Article LODGE MEETINGS, ETC., FOR THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 16TH, 1867. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article THE COMPASS AND SQUARE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE COMPASS AND SQUARE. Page 1 of 1 Article FORBEARANCE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending November 16th, 1867.
REVIEWS . Ten Miles from London . By Bro . Wx . SAWYER . London William Freeman , 107 , Fleet-street . tbTDEE the above title Bro . Sawver has issued a charmiii" - little volume ot poemswhichfor puritv of thoughtfreshnessand
, , , , elegance ot diction , proclaim fche author as inspired wifch the true poetic genius . These poems have been most favourably received , and wo can only recommend such of our readers who have not yet seen -hem to do so ; we are quite sure they will derive both pleasure and pronfc from tho perusal . We hope to hear Bro . Sawyer ' s warbhngs again shortly .
Freemasons' Calendar and Pocl-ef-Boole for 1 SGS . BRO R SPEXCER has forwarded us a copy of the Calendar as issued by him . It contains a very well-executed engraving of the front deration of the Freemasons'Hull , and the charges used in the first , second , and third decrees .
Poetry .
FRIENDS OF YEARS AGO . By T . J . SWAI * . Of recollections sad , yet sweet , Which pass across my mind , And render me through ev'ry crief "
More patient and resigned . None seem to cast a holier calm Round every sense of woe , Than these which bring before my thoughts The friends of years * ago . The cherish'd friends of childhood days
. When all around seem'd fair , And love ' s sweet sunshine chased away-Each passing shade of care . The dear companions of my youth—_ E ' en now my pulses glow When thinking of the hours I spent With friends of years a"o .
Oh I truly youth appears a dream Too beautiful to last , For bitter griefs o ' er after-life , Are often thickly cast . But still on memory ' s tablet , fresh , Through every trial we know , One fond remembrance yet remains—The friends of years a <* o .
The Compass And Square.
By the late Bro . ALEX SI . CIAIR , St . John ' s Lodge , Banff Hail , Brethren Masonic ! Ye sons of the light , Once more mot together each other to share In brotherly love let the long happy night ' Give honours supreme to the Compass and Square ! When bleak blows the blast of adversit '
y oer us And our sun is bedim'd with the clouds of despair When our once kindly friends are fleeting before u = ' A Brother is aye in the Compass and Square ! When grief rends our bosom , and saddens our soul And Sorrow ' s dull weight is too heavy to bear ' When friends have desertedand ceased ' to console
, . Compassion remains in the Compass and Squared Should fickle Fate lead us afar o ' er the sea , Still Unity , Pence , and Compassion are there : Where Masonry is not , we never can be , Por earth is the realm of the Compass and Square .
The Compass And Square.
For wo stand by each other—we pray for each brother ; Support him in trouble , and cherish with care ; His secrets are sacred ; and bound to each other , ' We are true loving sons of the Compass and Square .
By T . J . SWAIX . Forbearance , heavenly virtue 1 Tho' hard to practice bore , Thou rondorestthy possessor To all earth ' s creatures dear . Offspring art thou of Patience , Blest
harbinger of Peace ; Where thou art fondly cherish'd All angry feelings cease . Thou winnest back tho guilty Onco more to paths of grace ; And Charity—warm-hearted—To thee wo often trace .
Thine influence stays each action That leads unto remorse : Thou whisperost hopo to Christians , Who meekly boar their Cross . Forbearance , pricely treasure I Oh , Father ! bo it mine ; Oh ! teach mo how to practice A virtue so divine .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen , on the 30 fch ulfc ., accompanied by-Princess Louise and attended b y Lady Ely , drove to Abergeldie and inspected the detachment of the 93 rd Hi ghlanders quartered there . Her Majesty drove out again in the afternoon with Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice . The Queen drove out with Princess Beatrice , attended by Lady Ely on the 31 st ult . The Duke of
Bucking ham had the honour of dining with fche Queen and the Royal family . The Queen went out on the morning of the 1 st inst . with Princess Beatrice , and her Majesty drove in the afternoon with Princess Louise , attended by Lady Ely . Her Majesty witnessed a torchli ght procession of Highlanders in the evening , being the old Highland custom of cele-Halloween
brating . The Queen , accompanied hy their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and Prince Leopold , left Balmoral on the 1 st inst ., and arrived at Windsor Castle on fche afternoon of fche 2 nd inst . The Queen walked and drove in the grounds on the morning of the 4 th inst- aecompanied by Princess Christian . Princess Louise rode in the Honie
- Park and Princess Beatrice went out walking . The Queen and Princess Louise walked out on the afternoon of the Sth inst . - her Majesty afterwards drove out , accompanied b y Princess Christian . The Queen went out on the morning of the 6 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Beatrice .
To Correspondents.
V' All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , W . C . ' J . R . —Unless there is anything to the contrary in the "By . laws " of a lodge , there is nothing to prevent the brother von refer to being elected W . M . H . B . T . ( Secunderabad ) . -We should think that your question could be easily settled in India without referring to us Write particulars to Colonel Greenlaw , Prov . G . M 7 of your province , who will , we are assured , give you information how to act .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending November 16th, 1867.
