Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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INSTRUCTION . WHITTINGTON LODGE ( NO . SG 2 ) . —On Thursday , the 30 th ¦ STovombev last , at seven p . m ., this Lodge of Instruction , lately revived from the Old Kent Hotel , Brownlow-strcefc , met at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet Street , under the -presidency of Bro . Brett , P . M . 177 and S 62 , who had kindly . responded to the invitation to work the fifteen sections . Bros . . « . B . WilsonP . G . D . ; AlexanderP . M . 1 S 8 FrancesP . M .
, , ; , 311 j Thompson , P . M . SG 2 ; and many other distinguished brethren were present . The fifteen sections were worked in a 5 nost admirable manner by the brethren . After the election of several new members to the lodge , Bro . S . B . Wilson proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Brett for his kindness in undertaking the duties of W . M . that evening , and the great ability ho had displayed in theirjperformancewhich was carried by acclamation .
, —Bro . Brett , in reply , thanked the brethren for their kind Appreciation of his efforts , and assured them that having been one of the founders of this Lodge of Instruction , be was extremely delighted to see the position it bad attained , it now being one of the best attended and best working lodges . All Cashless being ended , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony ; flS ten o ' clock .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CS'K'SECRATION AND DEDICATION OP THE UNDERLEY LODGE ( No . 10 / 4 ) , AT KlRBY-LONSDALE , AND THE INSTALLATION OB THE W . M ., LORD KENMS . Wednesday the 29 th of November last was a proud day for "ihe Craft in Kirby-Lonsdale . A new lodge was opened , its first Worshiful Masterbeing the genial and kind-hearted Lord
p , . ¦ ai Uuderley . At high twelve the brethren assembled at the jjuib ' c room which had been prepared for their reception , under the immediate superintendence of Bro . Henry Davis , Hon . Sec . designate . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . F . L . B . Dykes , who was supported on the rngkt and left respectively by the R . W . D . P . G . M ., Dr . Greaves , and the consecrating officerBro . W . SavageP . S . G . D . of
Eng-, , land . Bro . H . B . Gibson , Prov . G . S . W ., occupied his proper place , while Bro . Morton , Prov . G . S . D ., presided in the south . Ainongthe other brethren present were : —Bros . Rev . Curwen , as Prov . G . Chaplain ; Rev . James Simpson , Vicar of Kirby-Stephen ; John Witwell , Prov . G . Registrar ; Edward Busher , Prov . G . Sec . ; John Bowes , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ( who dis--cliavged the duties appertaining to his office ); dipt . Hansbrow
, Prov . G . S . B . ; West Lancashire ; James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . West Lancashire ; IT . Fisher , Prov . G . J . D . ; Lord Kenlis , H . Wilson , and Capt . Braithwaite ( W . M . and Wardens designate ) Samiders , IT . T . Wilson , Capt . Morland , R . Atkinson , Thomas Atkinson , Henry Davis , Hon . Sec . ; Dr . Allison , Henry Cragg ,
; Titus Wilson , John and Edward Medcalf , F . Binckes , ( Sec . of the Boys' School ) , Pearson ( Cockermouth ) , M . Redhead , Jones , Taylor , Boulton , ( Keswick ) , Buttenvith , James , & c . A lodge was then opened in solemn form according to ancient custom at command of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., by the R . W . D . Prov . G . -. M ., assisted by the officers named above . The brethren of the new lodge were arranged according to customand the
, lodge worked up to the 3 rd degree . The R . W . Prov . G . M . then called upon Bro . Savage to perform the ceremony of consecration who , at once assumed the chair of K . S . and proceeded to ¦ s / Mrcss the brethren on the nature of the meeting . The Prov . > 'Gr . Sec , Bro . Busher , having explained what steps had been ¦ taken , was requested to read the warrant of constitution . The 'brethren of the new lodge having signified their approval of
¦ she officers named in the warrant , the Rev . James Simpson was ¦ requested to deliver an oration on the duties and advantages of Ifrecmasonry . We regret that we cannot give our readers a report of it , but must content ourselves with observing that it was marked by deep Masonic learning and - great good taste . Then followed the anthem 133 rd Psalm . The Chaplain then offered the first which was followed bthe singing of
prayer , y i ' rte Sinctas . All the brethren then turned to the east , and the presiding officer gave the invocation . Now followed the process of uncovering the lodge ; the corn , wine , and oil was borne and scattered thrice round the lodge by Bros . Busher , Binckes , and ¦ Ha ves . Anthem— " Glory to God on high , peace on earth , good will - ¦ few'fcrds men . "
The Chaplain , the Rev . Bro . Curwen , having taken the censor three times round the lodge during solemn music , and offered the second prayer , "So mote it be" was sung b y all present . After the singing of another anthem , the presiding officer declared the Underley Lodge ( No . 1074 ) to be dedicated and constituted according to ancient custom , and thereby entitled to the privileges and rights conferred by the Grand Lodge of England .
