Article LOOSENESS IN MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC REPORTING. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Looseness In Masonry.
ticular occasion . At one of the lodges they went to they saw the Tyler polishing a large brass arch . "What , " says P ., one of fche six , " are yon going to carry that piece of work about the town ? " "No , " answered T . -, " there are six brethren from Carlisle
going to take the Eoyal Arch degree . ' " Indeed , " says F ., "I have not heard about it . How much do you charge ? " Tyler : "Fifteen shillings each . " P .: "That is not legal . " "Tea , " says H ., another Scotch Mason , " I will prove ifc " —and away he ran and fetched a warrant of the English Grand Chapter of Eoyal Arch Masons . "Therelook at that . "
, P .: "True , ifc is an English warrant ; but do you not give certificates ? " H .: "No , we cannot afford . I will just tell you what we will do . If all of you take the Eoyal Arch , we'll do you for thirty shillings and a bowl of whiskey punch ; that will be better than fifteen shillings each . " Butlike true Masonsthe
, , six declined . You see , Bro . Editor , that a Mason can take the Eoyal Arch degree for a mere trifle over the borders , and if an English chapter have no by-laws to charge the difference of the S . C . to that of an E . G ., why , the small paid ones can obtain the same benefits as an English Mason who has paid
three guineas , which I for one do not think is right . As to the letter of " 1 S ° , " I think it unjust of so eminent a Mason to designate the poor unfortunate members ofthe S . C , because they have been led into Masonry , in so disgraceful a mauner . No , rather let us pity them ; and if we see them travelling on the
broad road to destruction , strive to bring them into the narrow path that leads to glory ; for your correspondent " 18 ° " must consider that they were men and brethren before they entered Masonry . If "P . M . " and "IS " think they are somewhat troubled with Scotch Masonsthey should come to
, Carlisle for a while , and then they would see a few . Yours fraternally , AiiiHUB WOODHOUSE , Steward 310 , S . W . 412 , Prov . G . S .
Masonic Reporting.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —Apropos of the subject of the discussion of Masonic subjects in the ordinary press , I was amused to notice in the issue of the 1 st inst . of a Glasgow evening newspaper the following paragraph under the heading " Grand Lodge of Scotland
"— "After arranging for the due celebration on the 29 th inst . of the festival of St . Andrew , the brethren will proceed from labour to refreshment , and to harmonise in the light . '' On reading the above statement , I must confess that I was rather taken aback ; and if the person who wrote it is a
brother , I think he would be all the better for a little posting up , and , if not , I would advise him to understand what he is writing about before he again prophecies that , at a business meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the brethren will harmonise in the liht . The retailing of such gossi this in the
g p as ordinary newspapers cannot , surely , tend to enhance the dignity of our Order in the eyes of keen observers amongst the uninitiated . Yours fraternally , A BROTHER .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
THE Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire will he held afc the Masonic Hall , Monmouth , on Thursday , the 14 th November , at twelve noon precisely . GRAXD STEWARDS LODGE . —We are requested to state that , in consequence of the death of Bro . John Gurton , I . P . M . of the Grand Stewards Lodge , a public night will not he held oa
Wednesday , the 27 th inst . THE Grand Lodge of Scotland met on Monday , the 4 th inst .,. but , in consequence of a delay in the receipt ot the report from our Scottish Correspondent , we are compelled to defer giving the proceedings until our next issue . We observe from the report that the Rig ht Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie has been
nominated to the Grand Mastership of Scotland , in room of the M-W . Bro . J . Whyte Melville ; also , the appointment of Bro-Captain Spiers , Jlf . P ., as Provinciol Grand Master for the City of Glasgow .
