Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 5 of 5 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
against their brotherhood from the Vatican . They had osen denounced in the commination from the Seven Hills of Rome , as a body of bad men banded together to promote crime , to subvert thrones , and to destroy religion . For a substantial answer to those denunciations he might refer to their Charitable Institutions . It was thought possible that in the vicissitudes of human life and political prosperity , the sovereign pontiff himself might have to vacate the banks of the Tiberand find
, a home on the banks of the Thames . Should that circumstance ever occur he would be glad to form one of a deputation to wait upon the venerable and respected sovereign pontiff ' , to ask him to visit some of their great Charitable Institutions , and convince him of the real nature of their society , by showing the principles on which they taught their sons and daughters . ( Applause . !
Air by the Band . The CHAIRMAN then rose to propose tbe last toast , "The Mayor of Kendal , Visitors , and Ladies . " Bro . Whitwell jocularly said that when he was able to attend to business , after a period of illness , and heard that ladies had been introduced into the programme , he thought the Prov . Grand Secretary had at last made a great innovation ( laughter ) , and that after
this would come a deluge . ( Renewed laughter . ) But , on consideration , he did not hesitate to say that in the ladies a most valuable addition had been made to the meeting of that day ( applause ) , and he could only hope that on some future occasion they might be trebled in number ; he for one certainly returned the ladies his best thanks for their presence on this occasion . After some further remarksthe Chairman concluded
, by proposing the toast , coupled with the name of Bro . Captain Braithwaite . Tbe toast was received with cheers . Bro . Captain BRAITHWAITE responded in some humorous remarks . He went on to say that be quite agreed with the Chairman that the ladies were a valuable addition to their meetings . No Mason , he was sure , would think of indulging
ever so little in excess in the pleasures of the table when the ladies were present . ( Laughter and applause . ) The company then broke up , tbe hour for the commencement of the concert being too near te admit of much further delav .
GRAND CONCERT AT TIIE ALBERT BUILDINGS . At half-past seven on Tuesday evening a grand concert was held in the upper floor of the large wool warehouse of Bros . Whitwell , Bnsber , and Co . which was well lighted and comfortably fitted up for the occasion , and afforded room for the largest audience which has for many years back attended a concert in Kendal . The fact of nearly every seat being filledlong
, before the time of commencement , attested the expectations which the public had conceived of the attractions of the entertainment , which were fully borne out by the effect of the performances . By a very happy combination the services of Mr . Charles Halle the eminent pianist , with M . De Jong , solo flute , and M . Lavigne , solo oboe had been retained along with those of tbe London Glee and Madrigal Union , Miss J . Wells , and
Messrs . Baxter , Coates , Land , and Winn . The result was a concert which for a union of popularattractiveness and excellence of music , left nothing to be desired . The programme was as follows : —
Part I . Glee— " Where art thou , beam of light . "—Sir IT . Bishop . — Miss J " . Wells , Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates . and Mr . Winn . Glee . — "When the wind blows on the sweet rose tree . "—W , Horsley , M . B . —Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr W inn . Sonata Pianoforte . —In A flat , Op . 26 , ( with Funeral March ) . —
Beethoven . —Mr . Charles Halle . Song . — "Sweet Spirit , hear my Prayer . "—Wallace . —Miss J Wells . Solo Oboe . —Fantasia on "La Traviata . " —Lavigne . —M . La
vigne . Glee . — "By Celia's Arbour . " — Horsley . — Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr . Winn . Solo Flute . —On Scotch and Irish Airs . —Do Jong . —M . Do Jong . Naval Song . —* ' The Brave old Temerairo . " — Hobbs . Mr Winn . Humorous May-Pole Ditty of the olden time . — "Strike t up , neighbour . "—From Thomas Weelke ' s Ayres and Phantastic Spirits , A . D . 1608 . —Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates , and Mr . Winn .
Royal Arch.