Anthem —• " God save the Queen . " In the absence of the Prov . G . Org ., Bro . Butterwith , Org . Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) , assisted by Bros . Boulton , H . Davis , and Jamos conducted tbe musical portion of the ceremony . Tlie lodge was then closed in the third degree , when Bro . Lord Kenlis was presented in the east for the benefit of installation , whereupon the presiding officer commanded the Prov . G . Sec . to read the summary of ancient charges , to which
the W . M . designate signified his assent in due form . All M . M . ' s below the degree of a Master in the Chair now retired , and a Board of installed Masters ( fifteen being present ) was opened , and Bro . Lord Kenlis was duly and regularly installed in the Chair of K . S . for the ensuing year * as W . M ., and was saluted in ancient form . The M . M . ' s being admitted , and having saluted the W . M ., the lodge was closed in the third
degree . The F . C . ' s were also admitted , and , after the usual salutation , the lodge was closed in the second degree . The E . A . P . 's were then admitted , and saluted the W . M . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers . Several brethren were proposed as joining members , and several gentlemen as candidates for the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry .
The whole of the business being concluded , the lodge was duly and solemnly closed . The proceedings having terminated , his lordship courteously invited all who were present to partake of his hospitality at a sumptuous banquet , provided at the Royal Hotel .
THE BANQUET . The chair was of course occupied by the W . M ., who was supported on the right by the rulers of the Craft present , Bro . John Bowes , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., having charge of the arrangements . At the close of the repast the Prov . G . Chaplain returned thanks , when the brethren were invited to charge their glasses .
This done , the W . M . proceeded with the first toast , " The Queen , " a name honoured among Masons , not less from inclination'than from duty . He should make it a double toast by coupling therewith , according to custom , their honoured Craft . ( Cheers ) . "The Queen and the Craft , " with all the honours . The W . MASTER next proposed "His Royal Highness the Prince of WalesHer Royal Highness the Princess of
, Wales , the Prince of Prussia , and the rest of the Royal Family . " We ail esteemed most highly the Royal Prince , and if anything could increase that esteem it would he whenever he should become a Freemason . ( Cheers . ) They would all wish him luppincss with his royal bride . The Prince of Prussia was an honoured member of their Order in his native
country . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . The W . MASTER then proposed " The Earl of Zetland , Most Worshipful Grand Master of England ; Earl De Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master , and the Present and Fast Officers . " They respected and admired their Grand Master most highly ; he had done them good service for a lengthened periodand they prayed that his valuable life might long be
, spared to tbe Craft . He ( the W . M . ) thanked Bro . Savage , who was a Past Grand officer , for coming amongst them on this occasion , and for the very efficient services he had rendered in consecrating tbe lodge and installing him as Master . He had been much gratified at tbe manner in which Bro . Savage had conducted the interesting ceremonies of the day . ( Cheers . ) Bro . SAVAGE thanked them for the enthusiastic reception
which they had given to this toast . The Earl of Zetland stood very high in their esteem , for he had served them long and faithfully , and he was supported by a deputy second only to himself , a nobleman who , from his great talent , had been called to occupy a proud position in her Majesty ' s councils , and the Grand Officers had therefore two noble examp les constantly before them . He ( Bro . Savage ) also thanked their W . M . for the kind remarks he had expressed towards him . The work he had performed that day was a labour of love , not only because he was at all times happy to render assistance iu the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTRUCTION . WHITTINGTON LODGE ( NO . SG 2 ) . —On Thursday , the 30 th ¦ STovombev last , at seven p . m ., this Lodge of Instruction , lately revived from the Old Kent Hotel , Brownlow-strcefc , met at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet Street , under the -presidency of Bro . Brett , P . M . 177 and S 62 , who had kindly . responded to the invitation to work the fifteen sections . Bros . . « . B . WilsonP . G . D . ; AlexanderP . M . 1 S 8 FrancesP . M .