OLD CONCOKD LODGE ( No . 172 ) . —A numerously attended meeting of the members of this old-established lodge was held on Tuesday evening , Sth inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bro . A . Sallusfc , W . M " ., presided , supported by the officers of the lodge , amongst whom we noticed Bro . John Emmens , Sec . According to the wording of the summons ,, the brethren appeared in the habiliments of mourning as a tribute of respect to the late Bro . KennedyP . M . and Treas . of
, the lodge , the principal feature of the evening being to hear an oration by Bro . the Rev . J . W . Laughlin , Chaplain of the lodge and rector of St . Peter ' s , Saffron-hill , which we , from want of space , are compelled to omit in our present issue . The lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn prayer , Mr-William Clark , a candidate for the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , having been balloted for and approved ,
wasinitiated hy the W . M ., with which ceremony he seemed highly impressed . Bro . Cohen , an E . A ., was then raised to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Emmens , P . M . and Sec ., who was evidently affected with the solemnity of tho occasion , said it was unnecessary for him to announce to the brethren the sudden bereavement the lodge had sustained . He felt it to he his duty , in the first place , to thank them on behalf of the widow of their respected Bro . Kennedy , for their kindness in so promptly
attending , and paying , by their presence at the funeral , tho last tribute of respect to their deceased brother . As far as he ( Bro . Emmens ) was concerned he could say that a more amiable , good , man than Bro . Kennedy never lived . He did aU ho could for the lodge , and every brother would deeply deplore his loss . The Rev . Bro . Laughlin said ho would , in the first place , with the permission of the lodge , propose that the Secretary be requested to send a letter of condolence from the
Worshipful Master , Past Masters , and Wardens to the widow of L ' ro . Kennedy upon her bereavement ; and that the best thanks be given to him ( Bro . Emmens ) for having so promptly communicated the mournful intelligence to the brethren . This was carried unanimously . VIEMEES LODGE ( XO . 1 , 194 ) . —An emergency meeting of this newly-consecrated lodge was held on the 20 th ult ., at the
Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . E . Clarke , and there were present Bros . S . E . Clark , S . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., as J . W . ; — Gurney , Treas .. ; R . W , Little , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Dodd , S . D . ; G . S . Hodgson , as J . D . ; — Gurney , I . G . ; Gilbert , O . G . The ballots being in favour of the six candidates for initiation , Messrs . Lancaster , Osbaldiston , and Smales , three of the number , who were in attendance , were introduced and initiated . A letter was read from Bro . Lord Jersey , who was one of the founders of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Looseness In Masonry.
ticular occasion . At one of the lodges they went to they saw the Tyler polishing a large brass arch . "What , " says P ., one of fche six , " are yon going to carry that piece of work about the town ? " "No , " answered T . -, " there are six brethren from Carlisle
going to take the Eoyal Arch degree . ' " Indeed , " says F ., "I have not heard about it . How much do you charge ? " Tyler : "Fifteen shillings each . " P .: "That is not legal . " "Tea , " says H ., another Scotch Mason , " I will prove ifc " —and away he ran and fetched a warrant of the English Grand Chapter of Eoyal Arch Masons . "Therelook at that . "
, P .: "True , ifc is an English warrant ; but do you not give certificates ? " H .: "No , we cannot afford . I will just tell you what we will do . If all of you take the Eoyal Arch , we'll do you for thirty shillings and a bowl of whiskey punch ; that will be better than fifteen shillings each . " Butlike true Masonsthe
, , six declined . You see , Bro . Editor , that a Mason can take the Eoyal Arch degree for a mere trifle over the borders , and if an English chapter have no by-laws to charge the difference of the S . C . to that of an E . G ., why , the small paid ones can obtain the same benefits as an English Mason who has paid
three guineas , which I for one do not think is right . As to the letter of " 1 S ° , " I think it unjust of so eminent a Mason to designate the poor unfortunate members ofthe S . C , because they have been led into Masonry , in so disgraceful a mauner . No , rather let us pity them ; and if we see them travelling on the
broad road to destruction , strive to bring them into the narrow path that leads to glory ; for your correspondent " 18 ° " must consider that they were men and brethren before they entered Masonry . If "P . M . " and "IS " think they are somewhat troubled with Scotch Masonsthey should come to
, Carlisle for a while , and then they would see a few . Yours fraternally , AiiiHUB WOODHOUSE , Steward 310 , S . W . 412 , Prov . G . S .