Glee . — " When wind ; breathe soft . " —Miss J . Wells , Mr . Baxter Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr . Winn . Part II . Madrigal . — "Now is tbe month of Maying . " —T . Morley . —The London Glee and Maclricral Union . Solo Pianoforte . —Gavottes ' and Musettes . —Bach . — "The Harmonious Blacksmith "—Handel—MrCharles Halle
. . . . Ballad . —¦ " The bloom is on the rye . "—Sir H . Bishop . —Mr . Coates . Four-part Song . — "I know a maiden . " J . L . Hatton . —Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr . Winn . Grand Duet , Flute and Oboe . —Deinerciman . —Messrs . De Jong and Lavigne . Madrigal . — " Who should win my lady fair . " —R . L . Pearsall .
— -The London Glee and Madrigal Union . Solo Pianoforte . — "Home sweet home . " - —Thalberg . — Mr Charles Halle . Catch . — " Would you know my Celia's charms , "—S . Webbe . —¦ Mr . Baxter . Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr . Winn . Finale Madrigal . — "Down in a flowery vale . "—Festa . —The London Glee and Madrigal Unirn .
No less than eleven of tbe above pieces were rapturously redemanded , and the performers were as kind and obli ging in complying with the encores , as the audience were enthusiastic , wo had almost said exacting , in making them . Anion" - the favourites were Mr . C . Halle ' s magnificent performance of Tiialberg's " Home . Sweet Homo ; Miss Well's "Sweet Spirit ;" the very brilliant flute solo of M . De Jong ; the duet , flute and
oboe ; the quaint and humourous may-pole ditty ; Bishop ' s admired Ballad ; the spirit-stirring naval sons , " The Brave Old Temeraire ; " and the laughable catch , " Would you know my Celia ' s charms , " which was given with capital effect . Mr . Charles Halle accompanied on his pianoforte , an instrument of superb tone and power , tbe performances of Messrs . De Jong unci Lavigne . It was half-past ten before the concert terminated . It was attended by from 7 S 0 to S 00 , and some time elapsed before the long lino of carriages cleared away from the neighbourhood of the building .
THE BALL . The ball took place on Wednesday night , in the large and handsome auction room of the Albert Buildings , which is admirably fitted for such a purpose . The ball is said to be the best that has taken place in Kendal since the opening of what was then called tbe Whitehall Buildings , now the Town Hall . Previous to the commencement of the ball a procession of grand
officers of the Masonic Order , about twenty in number , in the splendid decorations and insignia of tbe Order , walked through the ball-room to the upper end , to pay their respects to the lady patronesses present . The ball-room was very tastefully decorated , and the jewels and rich costumes worn by the visitors high in the Order contributed very much to enhance the effect of the charming and varied dresses of the ladies . The supper ,
& c ., provided by Mr . and Mrs . Barrow , of the Commercial Hotel , was choicely purveyed , and beautifully laid out . The band was Smith ' s Kendal quadrille band , and their performance gave entire satisfaction . Dancing was kept up until nearly four o'clock a . m . We cannot close this report without complimenting Bro . Busher , W . M . of Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) , Kendal , and Prov . G . Sec , and those who were acting with him , on the perfect success which attended their united efforts . So mote it be !
Mark Masonry.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES , & c . The Half-yearly Communication of the Grand Mark Lodgo was held on Tuesday last , the 5 th December , in the Large Hall of the Masonic House , Bedford-row , London . Present , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , D . G . M ., as G . M . ; Bros . G . R .
