Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE MEETINGS, ETC., FOR THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 16TH, 1867. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Festivities.
for this purpose—to welcome brother Masons wherever they came from . There had been a Masonic hall for twenty years in Neath , and he hoped there might be many such amongst us . The Prov . G . M . afc this point vacating the chair , the W . M . of St . Tudno took his place . The W . M . said he hoped all their doings thafc day would forth to the world through the
go press . He proposed ¦ " The Press , " and he was pleased to see a brother from Tydain present , and connected his name with the toast ; but he asked for a song first . Song by Bro . W . Griffith ( Tydain)— "There ' s a good time coming boys "; after which the compliments to the press were briefly acknowledged . Bro . Roden proposed " The Musical Brethren" and led
, coup wifch ifc the name of Bro , Watkins , who responded suitably in a few words . The W . M . proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . Chaplain . " The Prov . G . Chap , replied , wifch thanks , thafc nothing gave him greater pleasure than carrying out Masonry in the spirit they had engaged in that day while consecrating the new hall . The Worshipful Master proposed " The Health of the Host
and his better half , " in acknowledgment of the enjoyments of the festival of that day . Nothing could have been better than the spread at the banquet . Bro . Roberts acknowledged the compliment on behalf of himself and wife . It had always been their wish to study the expectations of the St . Tudno's Lodge , and what they had done had been through good wishes towards its members .
The Worshipful Master , in proposing "All poor and distressed , " alluded to his recent accident three weeks ago , which caused him to break his collar-bone , added he was that day in less torture , and he felt proud to be in the position he occupied that day . Other toasts followed , and the brethren separated , fully appreciating the proceedings of the day .
Public Amusements.
On Saturday evening last "Tbe Doge of Venice , ' ' as adapted by Mr . Bayle Bernard from Lord Byron ' s play of "Marino Faliero , " wifch additions from Casimir Delavigne ' s tragedy of " Marino , " was produced afc this theatre . 1 he musical and pictorial accessories are on a very extensive scale , and the production was a great success .
HAYMARKET . Mr- Sofchern has again made his appearance in London . " Our American Cousin " is the piece in which he appears . Increased interest is attached to tho part of Georgina , through its graceful performance by Miss Madge Robertson , who has been most judiciously
re-engaged afc this theatre . Miss lone Burke as Mary Meredith , Miss Dalfcon as Florence Trenchant , Mr . Rogers as " Richard Goyle , and Mr . Clark as Binney , effectively strengthen fche present cast .
ADELPHI . Some very judicious alterations have been made in Mr . Watts Phillips ' s new drama , " Maud ' s Peril , " and some finishing touches given which add considerably to its effect . Among these we may mention the conclusion of the second act , where Toby Taperloy , in search of the
diamond snuff-box , enters earlier on the scene , and discovers Gerald Gwynn with Lad y ' Ghalloner , who , asking him his business there , is met by a similar question by the convict to the lover , thus changing a very delicate
Public Amusements.
situation for one more striking and dramatic . At the close of the drama the remorseful Sir Balph Ghalloner , instead of publicly proclaiming his guilty accomplice , displays sufficient repentance in addressing to the Court of Assize a written confession , the delivery of which is prevented by JliaiicZwhen she learns of Gerald ' s acquittal .
Miss Am ) ' Sheridan is made to grace the fourth act with her presence , and the small part of Miss Seffcon has received some new- touches from the hand of the author . Altogether a great improvement has been effected in the new drama .
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending November 16th, 1867.
MONDAY , November llbh . —Lodge of Fortitude and Old Cumberland , 12 , Freemasons' Hall . Royal Naval Lodgo , 59 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of Confidence , 193 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleefc-streefc . St . Andrews' Lodge , 222 , London Tavern , Bishopsgafce-sfcreet . Peckham Lodge , 879 , Edinboro' Castle Tavern , Peckham Rye . Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Panmure Chapter , 720 , Loughborough Hotel , Loughborough-road , Brixton .
TUESDAY , November 12 fch . —Old Union Lodge , 46 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Burlington Lodge , 96 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgafce-street . Lodge of Union , 166 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-sfcroet . Sfc . James ' s Union Lodge , 180 , Freemasons' Hall . Percy Lodge , 198 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadonhall-street . Sfc . Michael ' s Lodge , 211 , Albion Tavern ,
Aldersgatestreefc . Lodge of United Strength , 228 , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's-gato . Clerkenwell . Lodge of Nine Muses , 235 , Clarendon Hotel , Bond-street . Wellington Lodge , 548 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford .
WEDNESDAY , November 13 th . —Committee Royal Benevolent -Institution , at 3 . Lodge of Fidelity , 3 , Freemasons' - Hall . Enoch Lodge , 11 , Freemasons' Hall . Union Waterloo Lodge , 13 , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Kent Lodge , 15 , Three Tuns Tavern , Southwark . Vifcruvian Lodge , 87 , White Hart , College-streeb , Lambeth . Lodge of Justice , 147 , White Swan Tavern ,
High-street , Deptford . Pilgrim Lodge , 238 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-sfcreefc . Zetland Lodge , 511 , Campden Arms Tavern , Kensington . Belgrave Lodge , 749 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleefc-streefc . Merchant Navy Lodge , 781 , Jamaica Tavern , Poplar . Doric Lodge , 933 , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-sfcreefc . Montefiore Lodge , 1 , 017 , Freemasons' Hall .
THURSDAY , November 14 th . —Royal Athelstan Lodge , 19 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleefc-streefc . Lodge of Regularity , 91 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of Friendship , 206 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-streefc . Bank of England Lodge , 263 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Polish National Lodge , 534 , Freemasons' Hall . Canon-Yrary Lodge , 657 , Haxell ' s Hotel , West Strand . Lily
Lodge of Richmond , 820 , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . Dalhousie Lodge , 860 , Falcon , Fetter-lane . Capper Lodge , 1 , 076 , Marine Hotel , Victoria Dock , West Ham . Yarborough Chapter , 554 , Green Dragon , Stepney . FRIDAY , November 15 th . —Middlesex Lodge , 143 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-sfcreefc . Jordan Lodge , 201 , Freemasons' Hall . New Concord Lodge , 813 , Rosemary
Branch Tavern , Hoxfcon . Rose of Denmark Lodge , 975 , While Hart , Barnes . University Lodge , 1 , 118 , Freemasons ' . Hall . Sfc . G-eorge ' s Chapter , 5 , Freemasons ' Hall . Moira Chapter , 92 , London Tavern , Bishopsgatestreet . SATURDAY , November 16 fch . —Panmure Lodge , 715 George Hotel , Alclorraanbury .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
for this purpose—to welcome brother Masons wherever they came from . There had been a Masonic hall for twenty years in Neath , and he hoped there might be many such amongst us . The Prov . G . M . afc this point vacating the chair , the W . M . of St . Tudno took his place . The W . M . said he hoped all their doings thafc day would forth to the world through the
go press . He proposed ¦ " The Press , " and he was pleased to see a brother from Tydain present , and connected his name with the toast ; but he asked for a song first . Song by Bro . W . Griffith ( Tydain)— "There ' s a good time coming boys "; after which the compliments to the press were briefly acknowledged . Bro . Roden proposed " The Musical Brethren" and led
, coup wifch ifc the name of Bro , Watkins , who responded suitably in a few words . The W . M . proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . Chaplain . " The Prov . G . Chap , replied , wifch thanks , thafc nothing gave him greater pleasure than carrying out Masonry in the spirit they had engaged in that day while consecrating the new hall . The Worshipful Master proposed " The Health of the Host
and his better half , " in acknowledgment of the enjoyments of the festival of that day . Nothing could have been better than the spread at the banquet . Bro . Roberts acknowledged the compliment on behalf of himself and wife . It had always been their wish to study the expectations of the St . Tudno's Lodge , and what they had done had been through good wishes towards its members .
The Worshipful Master , in proposing "All poor and distressed , " alluded to his recent accident three weeks ago , which caused him to break his collar-bone , added he was that day in less torture , and he felt proud to be in the position he occupied that day . Other toasts followed , and the brethren separated , fully appreciating the proceedings of the day .
Public Amusements.
On Saturday evening last "Tbe Doge of Venice , ' ' as adapted by Mr . Bayle Bernard from Lord Byron ' s play of "Marino Faliero , " wifch additions from Casimir Delavigne ' s tragedy of " Marino , " was produced afc this theatre . 1 he musical and pictorial accessories are on a very extensive scale , and the production was a great success .
HAYMARKET . Mr- Sofchern has again made his appearance in London . " Our American Cousin " is the piece in which he appears . Increased interest is attached to tho part of Georgina , through its graceful performance by Miss Madge Robertson , who has been most judiciously
re-engaged afc this theatre . Miss lone Burke as Mary Meredith , Miss Dalfcon as Florence Trenchant , Mr . Rogers as " Richard Goyle , and Mr . Clark as Binney , effectively strengthen fche present cast .