, , ; , 311 j Thompson , P . M . SG 2 ; and many other distinguished brethren were present . The fifteen sections were worked in a 5 nost admirable manner by the brethren . After the election of several new members to the lodge , Bro . S . B . Wilson proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Brett for his kindness in undertaking the duties of W . M . that evening , and the great ability ho had displayed in theirjperformancewhich was carried by acclamation .
, —Bro . Brett , in reply , thanked the brethren for their kind Appreciation of his efforts , and assured them that having been one of the founders of this Lodge of Instruction , be was extremely delighted to see the position it bad attained , it now being one of the best attended and best working lodges . All Cashless being ended , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony ; flS ten o ' clock .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CS'K'SECRATION AND DEDICATION OP THE UNDERLEY LODGE ( No . 10 / 4 ) , AT KlRBY-LONSDALE , AND THE INSTALLATION OB THE W . M ., LORD KENMS . Wednesday the 29 th of November last was a proud day for "ihe Craft in Kirby-Lonsdale . A new lodge was opened , its first Worshiful Masterbeing the genial and kind-hearted Lord
p , . ¦ ai Uuderley . At high twelve the brethren assembled at the jjuib ' c room which had been prepared for their reception , under the immediate superintendence of Bro . Henry Davis , Hon . Sec . designate . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . F . L . B . Dykes , who was supported on the rngkt and left respectively by the R . W . D . P . G . M ., Dr . Greaves , and the consecrating officerBro . W . SavageP . S . G . D . of
Eng-, , land . Bro . H . B . Gibson , Prov . G . S . W ., occupied his proper place , while Bro . Morton , Prov . G . S . D ., presided in the south . Ainongthe other brethren present were : —Bros . Rev . Curwen , as Prov . G . Chaplain ; Rev . James Simpson , Vicar of Kirby-Stephen ; John Witwell , Prov . G . Registrar ; Edward Busher , Prov . G . Sec . ; John Bowes , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ( who dis--cliavged the duties appertaining to his office ); dipt . Hansbrow
, Prov . G . S . B . ; West Lancashire ; James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . West Lancashire ; IT . Fisher , Prov . G . J . D . ; Lord Kenlis , H . Wilson , and Capt . Braithwaite ( W . M . and Wardens designate ) Samiders , IT . T . Wilson , Capt . Morland , R . Atkinson , Thomas Atkinson , Henry Davis , Hon . Sec . ; Dr . Allison , Henry Cragg ,
; Titus Wilson , John and Edward Medcalf , F . Binckes , ( Sec . of the Boys' School ) , Pearson ( Cockermouth ) , M . Redhead , Jones , Taylor , Boulton , ( Keswick ) , Buttenvith , James , & c . A lodge was then opened in solemn form according to ancient custom at command of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., by the R . W . D . Prov . G . -. M ., assisted by the officers named above . The brethren of the new lodge were arranged according to customand the
, lodge worked up to the 3 rd degree . The R . W . Prov . G . M . then called upon Bro . Savage to perform the ceremony of consecration who , at once assumed the chair of K . S . and proceeded to ¦ s / Mrcss the brethren on the nature of the meeting . The Prov . > 'Gr . Sec , Bro . Busher , having explained what steps had been ¦ taken , was requested to read the warrant of constitution . The 'brethren of the new lodge having signified their approval of
¦ she officers named in the warrant , the Rev . James Simpson was ¦ requested to deliver an oration on the duties and advantages of Ifrecmasonry . We regret that we cannot give our readers a report of it , but must content ourselves with observing that it was marked by deep Masonic learning and - great good taste . Then followed the anthem 133 rd Psalm . The Chaplain then offered the first which was followed bthe singing of
prayer , y i ' rte Sinctas . All the brethren then turned to the east , and the presiding officer gave the invocation . Now followed the process of uncovering the lodge ; the corn , wine , and oil was borne and scattered thrice round the lodge by Bros . Busher , Binckes , and ¦ Ha ves . Anthem— " Glory to God on high , peace on earth , good will - ¦ few'fcrds men . "
The Chaplain , the Rev . Bro . Curwen , having taken the censor three times round the lodge during solemn music , and offered the second prayer , "So mote it be" was sung b y all present . After the singing of another anthem , the presiding officer declared the Underley Lodge ( No . 1074 ) to be dedicated and constituted according to ancient custom , and thereby entitled to the privileges and rights conferred by the Grand Lodge of England .