Portal , U . A ., G . Reg ., as D . G . M . ; John Udall , S . G . W . ; Rev . D . Sbaboe , P . G . Chap ., as G . J . W . ; Sir E . Lechmere , Bart ., P . S . G . W . ; Jas . Hamer , G . M . O . ; W . Barrett , P . G . Supt . of Works , as G . S . O . ; IT . J . Thompson , P . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers ., as G . J . O . ; Rev . Walter Short , G . Chap .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
against their brotherhood from the Vatican . They had osen denounced in the commination from the Seven Hills of Rome , as a body of bad men banded together to promote crime , to subvert thrones , and to destroy religion . For a substantial answer to those denunciations he might refer to their Charitable Institutions . It was thought possible that in the vicissitudes of human life and political prosperity , the sovereign pontiff himself might have to vacate the banks of the Tiberand find
, a home on the banks of the Thames . Should that circumstance ever occur he would be glad to form one of a deputation to wait upon the venerable and respected sovereign pontiff ' , to ask him to visit some of their great Charitable Institutions , and convince him of the real nature of their society , by showing the principles on which they taught their sons and daughters . ( Applause . !
Air by the Band . The CHAIRMAN then rose to propose tbe last toast , "The Mayor of Kendal , Visitors , and Ladies . " Bro . Whitwell jocularly said that when he was able to attend to business , after a period of illness , and heard that ladies had been introduced into the programme , he thought the Prov . Grand Secretary had at last made a great innovation ( laughter ) , and that after
this would come a deluge . ( Renewed laughter . ) But , on consideration , he did not hesitate to say that in the ladies a most valuable addition had been made to the meeting of that day ( applause ) , and he could only hope that on some future occasion they might be trebled in number ; he for one certainly returned the ladies his best thanks for their presence on this occasion . After some further remarksthe Chairman concluded
, by proposing the toast , coupled with the name of Bro . Captain Braithwaite . Tbe toast was received with cheers . Bro . Captain BRAITHWAITE responded in some humorous remarks . He went on to say that be quite agreed with the Chairman that the ladies were a valuable addition to their meetings . No Mason , he was sure , would think of indulging
ever so little in excess in the pleasures of the table when the ladies were present . ( Laughter and applause . ) The company then broke up , tbe hour for the commencement of the concert being too near te admit of much further delav .
GRAND CONCERT AT TIIE ALBERT BUILDINGS . At half-past seven on Tuesday evening a grand concert was held in the upper floor of the large wool warehouse of Bros . Whitwell , Bnsber , and Co . which was well lighted and comfortably fitted up for the occasion , and afforded room for the largest audience which has for many years back attended a concert in Kendal . The fact of nearly every seat being filledlong
, before the time of commencement , attested the expectations which the public had conceived of the attractions of the entertainment , which were fully borne out by the effect of the performances . By a very happy combination the services of Mr . Charles Halle the eminent pianist , with M . De Jong , solo flute , and M . Lavigne , solo oboe had been retained along with those of tbe London Glee and Madrigal Union , Miss J . Wells , and
Messrs . Baxter , Coates , Land , and Winn . The result was a concert which for a union of popularattractiveness and excellence of music , left nothing to be desired . The programme was as follows : —
Part I . Glee— " Where art thou , beam of light . "—Sir IT . Bishop . — Miss J " . Wells , Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates . and Mr . Winn . Glee . — "When the wind blows on the sweet rose tree . "—W , Horsley , M . B . —Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr W inn . Sonata Pianoforte . —In A flat , Op . 26 , ( with Funeral March ) . —
Beethoven . —Mr . Charles Halle . Song . — "Sweet Spirit , hear my Prayer . "—Wallace . —Miss J Wells . Solo Oboe . —Fantasia on "La Traviata . " —Lavigne . —M . La
vigne . Glee . — "By Celia's Arbour . " — Horsley . — Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr . Winn . Solo Flute . —On Scotch and Irish Airs . —Do Jong . —M . Do Jong . Naval Song . —* ' The Brave old Temerairo . " — Hobbs . Mr Winn . Humorous May-Pole Ditty of the olden time . — "Strike t up , neighbour . "—From Thomas Weelke ' s Ayres and Phantastic Spirits , A . D . 1608 . —Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates , and Mr . Winn .
Royal Arch.