ADELPHI . Some very judicious alterations have been made in Mr . Watts Phillips ' s new drama , " Maud ' s Peril , " and some finishing touches given which add considerably to its effect . Among these we may mention the conclusion of the second act , where Toby Taperloy , in search of the
diamond snuff-box , enters earlier on the scene , and discovers Gerald Gwynn with Lad y ' Ghalloner , who , asking him his business there , is met by a similar question by the convict to the lover , thus changing a very delicate
Public Amusements.
situation for one more striking and dramatic . At the close of the drama the remorseful Sir Balph Ghalloner , instead of publicly proclaiming his guilty accomplice , displays sufficient repentance in addressing to the Court of Assize a written confession , the delivery of which is prevented by JliaiicZwhen she learns of Gerald ' s acquittal .
Miss Am ) ' Sheridan is made to grace the fourth act with her presence , and the small part of Miss Seffcon has received some new- touches from the hand of the author . Altogether a great improvement has been effected in the new drama .
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending November 16th, 1867.
MONDAY , November llbh . —Lodge of Fortitude and Old Cumberland , 12 , Freemasons' Hall . Royal Naval Lodgo , 59 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of Confidence , 193 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleefc-streefc . St . Andrews' Lodge , 222 , London Tavern , Bishopsgafce-sfcreet . Peckham Lodge , 879 , Edinboro' Castle Tavern , Peckham Rye . Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Panmure Chapter , 720 , Loughborough Hotel , Loughborough-road , Brixton .
TUESDAY , November 12 fch . —Old Union Lodge , 46 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Burlington Lodge , 96 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgafce-street . Lodge of Union , 166 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-sfcroet . Sfc . James ' s Union Lodge , 180 , Freemasons' Hall . Percy Lodge , 198 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadonhall-street . Sfc . Michael ' s Lodge , 211 , Albion Tavern ,
Aldersgatestreefc . Lodge of United Strength , 228 , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's-gato . Clerkenwell . Lodge of Nine Muses , 235 , Clarendon Hotel , Bond-street . Wellington Lodge , 548 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford .
WEDNESDAY , November 13 th . —Committee Royal Benevolent -Institution , at 3 . Lodge of Fidelity , 3 , Freemasons' - Hall . Enoch Lodge , 11 , Freemasons' Hall . Union Waterloo Lodge , 13 , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Kent Lodge , 15 , Three Tuns Tavern , Southwark . Vifcruvian Lodge , 87 , White Hart , College-streeb , Lambeth . Lodge of Justice , 147 , White Swan Tavern ,
High-street , Deptford . Pilgrim Lodge , 238 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-sfcreefc . Zetland Lodge , 511 , Campden Arms Tavern , Kensington . Belgrave Lodge , 749 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleefc-streefc . Merchant Navy Lodge , 781 , Jamaica Tavern , Poplar . Doric Lodge , 933 , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-sfcreefc . Montefiore Lodge , 1 , 017 , Freemasons' Hall .
THURSDAY , November 14 th . —Royal Athelstan Lodge , 19 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleefc-streefc . Lodge of Regularity , 91 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of Friendship , 206 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-streefc . Bank of England Lodge , 263 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Polish National Lodge , 534 , Freemasons' Hall . Canon-Yrary Lodge , 657 , Haxell ' s Hotel , West Strand . Lily
Lodge of Richmond , 820 , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . Dalhousie Lodge , 860 , Falcon , Fetter-lane . Capper Lodge , 1 , 076 , Marine Hotel , Victoria Dock , West Ham . Yarborough Chapter , 554 , Green Dragon , Stepney . FRIDAY , November 15 th . —Middlesex Lodge , 143 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-sfcreefc . Jordan Lodge , 201 , Freemasons' Hall . New Concord Lodge , 813 , Rosemary
Branch Tavern , Hoxfcon . Rose of Denmark Lodge , 975 , While Hart , Barnes . University Lodge , 1 , 118 , Freemasons ' . Hall . Sfc . G-eorge ' s Chapter , 5 , Freemasons ' Hall . Moira Chapter , 92 , London Tavern , Bishopsgatestreet . SATURDAY , November 16 fch . —Panmure Lodge , 715 George Hotel , Alclorraanbury .