place Avifch the Government before the company could obtain the payment of the guarantee Avhich the Government had in the first instance promised them . It appears that fresh negociations have been going on , and the shareholders have been called together to consider the propriety of handing over their shares to a UOAV company , on the Government engaging to relieve