Glee . — " When wind ; breathe soft . " —Miss J . Wells , Mr . Baxter Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr . Winn . Part II . Madrigal . — "Now is tbe month of Maying . " —T . Morley . —The London Glee and Maclricral Union . Solo Pianoforte . —Gavottes ' and Musettes . —Bach . — "The Harmonious Blacksmith "—Handel—MrCharles Halle
. . . . Ballad . —¦ " The bloom is on the rye . "—Sir H . Bishop . —Mr . Coates . Four-part Song . — "I know a maiden . " J . L . Hatton . —Mr . Baxter , Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr . Winn . Grand Duet , Flute and Oboe . —Deinerciman . —Messrs . De Jong and Lavigne . Madrigal . — " Who should win my lady fair . " —R . L . Pearsall .
— -The London Glee and Madrigal Union . Solo Pianoforte . — "Home sweet home . " - —Thalberg . — Mr Charles Halle . Catch . — " Would you know my Celia's charms , "—S . Webbe . —¦ Mr . Baxter . Mr . Coates , Mr . Land , and Mr . Winn . Finale Madrigal . — "Down in a flowery vale . "—Festa . —The London Glee and Madrigal Unirn .
No less than eleven of tbe above pieces were rapturously redemanded , and the performers were as kind and obli ging in complying with the encores , as the audience were enthusiastic , wo had almost said exacting , in making them . Anion" - the favourites were Mr . C . Halle ' s magnificent performance of Tiialberg's " Home . Sweet Homo ; Miss Well's "Sweet Spirit ;" the very brilliant flute solo of M . De Jong ; the duet , flute and
oboe ; the quaint and humourous may-pole ditty ; Bishop ' s admired Ballad ; the spirit-stirring naval sons , " The Brave Old Temeraire ; " and the laughable catch , " Would you know my Celia ' s charms , " which was given with capital effect . Mr . Charles Halle accompanied on his pianoforte , an instrument of superb tone and power , tbe performances of Messrs . De Jong unci Lavigne . It was half-past ten before the concert terminated . It was attended by from 7 S 0 to S 00 , and some time elapsed before the long lino of carriages cleared away from the neighbourhood of the building .
THE BALL . The ball took place on Wednesday night , in the large and handsome auction room of the Albert Buildings , which is admirably fitted for such a purpose . The ball is said to be the best that has taken place in Kendal since the opening of what was then called tbe Whitehall Buildings , now the Town Hall . Previous to the commencement of the ball a procession of grand
officers of the Masonic Order , about twenty in number , in the splendid decorations and insignia of tbe Order , walked through the ball-room to the upper end , to pay their respects to the lady patronesses present . The ball-room was very tastefully decorated , and the jewels and rich costumes worn by the visitors high in the Order contributed very much to enhance the effect of the charming and varied dresses of the ladies . The supper ,
& c ., provided by Mr . and Mrs . Barrow , of the Commercial Hotel , was choicely purveyed , and beautifully laid out . The band was Smith ' s Kendal quadrille band , and their performance gave entire satisfaction . Dancing was kept up until nearly four o'clock a . m . We cannot close this report without complimenting Bro . Busher , W . M . of Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) , Kendal , and Prov . G . Sec , and those who were acting with him , on the perfect success which attended their united efforts . So mote it be !
Mark Masonry.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES , & c . The Half-yearly Communication of the Grand Mark Lodgo was held on Tuesday last , the 5 th December , in the Large Hall of the Masonic House , Bedford-row , London . Present , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , D . G . M ., as G . M . ; Bros . G . R .
Portal , U . A ., G . Reg ., as D . G . M . ; John Udall , S . G . W . ; Rev . D . Sbaboe , P . G . Chap ., as G . J . W . ; Sir E . Lechmere , Bart ., P . S . G . W . ; Jas . Hamer , G . M . O . ; W . Barrett , P . G . Supt . of Works , as G . S . O . ; IT . J . Thompson , P . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers ., as G . J . O . ; Rev . Walter Short , G . Chap .