Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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acknowledged the compliment paid to the "Volunteers . " The Ladies" was next proposed by the Prov . G . M . He said he felt very highly gratified at the honour done to the Craft hy tho ladies on that occasion , and he could assure them that they were held in the very highest esteem by the brethren , but he was sorry that the rules and regulations of the Fraternity neeesitated their retirement . Song— " Health to all good Lasses . " Bro . Victor WilliamsonProv . G . W . acknowledged the compliment
, , paid to the ladies in a very humourous speech . After this the ladies withdrew , and the usual Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to by the officers of the different lodges in a practical manner , and a very pleasant and harmonious evening was spent . The singing of Bros . Dawson , Falkingbridge , Greenbnry , and Bradley was very effectiveand highly eulogised by all present ;
, and the gathering is said to have been by far the most successful of auy heretofore hold in this province , the large attendance from the different lodges in the province affording general satisfaction . We hope to be able to give in our next a report , in extenso , wifch the names , & c , of the Prov . Grand Officers appointed on the occasion by the R . W . Prov . G . M .
EDINBURGH . STOW . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 216 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge-room , Town Hall , on the evening of "Friday , the 1 st inst ., Bro . Brownlee , W . M ., presiding , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Walker and Forsyth This meeting being chiefly for instruction , Bro . L . R . Sandersonin a few remarks introduced the following question
, for the consideration of the brethren— " What are the best means to advance the principles of Freemasonry ? " Bro . J . F . Walker , S . W ., spoke to to the question afc some length , and concluded that an important means to advance our principles , was to look well in the first place to our individual conduct , and by consistent and exemplary lives , recommend our principles to the favourable notice of all around us . Bro .
J . Dewar , P . M ., was the next speaker ; he considered that one of the greatest drawbacks to the progress of Freemasonry was the had example given by Masons themselves . Not only as individuals , but as a lodge there was room for improvement ; and a proper thought of the solemn obligations which our principles involved—of fche nature and tendency of their teachings- —would soon lead to abetter state of things ; example was better than preceptand both in the lodge and out
, of it , if we performed our duty to God and to the brotherhood , our principles would be more speedily developed in the world . The W . M . wished to say a few words on the subject , but the time was up , and as the question was an important one , he would adjourn its consideration till next meeting , when other brethren as well as himself would have an opportunity of discussing it . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
FORFARSHIRE AND KINCARDINESHIRE . DUNDEE . —Forfar and Kincardine Lodge ( No . 225 ) . —This lodge met in their hall , Banock-sfcreefc , on Tuesday afternoon , the 29 th ult ., for the purpose of initiating into the Order that justly-celebrated tragedian , Mr . Talbot . The lodge was duly opened and dedicated , and after the usual form of proposing , the candidate was admitted as an Apprentice Mason . Ifc was
explained that Bro . Talbot ' s professional engagements required him to leave Dundee on the following Monday morning , and no objection being offered , he was thereafter passed as a Fellow Craft , and subsequently raised to fche sublime degree of M . M . The meeting was a numerous one . Bros . Logic , R . W . M . 47 , and D . Dickson , P . M . 49 , were present , and took part in the ceremony . There was also a considerable number of visiting
brethren present . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M ., Bro . J . Robertson , who received the usual excellent assistance from Bro . Cowie . It may not be out of place to say that the candidate was duly impressed with the ceremony , especially with the beautiful descri ptive lecture on the third degree , so ably delivered by Bro . Cowie .
GLASGOW . PROVINCIAL GRAKD LODGE . Tho quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow was held on Thursday , the 31 st ult . Previous to formally opening the Prov . G . Lodge , a disposition was evinced by some of the brethren to replace the last Junior Warden in
his position , but the Deputy Master ruled that , owing to his . having sent iu his resignation some time ago , the office must remain vacant until such time as the new Prov . Grand Master may issue a new commission . The lodge was then opened in due form ; Bro . Cruickslianks ; D . Prov . G . M ., in the chair , Bros . Millar acting S . W ., and James Anderson acting J . W . There was a large attendance of the
members . On the minutes being read , Bro . Binnie , Sub . Prov . G-M .,. objected to the passing of that portion of them referring to the pro re nata meeting held on Sept . 12 th for the purpose of recommending to Grand Lodge a candidate for the Prov , Grand Mastership—vacant on account of the death of the late lamented Bro . Sir A . Alison—affirming thafc although at that meeting "
he had acted as if it was en regie , he had since then got morelight and discovered that the said meeting was informal ; and he , therefore , proposed thafc the minute of the same be not passed , and that the business then said to have been done shouldhe now gone into again afc this monthly communication . After the rule , chap . 13 , sec . 4 , of fche Grand Lodge laws—which empowers the D . Prov . G . M . to " call special meetings of
the-Prov . G . Lodge afc such places and times as he shall see fit "had been quoted , the minutes were passed . The result of last year ' s festival was then made known , when a considerable balance was found to have been left in favour of . the Prov . G . Lodge , which was added to tho Benevolent Fund .. The statement of the income aud expenditure of the Funeral Lodge was then read . The by-laws of Star Lod ( No . 219 )
ge were remitted to committee . The report on the Provincial Education Scheme was deferred until next meeting . Some other matters of minor interest having been broughfcbefore the meeting and disposed of , the proceedings were terminated at a seasonable hour .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CAVEAC CHAPTER ( NO . 176 ) . —The consecration of this chapterwas performed on Friday , the 25 th ult ., afc Radley ' s Hotel , by . Comp . Henry Muggeridge , P . Z ., in his usual impressive manner . Bro . Muggeridge then installed Comps . Robert Galloway , O . E ., 1 st M . E . Z . ; Charles T . Dorey , H . ; and John Lacy , J . The M . E . Z . then declared duly elected Comps . F . Walters , S . E . ; P .