Masonic Reporting.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —Apropos of the subject of the discussion of Masonic subjects in the ordinary press , I was amused to notice in the issue of the 1 st inst . of a Glasgow evening newspaper the following paragraph under the heading " Grand Lodge of Scotland
"— "After arranging for the due celebration on the 29 th inst . of the festival of St . Andrew , the brethren will proceed from labour to refreshment , and to harmonise in the light . '' On reading the above statement , I must confess that I was rather taken aback ; and if the person who wrote it is a
brother , I think he would be all the better for a little posting up , and , if not , I would advise him to understand what he is writing about before he again prophecies that , at a business meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the brethren will harmonise in the liht . The retailing of such gossi this in the
g p as ordinary newspapers cannot , surely , tend to enhance the dignity of our Order in the eyes of keen observers amongst the uninitiated . Yours fraternally , A BROTHER .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
THE Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire will he held afc the Masonic Hall , Monmouth , on Thursday , the 14 th November , at twelve noon precisely . GRAXD STEWARDS LODGE . —We are requested to state that , in consequence of the death of Bro . John Gurton , I . P . M . of the Grand Stewards Lodge , a public night will not he held oa
Wednesday , the 27 th inst . THE Grand Lodge of Scotland met on Monday , the 4 th inst .,. but , in consequence of a delay in the receipt ot the report from our Scottish Correspondent , we are compelled to defer giving the proceedings until our next issue . We observe from the report that the Rig ht Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie has been
nominated to the Grand Mastership of Scotland , in room of the M-W . Bro . J . Whyte Melville ; also , the appointment of Bro-Captain Spiers , Jlf . P ., as Provinciol Grand Master for the City of Glasgow .
OLD CONCOKD LODGE ( No . 172 ) . —A numerously attended meeting of the members of this old-established lodge was held on Tuesday evening , Sth inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bro . A . Sallusfc , W . M " ., presided , supported by the officers of the lodge , amongst whom we noticed Bro . John Emmens , Sec . According to the wording of the summons ,, the brethren appeared in the habiliments of mourning as a tribute of respect to the late Bro . KennedyP . M . and Treas . of
, the lodge , the principal feature of the evening being to hear an oration by Bro . the Rev . J . W . Laughlin , Chaplain of the lodge and rector of St . Peter ' s , Saffron-hill , which we , from want of space , are compelled to omit in our present issue . The lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn prayer , Mr-William Clark , a candidate for the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , having been balloted for and approved ,
wasinitiated hy the W . M ., with which ceremony he seemed highly impressed . Bro . Cohen , an E . A ., was then raised to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Emmens , P . M . and Sec ., who was evidently affected with the solemnity of tho occasion , said it was unnecessary for him to announce to the brethren the sudden bereavement the lodge had sustained . He felt it to he his duty , in the first place , to thank them on behalf of the widow of their respected Bro . Kennedy , for their kindness in so promptly
attending , and paying , by their presence at the funeral , tho last tribute of respect to their deceased brother . As far as he ( Bro . Emmens ) was concerned he could say that a more amiable , good , man than Bro . Kennedy never lived . He did aU ho could for the lodge , and every brother would deeply deplore his loss . The Rev . Bro . Laughlin said ho would , in the first place , with the permission of the lodge , propose that the Secretary be requested to send a letter of condolence from the
Worshipful Master , Past Masters , and Wardens to the widow of L ' ro . Kennedy upon her bereavement ; and that the best thanks be given to him ( Bro . Emmens ) for having so promptly communicated the mournful intelligence to the brethren . This was carried unanimously . VIEMEES LODGE ( XO . 1 , 194 ) . —An emergency meeting of this newly-consecrated lodge was held on the 20 th ult ., at the
Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . E . Clarke , and there were present Bros . S . E . Clark , S . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., as J . W . ; — Gurney , Treas .. ; R . W , Little , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Dodd , S . D . ; G . S . Hodgson , as J . D . ; — Gurney , I . G . ; Gilbert , O . G . The ballots being in favour of the six candidates for initiation , Messrs . Lancaster , Osbaldiston , and Smales , three of the number , who were in attendance , were introduced and initiated . A letter was read from Bro . Lord Jersey , who was one of the founders of the