Anthem —• " God save the Queen . " In the absence of the Prov . G . Org ., Bro . Butterwith , Org . Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) , assisted by Bros . Boulton , H . Davis , and Jamos conducted tbe musical portion of the ceremony . Tlie lodge was then closed in the third degree , when Bro . Lord Kenlis was presented in the east for the benefit of installation , whereupon the presiding officer commanded the Prov . G . Sec . to read the summary of ancient charges , to which
the W . M . designate signified his assent in due form . All M . M . ' s below the degree of a Master in the Chair now retired , and a Board of installed Masters ( fifteen being present ) was opened , and Bro . Lord Kenlis was duly and regularly installed in the Chair of K . S . for the ensuing year * as W . M ., and was saluted in ancient form . The M . M . ' s being admitted , and having saluted the W . M ., the lodge was closed in the third
degree . The F . C . ' s were also admitted , and , after the usual salutation , the lodge was closed in the second degree . The E . A . P . 's were then admitted , and saluted the W . M . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers . Several brethren were proposed as joining members , and several gentlemen as candidates for the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry .
The whole of the business being concluded , the lodge was duly and solemnly closed . The proceedings having terminated , his lordship courteously invited all who were present to partake of his hospitality at a sumptuous banquet , provided at the Royal Hotel .
THE BANQUET . The chair was of course occupied by the W . M ., who was supported on the right by the rulers of the Craft present , Bro . John Bowes , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., having charge of the arrangements . At the close of the repast the Prov . G . Chaplain returned thanks , when the brethren were invited to charge their glasses .
This done , the W . M . proceeded with the first toast , " The Queen , " a name honoured among Masons , not less from inclination'than from duty . He should make it a double toast by coupling therewith , according to custom , their honoured Craft . ( Cheers ) . "The Queen and the Craft , " with all the honours . The W . MASTER next proposed "His Royal Highness the Prince of WalesHer Royal Highness the Princess of
, Wales , the Prince of Prussia , and the rest of the Royal Family . " We ail esteemed most highly the Royal Prince , and if anything could increase that esteem it would he whenever he should become a Freemason . ( Cheers . ) They would all wish him luppincss with his royal bride . The Prince of Prussia was an honoured member of their Order in his native
country . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . The W . MASTER then proposed " The Earl of Zetland , Most Worshipful Grand Master of England ; Earl De Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master , and the Present and Fast Officers . " They respected and admired their Grand Master most highly ; he had done them good service for a lengthened periodand they prayed that his valuable life might long be
, spared to tbe Craft . He ( the W . M . ) thanked Bro . Savage , who was a Past Grand officer , for coming amongst them on this occasion , and for the very efficient services he had rendered in consecrating tbe lodge and installing him as Master . He had been much gratified at tbe manner in which Bro . Savage had conducted the interesting ceremonies of the day . ( Cheers . ) Bro . SAVAGE thanked them for the enthusiastic reception
which they had given to this toast . The Earl of Zetland stood very high in their esteem , for he had served them long and faithfully , and he was supported by a deputy second only to himself , a nobleman who , from his great talent , had been called to occupy a proud position in her Majesty ' s councils , and the Grand Officers had therefore two noble examp les constantly before them . He ( Bro . Savage ) also thanked their W . M . for the kind remarks he had expressed towards him . The work he had performed that day was a labour of love , not only because he was at all times happy to render assistance iu the