A . Nairne , S . N . ; and invested them . Comp . M . Scott ( absent ) he declared elected P . S ., ancl invested Dr . Nixon in his place , leaving ifc open to Comp . Scott to appoint two assistants at next convocation . Comp . Speight was elected and invested Janitor , Comp . Dixon proposed , and Comp . Galloway , M . E . Z ., seconded , a vote of thanks to Comp , Muggeridge , which was carried unanimouslyand ordered to be entered on the chapter minutes
, , for the admirable manner in which he had performed tho ceremonies of consecration and installation , for which Bro . Muggeridge returned thanks ; and a similar vote was proposed " by Comp . Walters , S . E ., seconded by Comp . Lacey , X , to Comp . R . A . Barrett , who had come from Cambridge ibr the purpose of performing the duties of organist , which Bro . Barrcfc acknowedged . The chapter was then closed .
UNITED PILGRIMS' CHAPTER ( NO . 507 ) , —This prosperous chapter met on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at tbe Horns Tavern , Kennington . The chapter was opened in the presence of several installed principals by Comps . W . Stuart , M . E . Z . ; J . W . Halscv , H . ; and Harrison , J . The members below the rank of principals wore then admitted . The minutes of the previous convocationand of an audit meetingwhich showed a good cash
, , balance in hand , were read and unanimously confirmed . Comp . H . Muggeridge , P . Z . 13 , took the chair of M . E . Z . He then ' formed a Board of Installed First Principals . Comp . J . W . Halsey was installed M . E . Z in a Board of seven members , many having attended from tho south-eastern district of London the part where the M . E . Z . came from—to prove their respect and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
acknowledged the compliment paid to the "Volunteers . " The Ladies" was next proposed by the Prov . G . M . He said he felt very highly gratified at the honour done to the Craft hy tho ladies on that occasion , and he could assure them that they were held in the very highest esteem by the brethren , but he was sorry that the rules and regulations of the Fraternity neeesitated their retirement . Song— " Health to all good Lasses . " Bro . Victor WilliamsonProv . G . W . acknowledged the compliment
, , paid to the ladies in a very humourous speech . After this the ladies withdrew , and the usual Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to by the officers of the different lodges in a practical manner , and a very pleasant and harmonious evening was spent . The singing of Bros . Dawson , Falkingbridge , Greenbnry , and Bradley was very effectiveand highly eulogised by all present ;
, and the gathering is said to have been by far the most successful of auy heretofore hold in this province , the large attendance from the different lodges in the province affording general satisfaction . We hope to be able to give in our next a report , in extenso , wifch the names , & c , of the Prov . Grand Officers appointed on the occasion by the R . W . Prov . G . M .
EDINBURGH . STOW . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 216 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge-room , Town Hall , on the evening of "Friday , the 1 st inst ., Bro . Brownlee , W . M ., presiding , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Walker and Forsyth This meeting being chiefly for instruction , Bro . L . R . Sandersonin a few remarks introduced the following question
, for the consideration of the brethren— " What are the best means to advance the principles of Freemasonry ? " Bro . J . F . Walker , S . W ., spoke to to the question afc some length , and concluded that an important means to advance our principles , was to look well in the first place to our individual conduct , and by consistent and exemplary lives , recommend our principles to the favourable notice of all around us . Bro .