REVIEWS . Ten Miles from London . By Bro . Wx . SAWYER . London William Freeman , 107 , Fleet-street . tbTDEE the above title Bro . Sawver has issued a charmiii" - little volume ot poemswhichfor puritv of thoughtfreshnessand
, , , , elegance ot diction , proclaim fche author as inspired wifch the true poetic genius . These poems have been most favourably received , and wo can only recommend such of our readers who have not yet seen -hem to do so ; we are quite sure they will derive both pleasure and pronfc from tho perusal . We hope to hear Bro . Sawyer ' s warbhngs again shortly .
Freemasons' Calendar and Pocl-ef-Boole for 1 SGS . BRO R SPEXCER has forwarded us a copy of the Calendar as issued by him . It contains a very well-executed engraving of the front deration of the Freemasons'Hull , and the charges used in the first , second , and third decrees .
Poetry .
FRIENDS OF YEARS AGO . By T . J . SWAI * . Of recollections sad , yet sweet , Which pass across my mind , And render me through ev'ry crief "
More patient and resigned . None seem to cast a holier calm Round every sense of woe , Than these which bring before my thoughts The friends of years * ago . The cherish'd friends of childhood days
. When all around seem'd fair , And love ' s sweet sunshine chased away-Each passing shade of care . The dear companions of my youth—_ E ' en now my pulses glow When thinking of the hours I spent With friends of years a"o .
Oh I truly youth appears a dream Too beautiful to last , For bitter griefs o ' er after-life , Are often thickly cast . But still on memory ' s tablet , fresh , Through every trial we know , One fond remembrance yet remains—The friends of years a <* o .
The Compass And Square.
By the late Bro . ALEX SI . CIAIR , St . John ' s Lodge , Banff Hail , Brethren Masonic ! Ye sons of the light , Once more mot together each other to share In brotherly love let the long happy night ' Give honours supreme to the Compass and Square ! When bleak blows the blast of adversit '
y oer us And our sun is bedim'd with the clouds of despair When our once kindly friends are fleeting before u = ' A Brother is aye in the Compass and Square ! When grief rends our bosom , and saddens our soul And Sorrow ' s dull weight is too heavy to bear ' When friends have desertedand ceased ' to console
, . Compassion remains in the Compass and Squared Should fickle Fate lead us afar o ' er the sea , Still Unity , Pence , and Compassion are there : Where Masonry is not , we never can be , Por earth is the realm of the Compass and Square .
The Compass And Square.
For wo stand by each other—we pray for each brother ; Support him in trouble , and cherish with care ; His secrets are sacred ; and bound to each other , ' We are true loving sons of the Compass and Square .
By T . J . SWAIX . Forbearance , heavenly virtue 1 Tho' hard to practice bore , Thou rondorestthy possessor To all earth ' s creatures dear . Offspring art thou of Patience , Blest
harbinger of Peace ; Where thou art fondly cherish'd All angry feelings cease . Thou winnest back tho guilty Onco more to paths of grace ; And Charity—warm-hearted—To thee wo often trace .
Thine influence stays each action That leads unto remorse : Thou whisperost hopo to Christians , Who meekly boar their Cross . Forbearance , pricely treasure I Oh , Father ! bo it mine ; Oh ! teach mo how to practice A virtue so divine .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen , on the 30 fch ulfc ., accompanied by-Princess Louise and attended b y Lady Ely , drove to Abergeldie and inspected the detachment of the 93 rd Hi ghlanders quartered there . Her Majesty drove out again in the afternoon with Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice . The Queen drove out with Princess Beatrice , attended by Lady Ely on the 31 st ult . The Duke of
Bucking ham had the honour of dining with fche Queen and the Royal family . The Queen went out on the morning of the 1 st inst . with Princess Beatrice , and her Majesty drove in the afternoon with Princess Louise , attended by Lady Ely . Her Majesty witnessed a torchli ght procession of Highlanders in the evening , being the old Highland custom of cele-Halloween
brating . The Queen , accompanied hy their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and Prince Leopold , left Balmoral on the 1 st inst ., and arrived at Windsor Castle on fche afternoon of fche 2 nd inst . The Queen walked and drove in the grounds on the morning of the 4 th inst- aecompanied by Princess Christian . Princess Louise rode in the Honie
- Park and Princess Beatrice went out walking . The Queen and Princess Louise walked out on the afternoon of the Sth inst . - her Majesty afterwards drove out , accompanied b y Princess Christian . The Queen went out on the morning of the 6 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Beatrice .
To Correspondents.
V' All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , W . C . ' J . R . —Unless there is anything to the contrary in the "By . laws " of a lodge , there is nothing to prevent the brother von refer to being elected W . M . H . B . T . ( Secunderabad ) . -We should think that your question could be easily settled in India without referring to us Write particulars to Colonel Greenlaw , Prov . G . M 7 of your province , who will , we are assured , give you information how to act .