J . Dewar , P . M ., was the next speaker ; he considered that one of the greatest drawbacks to the progress of Freemasonry was the had example given by Masons themselves . Not only as individuals , but as a lodge there was room for improvement ; and a proper thought of the solemn obligations which our principles involved—of fche nature and tendency of their teachings- —would soon lead to abetter state of things ; example was better than preceptand both in the lodge and out
, of it , if we performed our duty to God and to the brotherhood , our principles would be more speedily developed in the world . The W . M . wished to say a few words on the subject , but the time was up , and as the question was an important one , he would adjourn its consideration till next meeting , when other brethren as well as himself would have an opportunity of discussing it . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
FORFARSHIRE AND KINCARDINESHIRE . DUNDEE . —Forfar and Kincardine Lodge ( No . 225 ) . —This lodge met in their hall , Banock-sfcreefc , on Tuesday afternoon , the 29 th ult ., for the purpose of initiating into the Order that justly-celebrated tragedian , Mr . Talbot . The lodge was duly opened and dedicated , and after the usual form of proposing , the candidate was admitted as an Apprentice Mason . Ifc was
explained that Bro . Talbot ' s professional engagements required him to leave Dundee on the following Monday morning , and no objection being offered , he was thereafter passed as a Fellow Craft , and subsequently raised to fche sublime degree of M . M . The meeting was a numerous one . Bros . Logic , R . W . M . 47 , and D . Dickson , P . M . 49 , were present , and took part in the ceremony . There was also a considerable number of visiting
brethren present . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M ., Bro . J . Robertson , who received the usual excellent assistance from Bro . Cowie . It may not be out of place to say that the candidate was duly impressed with the ceremony , especially with the beautiful descri ptive lecture on the third degree , so ably delivered by Bro . Cowie .
GLASGOW . PROVINCIAL GRAKD LODGE . Tho quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow was held on Thursday , the 31 st ult . Previous to formally opening the Prov . G . Lodge , a disposition was evinced by some of the brethren to replace the last Junior Warden in
his position , but the Deputy Master ruled that , owing to his . having sent iu his resignation some time ago , the office must remain vacant until such time as the new Prov . Grand Master may issue a new commission . The lodge was then opened in due form ; Bro . Cruickslianks ; D . Prov . G . M ., in the chair , Bros . Millar acting S . W ., and James Anderson acting J . W . There was a large attendance of the
members . On the minutes being read , Bro . Binnie , Sub . Prov . G-M .,. objected to the passing of that portion of them referring to the pro re nata meeting held on Sept . 12 th for the purpose of recommending to Grand Lodge a candidate for the Prov , Grand Mastership—vacant on account of the death of the late lamented Bro . Sir A . Alison—affirming thafc although at that meeting "
he had acted as if it was en regie , he had since then got morelight and discovered that the said meeting was informal ; and he , therefore , proposed thafc the minute of the same be not passed , and that the business then said to have been done shouldhe now gone into again afc this monthly communication . After the rule , chap . 13 , sec . 4 , of fche Grand Lodge laws—which empowers the D . Prov . G . M . to " call special meetings of
the-Prov . G . Lodge afc such places and times as he shall see fit "had been quoted , the minutes were passed . The result of last year ' s festival was then made known , when a considerable balance was found to have been left in favour of . the Prov . G . Lodge , which was added to tho Benevolent Fund .. The statement of the income aud expenditure of the Funeral Lodge was then read . The by-laws of Star Lod ( No . 219 )
ge were remitted to committee . The report on the Provincial Education Scheme was deferred until next meeting . Some other matters of minor interest having been broughfcbefore the meeting and disposed of , the proceedings were terminated at a seasonable hour .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CAVEAC CHAPTER ( NO . 176 ) . —The consecration of this chapterwas performed on Friday , the 25 th ult ., afc Radley ' s Hotel , by . Comp . Henry Muggeridge , P . Z ., in his usual impressive manner . Bro . Muggeridge then installed Comps . Robert Galloway , O . E ., 1 st M . E . Z . ; Charles T . Dorey , H . ; and John Lacy , J . The M . E . Z . then declared duly elected Comps . F . Walters , S . E . ; P .
A . Nairne , S . N . ; and invested them . Comp . M . Scott ( absent ) he declared elected P . S ., ancl invested Dr . Nixon in his place , leaving ifc open to Comp . Scott to appoint two assistants at next convocation . Comp . Speight was elected and invested Janitor , Comp . Dixon proposed , and Comp . Galloway , M . E . Z ., seconded , a vote of thanks to Comp , Muggeridge , which was carried unanimouslyand ordered to be entered on the chapter minutes
, , for the admirable manner in which he had performed tho ceremonies of consecration and installation , for which Bro . Muggeridge returned thanks ; and a similar vote was proposed " by Comp . Walters , S . E ., seconded by Comp . Lacey , X , to Comp . R . A . Barrett , who had come from Cambridge ibr the purpose of performing the duties of organist , which Bro . Barrcfc acknowedged . The chapter was then closed .
UNITED PILGRIMS' CHAPTER ( NO . 507 ) , —This prosperous chapter met on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at tbe Horns Tavern , Kennington . The chapter was opened in the presence of several installed principals by Comps . W . Stuart , M . E . Z . ; J . W . Halscv , H . ; and Harrison , J . The members below the rank of principals wore then admitted . The minutes of the previous convocationand of an audit meetingwhich showed a good cash
, , balance in hand , were read and unanimously confirmed . Comp . H . Muggeridge , P . Z . 13 , took the chair of M . E . Z . He then ' formed a Board of Installed First Principals . Comp . J . W . Halsey was installed M . E . Z in a Board of seven members , many having attended from tho south-eastern district of London the part where the M . E . Z . came from—to prove their respect and